my @result;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$flattened; $i += 2) {
my ($key, $value) = ($flattened->[$i], $flattened->[$i+1]);
($key, $value) = _apply_all($key, $value, qr/\b:(\w+)/, { %filters, %{ $params{filters} || {} } });
($key, $value) = _apply_all($key, $value, qr/\b::(\w+)/, { %methods, %{ $params{methods} || {} } });
+ ($key, $value) = _dispatch_custom_filters($params{class}, $key, $value) if $params{class};
push @result, $key, $value;
return \@result;
+sub _dispatch_custom_filters {
+ my ($class, $key, $value) = @_;
+ # the key should by now have no filters left
+ # if it has, catch it here:
+ die 'unrecognized filters' if $key =~ /:/;
+ my @tokens = split /\./, $key;
+ my $last_token = pop @tokens;
+ my $curr_class = $class->object_class;
+ for my $token (@tokens) {
+ eval {
+ $curr_class = $curr_class->meta->relationship($token)->class;
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("Could not resolve the relationship '$token' in '$key' while building the filter request");
+ }
+ }
+ my $manager = $curr_class->meta->convention_manager->auto_manager_class_name;
+ if ($manager->can('filter')) {
+ ($key, $value) = $manager->filter($last_token, $value, join '.', @tokens, '');
+ }
+ return ($key, $value);
sub _collapse_indirect_filters {
my ($flattened) = @_;
match method suffixes, which are appended with 2 colons. See below for a full
list of modifiers.
-The reason for the method being last is that it is possible to specify the
-method in another input. Suppose you want a date input and a separate
-before/after/equal select, you can use the following:
- [% L.date_tag('filter.appointed_date:date', ... ) %]
-and later
- [% L.select_tag('filter.appointed_date::', ... ) %]
-The special empty method will be used to set the method for the previous
-method-less input.
'closed => '1',
+The reason for the method being last is that it is possible to specify the
+method in another input. Suppose you want a date input and a separate
+before/after/equal select, you can use the following:
+ [% L.date_tag('filter.appointed_date:date', ... ) %]
+and later
+ [% L.select_tag('filter.appointed_date:date::', ... ) %]
+The special empty method will be used to set the method for the previous
+method-less input.
+If the L<parse_filter> call contains a parameter C<class>, custom filters will
+be honored. Suppose you have added a custom filter 'all' for parts which
+expands to search both description and partnumber, the following
+ $filter = {
+ 'part.all:substr::ilike' => 'A1',
+ }
+will expand to:
+ query => [
+ or => [
+ part.description => { ilike => '%A1%' },
+ part.partnumber => { ilike => '%A1%' },
+ ]
+ ]
+For more abuot custom filters, see L<SL::DB::Helper::Filtered>.
=head1 FILTERS (leading with :)
The following filters are built in, and can be used.
L.input_tag('', ...)
L.input_tag('', ...)
-This will sarch for orders whoe invoice has the _same_ customer, which matches
+This will sarch for orders whose invoice has the _same_ customer, which matches
both inputs. This is because tables are aliased by their name and not by their
position in with_objects.
use lib 't';
-use Test::More tests => 18;
+use Test::More tests => 23;
use Test::Deep;
use Data::Dumper;
use_ok 'Support::TestSetup';
use_ok 'SL::Controller::Helper::ParseFilter';
+use SL::DB::OrderItem;
undef *::any; # Test::Deep exports any (for junctions) and MoreCommon exports any (like in List::Moreutils)
with_objects => bag('order.customer', 'order'),
}, 'sub objects have to retain their prefix';
+### class filter dispatch
+test {
+ name => 'Test',
+ whut => 'moof',
+}, {
+ query => bag(
+ name => 'Test',
+ whut => 'moof'
+ ),
+}, 'object test simple', class => 'SL::DB::Manager::Part';
+test {
+ 'type' => 'assembly',
+}, {
+ query => [
+ 'assembly' => 1
+ ],
+}, 'object test without prefix', class => 'SL::DB::Manager::Part';
+test {
+ 'part.type' => 'assembly',
+}, {
+ query => [
+ 'part.assembly' => 1
+ ],
+}, 'object test with prefix', class => 'SL::DB::Manager::OrderItem';
+test {
+ 'type' => [ 'part', 'assembly' ],
+}, {
+ query => [
+ or => [
+ and => [ or => [ assembly => 0, assembly => undef ],
+ "!inventory_accno_id" => 0,
+ "!inventory_accno_id" => undef,
+ ],
+ assembly => 1,
+ ]
+ ],
+}, 'object test without prefix but complex value', class => 'SL::DB::Manager::Part';
+test {
+ 'part.type' => [ 'part', 'assembly' ],
+}, {
+ query => [
+ or => [
+ and => [ or => [ 'part.assembly' => 0, 'part.assembly' => undef ],
+ "!part.inventory_accno_id" => 0,
+ "!part.inventory_accno_id" => undef,
+ ],
+ 'part.assembly' => 1,
+ ]
+ ],
+}, 'object test with prefix but complex value', class => 'SL::DB::Manager::OrderItem';