use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
- 'scalar' => [ qw(objects objects_or_ids shipped_qty ) ],
- 'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(oe_ids dbh require_stock_out fill_up item_identity_fields oi2oe oi_qty delivered) ],
+ 'scalar' => [ qw(objects objects_or_ids shipped_qty keep_matches) ],
+ 'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(oe_ids dbh require_stock_out fill_up item_identity_fields oi2oe oi_qty delivered matches) ],
my $no_stock_item_links_query = <<'';
- SELECT oi.trans_id, AS oi_id, oi.qty AS oi_qty, oi.unit AS oi_unit, doi.qty AS doi_qty, doi.unit AS doi_unit
+ SELECT oi.trans_id, AS oi_id, oi.qty AS oi_qty, oi.unit AS oi_unit, AS doi_id, doi.qty AS doi_qty, doi.unit AS doi_unit
FROM record_links rl
INNER JOIN orderitems oi ON = rl.from_id AND rl.from_table = 'orderitems'
INNER JOIN delivery_order_items doi ON = rl.to_id AND rl.to_table = 'delivery_order_items'
AND to_id =
my $stock_item_links_query = <<'';
- SELECT oi.trans_id, AS oi_id, oi.qty AS oi_qty, oi.unit AS oi_unit,
+ SELECT oi.trans_id, AS oi_id, oi.qty AS oi_qty, oi.unit AS oi_unit, AS doi_id,
(CASE WHEN doe.customer_id > 0 THEN -1 ELSE 1 END) * i.qty AS doi_qty, p.unit AS doi_unit
FROM record_links rl
INNER JOIN orderitems oi ON = rl.from_id AND rl.from_table = 'orderitems'
my $data = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $self->dbh, $query, @oe_ids);
for (@$data) {
+ my $qty = $_->{doi_qty} * AM->convert_unit($_->{doi_unit} => $_->{oi_unit});
$self->shipped_qty->{$_->{oi_id}} //= 0;
- $self->shipped_qty->{$_->{oi_id}} += $_->{doi_qty} * AM->convert_unit($_->{doi_unit} => $_->{oi_unit});
+ $self->shipped_qty->{$_->{oi_id}} += $qty;
$self->oi2oe->{$_->{oi_id}} = $_->{trans_id};
$self->oi_qty->{$_->{oi_id}} = $_->{oi_qty};
+ push @{ $self->matches }, [ $_->{oi_id}, $_->{doi_id}, $qty, 1 ] if $self->keep_matches;
$self->shipped_qty->{$oi->{id}} += $min_qty;
$doi->{qty} -= $min_qty / $factor; # TODO: find a way to avoid float rounding
+ push @{ $self->matches }, [ $oi->{id}, $doi->{id}, $min_qty, 0 ] if $self->keep_matches;
sub init_oi2oe { {} }
sub init_oi_qty { {} }
+sub init_matches { [] }
sub init_delivered {
my ($self) = @_;
my $d = { };
+=item * C<keep_matches>
+Boolean. If set to true the internal matchings of OrderItems and
+DeliveryOrderItems will be kept for later postprocessing, in case you need more
+than this modules provides.
+See C<matches> for the returned format.
=item C<calculate OBJECTS>
Valid after L</calculate>. Returns a hashref with a delivered flag by order id.
+=item C<matches>
+Valid after L</calculate> with C<with_matches> set. Returns an arrayref of
+individual matches. Each match is an arrayref with these fields:
+=over 4
+=item *
+The id of the OrderItem.
+=item *
+The id of the DeliveryOrderItem.
+=item *
+The qty that was matched between the two converted to the unit of the OrderItem.
+=item *
+A boolean flag indicating if this match was found with record_item links. If
+false, the match was made in the fill up stage.