sub selectall_hashref_query {
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);
- dump_query(LXDebug::QUERY, '', $query . " (" . join(", ", @_) . ")", @_);
my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @_);
my $result = [];
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
sub selectfirst_hashref_query {
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);
- dump_query(LXDebug::QUERY, '', $query . " (" . join(", ", @_) . ")", @_);
my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @_);
my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
sub selectfirst_array_query {
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);
- dump_query(LXDebug::QUERY, '', $query . " (" . join(", ", @_) . ")", @_);
my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @_);
my @ret = $sth->fetchrow_array();
-Sven Schoeling
+Moritz Bunkus E<lt><gt>
+Sven Schoeling E<lt><gt>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
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