'button.import' => 'Team importieren',
'button.close' => 'Schließen',
'button.stop' => 'Stop',
-'button.mark_paid' => 'Als bezahlt setzen',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Teamname',
'label.quantity' => 'Menge',
'label.paid_status' => 'Bezahlstatus',
'label.paid' => 'Bezahlt',
+'label.mark_paid' => 'Als bezahlt setzen',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Anmelden',
// 'button.close' => 'Close',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.stop' => 'Stop',
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
// TODO: translate label.team_name
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Sesión iniciada',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.close' => 'Close',
// 'button.stop' => 'Stop',
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.options' => 'Suvandid',
'button.import' => 'وارد کردن تیم',
'button.close' => 'بستن',
'button.stop' => 'توقف',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'نام تیم',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'ورود',
'button.import' => 'Tuo tiimi',
'button.close' => 'Sulje',
'button.stop' => 'Lopeta',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Tiimin nimi',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Kirjautuminen',
'button.import' => 'Importer une équipe',
'button.close' => 'Fermer',
'button.stop' => 'Arrêter',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Nom équipe',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Connexion',
'button.import' => 'ייבא צוות',
'button.close' => 'סגור',
'button.stop' => 'עצור',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'שם הצוות',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'כניסה',
'button.import' => 'Team importeren',
'button.close' => 'Sluiten',
'button.stop' => 'Stop',
-'button.mark_paid' => 'Markeer als betaald',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Teamnaam',
'label.quantity' => 'Hoeveelheid',
'label.paid_status' => 'Status van betaling',
'label.paid' => 'Betaald',
+'label.mark_paid' => 'Markeer als betaald',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Aanmelden',
'button.import' => 'Importuj zespół',
'button.close' => 'Zamknij',
'button.stop' => 'Zatrzymaj',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Nazwa zespołu',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Logowanie',
'button.import' => 'Importar equipe',
'button.close' => 'Fechar',
'button.stop' => 'Parar',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Nome da equipe',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Login',
'button.close' => 'Zatvoriť',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.stop' => 'Stop',
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Názov tímu',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Prihlásenie',
'button.import' => 'Uvezi tim',
'button.close' => 'Zatvori',
'button.stop' => 'Stani',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Naziv tim-a',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Prijava',
'button.import' => 'Importera arbetsgrupp',
'button.close' => 'Stäng',
'button.stop' => 'Avsluta',
-// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => 'Namn på arbetsgrupp',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Rubriker för formulär
'title.login' => 'Logga in',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.close' => 'Close',
// 'button.stop' => 'Stop',
-// 'button.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
'label.team_name' => '团队名称',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
+// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
// TODO: Translate the following.
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">
- <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
+ <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
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