static function getTotals($bean)
global $user;
$mdb2 = getConnection();
$where = ttReportHelper::getWhere($bean);
// Start with a query for time items.
if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) {
if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode) {
sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2))) as cost,
null as expenses
from tt_log l
- left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id) $where";
+ left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id) $where";
} else
$sql = "select sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, null as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l $where";
// If we have expenses, query becomes a bit more complex.
if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost') && in_array('ex', explode(',', $user->plugins))) {
$where = ttReportHelper::getExpenseWhere($bean);
$sql_for_expenses = "select null as time, sum(cost) as cost, sum(cost) as expenses from tt_expense_items ei $where";
// Create a combined query.
$sql = "select sum(time) as time, sum(cost) as cost, sum(expenses) as expenses from (($sql) union all ($sql_for_expenses)) t";
- }
+ }
- // Execute query.
+ // Execute query.
$res = $mdb2->query($sql);
if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
$val = $res->fetchRow();
$total_time = $val['time'] ? sec_to_time_fmt_hm($val['time']) : null;
if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) {
- $total_cost = $val['cost'];
- if (!$total_cost) $total_cost = '0.00';
- if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark)
- $total_cost = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $total_cost);
- $total_expenses = $val['expenses'];
- if (!$total_expenses) $total_expenses = '0.00';
- if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark)
- $total_expenses = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $total_expenses);
+ $total_cost = $val['cost'];
+ if (!$total_cost) $total_cost = '0.00';
+ if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark)
+ $total_cost = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $total_cost);
+ $total_expenses = $val['expenses'];
+ if (!$total_expenses) $total_expenses = '0.00';
+ if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark)
+ $total_expenses = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $total_expenses);
} else
if ($bean->getAttribute('period'))
$period = new Period($bean->getAttribute('period'), new DateAndTime($user->date_format));
else {
$totals['start_date'] = $period->getBeginDate();
- $totals['end_date'] = $period->getEndDate();
- $totals['time'] = $total_time;
- $totals['cost'] = $total_cost;
- $totals['expenses'] = $total_expenses;
+ $totals['end_date'] = $period->getEndDate();
+ $totals['time'] = $total_time;
+ $totals['cost'] = $total_cost;
+ $totals['expenses'] = $total_expenses;
return $totals;
// getFavTotals calculates total hours and cost for all favorite report items.
static function getFavTotals($report)