$form->{"$item"} = 0;
+ $form->{coa} = coa_get($dbh);
+ $main::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::DEBUG2, "COA: $form->{coa}");
&get_accounts_ustva($dbh, $last_period, $form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate},
$form, $category);
+ ###########################################
+ #
+ # Nationspecific Modfications
+ #
+ ###########################################
+ # Germany
+ if ( $form->{coa} eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU' or $form->{coa} eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU'){
+ # 16%/19% Umstellung
+ # Umordnen der Kennziffern
+ if ( $form->{year} < 2007) {
+ $form->{35} += $form->{81};
+ $form->{36} += $form->{811};
+ $form->{95} += $form->{89};
+ $form->{98} += $form->{891};
+ map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(81 811 89 891);
+ } else {
+ $form->{35} += $form->{51};
+ $form->{36} += $form->{511};
+ $form->{95} += $form->{97};
+ $form->{98} += $form->{971};
+ map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(51 511 97 971);
+ }
- # 16%/19% Umstellung
- # Umordnen der Kennziffern
- if ( $form->{year} < 2007) {
- $form->{35} += $form->{81};
- $form->{36} += $form->{811};
- $form->{95} += $form->{89};
- $form->{98} += $form->{891};
- map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(81 811 89 891);
- } else {
- $form->{35} += $form->{51};
- $form->{36} += $form->{511};
- $form->{95} += $form->{97};
- $form->{98} += $form->{971};
- map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(51 511 97 971);
+ # Fixme: Wird auch noch für Oesterreich gebraucht,
+ # weil kein eigenes Ausgabeformular
+ # sotte aber aus der allgeméinen Steuerberechnung verschwinden
# Berechnung der USTVA Formularfelder laut Bogen 207
+sub coa_get {
+ my ($dbh) = @_;
+ my $query= qq|SELECT coa FROM defaults|;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+ $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
+ ($ref) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+ return $ref;
sub get_accounts_ustva {
my $APwhere = '';
my $arwhere = "";
my $item;
- my $gltaxkey_where = "(tk.pos_ustva>=59 AND tk.pos_ustva<=66)";
+ my $gltaxkey_where = "(tk.pos_ustva>=59 AND tk.pos_ustva<=66)";
if ($fromdate) {
if ($form->{method} eq 'cash') {
if ($todate) {
$where .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$todate'";
$ARwhere .= " AND acc.transdate <= '$todate'";
- $subwhere .= " AND transdate <= '$todate'";
- $APwhere .= " AND AP.transdate <= '$todate'";
if ($department_id) {
sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN AP ON (AP.id = ac.trans_id )
+ JOIN ap ON (ap.id = ac.trans_id )
JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
LEFT JOIN taxkeys tk ON (
tk.id = (
SELECT id FROM taxkeys
WHERE chart_id=ac.chart_id
- --AND taxkey_id=ac.taxkey
+ AND taxkey_id = ac.taxkey
AND startdate <= COALESCE(AP.transdate)
- $APwhere
+ $where
GROUP BY tk.pos_ustva
tk.id = (
SELECT id FROM taxkeys
WHERE chart_id=ac.chart_id
- --AND taxkey_id=ac.taxkey
AND NOT $gltaxkey_where
AND startdate <= COALESCE(ac.transdate)
tk.id = (
SELECT id FROM taxkeys
WHERE chart_id=ac.chart_id
- --AND taxkey_id=ac.taxkey
AND $gltaxkey_where
AND startdate <= COALESCE(ac.transdate)
$form->{co_city} =~ s/\\n//g;
+ ################################
- # Outputformat specific customisation's
+ # Nation specific customisations
+ ################################
+ # Germany
+ if ( $form->{coa} eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU' or $form->{coa} eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU') {
+ #
+ # Outputformat specific customisation's
+ #
- my @category_cent = qw(
- 511 861 36 80 971 931 98 96 53 74
- 85 65 66 61 62 67 63 64 59 69
- 39 83 811 891 Z43 Z45 Z53 Z62 Z65 Z67
- );
+ my @category_cent = qw(
+ 511 861 36 80 971 931 98 96 53 74
+ 85 65 66 61 62 67 63 64 59 69
+ 39 83 811 891 Z43 Z45 Z53 Z62 Z65 Z67
+ );
- my @category_euro = qw(
- 41 44 49 43 48 51 86 35 77 76 91 89
- 97 93 95 94 42 60 45 52 73 84 81
- );
- $form->{id} = [];
- $form->{amount} = [];
+ my @category_euro = qw(
+ 41 44 49 43 48 51 86 35 77 76 91 89
+ 97 93 95 94 42 60 45 52 73 84 81
+ );
+ $form->{id} = [];
+ $form->{amount} = [];
- if ( $form->{format} eq 'pdf' or $form->{format} eq 'postscript') {
+ if ( $form->{format} eq 'pdf' or $form->{format} eq 'postscript') {
- $form->{IN} = "$form->{type}-$form->{year}.tex";
- $form->{padding} = "~~";
- $form->{bold} = "\textbf{";
- $form->{endbold} = "}";
- $form->{br} = '\\\\';
+ $form->{IN} = "$form->{type}-$form->{year}.tex";
+ $form->{padding} = "~~";
+ $form->{bold} = "\textbf{";
+ $form->{endbold} = "}";
+ $form->{br} = '\\\\';
- # Zahlenformatierung für Latex USTVA Formulare
+ # Zahlenformatierung für Latex USTVA Formulare
- foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
- $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '');
- }
+ foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
+ $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '');
+ }
- my ${decimal_comma} = ( $myconfig{numberformat} eq '1.000,00'
- or $myconfig{numberformat} eq '1000,00' ) ? ',':'.';
+ my ${decimal_comma} = ( $myconfig{numberformat} eq '1.000,00'
+ or $myconfig{numberformat} eq '1000,00' ) ? ',':'.';
- foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
- $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '');
- $form->{$number} =~ s/${decimal_comma}/~~/g;
- }
+ foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
+ $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '');
+ $form->{$number} =~ s/${decimal_comma}/~~/g;
+ }
- } elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'html') { # Formatierungen für HTML Ausgabe
+ } elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'html') { # Formatierungen für HTML Ausgabe
- $form->{IN} = $form->{type} . '.html';
- $form->{padding} = " ";
- $form->{bold} = "<b>";
- $form->{endbold} = "</b>";
- $form->{br} = "<br>";
- $form->{address} =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+ $form->{IN} = $form->{type} . '.html';
+ $form->{padding} = " ";
+ $form->{bold} = "<b>";
+ $form->{endbold} = "</b>";
+ $form->{br} = "<br>";
+ $form->{address} =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
- foreach $number (@category_cent) {
- $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '0');
- }
- foreach $number (@category_euro) {
- $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '0');
- }
+ foreach $number (@category_cent) {
+ $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '0');
+ }
+ foreach $number (@category_euro) {
+ $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '0');
+ }
- } elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'elsterwinston' ) {
+ } elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'elsterwinston' ) {
- $form->{IN} = 'winston.xml';
- #
- # Build Winston filename
- #
- my $file = 'U'; # 1. char 'U' = USTVA
- $file .= $form->{period};
- #4. and 5. char = year modulo 100
- $file .= sprintf("%02d", $form->{year} % 100);
- #6. to 18. char = Elstersteuernummer
- #Beispiel: Steuernummer in Bayern
- #111/222/33334 ergibt für UStVA Jan 2004: U01049111022233334
- $file .= $form->{elsterFFFF};
- $file .= $form->{elstersteuernummer};
- #file suffix
- $file .= '.xml';
- $form->{tmpfile} = "$userspath/$file";
- $form->{attachment_filename} = "$file";
- # Zahlenformatierung für Winston
+ $form->{IN} = 'winston.xml';
+ #
+ # Build Winston filename
+ #
+ my $file = 'U'; # 1. char 'U' = USTVA
+ $file .= $form->{period};
+ #4. and 5. char = year modulo 100
+ $file .= sprintf("%02d", $form->{year} % 100);
+ #6. to 18. char = Elstersteuernummer
+ #Beispiel: Steuernummer in Bayern
+ #111/222/33334 ergibt für UStVA Jan 2004: U01049111022233334
+ $file .= $form->{elsterFFFF};
+ $file .= $form->{elstersteuernummer};
+ #file suffix
+ $file .= '.xml';
+ $form->{tmpfile} = "$userspath/$file";
+ $form->{attachment_filename} = "$file";
+ # Zahlenformatierung für Winston
+ my $temp_numberformat = $myconfig{numberformat};
+ # Numberformat must be '1000.00' for Winston
+ $myconfig{numberformat} = '1000.00';
+ foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
+ $form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '') : '';
+ }
+ foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
+ $form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '') : '';
+ }
+ # Re-set Numberformat
+ $myconfig{numberformat} = $temp_numberformat;
- my $temp_numberformat = $myconfig{numberformat};
- # Numberformat must be '1000.00' for Winston
+ # push Kennziffern to <%foreach Array fo easyer
+ # output in xml format. Thx to Moritz.
+ my %winston_id_for = (
+ # No Winston remap?!
+ );
- $myconfig{numberformat} = '1000.00';
+ foreach my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {
- foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
- $form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '') : '';
- }
- foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
- $form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '') : '';
- }
- # Re-set Numberformat
- $myconfig{numberformat} = $temp_numberformat;
+ next if ( $kennziffer =~ m/Z\d\d/);
+ next if ( $form->{$kennziffer} == 0 );
+ if (defined $winston_id_for{$kennziffer} ) {
+ push(@{ $form->{id}}, $winston_id_for{$kennziffer});
+ } else {
+ push(@{ $form->{id}}, "$kennziffer");
+ }
+ push(@{ $form->{amount}}, $form->{$kennziffer});
+ }
- # push Kennziffern to <%foreach Array fo easyer
- # output in xml format. Thx to Moritz.
- my %winston_id_for = (
- # No Winston remap?!
- );
+ } elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'elstertaxbird' ) {
- foreach my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {
+ # Define serveral filenames
+ $form->{IN} = 'taxbird.txb';
- next if ( $kennziffer =~ m/Z\d\d/);
- next if ( $form->{$kennziffer} == 0 );
+ $form->{attachment_filename} = "USTVA-" . $form->{period}
+ . sprintf("%02d", $form->{year} % 100) . ".txb";
+ $form->{tmpfile} = "$userspath/" . $form->{attachment_filename};
+ # TODO: set Output to UTF-8 or system Preference
+ #$form->{"iconv"} = Text::Iconv->new($myconfig{dbcharset}, "UTF-8");
+ #my $iconv = $self->{"iconv"};
+ #$iconv->convert($variable);
+ if ($form->{period} =~ /^[4]\d$/ ){
+ my %periods = ( # Lx => taxbird
+ '41' => '12',
+ '42' => '13',
+ '43' => '14',
+ '44' => '15',
+ );
- if (defined $winston_id_for{$kennziffer} ) {
- push(@{ $form->{id}}, $winston_id_for{$kennziffer});
+ foreach my $quarter ( keys %periods ) {
+ $form->{taxbird_period} = $periods{$quarter} if ( $form->{period} eq $quarter);
+ }
+ } elsif ($form->{period} =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
+ $form->{period} =~ s/^0//g;
+ my $period = $form->{period};
+ $period * 1;
+ $period--;
+ $form->{period} = $period;
} else {
- push(@{ $form->{id}}, "$kennziffer");
+ $form->header;
+ USTVA::error( $locale->text('Wrong Period' ));
+ exit(0);
- push(@{ $form->{amount}}, $form->{$kennziffer});
- }
- } elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'elstertaxbird' ) {
+ my %lands = ( # Lx => taxbird # TODO: besser als array...
+ 'Baden Würtemberg' => '0',
+ 'Bayern' => '1',
+ 'Berlin' => '2',
+ 'Brandenburg' => '3',
+ 'Bremen' => '4',
+ 'Hamburg' => '5',
+ 'Hessen' => '6',
+ 'Mecklenburg Vorpommern' => '7',
+ 'Niedersachsen' => '8',
+ 'Nordrhein Westfalen' => '9',
+ 'Rheinland Pfalz' => '10',
+ 'Saarland' => '11',
+ 'Sachsen' => '12',
+ 'Sachsen Anhalt' => '13',
+ 'Schleswig Holstein' => '14',
+ 'Thüringen' => '15',
+ );
+ foreach my $land ( keys %lands ){
+ $form->{taxbird_land_nr} = $lands{$land} if ($form->{elsterland} eq $land );
+ }
+ $form->{co_zip} = $form->{co_city};
+ $form->{co_zip} =~ s/\D//g;
+ $form->{co_city} =~ s/\d//g;
+ $form->{co_city} =~ s/^\s//g;
+ ($form->{co_phone_prefix}, $form->{co_phone}) = split("-", $form->{tel});
+ $form->{co_phone_prefix} =~ s/\s//g;
+ $form->{co_phone} =~ s/\s//g;
+ $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} = $form->{steuernummer};
+ # $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} =~ s/\D//g;
+ $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} =~ s/\///; # ersten Querstrich ersetzen
+ # Numberformatting for Taxbird
+ my $temp_numberformat = $myconfig{numberformat};
+ # Numberformat must be '1000,00' for Taxbird ?!
+ $myconfig{numberformat} = '1000,00';
+ foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
+ $form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '') : '';
+ }
+ foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
+ $form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '') : '';
+ }
+ # Re-set Numberformat
+ $myconfig{numberformat} = $temp_numberformat;
+ # push Kennziffern to <%foreach Array fo easyer
+ # output in xml format. Thx to Moritz.
+ my %taxbird_id_for = (
+ '511' => 'Kz51-calc',
+ '861' => 'Kz86-calc',
+ '971' => 'Kz97-calc',
+ '931' => 'Kz93-calc',
+ '811' => 'Kz81-calc',
+ '891' => 'Kz89-calc',
+ 'Z45' => 'uebertrag',
+ 'Z53' => 'ust-sum',
+ 'Z62' => 'ust-minus-vost',
+ 'Z65' => 'ust-sum+69',
+ 'Z67' => 'ust-vz',
+ );
+ for my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {
- # Define serveral filenames
- $form->{IN} = 'taxbird.txb';
+ next if ($kennziffer eq 'Z43');
- $form->{attachment_filename} = "USTVA-" . $form->{period}
- . sprintf("%02d", $form->{year} % 100) . ".txb";
- $form->{tmpfile} = "$userspath/" . $form->{attachment_filename};
- # TODO: set Output to UTF-8 or system Preference
- #$form->{"iconv"} = Text::Iconv->new($myconfig{dbcharset}, "UTF-8");
- #my $iconv = $self->{"iconv"};
- #$iconv->convert($variable);
- if ($form->{period} =~ /^[4]\d$/ ){
- my %periods = ( # Lx => taxbird
- '41' => '12',
- '42' => '13',
- '43' => '14',
- '44' => '15',
- );
- foreach my $quarter ( keys %periods ) {
- $form->{taxbird_period} = $periods{$quarter} if ( $form->{period} eq $quarter);
- }
- } elsif ($form->{period} =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
- $form->{period} =~ s/^0//g;
- my $period = $form->{period};
- $period * 1;
- $period--;
- $form->{period} = $period;
- } else {
+ if ($form->{$kennziffer} != 0){
+ if (defined $taxbird_id_for{$kennziffer}) {
+ push(@{ $form->{id}}, $taxbird_id_for{$kennziffer});
+ } else {
+ push(@{ $form->{id}}, "Kz$kennziffer");
+ }
+ push(@{ $form->{amount}}, $form->{$kennziffer});
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ( $form->{format} eq '' ){ # No format error.
- USTVA::error( $locale->text('Wrong Period' ));
+ USTVA::error( $locale->text('Application Error. No Format given' ) . "!");
+ exit(0);
+ } else { # All other Formats are wrong
+ $form->header;
+ USTVA::error( $locale->text('Application Error. Wrong Format') . ": " . $form->{format} );
- my %lands = ( # Lx => taxbird # TODO: besser als array...
- 'Baden Würtemberg' => '0',
- 'Bayern' => '1',
- 'Berlin' => '2',
- 'Brandenburg' => '3',
- 'Bremen' => '4',
- 'Hamburg' => '5',
- 'Hessen' => '6',
- 'Mecklenburg Vorpommern' => '7',
- 'Niedersachsen' => '8',
- 'Nordrhein Westfalen' => '9',
- 'Rheinland Pfalz' => '10',
- 'Saarland' => '11',
- 'Sachsen' => '12',
- 'Sachsen Anhalt' => '13',
- 'Schleswig Holstein' => '14',
- 'Thüringen' => '15',
- );
- foreach my $land ( keys %lands ){
- $form->{taxbird_land_nr} = $lands{$land} if ($form->{elsterland} eq $land );
- }
- $form->{co_zip} = $form->{co_city};
- $form->{co_zip} =~ s/\D//g;
- $form->{co_city} =~ s/\d//g;
- $form->{co_city} =~ s/^\s//g;
- ($form->{co_phone_prefix}, $form->{co_phone}) = split("-", $form->{tel});
- $form->{co_phone_prefix} =~ s/\s//g;
- $form->{co_phone} =~ s/\s//g;
- $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} = $form->{steuernummer};
- # $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} =~ s/\D//g;
- $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} =~ s/\///; # ersten Querstrich ersetzen
- # Numberformatting for Taxbird
- my $temp_numberformat = $myconfig{numberformat};
- # Numberformat must be '1000,00' for Taxbird ?!
- $myconfig{numberformat} = '1000,00';
- foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
- $form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '') : '';
- }
- foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
- $form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '') : '';
- }
- # Re-set Numberformat
- $myconfig{numberformat} = $temp_numberformat;
- # push Kennziffern to <%foreach Array fo easyer
- # output in xml format. Thx to Moritz.
- my %taxbird_id_for = (
- '511' => 'Kz51-calc',
- '861' => 'Kz86-calc',
- '971' => 'Kz97-calc',
- '931' => 'Kz93-calc',
- '811' => 'Kz81-calc',
- '891' => 'Kz89-calc',
- 'Z45' => 'uebertrag',
- 'Z53' => 'ust-sum',
- 'Z62' => 'ust-minus-vost',
- 'Z65' => 'ust-sum+69',
- 'Z67' => 'ust-vz',
+ # Austria
+ } elsif ($form->{coa} eq 'Austria') {
+ #
+ # Outputformat specific customisation's
+ #
+ my @category_euro = qw(
+ 511 861 36 80 971 931 98 96 53 74
+ 85 65 66 61 62 67 63 64 59 69
+ 39 83 811 891 Z43 Z45 Z53 Z62 Z65 Z67
+ 41 44 49 43 48 51 86 35 77 76 91 89
+ 97 93 95 94 42 60 45 52 73 84 81
- for my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {
- next if ($kennziffer eq 'Z43');
+ if ( $form->{format} eq 'html') { # Formatierungen für HTML Ausgabe
- if ($form->{$kennziffer} != 0){
- if (defined $taxbird_id_for{$kennziffer}) {
- push(@{ $form->{id}}, $taxbird_id_for{$kennziffer});
- } else {
- push(@{ $form->{id}}, "Kz$kennziffer");
- }
- push(@{ $form->{amount}}, $form->{$kennziffer});
+ $form->{IN} = $form->{type} . '.html';
+ $form->{padding} = " ";
+ $form->{bold} = "<b>";
+ $form->{endbold} = "</b>";
+ $form->{br} = "<br>";
+ $form->{address} =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+ foreach $number (@category_euro) {
+ $form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '0');
- }
+ }
- } elsif ( $form->{format} eq '' ){ # No format error.
- $form->header;
- USTVA::error( $locale->text('Application Error. No Format given' ) . "!");
- exit(0);
- } else { # All other Formats are wrong
- $form->header;
- USTVA::error( $locale->text('Application Error. Wrong Format') . ": " . $form->{format} );
- exit(0);
+ # end nation specific customisations
if ( $form->{period} eq '13' and $form->{format} ne 'html') {