[%- USE T8 %] [% USE HTML %][% USE LxERP %] [% IF vc == 'vendor' %] [% SET is_vendor = 1 %] [% SET arap = 'ap' %] [% SET iris = 'ir' %] [% ELSE %] [% SET is_vendor = 0 %] [% SET arap = 'ar' %] [% SET iris = 'is' %] [%- END %]

[% title %]

[%- IF is_vendor %] [% 'Please select the source bank account for the transfers:' | $T8 %] [%- ELSE %] [% 'Please select the destination bank account for the collections:' | $T8 %] [%- END %]
[%- INCLUDE generic/multibox.html name = 'bank_account.id', DATA = BANK_ACCOUNTS, id_key = 'id', label_sub = 'bank_account_label', -%]

[%- FOREACH invoice = INVOICES %] [%- END %]
[% IF is_vendor %][% 'Vendor' | $T8 %][%- ELSE %][%- LxERP.t8('Customer') %][%- END %] [% 'Invoice' | $T8 %] [% 'Amount' | $T8 %] [% 'Open amount' | $T8 %] [% 'Due Date' | $T8 %] [% 'Purpose' | $T8 %] [% 'Bank transfer amount' | $T8 %]
[%- IF invoice.vc_bank_info_ok %] [%- END %] [%- IF loop.first || (previous_vcname != invoice.vcname) %] [%- GET HTML.escape(invoice.vcname); SET previous_vcname = invoice.vcname; IF !invoice.vc_bank_info_ok; GET ' (1)'; SET show_vc_bank_info_footnote = '1'; END; -%] [%- END -%] [% HTML.escape(invoice.invnumber) %] [% LxERP.format_amount(invoice.invoice_amount, -2) %] [% LxERP.format_amount(invoice.open_amount, -2) %] [% invoice.duedate %] [%- SET reference = invoice.reference_prefix _ invoice.invnumber %]

[%- IF show_vc_bank_info_footnote %]

(1) [%- IF is_vendor %] [%- 'No bank information has been entered in this vendor\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank transfers unless you enter bank information.' | $T8 %] [%- ELSE %] [%- 'No bank information has been entered in this customer\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank collections unless you enter bank information.' | $T8 %] [%- END %]

[%- END %]