getParameter('date', @$_SESSION['date']); $selected_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $cl_date); if($selected_date->isError()) $selected_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT); if(!$cl_date) $cl_date = $selected_date->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT); $_SESSION['date'] = $cl_date; // Determine selected week start and end dates. $weekStartDay = $user->week_start; $t_arr = localtime($selected_date->getTimestamp()); $t_arr[5] = $t_arr[5] + 1900; if ($t_arr[6] < $weekStartDay) $startWeekBias = $weekStartDay - 7; else $startWeekBias = $weekStartDay; $startDate = new DateAndTime(); $startDate->setTimestamp(mktime(0,0,0,$t_arr[4]+1,$t_arr[3]-$t_arr[6]+$startWeekBias,$t_arr[5])); $endDate = new DateAndTime(); $endDate->setTimestamp(mktime(0,0,0,$t_arr[4]+1,$t_arr[3]-$t_arr[6]+6+$startWeekBias,$t_arr[5])); // The above is needed to set date range (timestring) in page title. // Use custom fields plugin if it is enabled. if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) { require_once('plugins/CustomFields.class.php'); $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id); $smarty->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); } // Use Monthly Quotas plugin, if applicable. if ($user->isPluginEnabled('mq')){ require_once('plugins/MonthlyQuota.class.php'); $quota = new MonthlyQuota(); $month_quota = $quota->get($selected_date->mYear, $selected_date->mMonth); $month_total = ttTimeHelper::getTimeForMonth($user->getActiveUser(), $selected_date); $minutes_left = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($month_quota) - ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($month_total); $smarty->assign('month_total', $month_total); $smarty->assign('over_quota', $minutes_left < 0); $smarty->assign('quota_remaining', ttTimeHelper::toAbsDuration($minutes_left)); } // Initialize variables. // Custom field. $cl_cf_1 = trim($request->getParameter('cf_1', ($request->isPost() ? null : @$_SESSION['cf_1']))); $_SESSION['cf_1'] = $cl_cf_1; $cl_billable = 1; if ($user->isPluginEnabled('iv')) { if ($request->isPost()) { $cl_billable = $request->getParameter('billable'); $_SESSION['billable'] = (int) $cl_billable; } else if (isset($_SESSION['billable'])) $cl_billable = $_SESSION['billable']; } $on_behalf_id = $request->getParameter('onBehalfUser', (isset($_SESSION['behalf_id'])? $_SESSION['behalf_id'] : $user->id)); $cl_client = $request->getParameter('client', ($request->isPost() ? null : @$_SESSION['client'])); $_SESSION['client'] = $cl_client; $cl_project = $request->getParameter('project', ($request->isPost() ? null : @$_SESSION['project'])); $_SESSION['project'] = $cl_project; $cl_task = $request->getParameter('task', ($request->isPost() ? null : @$_SESSION['task'])); $_SESSION['task'] = $cl_task; // Get the data we need to display week view. // Get column headers, which are day numbers in month. $dayHeaders = ttWeekViewHelper::getDayHeadersForWeek($startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT)); $lockedDays = ttWeekViewHelper::getLockedDaysForWeek($startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT)); // Get already existing records. $records = ttWeekViewHelper::getRecordsForInterval($user->getActiveUser(), $startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT), $endDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT)); // Build data array for the table. Format is described in ttWeekViewHelper::getDataForWeekView function. if ($records) $dataArray = ttWeekViewHelper::getDataForWeekView($records, $dayHeaders); else $dataArray = ttWeekViewHelper::prePopulateFromPastWeeks($startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT), $dayHeaders); // Build day totals (total durations for each day in week). $dayTotals = ttWeekViewHelper::getDayTotals($dataArray, $dayHeaders); // Define rendering class for a label field to the left of durations. class LabelCellRenderer extends DefaultCellRenderer { function render(&$table, $value, $row, $column, $selected = false) { $this->setOptions(array('width'=>200,'valign'=>'middle')); // Special handling for row 0, which represents a new week entry. if (0 == $row) { $this->setOptions(array('style'=>'text-align: center; font-weight: bold;')); } else if (0 != $row % 2) { $this->setOptions(array('style'=>'text-align: right;')); } // Special handling for not billable entries. if ($row > 1 && 0 == $row % 2) { $row_id = $table->getValueAtName($row,'row_id'); $billable = ttWeekViewHelper::parseFromWeekViewRow($row_id, 'bl'); if (!$billable) { $this->setOptions(array('style'=>'color: red;')); // TODO: style it properly in CSS. } } $this->setValue(htmlspecialchars($value)); // This escapes HTML for output. return $this->toString(); } } // Define rendering class for a single cell for a time or a comment entry in week view table. class WeekViewCellRenderer extends DefaultCellRenderer { function render(&$table, $value, $row, $column, $selected = false) { $field_name = $table->getValueAt($row,$column)['control_id']; // Our text field names (and ids) are like x_y (row_column). $field = new TextField($field_name); // Disable control if the date is locked. global $lockedDays; if ($lockedDays[$column-1]) $field->setEnabled(false); $field->setFormName($table->getFormName()); $field->setStyle('width: 60px;'); // TODO: need to style everything properly, eventually. if (0 == $row % 2) $field->setValue($table->getValueAt($row,$column)['duration']); // Duration for even rows. else { $field->setValue($table->getValueAt($row,$column)['note']); // Comment for odd rows. $field->setTitle($table->getValueAt($row,$column)['note']); // Tooltip to help view the entire comment. } // Disable control when time entry mode is TYPE_START_FINISH and there is no value in control // because we can't supply start and finish times in week view - there are no fields for them. global $user; if (!$field->getValue() && TYPE_START_FINISH == $user->record_type) { $field->setEnabled(false); } $this->setValue($field->getHtml()); return $this->toString(); } } // Elements of weekTimeForm. $form = new Form('weekTimeForm'); if ($user->canManageTeam()) { $user_list = ttTeamHelper::getActiveUsers(array('putSelfFirst'=>true)); if (count($user_list) > 1) { $form->addInput(array('type'=>'combobox', 'onchange'=>'this.form.submit();', 'name'=>'onBehalfUser', 'style'=>'width: 250px;', 'value'=>$on_behalf_id, 'data'=>$user_list, 'datakeys'=>array('id','name'))); $smarty->assign('on_behalf_control', 1); } } // Create week_durations table. $table = new Table('week_durations', 'week_view_table'); $table->setTableOptions(array('width'=>'100%','cellspacing'=>'1','cellpadding'=>'3','border'=>'0')); $table->setRowOptions(array('class'=>'tableHeaderCentered')); $table->setData($dataArray); // Add columns to table. $table->addColumn(new TableColumn('label', '', new LabelCellRenderer(), $dayTotals['label'])); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $table->addColumn(new TableColumn($dayHeaders[$i], $dayHeaders[$i], new WeekViewCellRenderer(), $dayTotals[$dayHeaders[$i]])); } $table->setInteractive(false); $form->addInputElement($table); // Dropdown for clients in MODE_TIME. Use all active clients. if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode && $user->isPluginEnabled('cl')) { $active_clients = ttTeamHelper::getActiveClients($user->team_id, true); $form->addInput(array('type'=>'combobox', 'onchange'=>'fillProjectDropdown(this.value);', 'name'=>'client', 'style'=>'width: 250px;', 'value'=>$cl_client, 'data'=>$active_clients, 'datakeys'=>array('id', 'name'), 'empty'=>array(''=>$i18n->getKey('')))); // Note: in other modes the client list is filtered to relevant clients only. See below. } if (MODE_PROJECTS == $user->tracking_mode || MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode) { // Dropdown for projects assigned to user. $project_list = $user->getAssignedProjects(); $form->addInput(array('type'=>'combobox', 'onchange'=>'fillTaskDropdown(this.value);', 'name'=>'project', 'style'=>'width: 250px;', 'value'=>$cl_project, 'data'=>$project_list, 'datakeys'=>array('id','name'), 'empty'=>array(''=>$i18n->getKey('')))); // Dropdown for clients if the clients plugin is enabled. if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl')) { $active_clients = ttTeamHelper::getActiveClients($user->team_id, true); // We need an array of assigned project ids to do some trimming. foreach($project_list as $project) $projects_assigned_to_user[] = $project['id']; // Build a client list out of active clients. Use only clients that are relevant to user. // Also trim their associated project list to only assigned projects (to user). foreach($active_clients as $client) { $projects_assigned_to_client = explode(',', $client['projects']); if (is_array($projects_assigned_to_client) && is_array($projects_assigned_to_user)) $intersection = array_intersect($projects_assigned_to_client, $projects_assigned_to_user); if ($intersection) { $client['projects'] = implode(',', $intersection); $client_list[] = $client; } } $form->addInput(array('type'=>'combobox', 'onchange'=>'fillProjectDropdown(this.value);', 'name'=>'client', 'style'=>'width: 250px;', 'value'=>$cl_client, 'data'=>$client_list, 'datakeys'=>array('id', 'name'), 'empty'=>array(''=>$i18n->getKey('')))); } } if (MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode) { $task_list = ttTeamHelper::getActiveTasks($user->team_id); $form->addInput(array('type'=>'combobox', 'name'=>'task', 'style'=>'width: 250px;', 'value'=>$cl_task, 'data'=>$task_list, 'datakeys'=>array('id','name'), 'empty'=>array(''=>$i18n->getKey('')))); } // Add other controls. $form->addInput(array('type'=>'calendar','name'=>'date','value'=>$cl_date)); // calendar if ($user->isPluginEnabled('iv')) $form->addInput(array('type'=>'checkbox','name'=>'billable','value'=>$cl_billable)); $form->addInput(array('type'=>'hidden','name'=>'browser_today','value'=>'get_date()')); // User current date, which gets filled in on btn_submit click. $form->addInput(array('type'=>'submit','name'=>'btn_submit','onclick'=>'browser_today.value=get_date()','value'=>$i18n->getKey('button.submit'))); // If we have custom fields - add controls for them. if ($custom_fields && $custom_fields->fields[0]) { // Only one custom field is supported at this time. if ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) { $form->addInput(array('type'=>'text','name'=>'cf_1','value'=>$cl_cf_1)); } elseif ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) { $form->addInput(array('type'=>'combobox','name'=>'cf_1', 'style'=>'width: 250px;', 'value'=>$cl_cf_1, 'data'=>$custom_fields->options, 'empty'=>array(''=>$i18n->getKey('')))); } } // Submit. if ($request->isPost()) { if ($request->getParameter('btn_submit')) { // Validate user input for row 0. // Determine if a new entry was posted. $newEntryPosted = false; foreach($dayHeaders as $dayHeader) { $control_id = '0_'.$dayHeader; if ($request->getParameter($control_id)) { $newEntryPosted = true; break; } } if ($newEntryPosted) { if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl') && $user->isPluginEnabled('cm') && !$cl_client) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.client')); if ($custom_fields) { if (!ttValidString($cl_cf_1, !$custom_fields->fields[0]['required'])) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $custom_fields->fields[0]['label']); } if (MODE_PROJECTS == $user->tracking_mode || MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode) { if (!$cl_project) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.project')); } if (MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode && $user->task_required) { if (!$cl_task) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.task')); } } // Process the table of values. if ($err->no()) { // Obtain values. Iterate through posted parameters one by one, // see if value changed, apply one change at a time until we see an error. $result = true; $rowNumber = 0; // Iterate through existing rows. foreach ($dataArray as $row) { // Iterate through days. foreach ($dayHeaders as $key => $dayHeader) { // Do not process locked days. if ($lockedDays[$key]) continue; // Make control id for the cell. $control_id = $rowNumber.'_'.$dayHeader; // Handle durations and comments in separate blocks of code. if (0 == $rowNumber % 2) { // Handle durations row here. // Obtain existing and posted durations. $postedDuration = $request->getParameter($control_id); $existingDuration = $dataArray[$rowNumber][$dayHeader]['duration']; // If posted value is not null, check and normalize it. if ($postedDuration) { if (ttTimeHelper::isValidDuration($postedDuration)) { $postedDuration = ttTimeHelper::normalizeDuration($postedDuration, false); // No leading zero. } else { $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey('label.duration')); $result = false; break; // Break out. Stop any further processing. } } // Do not process if value has not changed. if ($postedDuration == $existingDuration) continue; // Posted value is different. if ($existingDuration == null) { // Skip inserting 0 duration values. if (0 == ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($postedDuration)) continue; // Insert a new record. $fields = array(); $fields['row_id'] = $dataArray[$rowNumber]['row_id']; if (!$fields['row_id']) { // Special handling for row 0, a new entry. Need to construct new row_id. $record = array(); $record['client_id'] = $cl_client; $record['billable'] = $cl_billable ? '1' : '0'; $record['project_id'] = $cl_project; $record['task_id'] = $cl_task; $record['cf_1_value'] = $cl_cf_1; $fields['row_id'] = ttWeekViewHelper::makeRowIdentifier($record).'_0'; // Note: no need to check for a possible conflict with an already existing row // because we are doing an insert that does not affect already existing data. } $fields['day_header'] = $dayHeader; $fields['start_date'] = $startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT); // To be able to determine date for the entry using $dayHeader. $fields['duration'] = $postedDuration; $fields['browser_today'] = $request->getParameter('browser_today', null); // Take note value from the control below duration. $noteRowNumber = $rowNumber + 1; $note_control_id = $noteRowNumber.'_'.$dayHeader; $fields['note'] = $request->getParameter($note_control_id); $result = ttWeekViewHelper::insertDurationFromWeekView($fields, $custom_fields, $err); } elseif ($postedDuration == null || 0 == ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($postedDuration)) { // Delete an already existing record here. $result = ttTimeHelper::delete($dataArray[$rowNumber][$dayHeader]['tt_log_id'], $user->getActiveUser()); } else { $fields = array(); $fields['tt_log_id'] = $dataArray[$rowNumber][$dayHeader]['tt_log_id']; $fields['duration'] = $postedDuration; $result = ttWeekViewHelper::modifyDurationFromWeekView($fields, $err); } if (!$result) break; // Break out of the loop in case of first error. } else { // Handle commments row here. // Obtain existing and posted comments. $postedComment = $request->getParameter($control_id); $existingComment = $dataArray[$rowNumber][$dayHeader]['note']; // If posted value is not null, check it. if ($postedComment && !ttValidString($postedComment, true)) { $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey('label.note')); $result = false; break; // Break out. Stop any further processing. } // Do not process if value has not changed. if ($postedComment == $existingComment) continue; // Posted value is different. // TODO: handle new entries separately in the durations block above. // Here, only update the comment on an already existing record. $fields = array(); $fields['tt_log_id'] = $dataArray[$rowNumber][$dayHeader]['tt_log_id']; if ($fields['tt_log_id']) { $fields['comment'] = $postedComment; $result = ttWeekViewHelper::modifyCommentFromWeekView($fields); } if (!$result) break; // Break out of the loop in case of first error. } } if (!$result) break; // Break out of the loop in case of first error. $rowNumber++; } if ($result) { header('Location: week.php'); // Normal exit. exit(); } } } elseif ($request->getParameter('onBehalfUser')) { if($user->canManageTeam()) { unset($_SESSION['behalf_id']); unset($_SESSION['behalf_name']); if($on_behalf_id != $user->id) { $_SESSION['behalf_id'] = $on_behalf_id; $_SESSION['behalf_name'] = ttUserHelper::getUserName($on_behalf_id); } header('Location: week.php'); exit(); } } } // isPost $week_total = ttTimeHelper::getTimeForWeek($user->getActiveUser(), $selected_date); $smarty->assign('selected_date', $selected_date); $smarty->assign('week_total', $week_total); $smarty->assign('client_list', $client_list); $smarty->assign('project_list', $project_list); $smarty->assign('task_list', $task_list); $smarty->assign('forms', array($form->getName()=>$form->toArray())); $smarty->assign('onload', 'onLoad="fillDropdowns()"'); $smarty->assign('timestring', $startDate->toString($user->date_format).' - '.$endDate->toString($user->date_format)); $smarty->assign('time_records', $records); $smarty->assign('title', $i18n->getKey('title.time')); $smarty->assign('content_page_name', 'week.tpl'); $smarty->display('index.tpl');