// The ttTimeHelper is a class to help with time-related values.
class ttTimeHelper {
// isValidTime validates a value as a time string.
static function isValidTime($value) {
if (strlen($value)==0 || !isset($value)) return false;
// 24 hour patterns.
if ($value == '24:00' || $value == '2400') return true;
if (preg_match('/^([0-1]{0,1}[0-9]|[2][0-3]):?[0-5][0-9]$/', $value )) { // 0:00 - 23:59, 000 - 2359
return true;
if (preg_match('/^([0-1]{0,1}[0-9]|[2][0-4])$/', $value )) { // 0 - 24
return true;
- }
+ }
// 12 hour patterns
if (preg_match('/^[1-9]\s?(am|AM|pm|PM)$/', $value)) { // 1 - 9 am
return true;
if (preg_match('/^[1-9]:?[0-5][0-9]\s?(am|AM|pm|PM)$/', $value)) { // 1:00 - 9:59 am, 100 - 959 am
return true;
- }
+ }
if (preg_match('/^(0[1-9]|1[0-2]):?[0-5][0-9]\s?(am|AM|pm|PM)$/', $value)) { // 01:00 - 12:59 am, 0100 - 1259 am
- return true;
+ return true;
return false;
// isValidDuration validates a value as a time duration string (in hours and minutes).
static function isValidDuration($value) {
if (strlen($value)==0 || !isset($value)) return false;
if ($value == '24:00' || $value == '2400') return true;
if (preg_match('/^([0-1]{0,1}[0-9]|2[0-3]):?[0-5][0-9]$/', $value )) { // 0:00 - 23:59, 000 - 2359
return false;
return true;
- if (preg_match('/^([0-1]{0,1}[0-9]|2[0-3])?[.][0-9]{1,4}h?$/', $value )) { // Decimal values like 0.5, 1.25h, ... .. 23.9999h
+ if (preg_match('/^([0-1]{0,1}[0-9]|2[0-3])?[.][0-9]{1,4}h?$/', $value )) { // decimal values like 0.5, 1.25h, ... .. 23.9999h
if ('00:00' == ttTimeHelper::normalizeDuration($value))
return false;
return true;
return false;
// normalizeDuration - converts a valid time duration string to format 00:00.
static function normalizeDuration($value) {
$time_value = $value;
// If we have a decimal format - convert to time format 00:00.
if((strpos($time_value, '.') !== false) || (strpos($time_value, 'h') !== false)) {
$val = floatval($time_value);
$mins = '0' . $mins;
return $hours.':'.$mins;
$time_a = explode(':', $time_value);
$res = '';
return $res;
// toMinutes - converts a time string in format 00:00 to a number of minutes.
static function toMinutes($value) {
$time_a = explode(':', $value);
return (int)@$time_a[1] + ((int)@$time_a[0]) * 60;
// toAbsDuration - converts a number of minutes to format 00:00
// even if $minutes is negative.
static function toAbsDuration($minutes){
$mins = '0' . $mins;
return $hours.':'.$mins;
// toDuration - calculates duration between start and finish times in 00:00 format.
static function toDuration($start, $finish) {
$duration_minutes = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($finish) - ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($start);
if ($duration_minutes <= 0) return false;
return ttTimeHelper::toAbsDuration($duration_minutes);
// The to12HourFormat function converts a 24-hour time value (such as 15:23) to 12 hour format (03:23 PM).
static function to12HourFormat($value) {
if ('24:00' == $value) return '12:00 AM';
$time_a = explode(':', $value);
if ($time_a[0] > 12)
$res = (string)((int)$time_a[0] - 12).':'.$time_a[1].' PM';
$res = $value.' AM';
return $res;
// The to24HourFormat function attempts to convert a string value (human readable notation of time of day)
// to a 24-hour time format HH:MM.
static function to24HourFormat($value) {
// The $value ends in am or AM. Strip it.
$tmp_val = rtrim(substr($tmp_val, 0, -2));
// Special case to handle 12, 12:MM, and 12MM AM.
if (preg_match('/^12:?([0-5][0-9])?$/', $tmp_val))
$tmp_val = '00'.substr($tmp_val, 2);
// We are ready to convert AM time.
if (preg_match('/^(0[0-9]|1[0-1]):[0-5][0-9]$/', $tmp_val)) { // 00:00 - 11:59
// We already have a 24-hour format. Just return it.
return $res;
if (preg_match('/^[1-9]$/', $tmp_val)) { // 1 - 9
- // Single digit. Assuming hour number.
+ // Single digit. Assuming hour number.
$res = '0'.$tmp_val.':00';
return $res;
// 12 hour PM patterns.
if (preg_match('/.(pm|PM)$/', $tmp_val)) {
// The $value ends in pm or PM. Strip it.
$tmp_val = rtrim(substr($tmp_val, 0, -2));
if (preg_match('/^[1-9]$/', $tmp_val)) { // 1 - 9
// Single digit. Assuming hour number.
$hour = (string)(12 + (int)$tmp_val);
$hour = substr($tmp_val, 0, -2);
$min = substr($tmp_val, 2);
if ('12' != $hour)
- $hour = (string)(12 + (int)$hour);
+ $hour = (string)(12 + (int)$hour);
$res = $hour.':'.$min;
return $res;
return $res;
// isValidInterval - checks if finish time is greater than start time.
static function isValidInterval($start, $finish) {
$start = ttTimeHelper::to24HourFormat($start);
$finish = ttTimeHelper::to24HourFormat($finish);
if ('00:00' == $finish) $finish = '24:00';
$minutesStart = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($start);
$minutesFinish = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($finish);
if ($minutesFinish > $minutesStart)
return false;
// insert - inserts a time record into log table. Does not deal with custom fields.
static function insert($fields)
$date = $fields['date'];
$start = $fields['start'];
$finish = $fields['finish'];
- $duration = $fields['duration'];
+ $duration = $fields['duration'];
$client = $fields['client'];
$project = $fields['project'];
$task = $fields['task'];
// Anything between 2am and 3am on DST introduction date will not work if we run on a system with DST on.
// We need to address this properly to avoid potential complications.
if (!$billable) $billable = 0;
if ($duration) {
$sql = "insert into tt_log (timestamp, user_id, date, duration, client_id, project_id, task_id, invoice_id, comment, billable $status_f) ".
"values ('$timestamp', $user_id, ".$mdb2->quote($date).", '$duration', ".$mdb2->quote($client).", ".$mdb2->quote($project).", ".$mdb2->quote($task).", ".$mdb2->quote($invoice).", ".$mdb2->quote($note).", $billable $status_v)";
$id = $mdb2->lastInsertID('tt_log', 'id');
return $id;
// update - updates a record in log table. Does not update its custom fields.
static function update($fields)
return true;
// delete - deletes a record from tt_log table and its associated custom field values.
static function delete($id, $user_id) {
$mdb2 = getConnection();
$affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
return false;
$sql = "update tt_custom_field_log set status = NULL where log_id = $id";
$affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
return false;
return true;
// getTimeForDay - gets total time for a user for a specific date.
static function getTimeForDay($user_id, $date) {
$mdb2 = getConnection();
return false;
// getTimeForWeek - gets total time for a user for a given week.
static function getTimeForWeek($user_id, $date) {
return 0;
// getTimeForMonth - gets total time for a user for a given month.
static function getTimeForMonth($user_id, $date){
$mdb2 = getConnection();
$period = new Period(INTERVAL_THIS_MONTH, $date);
$sql = "select sum(time_to_sec(duration)) as sm from tt_log where user_id = $user_id and date >= '".$period->getBeginDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."' and date <= '".$period->getEndDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."' and status = 1";
$res = $mdb2->query($sql);
return 0;
// getUncompleted - retrieves an uncompleted record for user, if one exists.
static function getUncompleted($user_id) {
$mdb2 = getConnection();
return false;
// overlaps - determines if a record overlaps with an already existing record.
// Parameters:
// Do not bother checking if we allow overlaps.
if (defined('ALLOW_OVERLAP') && ALLOW_OVERLAP == true)
return false;
$mdb2 = getConnection();
$start = ttTimeHelper::to24HourFormat($start);
if ($finish) {
$finish = ttTimeHelper::to24HourFormat($finish);
return false;
// getRecord - retrieves a time record identified by its id.
static function getRecord($id, $user_id) {
- global $user;
- $sql_time_format = "'%k:%i'"; // 24 hour format.
- if ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format)
- $sql_time_format = "'%h:%i %p'"; // 12 hour format for MySQL TIME_FORMAT function.
+ global $user;
+ $sql_time_format = "'%k:%i'"; // 24 hour format.
+ if ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format)
+ $sql_time_format = "'%h:%i %p'"; // 12 hour format for MySQL TIME_FORMAT function.
$mdb2 = getConnection();
$sql = "select l.id as id, l.timestamp as timestamp, TIME_FORMAT(l.start, $sql_time_format) as start,
return false;
// getAllRecords - returns all time records for a certain user.
static function getAllRecords($user_id) {
$result = array();
return $result;
// getRecords - returns time records for a user for a given date.
static function getRecords($user_id, $date) {
- global $user;
- $sql_time_format = "'%k:%i'"; // 24 hour format.
- if ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format)
- $sql_time_format = "'%h:%i %p'"; // 12 hour format for MySQL TIME_FORMAT function.
+ global $user;
+ $sql_time_format = "'%k:%i'"; // 24 hour format.
+ if ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format)
+ $sql_time_format = "'%h:%i %p'"; // 12 hour format for MySQL TIME_FORMAT function.
$result = array();
$mdb2 = getConnection();
$client_field = null;
if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
$client_field = ", c.name as client";
$left_joins = " left join tt_projects p on (l.project_id = p.id)".
" left join tt_tasks t on (l.task_id = t.id)";
if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))