The existing Icelandic translation contains a very small number of strings.
Removing from distro.
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'projekt',
"form.filter.filter" => 'oblíbená sestava',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'uložit jako oblíbenou sestavu',
'label.confirm_password' => 'gentag adgangskode',
'' => 'email',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'projekt',
"form.filter.filter" => 'favorit rapport',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'gem som favorit',
'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Auswahlmöglichkeit hinzufügen',
'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Auswahlmöglichkeit bearbeiten',
'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Auswahlmöglichkeit löschen',
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
// 'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Adding Option',
// 'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Editing Option',
// 'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Deleting Option',
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'projekt',
"form.filter.filter" => 'lemmikraport',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'salvesta lemmikuna',
'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'درج گزینه',
'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'ویرایش گزینه',
'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'حذف گزینه',
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Vaihtoehdon lisäys',
'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Vaihtoehdon muokkaus',
'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Vaihtoehdon poisto',
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Ajouter une option', // TODO: use a noun.
'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Modifier l\\\'option', // TODO: use a noun.
'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Supprimer l\\\'option', // TODO: use a noun.
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'הוספת אפשרות',
'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'עריכת אפשרות',
'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'מחיקת אפשרות',
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'projekt',
"form.filter.filter" => 'előre definiált riport formátum',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'mentsük el ezt a riport formátumot',
+++ /dev/null
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Anuko Time Tracker
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Copyright (c) Anuko International Ltd. (
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | LIBERAL FREEWARE LICENSE: This source code document may be used
-// | by anyone for any purpose, and freely redistributed alone or in
-// | combination with other software, provided that the license is obeyed.
-// |
-// | There are only two ways to violate the license:
-// |
-// | 1. To redistribute this code in source form, with the copyright
-// | notice or license removed or altered. (Distributing in compiled
-// | forms without embedded copyright notices is permitted).
-// |
-// | 2. To redistribute modified versions of this code in *any* form
-// | that bears insufficient indications that the modifications are
-// | not the work of the original author(s).
-// |
-// | This license applies to this document only, not any other software
-// | that it may be combined with.
-// |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Contributors:
-// |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// Note to translators: Please use proper capitalization rules for your language.
-$i18n_language = 'Íslenska';
-$i18n_months = array('janúar', 'febrúar', 'mars', 'apríl', 'maí', 'júní', 'júlí', 'ágúst', 'september', 'október', 'nóvember', 'desember');
-$i18n_weekdays = array('sunnudagur', 'mánudagur', 'þriðjudagur', 'miðvikudagur', 'fimmtudagur', 'föstudagur', 'laugardagur');
-$i18n_weekdays_short = array('sun', 'mon', 'þri', 'mið', 'fim', 'fös', 'lau');
-// format mm/dd
-$i18n_holidays = array('01/01', '04/09', '04/10', '04/12', '04/13', '04/23', '05/01', '05/21', '05/31', '06/01', '06/17', '08/03', '12/25', '12/26');
-$i18n_key_words = array(
-// Menus.
-'menu.login' => 'innskráning',
-'menu.logout' => 'skrá út',
-// TODO: Translate the following:
-// '' => 'Forum',
-'' => 'hjálp',
-// Note to translators: menu.create_team needs a more accurate translation.
-'menu.create_team' => 'nýskráning',
-'menu.profile' => 'uppsetning', // TODO: is this proper term for Profile?
-'menu.time' => 'tími',
-// TODO: Translate the following:
-// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
-'menu.reports' => 'skýrslur',
-// Note to translators: menu.charts needs to be translated.
-// 'menu.charts' => 'charts',
-'menu.projects' => 'verkefni',
-// TODO: Translate the following:
-// 'menu.tasks' => 'Tasks',
-// 'menu.users' => 'Users',
-'menu.teams' => 'teymi',
-// TODO: Translate the following:
-// 'menu.export' => 'Export',
-'menu.clients' => 'viðskiptavinir',
-// TODO: Translate the following:
-// 'menu.options' => 'Options',
-// Footer - strings on the bottom of most pages.
-// TODO: Translate the following:
-// 'footer.contribute_msg' => 'You can contribute to Time Tracker in different ways.',
-// 'footer.credits' => 'Credits',
-// 'footer.license' => 'License',
-// 'footer.improve' => 'Contribute', // Translators: this could mean "Improve", if it makes better sense in your language.
- // This is a link to a webpage that describes how to contribute to the project.
-// Error messages.
-// TODO: Translate the following:
-// 'error.access_denied' => 'Access denied.',
-// 'error.sys' => 'System error.',
-'error.db' => 'gagnagrunnsvilla',
-'error.field' => 'röng "{0}" gögn',
-'error.empty' => 'svæði "{0}" er tómt',
-// Note to translators: a large portion of the master English file from this point down below is not translated.
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'progetto',
"form.filter.filter" => 'report preferiti',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'salva nei preferiti',
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'プロジェクト',
"form.filter.filter" => 'お気に入りレポート',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'お気に入りに保存',
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => '프로젝트',
"form.filter.filter" => '좋아하는 보고서',
"form.filter.filter_new" => '좋아하는 것으로 저장',
'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Uitvouwmogelijkheid toevoegen',
'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Uitvouwmogelijkheid bewerken',
'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Uitvouwmogelijkheid verwijderen',
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
// TODO: Please check the translation against the current English file as many things are being refactored. For example, many labels have been added after
// "form.filter.project" => 'prosjekt',
'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Dodawanie opcji',
'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Edytowanie opcji',
'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Usuwanie opcji',
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
// "form.filter.project" => 'project',
// "form.filter.filter" => 'favorite report',
// "form.filter.filter_new" => 'save as favorite',
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'proiect',
"form.filter.filter" => 'rapoarte favorite',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'salveaza ca favorit',
'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Pridávanie možností',
'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Upravovanie možností',
'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Vymazávanie možností',
+// NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks).
+// It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page.
+// TODO: Translate the following:
+// 'title.locking' => 'Locking',
// Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here.
// Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section.
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'projekt',
"form.filter.filter" => 'favorite report',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'save as favorite',
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'projekt',
"form.filter.filter" => 'favorit rapport',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'spara som favorit',
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => 'proje',
"form.filter.filter" => 'sık kullanılan rapor',
"form.filter.filter_new" => 'sık kullanılan olarak kaydet',
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => '项目',
"form.filter.filter" => '收藏的报告',
"form.filter.filter_new" => '保存到我的收藏夹',
// Translate the following string.
// '' => 'Page',
+// Form titles.
+// TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file.
"form.filter.project" => '項目',
"form.filter.filter" => '收藏的報告',
"form.filter.filter_new" => '保存到我的存檔',
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">
- <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
+ <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
<a href="" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.credits}</a> |
<a href="" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.license}</a> |
<a href="" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.improve}</a>