$form->error($locale->text('Empty transaction!'));
- if ((my $errno = GL->post_transaction(\%myconfig, \%$form)) <= -1) {
- $errno *= -1;
- my @err;
- $err[1] = $locale->text('Cannot have a value in both Debit and Credit!');
- $err[2] = $locale->text('Debit and credit out of balance!');
- $err[3] = $locale->text('Cannot post a transaction without a value!');
- $form->error($err[$errno]);
- }
- # saving the history
- if(!exists $form->{addition} && $form->{id} ne "") {
- $form->{snumbers} = qq|gltransaction_| . $form->{id};
- $form->{addition} = "POSTED";
- $form->{what_done} = "gl transaction";
- $form->save_history;
- }
- # /saving the history
- # called from BankTransaction - Assign RecordLink and update BankTransaction
- if ($form->{callback} =~ /BankTransaction/ && $form->{bt_id}) {
- # set invoice_amount - we only rely on bt_id in form, do all other stuff ui independent
- # die if we have a unlogic or NYI case and (TODO) chain this transaction safe (post_transaction + history_erp + this)
- my ($bt, $chart_id, $payment);
- $bt = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $::form->{bt_id});
- die "No bank transaction found" unless $bt;
- $chart_id = SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->find_by(id => $bt->local_bank_account_id)->chart_id;
- die "no chart id:" unless $chart_id;
- $payment = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $::form->{id},
- chart_link => { like => '%AR_paid%' },
- chart_id => $chart_id ]);
- die "guru meditation error: Can only assign amount to one bank account booking" if scalar @{ $payment } > 1;
- # credit/debit * -1 matches the sign for bt.amount and bt.invoice_amount
- $bt->update_attributes(invoice_amount => $bt->invoice_amount + ($payment->[0]->amount * -1));
- # create record_link
- my @props = (
- from_table => 'bank_transactions',
- from_id => $::form->{bt_id},
- to_table => 'gl',
- to_id => $::form->{id},
- );
- SL::DB::RecordLink->new(@props)->save;
+ # start transaction (post + history + (optional) banktrans)
+ SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
+ if ((my $errno = GL->post_transaction(\%myconfig, \%$form)) <= -1) {
+ $errno *= -1;
+ my @err;
+ $err[1] = $locale->text('Cannot have a value in both Debit and Credit!');
+ $err[2] = $locale->text('Debit and credit out of balance!');
+ $err[3] = $locale->text('Cannot post a transaction without a value!');
+ die $err[$errno];
+ }
+ # saving the history
+ if(!exists $form->{addition} && $form->{id} ne "") {
+ $form->{snumbers} = qq|gltransaction_| . $form->{id};
+ $form->{addition} = "POSTED";
+ $form->{what_done} = "gl transaction";
+ $form->save_history;
+ }
+ # Case BankTransaction: update RecordLink and BankTransaction
+ if ($form->{callback} =~ /BankTransaction/ && $form->{bt_id}) {
+ # set invoice_amount - we only rely on bt_id in form, do all other stuff ui independent
+ # die if we have a unlogic or NYI case and abort the whole transaction
+ my ($bt, $chart_id, $payment);
+ require SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction;
+ $bt = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $::form->{bt_id});
+ die "No bank transaction found" unless $bt;
+ $chart_id = SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->find_by(id => $bt->local_bank_account_id)->chart_id;
+ die "no chart id:" unless $chart_id;
+ $payment = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $::form->{id},
+ chart_link => { like => '%AR_paid%' },
+ chart_id => $chart_id ]);
+ die "guru meditation error: Can only assign amount to one bank account booking" if scalar @{ $payment } > 1;
+ # credit/debit * -1 matches the sign for bt.amount and bt.invoice_amount
+ $bt->update_attributes(invoice_amount => $bt->invoice_amount + ($payment->[0]->amount * -1));
+ # create record_link
+ my @props = (
+ from_table => 'bank_transactions',
+ from_id => $::form->{bt_id},
+ to_table => 'gl',
+ to_id => $::form->{id},
+ );
+ SL::DB::RecordLink->new(@props)->save;
+ }
+ 1;
+ }) or do { die SL::DB->client->error };
+ if ($form->{callback} =~ /BankTransaction/ && $form->{bt_id}) {
print $form->redirect_header($form->{callback});
$form->redirect($locale->text('GL transaction posted.') . ' ' . $locale->text('ID') . ': ' . $form->{id});
# remove or clarify