Testfälle angepasst. POD angepasst.
- Klassenvariable locked hinzugefügt.
- Aufruf der CSV-Klasse anstatt der internen Methode
- Konstruktor wie in DATEV.pm ergänzt und um minimale
Pflichtfeldprüfung ergänzt.
- datetofour durch SL::Helper::DateTime ersetzt
- Helper _format_amount auch aufrufen
- Routinen umbenannt (pseudoprivat mit Unterstrich)
- Prüfung auf locked als perlish boolean
- _csv_buchungsexport um zweiten return array_ref mit warnungen ergänzt
- Testfälle enstprechend dem neuen API-Call umgeschrieben
- Einen Testfall zur Überprüfung von keiner Warnung ergänzt
die 'no exporttype set!' unless $self->has_exporttype;
if ($self->exporttype == DATEV_ET_BUCHUNGEN) {
- _csv_buchungsexport_to_file($self, data => $self->csv_buchungsexport);
+ $self->generate_datev_data(from_to => $self->fromto);
+ return if $self->errors;
+ my $datev_ref = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $self->generate_datev_lines,
+ from => $self->from,
+ to => $self->to,
+ locked => $self->locked,
+ );
+ my $filename = "EXTF_DATEV_kivitendo" . $self->from->ymd() . '-' . $self->to->ymd() . ".csv";
+ my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
+ binary => 1,
+ sep_char => ";",
+ always_quote => 1,
+ eol => "\r\n",
+ }) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV_XS->error_diag();
+ my $csv_file = IO::File->new($self->export_path . '/' . $filename, '>:encoding(cp1252)') or die "Can't open: $!";
+ $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_ref };
+ $csv_file->close;
+ return { download_token => $self->download_token, filenames => $filename };
} elsif ($self->exporttype == DATEV_ET_STAMM) {
die 'will never be implemented';
$_[0] <=> 0;
+sub locked {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ $self->{locked} = $_[0];
+ }
+ return $self->{locked};
sub generate_datev_data {
return { download_token => $self->download_token, filenames => \@filenames };
-sub csv_buchungsexport {
- my $self = shift;
- my %params = @_;
- $self->generate_datev_data(from_to => $self->fromto);
- return if $self->errors;
- my @datev_lines = @{ $self->generate_datev_lines };
- my @csv_columns = SL::DATEV::CSV->kivitendo_to_datev();
- my @csv_headers = SL::DATEV::CSV->generate_csv_header(
- from => $self->from->ymd(''),
- to => $self->to->ymd(''),
- first_day_of_fiscal_year => $self->to->year . '0101',
- locked => 0
- );
- my @array_of_datev;
- # 2 Headers
- push @array_of_datev, \@csv_headers;
- push @array_of_datev, [ map { $_->{csv_header_name} } @csv_columns ];
- my @warnings;
- foreach my $row ( @datev_lines ) {
- my @current_datev_row;
- # shorten strings
- if ($row->{belegfeld1}) {
- $row->{buchungsbes} = $row->{belegfeld1} if $row->{belegfeld1};
- $row->{belegfeld1} = substr($row->{belegfeld1}, 0, 12);
- $row->{buchungsbes} = substr($row->{buchungsbes}, 0, 60);
- }
- $row->{datum} = datetofour($row->{datum}, 0);
- $row->{kost1} = substr($row->{kost1}, 0, 8) if $row->{kost1};
- $row->{kost2} = substr($row->{kost2}, 0, 8) if $row->{kost2};
- # , as decimal point and trim for UstID
- $row->{umsatz} =~ s/\./,/;
- $row->{ustid} =~ s/\s//g if $row->{ustid}; # trim whitespace
- foreach my $column (@csv_columns) {
- if (exists $column->{max_length} && $column->{kivi_datev_name} ne 'not yet implemented') {
- # check max length
- die "Incorrect length of field" if length($row->{ $column->{kivi_datev_name} }) > $column->{max_length};
- }
- if (exists $column->{valid_check} && $column->{kivi_datev_name} ne 'not yet implemented') {
- # more checks, listed as user warnings
- push @warnings, t8("Wrong field value '#1' for field '#2' for the transaction" .
- " with amount '#3'",$row->{ $column->{kivi_datev_name} },
- $column->{kivi_datev_name},$row->{umsatz})
- unless ($column->{valid_check}->($row->{ $column->{kivi_datev_name} }));
- }
- push @current_datev_row, $row->{ $column->{kivi_datev_name} };
- }
- push @array_of_datev, \@current_datev_row;
- }
- $self->warnings(@warnings) if @warnings;
- return \@array_of_datev;
-sub _csv_buchungsexport_to_file {
- my $self = shift;
- my %params = @_;
- # we can definitely deny shorter data structures
- croak ("Need at least 2 rows for header info") unless scalar @{ $params{data} } > 1;
- my $filename = "EXTF_DATEV_kivitendo" . $self->from->ymd() . '-' . $self->to->ymd() . ".csv";
- my @data = \$params{data};
- my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
- binary => 1,
- sep_char => ";",
- always_quote => 1,
- eol => "\r\n",
- }) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV_XS->error_diag();
- if ($csv->version >= 1.18) {
- # get rid of stupid datev warnings in "Validity program"
- $csv->quote_empty(1);
- }
- my $csv_file = IO::File->new($self->export_path . '/' . $filename, '>:encoding(cp1252)') or die "Can't open: $!";
- $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $params{data} };
- $csv_file->close;
- return { download_token => $self->download_token, filenames => $params{filename} };
sub check_vcnumbers_are_valid_pk_numbers {
my ($self) = @_;
Set boundary account numbers for the export. Only useful for a stammdaten export.
+=item locked
+Boolean if the transactions are locked (read-only in kivitenod) or not.
+Default value is false
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::DB::Datev;
+use SL::Helper::DateTime;
use Carp;
use DateTime;
}, # pos 40
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %data = @_;
+ my $obj = bless {}, $class;
+ croak(t8('We need a valid from date')) unless (ref $data{from} eq 'DateTime');
+ croak(t8('We need a valid to date')) unless (ref $data{to} eq 'DateTime');
+ croak(t8('We need a array of datev_lines')) unless (ref $data{datev_lines} eq 'ARRAY');
+ # TODO no params here, better class variables/values
+ return _csv_buchungsexport(from => $data{from},
+ to => $data{to},
+ datev_lines => $data{datev_lines},
+ locked => $data{locked},
+ );
+ $obj;
sub check_encoding {
my ($test) = @_;
return undef unless $test;
-sub kivitendo_to_datev {
+sub _kivitendo_to_datev {
my ($self) = @_;
my $entries = scalar (@kivitendo_to_datev);
return @kivitendo_to_datev;
-sub generate_csv_header {
- my ($self, %params) = @_;
+sub _generate_csv_header {
+ my %params = @_;
# we need from and to in YYYYDDMM
- croak "Wrong format for from" unless $params{from} =~ m/^[0-9]{8}$/;
- croak "Wrong format for to" unless $params{to} =~ m/^[0-9]{8}$/;
+ croak "Wrong format for from $params{from}" unless $params{from} =~ m/^[0-9]{8}$/;
+ croak "Wrong format for to $params{to}" unless $params{to} =~ m/^[0-9]{8}$/;
# who knows if we want locking and when our fiscal year starts
- croak "Wrong state of locking" unless $params{locked} =~ m/(0|1)/;
+ # croak "Wrong state of locking" unless $params{locked} =~ m/^(0|1)$/;
+ my $locked = defined($params{locked}) ? 1 : 0;
croak "No startdate of fiscal year" unless $params{first_day_of_fiscal_year} =~ m/^[0-9]{8}$/;
"EXTF", "300", 21, "Buchungsstapel", 7, $created_on, "", "ki",
"kivitendo-datev", "", $meta_datev{beraternr}, $meta_datev{mandantennr},
$params{first_day_of_fiscal_year}, $length_of_accounts,
- $params{from}, $params{to}, "", "", 1, "", $params{locked},
+ $params{from}, $params{to}, "", "", 1, "", $locked,
$default_curr, "", "", "",""
return @header;
+sub _csv_buchungsexport {
+ my %params = @_;
+ my @csv_columns = _kivitendo_to_datev();
+ my @csv_headers = _generate_csv_header(
+ from => $params{from}->ymd(''),
+ to => $params{to}->ymd(''),
+ first_day_of_fiscal_year => $params{to}->year . '0101',
+ locked => $params{locked}
+ );
+ my @array_of_datev;
+ # 2 Headers
+ push @array_of_datev, \@csv_headers;
+ push @array_of_datev, [ map { $_->{csv_header_name} } @csv_columns ];
+ my @warnings;
+ foreach my $row (@{ $params{datev_lines} }) {
+ my @current_datev_row;
+ # shorten strings
+ if ($row->{belegfeld1}) {
+ $row->{buchungsbes} = $row->{belegfeld1} if $row->{belegfeld1};
+ $row->{belegfeld1} = substr($row->{belegfeld1}, 0, 12);
+ $row->{buchungsbes} = substr($row->{buchungsbes}, 0, 60);
+ }
+ $row->{datum} = DateTime->from_kivitendo($row->{datum})->strftime('%d%m');
+ $row->{kost1} = substr($row->{kost1}, 0, 8) if $row->{kost1};
+ $row->{kost2} = substr($row->{kost2}, 0, 8) if $row->{kost2};
+ # , as decimal point and trim for UstID
+ $row->{umsatz} = _format_amount($row->{umsatz});
+ $row->{ustid} =~ s/\s//g if $row->{ustid}; # trim whitespace
+ foreach my $column (@csv_columns) {
+ if (exists $column->{max_length} && $column->{kivi_datev_name} ne 'not yet implemented') {
+ # check max length
+ die "Incorrect length of field" if length($row->{ $column->{kivi_datev_name} }) > $column->{max_length};
+ }
+ if (exists $column->{valid_check} && $column->{kivi_datev_name} ne 'not yet implemented') {
+ # more checks, listed as user warnings
+ push @warnings, t8("Wrong field value '#1' for field '#2' for the transaction" .
+ " with amount '#3'",$row->{ $column->{kivi_datev_name} },
+ $column->{kivi_datev_name},$row->{umsatz})
+ unless ($column->{valid_check}->($row->{ $column->{kivi_datev_name} }));
+ }
+ push @current_datev_row, $row->{ $column->{kivi_datev_name} };
+ }
+ push @array_of_datev, \@current_datev_row;
+ }
+ return (\@array_of_datev, \@warnings);
sub _format_amount {
$::form->format_amount({ numberformat => '1000,00' }, @_);
+ use SL::DATEV::CSV;
+ my $startdate = DateTime->new(year => 2014, month => 9, day => 1);
+ my $enddate = DateTime->new(year => 2014, month => 9, day => 31);
+ my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
+ exporttype => DATEV_ET_BUCHUNGEN,
+ format => DATEV_FORMAT_CSV,
+ from => $startdate,
+ to => $enddate,
+ );
+ $datev->generate_datev_data;
+ my $datev_ref = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $datev->generate_datev_lines,
+ from => $datev->from,
+ to => $datev->to,
+ locked => $datev->locked,
+ );
The parsing of the DATEV CSV is index based, therefore the correct
column must be present at the corresponding index, i.e.:
Index 2
=over 4
+=item new PARAMS
+Constructor for CSV-DATEV export.
+Checks mandantory params as described in section synopsis.
=item check_encoding
Helper function, returns true if a string is not empty and cp1252 encoded
C<params{from}>, C<params{to}>
and C<params{first_day_of_fiscal_year}> have to be in YYYYDDMM date string
-Furthermore C<params{locked}> needs to be a boolean in number format (0|1).
+Furthermore C<params{locked}> is a perlish boolean.
=item kivitendo_to_datev
Expects a number in kivitendo database format and returns the same number
in DATEV format.
+=item _csv_buchungsexport
+Generates the CSV-Format data for the CSV DATEV export and returns
+an 2-dimensional array as an array_ref.
+May additionally return a second array_ref with warnings.
+Requires the same date fields as the constructor for a valid DATEV header.
+Furthermore we assume that the first day of the fiscal year is
+the first of January and we cannot guarantee that our data in kivitendo
+is locked, that means a booking cannot be modified after a defined (vat tax)
+Some validity checks (max_length and regex) will be done if the
+data structure contains them and the field is defined.
+To add or alter the structure of the data take a look at the C<@kivitendo_to_datev> structure.
# check conversion to csv
-my @warnings = $datev1->warnings;
+my ($datev_ref, $warnings_ref) = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $datev1->generate_datev_lines,
+ from => $startdate,
+ to => $enddate,
+ locked => $datev1->locked,
+ );
+my @warnings = $warnings_ref;
'Wrong field value \'#1\' for field \'#2\' for the transaction with amount \'#3\'', 'wrong_encoding');
+my ($datev_ref2, $warnings_ref2) = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $datev3->generate_datev_lines,
+ from => $startdate,
+ to => $enddate,
+ locked => $datev3->locked,
+ );
@warnings = [];
-@warnings = $datev3->warnings;
+@warnings = $warnings_ref2;
'Wrong field value \'#1\' for field \'#2\' for the transaction with amount \'#3\'', 'mixed_wrong_encoding');
-my @data_csv = splice @{ $datev2->csv_buchungsexport() }, 2, 5;
-@data_csv = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @data_csv;
+my ($datev_ref3, $warnings_ref3) = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $datev2->generate_datev_lines,
+ from => $startdate,
+ to => $enddate,
+ locked => $datev2->locked,
+ );
+my @data_csv = splice @{ $datev_ref3 }, 2, 5;
+@data_csv = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @data_csv;
my $cp1252_posting_text = SL::Iconv::convert("UTF-8", "CP1252", 'Reisekosten März 2018');
cmp_bag($data_csv[0], [ 100, 'H', 'EUR', undef, undef, undef, '4660', '1000', 9, '1703', 'Reisekosten ',
'belegfeld1' => "\x{de} sales \x{a5}& inv\x{f6}ice",
- 'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
+'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'buchungstext' => 'Testcustomer',
'datum' => '05.01.2017',
'gegenkonto' => '1400',
# check conversion to csv
-$datev1->use_pk(0); # reset use_pk for csv_buchungsexport
+# reset use_pk for csv_buchungsexport
+my ($datev_ref, $w_ref) = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $datev1->generate_datev_lines,
+ from => $startdate,
+ to => $enddate,
+ locked => $datev1->locked,
+ );
+# warnings should be undef -> no array elements at all
+is(scalar @{ $w_ref }, 0);
# splice away the header, because sort won't do
# we need sort, because pay_invoice is not acc_trans_id order safe
-my @data_csv = splice @{ $datev1->csv_buchungsexport() }, 2, 5;
+my @data_csv = splice @{ $datev_ref }, 2, 5;
@data_csv = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @data_csv;
my $cp1252_belegfeld1 = SL::Iconv::convert("UTF-8", "CP1252", 'Þ sales ¥& i');