return $result;
- // getRecordsForInterval - returns time records for a user for a given interval of dates.
- static function getRecordsForInterval($user_id, $start_date, $end_date) {
- global $user;
- $sql_time_format = "'%k:%i'"; // 24 hour format.
- if ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format)
- $sql_time_format = "'%h:%i %p'"; // 12 hour format for MySQL TIME_FORMAT function.
- $result = array();
- $mdb2 = getConnection();
- $client_field = null;
- if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
- $client_field = ', as client_id, as client';
- $custom_field_1 = null;
- if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
- $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id);
- $cf_1_type = $custom_fields->fields[0]['type'];
- if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) {
- $custom_field_1 = ', cfl.value as cf_1_value';
- } elseif ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) {
- $custom_field_1 = ', as cf_1_id, cfo.value as cf_1_value';
- }
- }
- $left_joins = " left join tt_projects p on (l.project_id =".
- " left join tt_tasks t on (l.task_id =";
- if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
- $left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on (l.client_id =";
- if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
- if ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT)
- $left_joins .= 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.value = ';
- elseif ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN)
- $left_joins .= 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.option_id = ';
- }
- $sql = "select as id, as date, TIME_FORMAT(l.start, $sql_time_format) as start,
- TIME_FORMAT(sec_to_time(time_to_sec(l.start) + time_to_sec(l.duration)), $sql_time_format) as finish,
- TIME_FORMAT(l.duration, '%k:%i') as duration, as project_id, as project,
- as task_id, as task, l.comment, l.billable, l.invoice_id $client_field $custom_field_1
- from tt_log l
- $left_joins
- where >= '$start_date' and <= '$end_date' and l.user_id = $user_id and l.status = 1
- order by,,, l.start,";
- $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
- if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
- while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
- if($val['duration']=='0:00')
- $val['finish'] = '';
- $result[] = $val;
- }
- } else return false;
- return $result;
- }
- // getDataForWeekView - builds an array to render a table of durations for week view.
- // In a week view we want one row representing the same attributes to have 7 values for each day of week.
- // We identify simlar records by a combination of client, billable, project, task, and custom field values.
- // This will allow us to extend the feature when more custom fields are added.
- //
- // "cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:example text"
- // The above means client 546, billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field text "example text".
- //
- // "cl:546,bl:0,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623"
- // The above means client 546, not billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field option id 7623.
- //
- // Description of $dataArray format that the function returns.
- // $dataArray = array(
- // array( // Row 0. This is a special, one-off row for a new week entry with empty values.
- // 'row_id' => null', // Row identifier. Null for a new entry.
- // 'label' => 'New entry', // Human readable label for the row describing what this time entry is for.
- // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '0_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null), // control_id is row_id plus day header for column.
- // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '0_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '0_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '0_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '0_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '0_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '0_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null)
- // ),
- // array( // Row 1.
- // 'row_id' => 'cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623_0', // Row identifier. See ttTimeHelper::makeRecordIdentifier().
- // 'label' => 'Anuko - Time Tracker - Coding', // Human readable label for the row describing what this time entry is for.
- // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '1_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => 12345, 'duration' => '00:00'), // control_id is row_id plus day header for column.
- // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '1_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => 12346, 'duration' => '01:00'),
- // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '1_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => 12347, 'duration' => '02:00'),
- // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '1_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '1_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => 12348, 'duration' => '04:00'),
- // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '1_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => 12349, 'duration' => '04:00'),
- // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '1_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null)
- // ),
- // array( // Row 2.
- // 'row_id' => 'bl:0_0',
- // 'label' => '', // In this case the label is empty as we don't have anything to put into it, as we only have billable flag.
- // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '2_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '2_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => 12350, 'duration' => '01:30'),
- // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '2_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '2_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => 12351,'duration' => '02:30'),
- // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '2_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => 12352, 'duration' => '04:00'),
- // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '2_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
- // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '2_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null)
- // )
- // );
- static function getDataForWeekView($user_id, $start_date, $end_date, $dayHeaders) {
- global $i18n;
- // Start by obtaining all records in interval.
- $records = ttTimeHelper::getRecordsForInterval($user_id, $start_date, $end_date);
- $dataArray = array();
- // Construct the first row for a brand new entry.
- $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => null,'label' => $i18n->getKey('form.week.new_entry')); // Insert row.
- // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
- for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
- $control_id = '0_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
- $dataArray[0][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'duration' => null);
- }
- // Iterate through records and build $dataArray cell by cell.
- foreach ($records as $record) {
- // Create record id without suffix.
- $record_id_no_suffix = ttTimeHelper::makeRecordIdentifier($record);
- // Handle potential multiple records with the same attributes by using a numerical suffix.
- $suffix = 0;
- $record_id = $record_id_no_suffix.'_'.$suffix;
- $day_header = substr($record['date'], 8); // Day number in month.
- while (ttTimeHelper::cellExists($record_id, $day_header, $dataArray)) {
- $suffix++;
- $record_id = $record_id_no_suffix.'_'.$suffix;
- }
- // Find row.
- $pos = ttTimeHelper::findRow($record_id, $dataArray);
- if ($pos < 0) {
- $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => $record_id,'label' => ttWeekViewHelper::makeRowLabel($record)); // Insert row.
- $pos = ttTimeHelper::findRow($record_id, $dataArray);
- // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
- for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
- $control_id = $pos.'_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
- $dataArray[$pos][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'duration' => null);
- }
- }
- // Insert actual cell data from $record (one cell only).
- $dataArray[$pos][$day_header] = array('control_id' => $pos.'_'. $day_header, 'tt_log_id' => $record['id'],'duration' => $record['duration']);
- }
- return $dataArray;
- }
// cellExists is a helper function for getDataForWeekView() to see if a cell with a given label
// and a day header already exists.
static function cellExists($row_id, $day_header, $dataArray) {
// ttWeekViewHelper class groups together functions used in week view.
class ttWeekViewHelper {
+ // getRecordsForInterval - returns time records for a user for a given interval of dates.
+ static function getRecordsForInterval($user_id, $start_date, $end_date) {
+ global $user;
+ $sql_time_format = "'%k:%i'"; // 24 hour format.
+ if ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format)
+ $sql_time_format = "'%h:%i %p'"; // 12 hour format for MySQL TIME_FORMAT function.
+ $result = array();
+ $mdb2 = getConnection();
+ $client_field = null;
+ if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
+ $client_field = ', as client_id, as client';
+ $custom_field_1 = null;
+ if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
+ $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id);
+ $cf_1_type = $custom_fields->fields[0]['type'];
+ if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) {
+ $custom_field_1 = ', cfl.value as cf_1_value';
+ } elseif ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) {
+ $custom_field_1 = ', as cf_1_id, cfo.value as cf_1_value';
+ }
+ }
+ $left_joins = " left join tt_projects p on (l.project_id =".
+ " left join tt_tasks t on (l.task_id =";
+ if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
+ $left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on (l.client_id =";
+ if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
+ if ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT)
+ $left_joins .= 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.value = ';
+ elseif ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN)
+ $left_joins .= 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.option_id = ';
+ }
+ $sql = "select as id, as date, TIME_FORMAT(l.start, $sql_time_format) as start,
+ TIME_FORMAT(sec_to_time(time_to_sec(l.start) + time_to_sec(l.duration)), $sql_time_format) as finish,
+ TIME_FORMAT(l.duration, '%k:%i') as duration, as project_id, as project,
+ as task_id, as task, l.comment, l.billable, l.invoice_id $client_field $custom_field_1
+ from tt_log l
+ $left_joins
+ where >= '$start_date' and <= '$end_date' and l.user_id = $user_id and l.status = 1
+ order by,,, l.start,";
+ $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
+ if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
+ while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
+ if($val['duration']=='0:00')
+ $val['finish'] = '';
+ $result[] = $val;
+ }
+ } else return false;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // getDataForWeekView - builds an array to render a table of durations for week view.
+ // In a week view we want one row representing the same attributes to have 7 values for each day of week.
+ // We identify simlar records by a combination of client, billable, project, task, and custom field values.
+ // This will allow us to extend the feature when more custom fields are added.
+ //
+ // "cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:example text"
+ // The above means client 546, billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field text "example text".
+ //
+ // "cl:546,bl:0,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623"
+ // The above means client 546, not billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field option id 7623.
+ //
+ // Description of $dataArray format that the function returns.
+ // $dataArray = array(
+ // array( // Row 0. This is a special, one-off row for a new week entry with empty values.
+ // 'row_id' => null', // Row identifier. Null for a new entry.
+ // 'label' => 'New entry', // Human readable label for the row describing what this time entry is for.
+ // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '0_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null), // control_id is row_id plus day header for column.
+ // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '0_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '0_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '0_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '0_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '0_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '0_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null)
+ // ),
+ // array( // Row 1.
+ // 'row_id' => 'cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623_0', // Row identifier. See ttTimeHelper::makeRecordIdentifier().
+ // 'label' => 'Anuko - Time Tracker - Coding', // Human readable label for the row describing what this time entry is for.
+ // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '1_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => 12345, 'duration' => '00:00'), // control_id is row_id plus day header for column.
+ // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '1_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => 12346, 'duration' => '01:00'),
+ // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '1_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => 12347, 'duration' => '02:00'),
+ // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '1_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '1_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => 12348, 'duration' => '04:00'),
+ // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '1_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => 12349, 'duration' => '04:00'),
+ // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '1_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null)
+ // ),
+ // array( // Row 2.
+ // 'row_id' => 'bl:0_0',
+ // 'label' => '', // In this case the label is empty as we don't have anything to put into it, as we only have billable flag.
+ // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '2_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '2_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => 12350, 'duration' => '01:30'),
+ // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '2_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '2_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => 12351,'duration' => '02:30'),
+ // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '2_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => 12352, 'duration' => '04:00'),
+ // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '2_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
+ // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '2_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null)
+ // )
+ // );
+ static function getDataForWeekView($user_id, $start_date, $end_date, $dayHeaders) {
+ global $i18n;
+ // Start by obtaining all records in interval.
+ $records = ttWeekViewHelper::getRecordsForInterval($user_id, $start_date, $end_date);
+ $dataArray = array();
+ // Construct the first row for a brand new entry.
+ $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => null,'label' => $i18n->getKey('form.week.new_entry')); // Insert row.
+ // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
+ $control_id = '0_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
+ $dataArray[0][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'duration' => null);
+ }
+ // Iterate through records and build $dataArray cell by cell.
+ foreach ($records as $record) {
+ // Create record id without suffix.
+ $record_id_no_suffix = ttTimeHelper::makeRecordIdentifier($record);
+ // Handle potential multiple records with the same attributes by using a numerical suffix.
+ $suffix = 0;
+ $record_id = $record_id_no_suffix.'_'.$suffix;
+ $day_header = substr($record['date'], 8); // Day number in month.
+ while (ttTimeHelper::cellExists($record_id, $day_header, $dataArray)) {
+ $suffix++;
+ $record_id = $record_id_no_suffix.'_'.$suffix;
+ }
+ // Find row.
+ $pos = ttTimeHelper::findRow($record_id, $dataArray);
+ if ($pos < 0) {
+ $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => $record_id,'label' => ttWeekViewHelper::makeRowLabel($record)); // Insert row.
+ $pos = ttTimeHelper::findRow($record_id, $dataArray);
+ // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
+ $control_id = $pos.'_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
+ $dataArray[$pos][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'duration' => null);
+ }
+ }
+ // Insert actual cell data from $record (one cell only).
+ $dataArray[$pos][$day_header] = array('control_id' => $pos.'_'. $day_header, 'tt_log_id' => $record['id'],'duration' => $record['duration']);
+ }
+ return $dataArray;
+ }
// getDayHeadersForWeek - obtains day column headers for week view, which are simply day numbers in month.
static function getDayHeadersForWeek($start_date) {
$dayHeaders = array();
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">
- <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
+ <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
<a href="" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.credits}</a> |
<a href="" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.license}</a> |
<a href="" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.improve}</a>
$dayHeaders = ttWeekViewHelper::getDayHeadersForWeek($startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT));
$lockedDays = ttWeekViewHelper::getLockedDaysForWeek($startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT));
// Build data array for the table. Format is described in the function..
-$dataArray = ttTimeHelper::getDataForWeekView($user->getActiveUser(), $startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT), $endDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT), $dayHeaders);
+$dataArray = ttWeekViewHelper::getDataForWeekView($user->getActiveUser(), $startDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT), $endDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT), $dayHeaders);
// Build day totals (total durations for each day in week).
$dayTotals = ttTimeHelper::getDayTotals($dataArray, $dayHeaders);