+# Structure for table tt_entity_custom_fields.
+# This table stores custom field values for entities such as users and projects
+# except for "time" entity (and possibly "expense" in future).
+# "time" custom fields are kept separately in tt_custom_field_log
+# because tt_log (and tt_custom_field_log) can grow very large.
+CREATE TABLE `tt_entity_custom_fields` (
+ `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, # record id in this table
+ `group_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # group id
+ `org_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # organization id
+ `entity_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, # entity type
+ `entity_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # entity id this record corresponds to
+ `field_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # custom field id
+ `option_id` int(10) unsigned default NULL, # Option id. Used for dropdown custom fields.
+ `value` varchar(255) default NULL, # Text value. Used for text custom fields.
+ `created` datetime default NULL, # creation timestamp
+ `created_ip` varchar(45) default NULL, # creator ip
+ `created_by` int(10) unsigned default NULL, # creator user_id
+ `modified` datetime default NULL, # modification timestamp
+ `modified_ip` varchar(45) default NULL, # modifier ip
+ `modified_by` int(10) unsigned default NULL, # modifier user_id
+ `status` tinyint(4) default 1, # record status
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
+# Create an index that guarantees unique custom fields per entity.
+create unique index entity_idx on tt_entity_custom_fields(entity_type, entity_id, field_id);