X-Git-Url: http://wagnertech.de/git?a=blobdiff_plain;f=SL%2FDB%2FHelper%2FMappings.pm;h=da931f9c893c41b42a7739aec56dd523d74d3728;hb=374086f0b6f7f532290360e646a3ed766b2f3ad9;hp=d1f2971906507e90c3d5b75f0ac081a5e5409fbd;hpb=0674bc84625f8968ae558027c48af5815ce5f4be;p=kivitendo-erp.git diff --git a/SL/DB/Helper/Mappings.pm b/SL/DB/Helper/Mappings.pm index d1f297190..da931f9c8 100644 --- a/SL/DB/Helper/Mappings.pm +++ b/SL/DB/Helper/Mappings.pm @@ -22,6 +22,53 @@ my @kivitendo_blacklist_temp = qw( # tables created by crm module my @crm_blacklist = qw( + blz_data + bundesland + contmasch + contract + crm + crmdefaults + crmemployee + custmsg + docfelder + documents + documenttotc + docvorlage + extra_felder + geodb_changelog + geodb_coordinates + geodb_floatdata + geodb_hierarchies + geodb_intdata + geodb_locations + geodb_textdata + geodb_type_names + grpusr + gruppenname + history + labels + labeltxt + mailvorlage + maschine + maschmat + opport_status + opportunity + postit + repauftrag + telcall + telcallhistory + telnr + tempcsvdata + termdate + termincat + termine + terminmember + timetrack + tt_event + tt_parts + wiedervorlage + wissencategorie + wissencontent ); # tables created by cash register @@ -35,30 +82,47 @@ my @kivitendo_blacklist = (@kivitendo_blacklist_permanent, @kivitendo_blacklist_ # unlike rails we have no singular<->plural magic. # remeber: tables should be named as the plural of the model name. my %kivitendo_package_names = ( + # TABLE # MODEL (given in C style) acc_trans => 'acc_transaction', - audittrail => 'audit_trail', 'auth.clients' => 'auth_client', 'auth.clients_users' => 'auth_client_user', 'auth.clients_groups' => 'auth_client_group', - 'auth.group' => 'auth_groups', - 'auth.group_right' => 'auth_group_rights', - 'auth.user' => 'auth_users', - 'auth.user_config' => 'auth_user_configs', - 'auth.user_group' => 'auth_user_groups', + 'auth.group' => 'auth_group', + 'auth.group_rights' => 'auth_group_right', + 'auth.master_rights' => 'auth_master_right', + 'auth.schema_info' => 'auth_schema_info', + 'auth.session' => 'auth_session', + 'auth.session_content' => 'auth_session_content', + 'auth.user' => 'auth_user', + 'auth.user_config' => 'auth_user_config', + 'auth.user_group' => 'auth_user_group', ar => 'invoice', ap => 'purchase_invoice', + assembly => 'assembly', + assortment_items => 'assortment_item', background_jobs => 'background_job', background_job_histories => 'background_job_history', ap => 'purchase_invoice', bank_accounts => 'bank_account', + bank_transactions => 'bank_transaction', + bank_transaction_acc_trans => 'bank_transaction_acc_trans', buchungsgruppen => 'buchungsgruppe', + bin => 'bin', + business => 'business', + chart => 'chart', + contact_departments => 'contact_department', + contact_titles => 'contact_title', contacts => 'contact', + customer => 'customer', csv_import_profiles => 'csv_import_profile', csv_import_profile_settings => 'csv_import_profile_setting', csv_import_reports => 'csv_import_report', csv_import_report_rows => 'csv_import_report_row', csv_import_report_status => 'csv_import_report_status', currencies => 'currency', + custom_data_export_queries => 'CustomDataExportQuery', + custom_data_export_query_parameters => 'CustomDataExportQueryParameter', + custom_variable_config_partsgroups => 'custom_variable_config_partsgroup', custom_variable_configs => 'custom_variable_config', custom_variables => 'custom_variable', custom_variables_validity => 'custom_variable_validity', @@ -66,50 +130,99 @@ my %kivitendo_package_names = ( defaults => 'default', delivery_orders => 'delivery_order', delivery_order_items => 'delivery_order_item', + delivery_order_items_stock => 'delivery_order_items_stock', + delivery_terms => 'delivery_term', department => 'department', - dpt_trans => 'dpt_trans', drafts => 'draft', dunning => 'dunning', dunning_config => 'dunning_config', + email_journal => 'EmailJournal', + email_journal_attachments => 'EmailJournalAttachment', employee => 'employee', + employee_project_invoices => 'EmployeeProjectInvoices', exchangerate => 'exchangerate', + files => 'file', finanzamt => 'finanzamt', follow_up_access => 'follow_up_access', follow_up_links => 'follow_up_link', follow_ups => 'follow_up', generic_translations => 'generic_translation', gl => 'GLTransaction', + greetings => 'greeting', history_erp => 'history', inventory => 'inventory', invoice => 'invoice_item', language => 'language', + letter => 'letter', + letter_draft => 'letter_draft', makemodel => 'make_model', notes => 'note', orderitems => 'order_item', oe => 'order', parts => 'part', partsgroup => 'parts_group', + part_classifications => 'PartClassification', + part_customer_prices => 'PartCustomerPrice', + parts_price_history => 'PartsPriceHistory', payment_terms => 'payment_term', periodic_invoices => 'periodic_invoice', periodic_invoices_configs => 'periodic_invoices_config', prices => 'price', price_factors => 'price_factor', + price_rules => 'price_rule', + price_rule_items => 'price_rule_item', pricegroup => 'pricegroup', - printers => 'Printer', + printers => 'printer', + project => 'project', + project_participants => 'project_participant', + project_phase_participants => 'project_phase_participant', + project_phases => 'project_phase', + project_roles => 'project_role', + project_statuses => 'project_status', + project_types => 'project_type', + reconciliation_links => 'reconciliation_link', record_links => 'record_link', + record_templates => 'record_template', + record_template_items => 'record_template_item', + requirement_spec_acceptance_statuses => 'RequirementSpecAcceptanceStatus', + requirement_spec_complexities => 'RequirementSpecComplexity', + requirement_spec_item_dependencies => 'RequirementSpecDependency', + requirement_spec_items => 'RequirementSpecItem', + requirement_spec_orders => 'RequirementSpecOrder', + requirement_spec_parts => 'RequirementSpecPart', + requirement_spec_pictures => 'RequirementSpecPicture', + requirement_spec_predefined_texts => 'RequirementSpecPredefinedText', + requirement_spec_risks => 'RequirementSpecRisk', + requirement_spec_statuses => 'RequirementSpecStatus', + requirement_spec_text_blocks => 'RequirementSpecTextBlock', + requirement_spec_types => 'RequirementSpecType', + requirement_spec_versions => 'RequirementSpecVersion', + requirement_specs => 'RequirementSpec', sepa_export => 'sepa_export', sepa_export_items => 'sepa_export_item', + sepa_export_message_ids => 'SepaExportMessageId', schema_info => 'schema_info', + shipto => 'shipto', + shops => 'shop', + shop_images => 'shop_image', + shop_orders => 'shop_order', + shop_order_items => 'shop_order_item', + shop_parts => 'shop_part', status => 'status', + stocktakings => 'stocktaking', tax => 'tax', taxkeys => 'tax_key', tax_zones => 'tax_zone', + taxzone_charts => 'taxzone_chart', todo_user_config => 'todo_user_config', + transfer_type => 'transfer_type', translation => 'translation', - translation_payment_terms => 'translation_payment_term', + trigger_information => 'trigger_information', units => 'unit', units_language => 'units_language', + user_preferences => 'user_preference', vendor => 'vendor', + warehouse => 'warehouse', ); my (%kivitendo_tables_to_packages, %kivitendo_tables_to_manager_packages, %kivitendo_packages_to_tables); @@ -122,6 +235,10 @@ sub get_package_names { return KIVITENDO => \%kivitendo_package_names; } +sub get_name_for_table { + return $kivitendo_package_names{ $_[0] }; +} + sub get_package_for_table { %kivitendo_tables_to_packages = map { ($_ => "SL::DB::" . camelify($kivitendo_package_names{$_})) } keys %kivitendo_package_names unless %kivitendo_tables_to_packages;