use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use SL::Helper::Flash qw(flash_later);
-use SL::Presenter::Tag qw(select_tag hidden_tag);
+use SL::Presenter::Tag qw(select_tag hidden_tag div_tag);
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::SessionFile::Random;
use SL::PriceSource;
use SL::DB::Printer;
use SL::DB::Language;
use SL::DB::RecordLink;
+use SL::DB::Shipto;
use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(:all);
use SL::Helper::PrintOptions;
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
- scalar => [ qw(item_ids_to_delete) ],
+ scalar => [ qw(item_ids_to_delete is_custom_shipto_to_delete) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(order valid_types type cv p multi_items_models all_price_factors search_cvpartnumber show_update_button) ],
if ($self->order->$cv_method->shipto && scalar @{ $self->order->$cv_method->shipto } > 0) {
- $self->js->show('#shipto_row');
+ $self->js->show('#shipto_selection');
} else {
- $self->js->hide('#shipto_row');
+ $self->js->hide('#shipto_selection');
$self->js->val( '#order_salesman_id', $self->order->salesman_id) if $self->order->is_sales;
->replaceWith('#order_cp_id', $self->build_contact_select)
->replaceWith('#order_shipto_id', $self->build_shipto_select)
+ ->replaceWith('#shipto_inputs ', $self->build_shipto_inputs)
->replaceWith('#business_info_row', $self->build_business_info_row)
->val( '#order_taxzone_id', $self->order->taxzone_id)
->val( '#order_taxincluded', $self->order->taxincluded)
sub build_shipto_select {
my ($self) = @_;
- select_tag('order.shipto_id', [ $self->order->{$self->cv}->shipto ],
- value_key => 'shipto_id',
- title_key => 'displayable_id',
- default => $self->order->shipto_id,
- with_empty => 1,
- style => 'width: 300px',
+ select_tag('order.shipto_id',
+ [ {displayable_id => t8("No/individual shipping address"), shipto_id => ''}, $self->order->{$self->cv}->shipto ],
+ value_key => 'shipto_id',
+ title_key => 'displayable_id',
+ default => $self->order->shipto_id,
+ with_empty => 0,
+ style => 'width: 300px',
+# build the inputs for the cusom shipto dialog
+# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
+sub build_shipto_inputs {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $content = $self->p->render('common/_ship_to_dialog',
+ vc_obj => $self->order->customervendor,
+ cs_obj => $self->order->custom_shipto,
+ cvars => $self->order->custom_shipto->cvars_by_config,
+ id_selector => '#order_shipto_id');
+ div_tag($content, id => 'shipto_inputs');
# render the info line for business
# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
return if !$::form->{id};
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new(id => $::form->{id})->load);
+ # Add an empty custom shipto to the order, so that the dialog can render the cvar inputs.
+ # You need a custom shipto object to call cvars_by_config to get the cvars.
+ $self->order->custom_shipto(SL::DB::Shipto->new(module => 'OE', custom_variables => [])) if !$self->order->custom_shipto;
+ return $self->order;
# load or create a new order object
$order = SL::DB::Order->new(id => $::form->{id})->load(with => [ 'orderitems', 'orderitems.part' ]) if $::form->{id};
$order ||= SL::DB::Order->new(orderitems => [],
quotation => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type())),
- currency_id => $::instance_conf->get_currency_id());
+ currency_id => $::instance_conf->get_currency_id(),);
my $cv_id_method = $self->cv . '_id';
if (!$::form->{id} && $::form->{$cv_id_method}) {
+ $self->setup_custom_shipto_from_form($order, $::form);
if (my $periodic_invoices_config_attrs = $form_periodic_invoices_config ? SL::YAML::Load($form_periodic_invoices_config) : undef) {
my $periodic_invoices_config = $order->periodic_invoices_config || $order->periodic_invoices_config(SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->new);
+# setup custom shipto from form
+# The dialog returns form variables starting with 'shipto' and cvars starting
+# with 'shiptocvar_'.
+# Mark it to be deleted if a shipto from master data is selected
+# (i.e. order has a shipto).
+# Else, update or create a new custom shipto. If the fields are empty, it
+# will not be saved on save.
+sub setup_custom_shipto_from_form {
+ my ($self, $order, $form) = @_;
+ if ($order->shipto) {
+ $self->is_custom_shipto_to_delete(1);
+ } else {
+ my $custom_shipto = $order->custom_shipto || $order->custom_shipto(SL::DB::Shipto->new(module => 'OE', custom_variables => []));
+ my $shipto_cvars = {map { my ($key) = m{^shiptocvar_(.+)}; $key => delete $form->{$_}} grep { m{^shiptocvar_} } keys %$form};
+ my $shipto_attrs = {map { $_ => delete $form->{$_}} grep { m{^shipto} } keys %$form};
+ $custom_shipto->assign_attributes(%$shipto_attrs);
+ $custom_shipto->cvar_by_name($_)->value($shipto_cvars->{$_}) for keys %$shipto_cvars;
+ }
# recalculate prices and taxes
# Using the PriceTaxCalculator. Store linetotals in the item objects.
my $db = $self->order->db;
$db->with_transaction(sub {
+ # delete custom shipto if it is to be deleted or if it is empty
+ if ($self->order->custom_shipto && ($self->is_custom_shipto_to_delete || $self->order->custom_shipto->is_empty)) {
+ $self->order->custom_shipto->delete if $self->order->custom_shipto->shipto_id;
+ $self->order->custom_shipto(undef);
+ }
SL::DB::OrderItem->new(id => $_)->delete for @{$self->item_ids_to_delete || []};
$self->order->save(cascade => 1);
=item * select units in input row?
-=item * custom shipto address
=item * check for direct delivery (workflow sales order -> purchase order)
=item * language / part translations