#!/bin/bash set -e function echo_usage { echo "usage: configure [options]" echo " -b " echo " -a " } # to build a package you need ... # .co: checkout commands # .cp: copy step # .cpp (optional): commands to setup the C++ compile environment if [ $# -lt 2 ] then echo_usage exit 1 fi paket=$1 build=$2 ARCH="" cpp_build=0 # checkout build utilities if [ ! -d projects ]; then git clone https://github.com/wagner-tech/projects/ fi ln -sf projects/tools/make/makefile . # check standard files if [ ! -x $paket.co ] then echo "file $paket.co missing or not executable." exit 1 fi if [ ! -x $paket.cp ] then echo "file $paket.cp missing or not executable." exit 1 fi # load util functions for C/C++ - build if [ -f $paket.cpp ] then cpp_build=1 . Make/c_configure.sh fi # clean src tree and check out #if [ -e src ] #then # rm -rf src #fi if [ -e $paket ] then rm -rf $paket fi rm *.stamp || true #mkdir -p src cwd=$(pwd) # checkout #pushd src #../$paket.co $build #popd # copy package control control=$(find src -name $paket.control) if [ -z "$control" ] then echo "control file not found" exit 1 fi sed "s/%BUILD%/$build/" $control >$paket.control echo "$paket.control written." # check for postinst postinst=$(find src -name $paket.postinst) if [ -n "$postinst" ] then ln -sf $postinst . fi # extract version version=$(grep Version $paket.control |sed "s/Version: //") # create generic make.pre, if not existing if [ ! -f make.pre ] then cat >>make.pre <