[% USE HTML %]
Datenumwandlung von Titel nach Geschlecht (cp_greeting to cp_gender)

The method for generating greetings ("Dear Mr. Smith") is being changed so the greeting is controlled by the gender. For this a new database field cp_gender is introduced, while the old database field cp_greeting will be removed. The various translations (Mr./Herr/Monsieur) will be stored in the database, under generic_translations. The print variable cp_greeting still exists, however, so print templates don't have to be changed, and the variable is assigned according to the gender of the contact person and the desired language.

During the conversion process all contact persons need to be assigned a gender. The gender is detected automatically where possible, but in some cases will have to be set manually.

During the conversion process:
1. All contact persons will have their gender set to "m" (male) as a default
2. All contact persons where the greeting contains "frau,mrs,miss" are set to "f" (female)

The gender of the following contact persons couldn't be determined automatically from the greeting, please set the gender manually:

[% gender_table %]

Please enter your desired default greeting for men and women. To change the default greeting or add a greeting in more languages, go to: System -> Languages -> Greetings

Greeting for men: [% default_greeting_text_male %]
Greeting for women: [% default_greeting_text_female %]

The data from the cp_greeting field will now be dropped. To prevent any data loss if you used the cp_greeting field for anything else, we suggest you transfer this information to the cp_title field:
[% title_table %]