"form.invoice.date" => 'Data',
"form.invoice.number" => 'Número de factura',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'Impost',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'El seu nom <br> i direcció',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'Nom del client <br> i direcció',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'Comentari ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'Persona',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'Hores',
"form.client.th.del" => 'Eliminar',
"form.client.name" => 'Nom',
"form.client.tax" => 'Impost',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'El seu nou <br> i direcció a la factura',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'Direcció',
"form.client.comment" => 'Comentari ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'datum',
"form.invoice.number" => 'faktura číslo',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'DPH',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'vaše jméno<br> adresa',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'zákazník<br> adresa',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'komentář ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'osoba',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'hodin',
"form.client.th.del" => 'smazat',
"form.client.name" => 'jméno',
"form.client.tax" => 'DPH',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'vaše jméno<br> a adresa pro fakturaci',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'adresa',
"form.client.comment" => 'poznámka ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'dato',
"form.invoice.number" => 'faktura nummer',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'skat',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'Dit navn<br> og adresse',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'Kunde navn<br> og adresse',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'kommentar',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'person',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'timer',
"form.client.th.del" => 'slet',
"form.client.name" => 'naavn',
"form.client.tax" => 'skat',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'Dit navn<br> og adresse pе faktura',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'addresse',
"form.client.comment" => 'kommenter ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'kuupäev',
"form.invoice.number" => 'arve number',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'maks',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'sinu nimi<br> ja aadress',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'kliendi nimi<br> ja aadress',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'kommentaar ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'isik',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'tunde',
"form.client.th.del" => 'kustuta',
"form.client.name" => 'nimi',
"form.client.tax" => 'maks',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'sinu nimi<br> ja aadress arvel',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'aadress',
"form.client.comment" => 'märkus ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'Dátum',
"form.invoice.number" => 'számla azonosító száma',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'adó',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'az ön neve<br> és címe',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'az ügyfél nevebr> és címe',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'megjegyzés ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'személy',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'óra',
"form.client.th.del" => 'törlés',
"form.client.name" => 'név',
"form.client.tax" => 'adó',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'az Ön neve<br> és számlázási címe',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'cím',
"form.client.comment" => 'megjegyzés ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'data',
"form.invoice.number" => 'numero fattura',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'tassa',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'tuo nome<br> e indirizzo',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'nome cliente<br> e indirizzo',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'commento ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'persona',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'ore',
"form.client.th.del" => 'elimina',
"form.client.name" => 'nome',
"form.client.tax" => 'tassa',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'il tuo nome<br> e indirizzo nella fattura',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'indirizzo',
"form.client.comment" => 'commento ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => '日付',
"form.invoice.number" => '送り状の番号',
"form.invoice.tax" => '税',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'あなたの名前<br>とアドレス',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'クライアントの名前<br>とアドレス',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'コメント ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => '個人',
"form.invoice.th.time" => '時間',
"form.client.th.del" => '削除',
"form.client.name" => '名前',
"form.client.tax" => '税',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'あなたの名前<br>と送り状でのアドレス',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'アドレス',
"form.client.comment" => 'コメント ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => '날짜',
"form.invoice.number" => '송장 번호',
"form.invoice.tax" => '세금',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => '당신의 이름<br> 및 주소',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => '클라이언트 이름<br> 및 주소',
"form.invoice.comment" => '코멘트 ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => '개인',
"form.invoice.th.time" => '시간',
"form.client.th.del" => '삭제',
"form.client.name" => '이름',
"form.client.tax" => '세금',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => '송장에 밝힌 당신의 <br>이름 및 주소',
-"form.client.custcoo" => '주소',
"form.client.comment" => '코멘트 ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'dato',
"form.invoice.number" => 'fakturanummer',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'MVA',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'ditt navn<br> og adresse',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'kundens navn<br> og adresse',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'notat',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'person',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'timer',
// "form.client.th.del" => 'slett',
// "form.client.name" => 'navn',
// "form.client.tax" => 'avgift',
-// "form.client.yourcoo" => 'ditt navn<br> og adresse i faktura',
-// "form.client.custcoo" => 'adresse',
// "form.client.comment" => 'kommentar ',
// miscellaneous strings
// "form.invoice.date" => 'invoice date',
// "form.invoice.number" => 'invoice number',
// "form.invoice.tax" => 'tax',
-// "form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'your name<br> and address',
-// "form.invoice.custcoo" => 'client name<br> and address',
// "form.invoice.comment" => 'comment ',
// "form.invoice.th.username" => 'person',
// "form.invoice.th.time" => 'hours',
// "form.client.th.del" => 'delete',
// "form.client.name" => 'name',
// "form.client.tax" => 'tax',
-// "form.client.yourcoo" => 'your name<br> and address in invoice',
-// "form.client.custcoo" => 'address',
// "form.client.comment" => 'comment ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'data',
"form.invoice.number" => 'numar factura',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'taxa',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'numele tau<br> si adresa',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'numele clientului<br> si adresa',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'comentariu ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'persoana',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'ore',
"form.client.th.del" => 'sterge',
"form.client.name" => 'nume',
"form.client.tax" => 'taxa',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'numele tau<br> si adresa din factura',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'adresa',
"form.client.comment" => 'comentariu ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'date',
"form.invoice.number" => 'invoice number',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'tax',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'your name<br> and address',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'client name<br> and address',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'comment ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'person',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'hours',
"form.client.th.del" => 'delete',
"form.client.name" => 'name',
"form.client.tax" => 'tax',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'your name<br> and address in invoice',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'address',
"form.client.comment" => 'comment ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'datum',
"form.invoice.number" => 'fakturanummer',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'moms',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'ditt namn<br> och adress',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'kundens namn<br> och adress',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'kommentarer ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'person',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'timmar',
"form.client.th.del" => 'ta bort',
"form.client.name" => 'namn',
"form.client.tax" => 'moms',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'ditt namn<br> och adress på fakturan',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'adress',
"form.client.comment" => 'kommentarer ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => 'tarih',
"form.invoice.number" => 'fatura numarası',
"form.invoice.tax" => 'vergi',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'isminiz<br> ve adresiniz',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => 'müşterinin ismi<br> ve adresi',
"form.invoice.comment" => 'yorum ',
"form.invoice.th.username" => 'kişi',
"form.invoice.th.time" => 'saatler',
"form.client.th.del" => 'sil',
"form.client.name" => 'isim',
"form.client.tax" => 'vergi',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => 'faturada isminiz<br> ve adresiniz',
-"form.client.custcoo" => 'adres',
"form.client.comment" => 'yorum ',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => '日期',
"form.invoice.number" => '发票号码',
"form.invoice.tax" => '税',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => '您的姓名<br>地址',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => '客户姓名<br>地址',
"form.invoice.comment" => '留言',
"form.invoice.th.username" => '收费人',
"form.invoice.th.time" => '小时数',
"form.client.th.del" => '删除',
"form.client.name" => '姓名',
"form.client.tax" => '税',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => '您在发票中的名字<br>和地址',
-"form.client.custcoo" => '地址',
"form.client.comment" => '备注',
// miscellaneous strings
"form.invoice.date" => '日期',
"form.invoice.number" => '發票號碼',
"form.invoice.tax" => '稅',
-"form.invoice.yourcoo" => '您的姓名<br>和地址',
-"form.invoice.custcoo" => '客戶姓名<br>和位址',
"form.invoice.comment" => '留言',
"form.invoice.th.username" => '收費人',
"form.invoice.th.time" => '小時數',
"form.client.th.del" => '刪除',
"form.client.name" => '姓名',
"form.client.tax" => '稅',
-"form.client.yourcoo" => '您在發票中的名字<br>和地址',
-"form.client.custcoo" => '地址',
"form.client.comment" => '備註',
// miscellaneous strings
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