+++ /dev/null
-<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="../css/lx-office-erp.css" TYPE="text/css" TITLE="Lx-Office stylesheet">
-Kunden- bzw. Lieferantenimport mit Browser nach Lx-Office ERP
-Copyright (C) 2005
-Author: Holger Lindemann
-Email: hli@lx-system.de
-Web: http://lx-system.de
-require ("import_lib.php");
-function ende($txt) {
- echo "Abbruch: $txt<br>";
- exit(1);
-if (!$_SESSION["db"]) {
- $conffile="../config/lx_office.conf";
- if (!is_file($conffile)) {
- ende("lx_office.conf nicht gefunden oder unlesbar");
- }
-if (!anmelden()) ende("Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen");
-if ($_POST["ok"]=="Hilfe") {
- echo "Importfelder:<br>";
- echo "Feldname => Bedeutung<br>";
- foreach($address as $key=>$val) {
- echo "$key => $val<br>";
- }
- $header=implode(";",array_keys($address));
- echo $header;
- exit(0);
-if ($_POST["ok"]) {
-/* get DB instance */
-$db=$_SESSION["db"]; //new myDB($login);
-$dir = "../users/";
-clearstatcache ();
-if (!empty($_FILES["Datei"]["name"])) {
- $file=$_POST["ziel"];
- if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"],$dir.$file.".csv")) {
- $file=false;
- echo "Upload von ".$_FILES["Datei"]["name"]." fehlerhaft. (".$_FILES["Datei"]["error"].")<br>";
- }
-} else if (is_file($dir.$_POST["ziel"].".csv")) {
- $file=$_POST["ziel"];
-} else {
- $file=false;
-if (!$file) ende ("Kein Datenfile");
-if ($trenner=="other") {
- $trenner=trim($trennzeichen);
-if (substr($trenner,0,1)=="#") if (strlen($trenner)>1) $trenner=chr(substr($trenner,1));
-if (!file_exists($dir.$file.".csv")) ende("$file.csv nicht im Ordner oder leer");
-if (!$db->chkcol($file)) ende("Importspalte kann nicht angelegt werden");
-if (!$employee) ende("Ungültiger User");
-$kunde_fld = array_keys($address);
- //Zeichencodierung des Servers
- $tmpcode = $db->getServerCode();
- //Leider sind die Benennungen vom Server anders als von mb_detect_encoding
- if ($tmpcode == "UTF8") {
- define("ServerCode","UTF-8");
- } else if ($tmpcode == "LATIN9") {
- define("ServerCode","ISO-8859-15");
- } else if ($tmpcode == "LATIN1") {
- define("ServerCode","ISO-8859-1");
- } else {
- define("ServerCode",$tmpcode);
- }
- //Zeichensatz sollte gleich sein, sonst ist die Datenkonvertierung nutzlos
- //DB und LxO müssen ja nicht auf der gleichen Maschiene sein.
- if($tmpcode<>$db->getClientCode()) {
- $rc = $db->setClientCode($tmpcode);
- }
- // Zeichenkodierung File
- if ($_POST["encoding"] == "auto") {
- define("Auto",true);
- define("Translate",true);
- } else {
- define("Auto",false);
- if ($_POST["encoding"] == ServerCode) {
- define("Translate",false);
- } else {
- define("Translate",true);
- define("FileCode",$_POST["encoding"]);
- }
- }
-function chkBusiness($data,$id=true) {
-global $db;
- if ($id) {
- $rs = $db->getAll("select id from business where id =$data");
- } else {
- $rs = $db->getAll("select id from business where decription ilike '$data'");
- }
- if ($rs[0]["id"]) {
- return $rs[0]["id"];
- } else {
- return "null";
- }
-function chkSalesman($data,$id=true) {
-global $db;
- if ($id) {
- $rs = $db->getAll("select id from employee where id =$data");
- } else {
- $rs = $db->getAll("select id from employee where login ilike '$data'");
- }
- if ($rs[0]["id"]) {
- return $rs[0]["id"];
- } else {
- return "null";
- }
-foreach ($infld as $fld) {
- $fld = strtolower(trim(strtr($fld,array("\""=>"","'"=>""))));
- if (in_array($fld,$kunde_fld)) {
- if ($fld=="branche" && !$crm) { continue; };
- if ($fld=="sw" && !$crm) { continue; };
- $in_fld[$fld]=$p;
- //$fldpos[$fld]=$p;
- //$in_fld[]=$fld;
- }
- $p++;
-$infld = array_keys($in_fld);
-$infld[] = "import";
-$infld = implode(",",$infld);
-if ($ok) while (!feof($f)){
- $i=0;
- $m++;
- $anrede="";
- $Matchcode="";
- $sql="insert into $file ";
- $keys=array();
- $vals=array();
- $number=false;
- //foreach($zeile as $data) {
- foreach($in_fld as $fld => $pos) {
- switch ($fld) {
- case "name" :
- case "department_1" :
- case "department_2" :
- case "matchcode" :
- case "street" :
- case "city" :
- case "notes" :
- case "sw" :
- case "branche" :
- case "country" :
- case "contact" :
- case "homepage" :
- case "email" :
- case "bank" : $data = addslashes(trim($zeile[$pos]));
- if (Translate) translate($data);
- case "ustid" : $data = strtr(trim($zeile[$pos])," ","");
- case "bank_code" : $data = trim($zeile[$pos]);
- case "account_number":
- case "greeting" :
- case "taxnumber" :
- case "zipcode" :
- case "phone" :
- case "fax" : $data = trim($zeile[$pos]);
- $data = "'$data'";
- if ($data=="''") {
- $vals[] = "null";
- } else {
- $vals[] = $data;
- }
- break;
- case "business_id" : $vals[] = chkBusiness(trim($zeile[$pos]));
- break;
- case "salesman_id" : $vals[] = chkSalesman(trim($zeile[$pos]));
- break;
- case "taxincluded" : $data = strtolower(substr($zeile[$pos],0,1));
- if ($data!="f" && $data!="t") { $vals[] = "'f'"; }
- else { $vals[] = "'".$data."'";}
- break;
- case "taxzone_id" : $data = trim($zeile[$pos])*1;
- if ($data>3 && $data<0) $data = 0;
- $vals[] = $data;
- break;
- case "creditlimit" :
- case "discount" :
- case "terms" : $vals[] = trim($zeile[$pos])*1;
- break;
- case "customernumber":
- case "vendornumber" : $data = trim($zeile[$pos]);
- if (empty($data) or !$data) {
- $vals[] = getKdId();
- $number = true;
- } else {
- $vals[] = chkKdId($data);
- $number = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- };
- if (!in_array("taxzone_id",$in_fld)) {
- $in_fld[] = "taxzone_id";
- $vals[] = 0;
- }
- // seit 2.6 ist die DB-Kodierung UTF-8 @holger Ansonsten einmal vorher die DB-Encoding auslesen
- // Falls die Daten ISO-kodiert kommen entsprechend wandeln
- // done!
- // UTF-8 MUSS als erstes stehen, da ansonsten die Prüfung bei ISO-8859-1 aufhört ...
- // die blöde mb_detect... tut leider nicht immer, daher die Möglichkeit der Auswahl
- // TODO Umlaute am Anfang wurden bei meinem Test nicht übernommen (Österreich). S.a.:
- // http://forum.de.selfhtml.org/archiv/2007/1/t143904/
- if ($test) {
- if ($first) {
- echo "<table border='1'>\n<tr><td>";
- echo implode('</th><th>',array_keys($in_fld));
- echo "</td></tr>\n";
- $first=false;
- };
- echo "<tr><td>";
- echo implode('</td><td>',$vals);
- echo "</td></tr>\n";
- //echo "Import $j<br>\n";
- flush();
- } else {
- $vals[] = $nun;
- $sql = "INSERT INTO $file (".$infld.") values (".implode(",",$vals).")";
- $rc=$db->query($sql);
- if ($j % 10 == 0) { echo "."; flush(); };
- if (!$rc) { echo "<br />Fehler: ".$sql."<br />"; flush(); };
- }
- $j++;
- $zeile=fgetcsv($f,1200,$trenner);
-if ($test) echo "</table>\n ##### = Neue Kunden-/Lieferantennummer\n<br>";
-echo $j." $file importiert.\n";
-} else {
-<p class="listtop">Adressimport für die ERP<p>
-<form name="import" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="addressB.php">
-<!--form name="import" method="post" action="addressB.php"-->
-<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000">
-<input type="hidden" name="login" value="<?php echo $login ?>">
-<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Hilfe"></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Zieltabelle</td><td><input type="radio" name="ziel" value="customer" checked>customer <input type="radio" name="ziel" value="vendor">vendor</td></tr>
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=";" checked>Semikolon
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=",">Komma
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value="#9" checked>Tabulator
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=" ">Leerzeichen
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value="other">
- <input type="text" size="2" name="trennzeichen" value="">
-<tr><td>Test</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="test" value="1">ja</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Daten</td><td><input type="file" name="Datei"></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Verwendete<br />Zeichecodierung</td><td>
- <select name="encoding">
- <option value="auto">Automatisch (versuchen)</option>
- <option value="UTF-8">UTF-8</option>
- <option value="ISO-8859-1">ISO-8859-1</option>
- <option value="ISO-8859-15">ISO-8859-15</option>
- <option value="Windows-1252">Windows-1252</option>
- <option value="ASCII">ASCII</option>
- </select>
-<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Import"></td></tr>
-<?php }; ?>
+++ /dev/null
-<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="../css/lx-office-erp.css" TYPE="text/css" TITLE="Lx-Office stylesheet">
-BLZimport mit Browser nach Lx-Office ERP
-Holger Lindemann <hli@lx-system.de>
-/* display help */
-if ($_POST["ok"]=="Hilfe") {
- echo "<br>Die erste Zeile enthält keine Feldnamen der Daten.<br>";
- echo "Die Datenfelder haben eine feste Breite.<br><br>";
- echo "Die Daten können hier bezogen werden:<br>";
- echo "<a http='http://www.bundesbank.de/zahlungsverkehr/zahlungsverkehr_bankleitzahlen_download.php'>";
- echo "http://www.bundesbank.de/zahlungsverkehr/zahlungsverkehr_bankleitzahlen_download.php</a>";
- exit(0);
-} else if ($_POST) {
- function ende($nr) {
- echo "Abbruch: $nr<br>";
- echo "Fehlende oder falsche Daten.";
- exit(1);
- }
- function l2u($str) {
- return iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8",$str);
- }
- require ("import_lib.php");
- if (!$_SESSION["db"]) {
- $conffile="../config/lx_office.conf";
- if (!is_file($conffile)) {
- ende(4);
- }
- if (!anmelden()) ende(5);
- }
- /* get DB instance */
- $db=$_SESSION["db"];
- $test=$_POST["test"];
- clearstatcache ();
- /* no data? */
- if (empty($_FILES["Datei"]["name"]))
- ende (2);
- /* copy file */
- if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"],"blz.txt")) {
- print_r($_FILES);
- echo $_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"];
- echo "Upload von Datei fehlerhaft.";
- echo $_FILES["Datei"]["error"], "<br>";
- ende (2);
- }
- /* check if file is really there */
- if (!file_exists("blz.txt"))
- ende(3);
- $sqlins="INSERT INTO blz_data (blz,fuehrend,bezeichnung,plz,ort,kurzbez,pan,bic,pzbm,nummer,aekz,bl,folgeblz) ";
- $sqlins.="VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d,'%s','%s','%s')";
- $teststr="<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>";
- $teststr.="<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n";
- $sqldel="delete from blz_data";
- $ok="true";
- $cnt=0;
- $f=fopen("blz.txt","r");
- if ($test) echo "Testdurchlauf <br><table>\n";
- $i=0;
- $start=time();
- $rs = $db->getAll("SELECT current_setting('server_encoding')");
- $srvencoding = $rs[0]['current_setting'];
- $rs = $db->getAll("SELECT current_setting('client_encoding')");
- $cliencoding = $rs[0]['current_setting'];
- echo "SRV: $srvencoding - - CLI: $cliencoding<br>";
- if ($f) {
- //Cliententcoding auf Latin:
- if (!$test) { $rc=$db->query("BEGIN"); if ($cliencoding=="UTF8") $db->query("SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'latin-9'"); };
- if (!$test) $rc=$db->query($sqldel);
- while (($zeile=fgets($f,256)) != FALSE) {
- $cnt++;
- if (!$test){
- //Datenfile ist immer Latin!!
- //zwei Möglichkeiten der Zeichenwandlung. Was ist besser??
- //Client nicht umgestellt, Zeichen wandeln
- /*$sql=sprintf($sqlins,substr($zeile,0,8),substr($zeile,8,1),l2u(substr($zeile,9,58)),substr($zeile,67,5),
- l2u(substr($zeile,72,35)),l2u(substr($zeile,107,27)),substr($zeile,134,5),substr($zeile,139,11),
- substr($zeile,150,2),substr($zeile,152,6),substr($zeile,158,1),substr($zeile,159,1),
- substr($zeile,160,8));*/
- //Client umgestellt + und auch bei nicht UTF-Client:
- $sql=sprintf($sqlins,substr($zeile,0,8),substr($zeile,8,1),substr($zeile,9,58),substr($zeile,67,5),
- substr($zeile,72,35),substr($zeile,107,27),substr($zeile,134,5),substr($zeile,139,11),
- substr($zeile,150,2),substr($zeile,152,6),substr($zeile,158,1),substr($zeile,159,1),
- substr($zeile,160,8));
- $rc=$db->query($sql);
- if(DB::isError($rc)) {
- echo $sql."<br><pre>";
- echo $rc->getMessage()."</pre><br>";
- $ok=false;
- break;
- }
- if ($cnt % 10 == 0) {
- if ($cnt % 1000 == 0) { $x=time()-$start; echo sprintf("%dsec %6d<br>",$x,$cnt); }
- else if ($cnt % 100 == 0) { echo "!"; }
- else { echo '.'; }
- flush();
- }
- } else {
- echo sprintf($teststr,substr($zeile,0,8),substr($zeile,8,1),l2u(substr($zeile,9,58)),substr($zeile,67,5),
- l2u(substr($zeile,72,35)),l2u(substr($zeile,107,27)),substr($zeile,134,5),substr($zeile,139,11),
- substr($zeile,150,2),substr($zeile,152,6),substr($zeile,158,1),substr($zeile,159,1),
- substr($zeile,160,8));
- $rc=true;
- }
- if (!$rc) {
- $ok=false;
- break;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- if ($ok) {
- if (!$test) $rc=$db->query("COMMIT");
- echo "<br>$i Daten erfolgreich importierti<br>";
- if ($cliencoding=="UTF8") $db->query("SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'UTF8'");
- $stop=time();
- echo $stop-$start." Sekunden";
- } else {
- if (!$test) $rc=$db->query("ROLLBACK");
- echo "Fehler in Zeile: ".$i."<br>";
- echo $sql."<br>";
- ende(6);
- }
- } else {
- ende(4);
- }
- echo "</table><br>Fertig. $i Banken importiert.";
-} else {
-<p class="listtop">BLZ-Import für die ERP<p>
-<br>Die erste Zeile enthält keine Feldnamen der Daten.<br>
-Die Datenfelder haben eine feste Breite.<br><br>
-Die Daten können hier bezogen werden:<br>
-<a http='http://www.bundesbank.de/zahlungsverkehr/zahlungsverkehr_bankleitzahlen_download.php'>
-Das File vorher <b>nicht</b> auf UTF8 wandeln!<br><br>
-Achtung!! Die bestehenden BLZ-Daten werden zunächst gelöscht.
-<form name="import" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="blz.php">
-<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="20000000">
-<input type="hidden" name="login" value="<?php echo $login ?>">
-<tr><td>Test</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="test" value="1">ja</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Daten</td><td><input type="file" name="Datei"></td></tr>
-<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Import"></td></tr>
-<?php } ?>
+++ /dev/null
-<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="../css/lx-office-erp.css" TYPE="text/css" TITLE="Lx-Office stylesheet">
-Kontaktimport mit Browser nach Lx-Office ERP
-Copyright (C) 2005
-Author: Holger Lindemann
-Email: hli@lx-system.de
-Web: http://lx-system.de
-if (!$_SESSION["db"]) {
- $conffile="../config/lx_office.conf";
- if (!is_file($conffile)) {
- ende(4);
- }
-function ende($nr) {
- echo "Abbruch: $nr\n";
- exit($nr);
-require ("import_lib.php");
-if (!anmelden()) ende(5);
-/* get DB instance */
-$db=$_SESSION["db"]; //new myDB($login);
-if ($_POST["ok"]) {
- $dir = "../users/";
- $test=$_POST["test"];
- if ($crm) {
- $kunde_fld = array_keys($contactscrm);
- $contact=$contactscrm;
- } else {
- $kunde_fld = array_keys($contacts);
- $contact=$contacts;
- }
- $nun=time();
- if ($_POST["ok"]=="Hilfe") {
- echo "Importfelder:<br>";
- echo "Feldname => Bedeutung<br>";
- foreach($contact as $key=>$val) {
- echo "$key => $val<br>";
- }
- exit(0);
- };
- clearstatcache ();
- $trenner=($_POST["trenner"])?$_POST["trenner"]:",";
- if ($trenner=="other") {
- $trenner=trim($trennzeichen);
- if (substr($trenner,0,1)=="#") if (strlen($trenner)>1) $trenner=chr(substr($trenner,1));
- }
-if (!empty($_FILES["Datei"]["name"])) {
- $file=$_POST["ziel"];
- if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"],$dir.$file."_contact.csv")) {
- $file=false;
- echo "Upload von ".$_FILES["Datei"]["name"]." fehlerhaft. (".$_FILES["Datei"]["error"].")<br>";
- }
-} else if (is_file($dir.$_POST["ziel"]."_contact.csv")) {
- $file=$_POST["ziel"];
-} else {
- $file=false;
-if (!$file) ende (2);
-if (!file_exists($dir.$file."_contact.csv")) ende(5);
-if (!$employee) ende(4);
-if (!$db->chkcol($file)) ende(6);
- //Zeichencodierung des Servers
- $tmpcode = $db->getServerCode();
- //Leider sind die Benennungen vom Server anders als von mb_detect_encoding
- if ($tmpcode == "UTF8") {
- define("ServerCode","UTF-8");
- } else if ($tmpcode == "LATIN9") {
- define("ServerCode","ISO-8859-15");
- } else if ($tmpcode == "LATIN1") {
- define("ServerCode","ISO-8859-1");
- } else {
- define("ServerCode",$tmpcode);
- }
- //Zeichensatz sollte gleich sein, sonst ist die Datenkonvertierung nutzlos
- //DB und LxO müssen ja nicht auf der gleichen Maschiene sein.
- if($tmpcode<>$db->getClientCode()) {
- $rc = $db->setClientCode($tmpcode);
- }
- // Zeichenkodierung File
- if ($_POST["encoding"] == "auto") {
- define("Auto",true);
- define("Translate",true);
- } else {
- define("Auto",false);
- if ($_POST["encoding"] == ServerCode) {
- define("Translate",false);
- } else {
- define("Translate",true);
- define("FileCode",$_POST["encoding"]);
- }
- }
-foreach ($zeile as $fld) {
- $fld = strtolower(trim(strtr($fld,array("\""=>"","'"=>""))));
- $in_fld[]=$fld;
- if (substr($fld,0,2) == "x_") $kunde_fld[] = $fld;
-while (!feof($f)){
- $i=-1;
- $firma="";
- $name=false;
- $id=false;
- $sql="insert into contacts ";
- $keys="(";
- $vals=" values (";
- unset($extra);
- $extra = array();
- foreach($zeile as $data) {
- $i++;
- if (!in_array($in_fld[$i],$kunde_fld)) {
- continue;
- }
- $data=addslashes(trim($data));
- if ($in_fld[$i]=="firma" && $data) {
- if (Translate) translate($data);
- $data=suchFirma($file,$data);
- if ($data) {
- $id=$data["cp_cv_id"];
- }
- continue;
- } else if ($in_fld[$i]=="firma") {
- continue;
- } ;
- if ($in_fld[$i]=="cp_cv_id" && $data) {
- $data=chkKdId($data);
- if ($data) {
- $id = $data;
- };
- continue;
- } else if($in_fld[$i]=="cp_cv_id") {
- continue;
- }
- if (substr($in_fld[$i],0,2)=="x_" && $data) {
- $extra[substr($in_fld[$i],2)] = $data;
- continue;
- } else if ((substr($in_fld[$i],0,2)=="x_")) {
- continue;
- };
- if ($in_fld[$i]==$file."number" && $data) {
- if (!$id) {
- $tmp=getFirma($data,$file);
- if ($tmp) {
- $id=$tmp;
- }
- }
- continue;
- } else if ($in_fld[$i]==$file."number") {
- continue;
- }
- if ($in_fld[$i]=="cp_id" && $data) {
- $tmp=chkContact($data);
- if ($tmp) {
- $keys.="cp_id,";
- $vals.="$tmp,";
- }
- continue;
- } else if ($in_fld[$i]=="cp_id") {
- continue;
- }
- $keys.=$in_fld[$i].",";
- if ($data==false or empty($data) or !$data) {
- $vals.="null,";
- } else {
- if (Translate) translate($data);
- /*if (in_array($in_fld[$i],array("cp_fax","cp_phone1","cp_phone2"))) {
- $data=$prenumber.$data;
- } else if ($in_fld[$i]=="cp_country" && $data) {
- $data=mkland($data);
- } */
- if ($in_fld[$i]=="cp_name") $name=true;
- $vals.="'".$data."',";
- // bei jedem gefuellten Datenfeld erhoehen
- $val_count++;
- }
- }
- if (!$name) {
- $zeile=fgetcsv($f,1200,$trenner);
- continue;
- }
- if ($id) {
- $vals.=$id.",";
- $keys.="cp_cv_id,";
- }
- if ($keys<>"(" && $val_count>2) {
- if ($test) {
- if ($first) {
- echo "<table border='1'>\n";
- echo "<tr><th>".str_replace(",","</th><th>",substr($keys,1,-1))."</th></tr>\n";
- $first=false;
- };
- $vals=str_replace("',","'</td><td>",substr($vals,9,-1));
- echo "<tr><td>".str_replace("null,","null</td><td>",$vals)."</td></tr>\n";
- flush();
- } else {
- $newID=uniqid (rand());
- $now = date('Y-m-d H:i').":1.$j";
- $sql.= $keys."mtime)";
- $sql.= $vals."'$now')";
- $rc=$db->query($sql);
- if (!$rc) echo "Fehler: ".$sql."\n";
- $rs = $db->getAll("select cp_id,cp_name from contacts where mtime = '$now'");
- $cp_id = $rs[0]["cp_id"];
- echo "(".$rs[0]["cp_name"].":$cp_id)".count($extra).";";
- if (count($extra)>0 and $cp_id) {
- foreach ($extra as $fld=>$val) {
- $rc = insertExtra("P",$cp_id,$fld,$val);
- }
- }
- }
- $j++;
- };
- $zeile=fgetcsv($f,1200,$trenner);
-echo $j." $file importiert.\n";} else {
-<p class="listtop">Kontakt-Adressimport für die ERP</p>
-<form name="import" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="contactB.php">
-<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="3000000">
-<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Hilfe"></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Zieltabelle</td><td><input type="radio" name="ziel" value="customer" checked>customer <input type="radio" name="ziel" value="vendor">vendor</td></tr>
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=";" checked>Semikolon
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=",">Komma
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value="#9" checked>Tabulator
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=" ">Leerzeichen
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value="other">
- <input type="text" size="2" name="trennzeichen" value="">
-<!--tr><td>Telefonvorwahl</td><td><input type="text" size="4" maxlength="1" name="prenumber" value=""></td></tr-->
-<tr><td>Test</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="test" value="1">ja</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Daten</td><td><input type="file" name="Datei"></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Verwendete<br />Zeichecodierung</td><td>
- <select name="encoding">
- <option value="auto">Automatisch (versuchen)</option>
- <option value="UTF-8">UTF-8</option>
- <option value="ISO-8859-1">ISO-8859-1</option>
- <option value="ISO-8859-15">ISO-8859-15</option>
- <option value="Windows-1252">Windows-1252</option>
- <option value="ASCII">ASCII</option>
- </select>
-<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Import"></td></tr>
-<?php }; ?>
+++ /dev/null
-Import Kunde;;;Am Weg 3;12345;Sonstwo;D;Fr. Werner;01234123;;www.test.xx;info@test.xx;Hallole;;;;;;;2222;11223344;Meine Bank;Dienstleistung;;
+++ /dev/null
-;;Import Kunde;Verwaltung;Leiter;m;Dr.;Hans Heinrich;Import;;;;;;;;D;12345;Sonstwo;;;;
+++ /dev/null
-Import Kunde;Import Kunde;Lagerhaus;;Bahnhofstr. 4;12345;Sonstwo;D;Hr. Hansen;0293948;lager@firma.false;
+++ /dev/null
-require_once "DB.php";
-class myDB extends DB {
- var $db = false;
- var $rc = false;
- var $showErr = false; // Browserausgabe
- var $debug = false; // 1 = SQL-Ausgabe, 2 = zusätzlich Ergebnis
- var $log = true; // Alle Abfragen mitloggen
- var $path = "/tmp/";
- var $lfh = false;
- function dbFehler($sql,$err) {
- $efh=fopen($this->path."lxcrm".date("w").".err","a");
- fputs($efh,date("Y-m-d H:i:s ->"));
- fputs($efh,$sql."\n");
- fputs($efh,$err."\n");
- fputs($efh,print_r($this->rc,true));
- fputs($efh,"\n");
- fclose($efh);
- if ($this->showErr)
- echo "</td></tr></table><font color='red'>$sql : $err</font><br>";
- }
- function showDebug($sql) {
- echo $sql."<br>";
- if ($this->debug==2) {
- echo "<pre>";
- print_r($this->rc);
- echo "</pre>";
- };
- }
- function writeLog($txt) {
- if ($this->lfh===false)
- $this->lfh=fopen($this->path."lxcrm".date("w").".log","a");
- fputs($this->lfh,date("Y-m-d H:i:s ->"));
- fputs($this->lfh,$txt."\n");
- fputs($this->lfh,print_r($this->rc,true));
- fputs($this->lfh,"\n");
- }
- function closeLogfile() {
- fclose($this->lfh);
- }
- function myDB($host,$user,$pwd,$db,$port,$showErr=false) {
- $dsn = array(
- 'phptype' => 'pgsql',
- 'username' => $user,
- 'password' => $pwd,
- 'hostspec' => $host,
- 'database' => $db,
- 'port' => $port
- );
- $this->showErr=$showErr;
- $this->db=DB::connect($dsn);
- if (!$this->db || DB::isError($this->db)) {
- if ($this->log) $this->writeLog("Connect $dns");
- $this->dbFehler("Connect ".print_r($dsn,true),$this->db->getMessage());
- die ($this->db->getMessage());
- }
- if ($this->log) $this->writeLog("Connect: ok ");
- return $this->db;
- }
- function query($sql) {
- $this->rc=@$this->db->query($sql);
- if ($this->debug) $this->showDebug($sql);
- if ($this->log) $this->writeLog($sql);
- if(DB::isError($this->rc)) {
- $this->dbFehler($sql,$this->rc->getMessage());
- $this->rollback();
- return false;
- } else {
- return $this->rc;
- }
- }
- function begin() {
- $this->query("BEGIN");
- }
- function commit() {
- $this->query("COMMIT");
- }
- function rollback() {
- $this->query("ROLLBACK");
- }
- function getAll($sql) {
- $this->rc=$this->db->getAll($sql,DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
- if ($this->debug) $this->showDebug($sql);
- if ($this->log) $this->writeLog($sql);
- if(DB::isError($this->rc)) {
- $this->dbFehler($sql,$this->rc->getMessage());
- return false;
- } else {
- return $this->rc;
- }
- }
- function saveData($txt) {
- if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
- return $txt;
- } else {
- return DB::quoteSmart($string);
- }
- }
- function execute($statement, $data){
- $sth = $this->db->prepare($statement); //Prepare
- /*if (PEAR::isError($sth)) {
- $this->dbFehler($statement,$sth->getMessage());
- $this->rollback();
- return false;
- }*/
- $rc = $this->db->execute($sth,$data);
- if(PEAR::isError($rc)) {
- $this->dbFehler(print_r($data,true),$rc->getMessage()."\n".print_r($rc,true));
- $this->rollback();
- return false;
- }
- $this->db->commit();
- return true;
- }
- function chkcol($tbl) {
- // gibt es die Spalte import schon?
- $rc=$this->db->query("select import from $tbl limit 1");
- if(DB::isError($rc)) {
- $rc=$this->db->query("alter table $tbl add column import int4");
- if(DB::isError($rc)) { return false; }
- else { return true; }
- } else { return true; };
- }
- /**
- * Zeichekodirung der DB ermitteln
- *
- * @return String
- */
- function getServerCode() {
- $sql="SHOW server_encoding";
- $rs = $this->getAll($sql);
- return $rs[0]["server_encoding"];
- }
- function getClientCode() {
- $sql="SHOW client_encoding";
- $rs = $this->getAll($sql);
- return $rs[0]["client_encoding"];
- }
- function setClientCode($encoding) {
- $sql="SET client_encoding = '$encoding'";
- $rc = $this->query($sql);
- return $rc;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-Funktionsbibliothek für den Datenimport in Lx-Office ERP
-Copyright (C) 2005
-Author: Holger Lindemann
-Email: hli@lx-system.de
-Web: http://lx-system.de
-require_once "db.php";
-$address = array(
- "name" => "Firmenname",
- "department_1" => "Abteilung",
- "department_2" => "Abteilung",
- "street" => "Strasse + Nr",
- "zipcode" => "Plz",
- "city" => "Ort",
- "country" => "Land",
- "contact" => "Ansprechpartner",
- "phone" => "Telefon",
- "fax" => "Fax",
- "homepage" => "Homepage",
- "email" => "eMail",
- "notes" => "Bemerkungen",
- "discount" => "Rabatt (nn.nn)",
- "taxincluded" => "incl. Steuer? (t/f)",
- "terms" => "Zahlungsziel (Tage)",
- "customernumber" => "Kundennummer",
- "vendornumber" => "Lieferantennummer",
- "taxnumber" => "Steuernummer",
- "ustid" => "Umsatzsteuer-ID",
- "account_number" => "Kontonummer",
- "bank_code" => "Bankleitzahl",
- "bank" => "Bankname",
- "branche" => "Branche",
- "business_id" => "BranchenID",
- "salesman_id" => "VerkäuferID",
- //"language" => "Sprache (de,en,fr)",
- "sw" => "Stichwort",
- "creditlimit" => "Kreditlimit (nnnnnn.nn)"); /*,
- "hierarchie" => "Hierarchie",
- "potenzial" => "Potenzial",
- "ar" => "Debitorenkonto",
- "ap" => "Kreditorenkonto",
- "matchcode" => "Matchcode",
- "customernumber2" => "Kundennummer 2");
- Kundenspezifisch */
-$shiptos = array(
- "firma" => "Firmenname",
- "shiptoname" => "Liefername",
- "shiptodepartment_1" => "Abteilung",
- "shiptodepartment_2" => "Abteilung",
- "shiptostreet" => "Strasse + Nr",
- "shiptozipcode" => "Plz",
- "shiptocity" => "Ort",
- "shiptocountry" => "Land",
- "shiptocontact" => "Ansprechpartner",
- "shiptophone" => "Telefon",
- "shiptofax" => "Fax",
- "shiptoemail" => "eMail",
- "customernumber" => "Kundennummer",
- "vendornumber" => "Lieferantennummer");
-$parts = array(
- "partnumber" => "Artikelnummer",
- "ean" => "Barcode",
- "description" => "Artikeltext",
- "unit" => "Einheit",
- "weight" => "Gewicht in Benutzerdefinition",
- "notes" => "Beschreibung",
- "notes1" => "Beschreibung",
- "formel" => "Formel",
- "makemodel" => "Hersteller",
- "model" => "Modellbezeichnung",
- "image" => "Pfad/Dateiname",
- "drawing" => "Pfad/Dateiname",
- "microfiche" => "Pfad/Dateiname",
- "listprice" => "Listenpreis",
- "sellprice" => "Verkaufspreis",
- "lastcost" => "letzter EK",
- "art" => "Ware/Dienstleistung (*/d), muß vor den Konten kommen",
- "inventory_accno" => "Bestandskonto",
- "income_accno" => "Erlöskonto",
- "expense_accno" => "Konto Umsatzkosten",
- "obsolete" => "Gesperrt (Y/N)",
- "lastcost" => "letzer EK-Preis",
- "rop" => "Mindestbestand",
- "shop" => "Shopartikel (Y/N)",
- "assembly" => "Stückliste (Y/N); wird noch nicht unterstützt",
- "partsgroup" => "Warengruppenbezeichnung",
- "partsgroup1" => "2.Warengruppenbezeichnung",
- "partsgroup2" => "3.Warengruppenbezeichnung",
- "partsgroup3" => "4.Warengruppenbezeichnung",
- "partsgroup4" => "5.Warengruppenbezeichnung",
- "shop" => "Shopexport vorghesehen",
- );
-$contactscrm = array(
- "customernumber" => "Kundennummer",
- "vendornumber" => "Lieferantennummer",
- "cp_cv_id" => "FirmenID in der db",
- "firma" => "Firmenname",
- "cp_abteilung" => "Abteilung",
- "cp_position" => "Position/Hierarchie",
- "cp_gender" => "Geschlecht (m/f)",
- "cp_title" => "Titel",
- "cp_givenname" => "Vorname",
- "cp_name" => "Nachname",
- "cp_email" => "eMail",
- "cp_phone1" => "Telefon 1",
- "cp_phone2" => "Telefon 2",
- "cp_mobile1" => "Mobiltelefon 1",
- "cp_mobile2" => "Mobiltelefon 2",
- "cp_homepage" => "Homepage",
- "cp_street" => "Strasse",
- "cp_country" => "Land",
- "cp_zipcode" => "PLZ",
- "cp_city" => "Ort",
- "cp_privatphone" => "Privattelefon",
- "cp_privatemail" => "private eMail",
- "cp_notes" => "Bemerkungen",
- "cp_stichwort1" => "Stichwort(e)",
- "cp_id" => "Kontakt ID"
- );
-$contacts = array(
- "customernumber" => "Kundennummer",
- "vendornumber" => "Lieferantennummer",
- "cp_cv_id" => "FirmenID in der db",
- "firma" => "Firmenname",
- "cp_greeting" => "Anrede",
- "cp_title" => "Titel",
- "cp_givenname" => "Vorname",
- "cp_greeting" => "Anrede",
- "cp_name" => "Nachname",
- "cp_email" => "eMail",
- "cp_phone1" => "Telefon 1",
- "cp_phone2" => "Telefon 2",
- "cp_mobile1" => "Mobiltelefon 1",
- "cp_mobile2" => "Mobiltelefon 2",
- "cp_privatphone" => "Privattelefon",
- "cp_privatemail" => "private eMail",
- "cp_homepage" => "Homepage",
- "cp_id" => "Kontakt ID"
- );
-function checkCRM() {
- global $db;
- $sql="select * from crm";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if ($rs) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-function chkUsr($usr) {
-// ist es ein gültiger ERP-Benutzer? Er muß mindestens 1 x angemeldet gewesen sein.
- global $db;
- $sql="select * from employee where login = '$usr'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if ($rs[0]["id"]) { return $rs[0]["id"]; }
- else { return false; };
-function getKdId() {
-// die nächste freie Kunden-/Lieferantennummer holen
- global $db,$file,$test;
- if ($test) { return "#####"; }
- $sql1="select * from defaults";
- $sql2="update defaults set ".$file."number = '%s'";
- $db->begin();
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql1);
- $nr=$rs[0][$file."number"];
- preg_match("/^([^0-9]*)([0-9]+)/",$nr,$hits);
- if ($hits[2]) { $nr=$hits[2]+1; $nnr=$hits[1].$nr; }
- else { $nr=$hits[1]+1; $nnr=$nr; };
- $rc=$db->query(sprintf($sql2,$nnr));
- if ($rc) {
- $db->commit();
- return $nnr;
- } else {
- $db->rollback();
- return false;
- };
-function chkKdId($data) {
-// gibt es die Nummer schon?
- global $db,$file,$test;
- $sql="select * from $file where ".$file."number = '$data'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if ($rs[0][$file."number"]==$data) {
- // ja, eine neue holen
- return getKdId();
- } else {
- return $data;
- }
-function chkContact($id) {
- global $db;
- $sql="select * from contact where cp_id = $id";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if ($rs[0]["cp_id"]==$id) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-function getKdRefId($data) {
-// gibt es die Nummer schon?
- global $db,$file,$test;
- if (empty($data) or !$data) {
- return false;
- }
- $sql="select * from $file where ".$file."number = '$data'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- return $rs[0]["id"];
- * TODO: short description.
- *
- * @param mixed $tab
- * @param object $own
- * @param mixed $fld
- * @param mixed $val
- *
- * @return TODO
- */
-function insertExtra($tab,$own,$fld,$val) {
- global $db;
- $sql = "insert into extra_felder (fkey,fval,tab,owner) ";
- $sql.= "values ('$fld','$val','$tab','$own')";
- $rc = $db->query($sql);
- return $rc;
-function suchFirma($tab,$data) {
-// gibt die Firma ?
- global $db;
- if (empty($data) or !$data) {
- return false;
- }
- $data=strtoupper($data);
- $sql="select * from $tab where upper(name) like '%$data%'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if (!$rs) {
- $org=$data;
- while(strpos($data," ")>0) {
- $data=str_replace(" "," ",$data);
- }
- $data=preg_replace("/[^A-Z0-9]/ ",".*",trim($data));
- $sql="select * from $tab where upper(name) ~ '$data'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if (count($rs)==1) {
- return array("cp_cv_id"=>$rs[0]["id"],"Firma"=>$rs[0]["name"]);
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- return array("cp_cv_id"=>$rs[0]["id"],"Firma"=>$rs[0]["name"]);
- }
-//Suche Nach Kunden-/Lieferantenummer
-function getFirma($nummer,$tabelle) {
- global $db;
- $nummer=strtoupper($nummer);
- $sql="select id from $tabelle where upper(".$tabelle."number) = '$nummer'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if (!$rs) {
- $nr=str_replace(" ","%",$nummer);
- $sql="select id,".$tabelle."number from $tabelle where upper(".$tabelle."number) like '$nr'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if ($rs) {
- $nr=str_replace(" ","",$nummer);
- foreach ($rs as $row) {
- $tmp=str_replace(" ","",$row[$tabelle."number"]);
- if ($tmp==$nr) return $row["id"];
- }
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- return $rs[0]["id"];
- }
-function getAllBG($db) {
- $sql = "select * from buchungsgruppen order by description";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- return $rs;
-function getAllUnits($db,$type) {
- $sql = "select * from units where type = '$type' order by sortkey";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- return $rs;
-function anmelden($login=false,$pwd=false) {
- ini_set("gc_maxlifetime","3600");
- if (file_exists("../config/lx_office.conf")) {
- $lxo = fopen("../config/lx_office.conf","r");
- } else if (file_exists("../config/lx_office.conf.default")) {
- $lxo = fopen("../config/lx_office.conf.default","r");
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- $dbsec = false;
- $tmp = fgets($lxo,512);
- while (!feof($lxo)) {
- if (preg_match("/^[\s]*#/",$tmp)) {
- $tmp = fgets($lxo,512);
- continue;
- }
- if ($dbsec) {
- preg_match("/db[ ]*= (.+)/",$tmp,$hits);
- if ($hits[1]) $dbname=$hits[1];
- preg_match("/password[ ]*= (.+)/",$tmp,$hits);
- if ($hits[1]) $dbpasswd=$hits[1];
- preg_match("/user[ ]*= (.+)/",$tmp,$hits);
- if ($hits[1]) $dbuser=$hits[1];
- preg_match("/host[ ]*= (.+)/",$tmp,$hits);
- if ($hits[1]) $dbhost=($hits[1])?$hits[1]:"localhost";
- preg_match("/port[ ]*= (.+)/",$tmp,$hits);
- if ($hits[1]) $dbport=($hits[1])?$hits[1]:"5432";
- if (preg_match("/\[[a-z]+/",$tmp)) break;
- $tmp = fgets($lxo,512);
- continue;
- }
- preg_match("/[ ]*cookie_name[ ]*=[ ]*(.+)/",$tmp,$hits);
- if ($hits[1]) $cookiename=$hits[1];
- if (preg_match("!\[authentication/database\]!",$tmp)) $dbsec = true;
- $tmp = fgets($lxo,512);
- }
- if (!$cookiename) $cookiename='lx_office_erp_session_id';
- $cookie=$_COOKIE[$cookiename];
- if ($login) {
- $auth=authuser($dbhost,$dbport,$dbuser,$dbpasswd,$dbname,false,$login,$pwd);
- } else {
- $cookie=$_COOKIE[$cookiename];
- if (!$cookie) header("location: ups.html");
- $auth=authuser($dbhost,$dbport,$dbuser,$dbpasswd,$dbname,$cookie,false,false);
- };
- if (!$auth) { return false; };
- $_SESSION["sessid"]=$cookie;
- $_SESSION["cookie"]=$cookiename;
- $_SESSION["employee"]=$auth["login"];
- $_SESSION["mansel"]=$auth["dbname"];
- $_SESSION["dbname"]=$auth["dbname"];
- $_SESSION["dbhost"]=(!$auth["dbhost"])?"localhost":$auth["dbhost"];
- $_SESSION["dbport"]=(!$auth["dbport"])?"5432":$auth["dbport"];
- $_SESSION["dbuser"]=$auth["dbuser"];
- $_SESSION["dbpasswd"]=$auth["dbpasswd"];
- $_SESSION["db"]=new myDB($_SESSION["dbhost"],$_SESSION["dbuser"],$_SESSION["dbpasswd"],$_SESSION["dbname"],$_SESSION["dbport"],$showErr);
- $_SESSION["authcookie"]=$authcookie;
- $sql="select * from employee where login='".$auth["login"]."'";
- $rs=$_SESSION["db"]->getAll($sql);
- if(!$rs) {
- return false;
- } else {
- if ($rs) {
- $tmp=$rs[0];
- $_SESSION["termbegin"]=(($tmp["termbegin"]>=0)?$tmp["termbegin"]:8);
- $_SESSION["termend"]=($tmp["termend"])?$tmp["termend"]:19;
- $_SESSION["Pre"]=$tmp["pre"];
- $_SESSION["interv"]=($tmp["interv"]>0)?$tmp["interv"]:60;
- $_SESSION["loginCRM"]=$tmp["id"];
- $_SESSION["lang"]=$tmp["countrycode"]; //"de";
- $_SESSION["kdview"]=$tmp["kdview"];
- $sql="select * from defaults";
- $rs=$_SESSION["db"]->getAll($sql);
- $_SESSION["ERPver"]=$rs[0]["version"];
- return true;$_SESSION;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
-function authuser($dbhost,$dbport,$dbuser,$dbpasswd,$dbname,$cookie,$login,$pwd) {
- $db=new myDB($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpasswd,$dbname,$dbport,true);
- if ($cookie) {
- $sql="select sc.session_id,u.id from auth.session_content sc left join auth.user u on ";
- $sql.="('--- ' || u.login || E'\\n')=sc.sess_value left join auth.session s on s.id=sc.session_id ";
- $sql.="where session_id = '$cookie' and sc.sess_key='login'";// order by s.mtime desc";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql,"authuser_1");
- if (!$rs) return false;
- $stmp="";
- if (count($rs)>1) {
- foreach($rs as $row) {
- $stmp.=$row["session_id"].",";
- }
- $sql1="delete from session where id in (".substr($stmp,-1).")";
- $sql2="delete from session_content where session_id in (".substr($stmp,-1).")";
- $db->query($sql1,"authuser_A");
- $db->query($sql2,"authuser_B");
- header("location:../login.pl?action=logout");
- };
- $sql="update auth.session set mtime = '".date("Y-M-d H:i:s.100001")."' where id = '".$rs[0]["session_id"]."'";
- $db->query($sql,"authuser_3");
- $sql="select * from auth.user where id=".$rs[0]["id"];
- } else {
- $sql = "select * from auth.user where login = '$login' and password = '$pwd'";
- }
- $rs1=$db->getAll($sql,"authuser_1");
- if (!$rs1) return false;
- $auth=array();
- $auth["login"]=$rs1[0]["login"];
- $sql="select * from auth.user_config where user_id=".$rs1[0]["id"];
- $rs1=$db->getAll($sql,"authuser_2");
- $keys=array("dbname","dbpasswd","dbhost","dbport","dbuser");
- foreach ($rs1 as $row) {
- if (in_array($row["cfg_key"],$keys)) {
- $auth[$row["cfg_key"]]=$row["cfg_value"];
- }
- }
- return $auth;
- * Zeichencode übersetzen
- *
- * @param String $txt
- */
-function translate(&$txt) {
- if (Auto) {
- $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($data,"UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,Windows-1252,ASCII");
- $txt = iconv("$encoding",ServerCode."//TRANSLIT",$txt);
- //$txt = mb_convert_encoding($txt, ServerCode,"$encoding");
- } else {
- $txt = iconv(FileCode,ServerCode."//TRANSLIT",$txt);
- //$txt = mb_convert_encoding($txt, ServerCode,FileCode);
- }
+++ /dev/null
-"partnumber" "ean" "description" "unit" "weight" "notes" "makemodel" "model" "image" "sellprice" "lastcost" "partsgroup" "partsgroup1" "partsgroup2" "partsgroup3" "rop" "partsgroup4" "income_accno" "expense_accno" "microfiche" "art"
-"TI12346" 92384754671 "Importartikel 1" "Stck" 2 "Die Beschreibung zum Artikel" "Lx-System" "LX123" 10 6 "Hardware" "Test" 1.10 184 37 "Mfiche 1" "W"
-"TI12345" 92384754672 "Importartikel 2" 3,1 "Die Beschreibung zum Artikel" "Lx-System" "LX124" 13 8,1 "Hardware" "Test" 184 37 "y" "W"
-"TD2345" "Import Diestleistung" "Std" 125 184 37 "D"
+++ /dev/null
-<?php session_start(); ?>
-<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="../css/lx-office-erp.css" TYPE="text/css" TITLE="Lx-Office stylesheet">
-Warenimport mit Browser nach Lx-Office ERP
-Henry Margies <h.margies@maxina.de>
-Holger Lindemann <hli@lx-system.de>
-$gz_bin = "/bin/gzip -df ";
-$zip_bin = "/usr/bin/unzip -o -d ".$dir;
-function ende($txt) {
- echo "Abbruch: $txt<br>";
- exit(1);
-if (!$_SESSION["db"]) {
- $conffile="../config/lx_office.conf";
- if (!is_file($conffile)) {
- ende("lx_office.conf nicht gefunden oder kein Leserecht.");
- }
-require ("import_lib.php");
-if ($_GET["login"]) {
- $db = anmelden($_GET["login"],$_GET["passwd"]);
-} else {
- $db = anmelden();
-//if (!$_SESSION["db"]) ende("Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen.");
-if (!$db) ende("Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen.");
-/* get DB instance */
-$db=$_SESSION["db"]; //new myDB($login);
-/* just display page or do real import? */
-if ($_POST["ok"] || $_GET["cron"]=="1") {
- require ("parts_import.php");
- //Zeichencodierung des Servers
- $tmpcode = $db->getServerCode();
- //Leider sind die Benennungen vom Server anders als von mb_detect_encoding
- if ($tmpcode == "UTF8") {
- define("ServerCode","UTF-8");
- } else if ($tmpcode == "LATIN9") {
- define("ServerCode","ISO-8859-15");
- } else if ($tmpcode == "LATIN1") {
- define("ServerCode","ISO-8859-1");
- } else {
- define("ServerCode",$tmpcode);
- }
- //Zeichensatz sollte gleich sein, sonst ist die Datenkonvertierung nutzlos
- //DB und LxO müssen ja nicht auf der gleichen Maschine sein.
- if($tmpcode<>$db->getClientCode()) {
- $rc = $db->setClientCode($tmpcode);
- }
- // Zeichenkodierung File
- if ($_POST["encoding"] == "auto") {
- define("Auto",true);
- define("Translate",true);
- } else {
- define("Auto",false);
- if ($_POST["encoding"] == ServerCode) {
- define("Translate",false);
- } else {
- define("Translate",true);
- define("FileCode",$_POST["encoding"]);
- }
- }
- /* display help */
- if ($_POST["ok"]=="Hilfe") {
- echo "Importfelder:<br>";
- echo "Feldname => Bedeutung<br>";
- foreach($parts as $key=>$val) {
- echo "$key => $val<br>";
- }
- $header=implode(";",array_keys($parts));
- echo $header;
- echo "<br><br>Die erste Zeile enthält die Feldnamen der Daten in ihrer richtigen Reihenfolge<br>";
- echo "Geben Sie das Trennzeichen der Datenspalten ein. Steuerzeichen können mit ihrem Dezimalwert ";
- echo "geführt von einem "#" eingegebn werden (#11).<br><br>";
- echo "Wird bei "Art" in der Maske "gemischt" gewählt, muss die Spalte "art" vor der Einheit stehen.<br><br>";
- echo "Der "sellprice" kann um den eingegeben Wert geändert werden.<br><br>";
- echo "Bei vorhandenen Artikelnummern (in der db), kann entweder ein Update auf den Preis (und Text) durchgeführt werden oder ";
- echo "der Artikel mit anderer Artikelnummer eingefügt werden.<br><br>";
- echo "Jeder Artikel muß einer Buchungsgruppe zugeordnet werden. ";
- echo "Dazu muß entweder in der Maske eine Standardbuchungsgruppe gewählt werden <br>";
- echo "oder es wird ein gültiges Konto in 'income_accno_id' und 'expense_accno_id' eingegeben. ";
- echo "Das Programm versucht dann eine passende Buchungsgruppe zu finden.<br>";
- echo "Preisgruppen müssen zunächst angelegt werden. Die Spalten für die Preisgruppen beginnen mit 'pg_' gefolgt vom Preisgruppenname.<br>";
- echo "Wenn eine Datei <code>users/partshead.csv</code> existiert, wird die erste Zeile aus dieser benutzt um das Format zu bestimmen. Die erste Zeile aus der eigentlichen Importdatei wird dann ignoriert.<br>";
- exit(0);
- };
- clearstatcache ();
- $file = "parts";
- if ($_GET["cron"]==1) {
- $Cron = True;
- if (file_exists($dir.$file.".zip")) {
- exec ($zip_bin.$dir.$file.".zip");
- } else if (file_exists($dir.$file.".gz")) {
- exec ($gz_bin.$dir.$file.".csv.gz");
- } else if (!file_exists($dir.$file.".csv")) {
- ende($dir.$file.".csv nicht gefunden");
- }
- $_POST["trenner"] = "#9"; // Tabulator
- $_POST["trennzeichen"] = ";"; // Anderes Trennzeichen
- $_POST["dimensionunit"] = "Stck"; // Artikeleinheit
- $_POST["serviceunit"] = "Std"; // Dienstleistungseinheit
- $_POST["bugru"] = "1600"; // Std-Bugru
- $_POST["bugrufix"] = "2"; // Nur wenn keine Passende angegeben
- $_POST["shop"] = "f"; // Shopartikel
- $_POST["show"] = ""; // Kontrollausgabe
- $_POST["test"] = ""; // Testlauf == 1
- $_POST["lager"] = ""; // Nicht gebraucht
- $_POST["lagerplatz"] = "";
- $_POST["precision"] = "2"; // Runden auf nn Stellen
- $_POST["quotation"] = ""; // Preisaufschlag
- $_POST["quottype"] = "P"; // Prozent?
- $_POST["wgtrenner"] = "!"; // Trennzeichen der Warengruppen
- $_POST["TextUpd"] = "1"; // Textupdate durchführen
- $_POST["update"] = "U"; // Bei vorhandenen Nummer updaten
- $_POST["ware"] = "W"; // Ist ein Artikel
- $_POST["encoding"] = "";
- } else {
- /* no data? */
- if (empty($_FILES["Datei"]["name"]))
- ende ("Kein Datenfile angegeben");
- /* copy file */
- if (substr($_FILES["Datei"]["name"],-2)=="gz") {
- if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"],$dir.$file.".csv.gz")) {
- echo $gz_bin.$dir.$file.".csv.gz";
- exec ($gz_bin.$dir.$file.".csv.gz");
- } else {
- ende ("Upload von Datei fehlerhaft.".$_FILES["Datei"]["error"]);
- };
- } else if (substr($_FILES["Datei"]["name"],-3)=="zip") {
- if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"],$dir.$file.".zip")) {
- exec ($zip_bin.$dir.$file.".zip");
- } else {
- ende ("Upload von Datei fehlerhaft.".$_FILES["Datei"]["error"]);
- };
- } else if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"],$dir.$file.".csv")) {
- ende ("Upload von Datei fehlerhaft.".$_FILES["Datei"]["error"]);
- };
- }
- /* check if file is really there */
- if (!file_exists($dir.$file.'.csv') or filesize($dir.$file.'.csv')==0)
- ende("Datenfile ($file.csv) nicht im Ordner gefunden oder leer");
- /* Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurde der Artikel Importiert */
- if (!$db->chkcol($file))
- ende("Importspalte konnte nicht angelegt werden");
- /* just print data or insert it, if test is false */
- import_parts($_SESSION["db"], $dir.$file, $parts, FALSE, $_POST);
-} else {
- $bugrus=getAllBG($db);
- $serviceunit=getAllUnits($db,"service");
- $dimensionunit=getAllUnits($db,"dimension");
-<p class="listtop">Artikelimport für die ERP<p>
-<form name="import" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="partsB.php">
-<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="20000000">
-<input type="hidden" name="login" value="<?php echo $login ?>">
-<tr><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Hilfe"></td><td></td></tr>
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=";" checked>Semikolon
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=",">Komma
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value="#9" checked>Tabulator
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=" ">Leerzeichen
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value="other">
- <input type="text" size="2" name="trennzeichen" value="">
-<tr><td>VK-Preis<br>Nachkomma:</td><td><input type="Radio" name="precision" value="0">0
- <input type="Radio" name="precision" value="1">1
- <input type="Radio" name="precision" value="2" checked>2
- <input type="Radio" name="precision" value="3">3
- <input type="Radio" name="precision" value="4">4
- <input type="Radio" name="precision" value="5">5
- </td></tr>
-<tr><td>VK-Preis<br>Aufschlag:</td><td><input type="text" name="quotation" size="5" value="0">
- <input type="radio" name="quottype" value="P" checked>%
- <input type="radio" name="quottype" value="A">Absolut</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Vorhandene<br>Artikelnummer:</td><td><input type="radio" name="update" value="U" checked>Preis update durchführen<br>
- <input type="radio" name="update" value="I">mit neuer Nummer einfügen</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Kontollausgabe</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="show" value="1" checked>ja</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Test</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="test" value="1">ja</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Textupdate</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="TextUpd" value="1">ja</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Warengruppen<br>verbinder</td><td><input type="text" name="wgtrenner" value="!" size="3"></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Shopartikel<br />falls nicht übergeben</td><td><input type="radio" name="shop" value="t">ja <input type="radio" name="shop" value="f" checked>nein</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Eintrag in<br />Makemodel ist</td><td><input type="radio" name="vendnr" value="t">Lieferantennummer <input type="radio" name="vendnr" value="f" checked>Lieferantenname</td></tr>
-<tr><td>auch ohne<br />Model-Nr.</td><td><input type="radio" name="modnr" value="t">ja <input type="radio" name="modnr" value="f" checked>nein</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Art</td><td><input type="Radio" name="ware" value="W" checked>Ware
- <input type="Radio" name="ware" value="D">Dienstleistung
- <input type="Radio" name="ware" value="G">gemischt (Spalte 'art' vorhanden)</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Default Einheiten<br></td><td><select name="dimensionunit">
-<?php if ($dimensionunit) foreach ($dimensionunit as $u) { ?>
- <option value="<?php echo $u["name"] ?>"><?php echo $u["name"]."\n" ?>
-<?php } ?>
- </select><select name="serviceunit">
-<?php if ($serviceunit) foreach ($serviceunit as $u) { ?>
- <option value="<?php echo $u["name"] ?>"><?php echo $u["name"]."\n" ?>
-<?php } ?>
-<tr><td>Default Bugru<br></td><td><select name="bugru">
-<?php if ($bugrus) foreach ($bugrus as $bg) { ?>
- <option value="<?php echo $bg["id"] ?>"><?php echo $bg["description"]."\n" ?>
-<?php } ?>
- </select>
- <input type="radio" name="bugrufix" value="1" >für alle Artikel verwenden
- <input type="radio" name="bugrufix" value="2" checked>für Artikel ohne passende Bugru
- </td></tr>
-<tr><td>Daten</td><td><input type="file" name="Datei"></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Verwendete<br />Zeichecodierung</td><td>
- <select name="encoding">
- <option value="auto">Automatisch (versuchen)</option>
- <option value="UTF-8">UTF-8</option>
- <option value="ISO-8859-1">ISO-8859-1</option>
- <option value="ISO-8859-15">ISO-8859-15</option>
- <option value="Windows-1252">Windows-1252</option>
- <option value="ASCII">ASCII</option>
- </select>
-<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Import"></td></tr>
-<?php }; ?>
+++ /dev/null
-//Henry Margies <h.margies@maxina.de>
-//Holger Lindemann <hli@lx-system.de>
- * Returns ID of a partgroup (or adds a new partgroup entry)
- * \db is the database
- * \value is the partgroup name
- * \add if true and partgroup does not exist yet, we will add it automatically
- * \returns partgroup id or "" in case of an error
- */
-function getPartsgroupId($db, $value, $add) {
- $sql="select id from partsgroup where partsgroup = '$value'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if (empty($rs[0]["id"]) && $add) {
- $sql="insert into partsgroup (partsgroup) values ('$value')";
- $rc=$db->query($sql);
- if (!$rc)
- return "";
- return getPartsgroupId($db, $value, 0);
- }
- return $rs[0]["id"];
-function getPricegroup($db) {
- $sql="SELECT * from pricegroup";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- $data = false;
- if ($rs) foreach ($rs as $row) {
- $data["pg_".strtolower($row["pricegroup"])]=$row["id"];
- };
- return $data;
-function insertParts($db,$insert,$show,$data,$pricegroup) {
- if ($show) {
- show('<tr>',false);
- show($data["partnumber"]); show($data["lastcost"]); show($data["sellprice"]); show($data["listprice"]);
- show($data["description"]); show(substr($data["notes"],0,25));show($data["ean"]);
- show($data["weight"]); show($data["image"]); show($data["partsgroup_id"]);
- show($data["buchungsgruppen_id"]);show($data["income_accno"]); show($data["expense_accno"]);
- show($data["inventory_accno"]); show($data["microfiche"]); show($data["drawing"]);
- show($data["rop"]); show($data["assembly"]); show($data["makemodel"]);
- show($data["shop"]);
- }
- /*foreach ($data as $key=>$val) {
- echo $key.":".gettype($val).":".gettype($data[$key]).":".$val."<br>";
- }*/
- if ($insert) {
- $data["import"]=time();
- $sqlIa = 'INSERT INTO parts (';
- $sqlIa .= 'partnumber,description,notes,ean,unit,';
- $sqlIa .= 'weight,image,sellprice,listprice,lastcost,partsgroup_id,';
- $sqlIa .= 'buchungsgruppen_id,income_accno_id,expense_accno_id,inventory_accno_id,';
- $sqlIa .= 'microfiche,drawing,rop,assembly,shop,makemodel,import) ';
- //$sqlIa .= 'VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)';
- //$rc=$db->execute($sqlIa,$data);
- $sqlIa .= "VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%0.5f,'%s',%0.5f,%0.5f,%0.5f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,'%s','%s',%.0f,'%s','%s','%s',%s)";
- $sql = sprintf($sqlIa,$data['partnumber'],$data['description'],$data['notes'],$data['ean'],
- $data['unit'],$data['weight'],$data['image'],$data['sellprice'],
- $data['listprice'],$data['lastcost'],$data['partsgroup_id'],
- $data['buchungsgruppen_id'],$data['income_accno_id'],$data['expense_accno_id'],
- $data['inventory_accno_id'],$data['microfiche'],$data['drawing'],$data['rop'],
- $data['assembly'],$data['shop'],$data['makemodel'],$data['import']);
- $rc = $db->query($sql);
- } else {
- $rc = true;
- }
- if ($pricegroup) $ok = insPrices($db,$data["partnumber"],$pricegroup);
- if ($show) {
- if ($rc)
- show('<b>ok</b>');
- else
- show('<font color="red">error</font>');
- show('</tr>'."\n",false);
- }
- return $rc;
-function updPrice($db,$insert,$show,$partnumber,$lastcost,$sellprice,$listprice,$pricegroup,$shop) {
- if ($show) {
- show('<tr>',false);
- show($partnumber); show($lastcost); show($sellprice); show($listprice);
- }
- if ($insert) {
- $sqlPr = 'UPDATE PARTS SET ';
- $sqlPr .= 'sellprice = ?, listprice = ?, lastcost = ?, shop = ? ';
- $sqlPr .= 'WHERE partnumber = ?';
- $rc=$db->execute($sqlPr,array("sellprice"=>$sellprice,"listprice"=>$listprice,"lastcost"=>$lastcost,"shop"=>$shop,"partnumber"=>$partnumber));
- } else {
- $rc = true;
- }
- if ($pricegroup) $ok = insPrices($db,$partnumber,$pricegroup);
- if ($show) {
- if ($rc)
- show('<b>ok</b>');
- else
- show('<font color="red">error</font>');
- show('</tr>'."\n",false);
- }
- return $rc;
-function updParts($db,$insert,$show,$partnumber,$lastcost,$sellprice,$listprice,
- $description,$notes,$ean,$weight,$image,
- $partsgroup_id,$pricegroup, $shop) {
- if ($show) {
- show('<tr>',false);
- show($partnumber); show($lastcost); show($sellprice); show($listprice);
- show($description); show(substr($notes,0,25));show($ean);
- show($weight); show($image); show($partsgroup_id);
- }
- if ($insert) {
- $sqlUa = 'UPDATE PARTS SET ';
- $sqlUa .= 'description = ?, notes = ?, ean = ?, weight = ?, image = ?, ';
- $sqlUa .= 'sellprice = ?, listprice = ?, lastcost = ?, partsgroup_id = ?, shop = ? ';
- $sqlUa .= 'WHERE partnumber = ?';
- $rc=$db->execute($sqlUa,array($description,$notes,$ean,$weight,$image,
- $sellprice,$listprice,$lastcost,$partsgroup_id,$shop,$partnumber));
- } else {
- $rc = true;
- }
- if ($pricegroup) $ok = insPrices($db,$partnumber,$pricegroup);
- if ($show) {
- if ($rc)
- show('<b>ok</b>');
- else
- show('<font color="red">error</font>');
- show('</tr>'."\n",false);
- }
- return $rc;
-function getMakemodel($db,$check,$hersteller,$model,$partsid,$lastcost,$add=true) {
- $sql="select * from makemodel where make = $hersteller and model = '$model' and parts_id = $partsid";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if (empty($rs[0]["id"]) && $add) {
- if (!$lastcost) $lastcost=0.00;
- $sql="insert into makemodel (parts_id,make,model,lastcost,lastupdate,sortorder) ";
- $sql.="values ($partsid,'$hersteller','$model',$lastcost,now(),1)";
- $rc=$db->query($sql);
- }
-function getAccnoId($db, $accno) {
- $sql = "select id from chart where accno='$accno'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- return $rs[0]["id"];
-function getPartsid($db,$number) {
- $sql = "select id from parts where partnumber = '$number'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if ($rs[0]["id"]>0) {
- return $rs[0]["id"];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-function newPartNumber($db,$check) {
- if ($check) return "check";
- $rc=$db->query("BEGIN");
- $sql = "select articlenumber from defaults";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if ($rs[0]["articlenumber"]) {
- preg_match("/([^0-9]+)?([0-9]+)([^0-9]+)?/", $rs[0]["articlenumber"] , $regs);
- $number=$regs[1].($regs[2]+1).$regs[3];
- }
- $sql = "update defaults set articlenumber = '$number'";
- $rc=$db->query($sql);
- $rc=$db->query("COMMIT");
- //Prüfen ob die Nummer nicht doch schon vergeben ist.
- $sql = "select * from parts where partnumber = '$number'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if ($rs[0]["id"]>0) return "";
- return $number;
-function getBuchungsgruppe($db, $income, $expense) {
- $income_id = getAccnoId($db, $income);
- $expense_id = getAccnoId($db, $expense);
- $sql = "select id from buchungsgruppen where ";
- $sql .= "income_accno_id_0 = $income and ";
- $sql .= "expense_accno_id_0 = $expense ";
- $sql .= "order by sortkey";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- return $rs[0]["id"];
-function getFromBG($db, $bg_id, $name) {
- $sql = "select $name from buchungsgruppen where id='$bg_id'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- return 1*$rs[0][$name];
-function existUnit($db, $value) {
- $sql="select name from units where name = '$value'";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- if (empty($rs[0]["name"]))
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
-function show($things,$td=true) {
- if ($td)
- echo '<td>'.$things.'</td>';
- else
- echo $things;
-function getStdUnit($db,$type) {
- $sql="select * from units where type='$type' order by sortkey limit 1";
- $rs=$db->getAll($sql);
- return $rs[0]["name"];
-function insPrices($db,$pid,$prices) {
- $rc = $db->query("BEGIN");
- $sql="delete from prices where parts_id = (select id from parts where partnumber = '$pid')";
- $rc = $db->query($sql);
- $sql = "insert into prices (parts_id,pricegroup_id,price) values ((select id from parts where partnumber = '%s'),%d,%0.5f)";
- foreach ($prices as $key => $val) {
- $rc = $db->query(sprintf($sql,$pid,$key,$val));
- if (!$rc) {
- $db->query("ROLLBACK");
- return false;
- }
- }
- $db->query("COMMIT");
- return true;
- * TODO: short description.
- *
- * @param double $db
- * @param mixed $file
- * @param mixed $fields
- * @param mixed $check
- * @param int $insert
- * @param string $show
- * @param mixed $maske
- *
- * @return TODO
- */
-function import_parts($db, $file, $fields, $check, $maske) {
- $insert = !$maske["test"];
- $show = $maske["show"];
- $trennzeichen = ($maske["trennzeichen"])?$maske["trennzeichen"]:"";
- $trenner = ($maske["trenner"])?$maske["trenner"]:",";
- $precision=$maske["precision"];
- $quotation=$maske["quotation"];
- $quottype=$maske["quottype"];
- $shop=$maske["shop"];
- $wgtrenner=$maske["wgtrenner"];
- $Update=($maske["update"]=="U")?true:false;
- $UpdText=($maske["TextUpd"]=="1")?true:false;
- $vendnr=($maske["vendnr"]=="t")?true:false;
- $modnr=($maske["modnr"]=="t")?true:false;
- //$stdunitW=getStdUnit($db,"dimension");
- //$stdunitD=getStdUnit($db,"service");
- $stdunitW=$maske["dimensionunit"];
- $stdunitD=$maske["serviceunit"];
- if ($quottype=="P") $quotation=($quotation+100)/100;
- if ($show && !$insert) show("<b>Testimport</b>",false);
- if ($show) show("<table border='1'>\n",false);
- /* field description */
- $prices = getPricegroup($db);
- if ($prices) {
- $priceskey = array_keys($prices);
- $parts_fld = array_merge(array_keys($fields),$priceskey);
- } else {
- $parts_fld = array_keys($fields);
- }
- if ($trenner=="other") $trenner=trim($trennzeichen);
- if (substr($trenner,0,1)=="#") if (strlen($trenner)>1) $trenner=chr(substr($trenner,1));
- /* open csv file */
- if (file_exists($file."head.csv")) {
- $fh=fopen($file.'head.csv',"r");
- // Erst einmal die erste Zeile mit den richtigen Feldbezeichnungen einlesen.
- $infld=fgetcsv($fh,1200,$trenner);
- fclose($fh);
- $f=fopen($file.'.csv',"r");
- // Erst einmal die erste Zeile mit den falschen Feldbezeichnungen einlesen.
- $tmp=fgetcsv($f,1200,$trenner);
- } else {
- $f=fopen($file.'.csv',"r");
- // Erst einmal die erste Zeile mit den Feldbezeichnungen einlesen.
- $infld=fgetcsv($f,1200,$trenner);
- }
- /*
- * read first line with table descriptions
- */
- if ($show) {
- show('<tr>',false);
- show("partnumber"); show("lastcost"); show("sellprice"); show("listprice");
- show("description"); show("notes"); show("ean");
- show("weight"); show("image"); show("partsgroup_id");
- show("bg"); show("income_accno"); show("expense_accno");
- show("inventory_accno"); show("microfiche"); show("drawing");
- show("rop"); show("assembly"); show("makemodel"); show("shop"); show("");
- show("</tr>\n",false);
- }
- $p=0;
- foreach ($infld as $fld) {
- $fld = strtolower(trim(strtr($fld,array("\""=>"","'"=>""))));
- if (in_array($fld,$parts_fld)) {
- $fldpos[$fld]=$p;
- }
- $p++;
- }
- $i=0;
- $u=0;
- $m=0; /* line */
- $errors=0; /* number of errors detected */
- $income_accno = "";
- $expense_accno = "";
- $assembly = 'f';
- while ( ($zeile=fgetcsv($f,120000,$trenner)) != FALSE) {
- $m++; /* increase line */
- $unit=false;
- unset($pgroup);
- unset($partsgroup_id);
- unset($notes);
- unset($rop);
- unset($weight);
- unset($inventory_accno);
- unset($income_accno);
- unset($expense_accno);
- unset($model);
- unset($makemodel);
- unset($hersteller);
- /* VK-Preis bilden */
- $sellprice = str_replace(",", ".", $zeile[$fldpos["sellprice"]]);
- $listprice = str_replace(",", ".", $zeile[$fldpos["listprice"]]);
- $lastcost = str_replace(",", ".", $zeile[$fldpos["lastcost"]]);
- if ($prices) {
- foreach ($prices as $pkey=>$val) {
- if (array_key_exists($pkey,$fldpos))
- $pricegroup[$val] = str_replace(",", ".", $zeile[$fldpos[$pkey]]);
- }
- }
- if ($quotation<>0) {
- if ($quottype=="A") { $sellprice += $quotation; }
- else { $sellprice = $sellprice * $quotation; }
- };
- if ($lastcost=="") unset($lastcost);
- if ($sellprice=="") unset($sellprice);
- if ($listprice=="") unset($listprice);
- /* Langtext zusammenbauen */
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["notes"]]) {
- //Kundenspezifisch:
- //$notes = preg_replace('/""[^ ]/','"',$zeile[$fldpos["notes"]]);
- $notes = addslashes($zeile[$fldpos["notes"]]);
- if (Translate) translate($notes);
- }
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["notes1"]]) {
- //Kundenspezifisch:
- //$notes1 = preg_replace('/""[^ ]/','"',$zeile[$fldpos["notes1"]]);
- $notes1 = addslashes($zeile[$fldpos["notes1"]]);
- if (Translate) translate($notes1);
- if ($notes) {
- $notes .= "\n".$notes1;
- } else {
- $notes = $notes1;
- }
- }
- /* Warengruppe bilden */
- if ($fldpos["partsgroup"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup"]];
- if ($fldpos["partsgroup1"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup1"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup1"]];
- if ($fldpos["partsgroup2"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup2"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup2"]];
- if ($fldpos["partsgroup3"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup3"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup3"]];
- if ($fldpos["partsgroup4"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup4"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup4"]];
- if (count($pgroup)>0) {
- $pgname = implode($wgtrenner,$pgroup);
- if (Translate) translate($pgname);
- $partsgroup_id = getPartsgroupId($db, $pgname, $insert);
- }
- /* Ware oder Dienstleistung */
- if (($maske["ware"]=="G" and strtoupper($zeile[$fldpos["art"]])=="D") or $maske["ware"]=="D") {
- $artikel = false;
- } else if (($maske["ware"]=="G" and strtoupper($zeile[$fldpos["art"]])=="W") or $maske["ware"]=="W") {
- $artikel = true;
- }
- /* sind Hersteller und Modelnummer hinterlegt
- wenn ja, erfolgt er insert später */
- $makemodel = 'f';
- if (!empty($zeile[$fldpos["makemodel"]]) and $artikel) {
- $mm = $zeile[$fldpos["makemodel"]];
- if (Translate) translate($mm);
- if ($vendnr) {
- $hersteller=getFirma($mm,"vendor");
- } else {
- $hersteller=suchFirma("vendor",$mm);
- $hersteller=$hersteller["cp_cv_id"];
- }
- if (!empty($zeile[$fldpos["model"]]) and $hersteller>0) {
- $mo = $zeile[$fldpos["model"]];
- if (Translate) translate($mo);
- $model = $mo;
- $makemodel = 't';
- } else if ($modnr and $hersteller>0) {
- $model = '';
- $makemodel = 't';
- } else {
- unset($hersteller);
- $makemodel = 'f';
- }
- }
- /* Einheit ermitteln */
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["unit"]]=="") {
- //Keine Einheit mitgegeben
- if ($maske["ware"]=="G") {
- if ($artikel) {
- $unit = $stdunitD;
- } else {
- $unit = $stdunitW;
- }
- } else if ($maske["ware"]=="D") { $unit = $stdunitD; }
- else { $unit = $stdunitW; };
- } else {
- if (existUnit($db,$zeile[$fldpos["unit"]])) {
- $unit = $zeile[$fldpos["unit"]];
- } else {
- $unit = ($artikel)?$stdunitD:$stdunitW;
- }
- }
- /* Buchungsgruppe ermitteln */
- if ($maske["bugrufix"]==1) {
- $bg = $maske["bugru"];
- } else {
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["income_accno"]]<>"" and $zeile[$fldpos["expense_accno"]]<>"") {
- /* search for buchungsgruppe */
- $bg = getBuchungsgruppe($db, $zeile[$fldpos["income_accno"]],$zeile[$fldpos["expense_accno"]]);
- if ($bg == "" and $maske["bugrufix"]==2 and $maske["bugru"]<>"") {
- $bg = $maske["bugru"];
- }
- } else if ($maske["bugru"]<>"" and $maske["bugrufix"]==2) {
- $bg = $maske["bugru"];
- } else {
- /* nothing found? user must create one */
- echo "Error in line $m: ";
- echo "Keine Buchungsgruppe gefunden für <br>";
- echo "Erlöse Inland: ".$zeile[$fldpos["income_accno"]]."<br>";
- echo "Aufwand Inland: ".$zeile[$fldpos["expense_accno"]]."<br>";
- echo "Bitte legen Sie eine an oder geben Sie eine vor.<br>";
- echo "<br>";
- $errors++;
- }
- }
- if ($bg > 0) {
- /* found one, add income_accno_id etc from buchungsgr. */
- /* XXX nur bei artikel!!! */
- if ($artikel) {
- $inventory_accno = getFromBG($db, $bg, "inventory_accno_id");
- };
- $income_accno = getFromBG($db, $bg, "income_accno_id_0");
- $expense_accno = getFromBG($db, $bg, "expense_accno_id_0");
- $bg = $bg * 1;
- } else {
- echo "Error in line $m: ";
- echo "Keine Buchungsgruppe angegeben/gefunden<br>";
- $errors++;
- continue;
- }
- $description = preg_replace('/""[^ ]/','"',$zeile[$fldpos["description"]]);
- $description = addslashes($description);
- if (Translate) translate($description);
- // rop und weight müssen null oder Zahl sein
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["rop"]]) $rop = 1 * str_replace(",", ".",$zeile[$fldpos["rop"]]);
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["weight"]]) $weight = 1 * str_replace(",", ".", $zeile[$fldpos["weight"]]);
- // Shop-Artikel
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["shop"]]) {
- $shop = (strtolower($zeile[$fldpos["shop"]]=='t'))?'t':'f';
- } else {
- $shop = $maske["shop"];
- }
- // Artikel updaten
- if (getPartsid($db,trim($zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]]))) {
- /* es gibt die Artikelnummer */
- if ($Update) {
- /* Updates durchführen */
- if ($UpdText=='1') {
- $u += updParts($db,$insert,$show,$zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]],$lastcost,$sellprice,$listprice,
- $description,$notes,$zeile[$fldpos["ean"]],$weight,
- $zeile[$fldpos["image"]],$partsgroup_id,$pricegroup, $shop);
- } else {
- $u += updPrice($db,$insert,$show,$zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]],$lastcost,$sellprice,$listprice,$pricegroup,$shop);
- }
- continue;
- // nächste Zeile
- }
- }
- // Neuen Artikel einfügen
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]] == "") {
- $zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]] = newPartNumber($db,$check);
- //Keine Artikelnummer bekommen
- if ($zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]] == "") {
- continue;
- }
- }
- $i += insertParts($db,$insert,$show,array(
- "partnumber"=>$zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]],
- "description"=>$description,"notes"=>$notes,
- "ean"=>$zeile[$fldpos["ean"]],"unit"=>$unit,
- "weight"=>$weight,"image"=>$zeile[$fldpos["image"]],
- "sellprice"=>$sellprice,
- "lastcost"=>$lastcost,
- "listprice"=>$listprice,
- "partsgroup_id"=>$partsgroup_id,
- "buchungsgruppen_id"=>$bg,"income_accno_id"=>$income_accno,
- "expense_accno_id"=>$expense_accno,"inventory_accno_id"=>$inventory_accno,
- "microfiche"=>$zeile[$fldpos["microfiche"]],"drawing"=>$zeile[$fldpos["drawing"]],
- "rop"=>$rop,"assembly"=>$assembly,
- "shop"=>$shop,"makemodel"=>$makemodel),$pricegroup
- );
- if ($hersteller>0 ) { // && $model) {
- $partsid=getPartsid($db,$zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]]);
- if ($partsid) {
- getMakemodel($db,$check,$hersteller,$model,$partsid,$lastcost,true);
- }
- }
- unset($zeile);
- }
- if ($show) show("</table>",false);
- fclose($f);
- echo "$m Zeilen bearbeitet. Importiert: $i Update: $u (".($m-$u-$i+$errors)." : Fehler) ";
+++ /dev/null
-partnumber fvId wgr partsgroup ean model ErsatzArt makemodel MarkeText description cat01 cat01Text cat02 cat02Text cat03 cat03Text cat04 cat04Text KzStueck KzAL KzAktion KzSperre pg_1 pg_2 listprice lastcost InfLagME InfLagWE\r
+++ /dev/null
-<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="../css/lx-office-erp.css" TYPE="text/css" TITLE="Lx-Office stylesheet">
-Lieferanschriftimport mit Browser nach Lx-Office ERP
-Copyright (C) 2005
-Author: Philip Reetz, Holger Lindemann
-Email: p.reetz@linet-services.de, hli@lx-system.de
-Web: http://www.linet-services.de, http://www.lx-system.de
- require ("import_lib.php");
- function ende($nr) {
- echo "Abbruch: $nr\n";
- exit($nr);
- }
- if ($_POST["ok"]=="Hilfe") {
- echo "Importfelder:<br>";
- echo "Feldname => Bedeutung<br>";
- foreach($shiptos as $key=>$val) {
- echo "$key => $val<br>";
- }
- $header=implode(";",array_keys($shiptos));
- echo $header;
- exit(0);
- };
-if (!$_SESSION["db"]) {
- $conffile="../config/lx_office.conf";
- if (!is_file($conffile)) {
- ende("lx_office.conf nicht gefunden oder unlesbar");
- }
-if (!anmelden()) ende("Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen");
-/* get DB instance */
-$db=$_SESSION["db"]; //new myDB($login);
-if ($_POST["ok"] == "Import") {
- $dir = "../users/";
- $test=$_POST["test"];
- $shipto_fld = array_keys($shiptos);
- $shipto=$shiptos;
- $nun=time();
- clearstatcache ();
- $trenner=($_POST["trenner"])?$_POST["trenner"]:",";
- if ($trenner=="other") {
- $trenner=trim($trennzeichen);
- if (substr($trenner,0,1)=="#") if (strlen($trenner)>1) $trenner=chr(substr($trenner,1));
- };
- if (!empty($_FILES["Datei"]["name"])) {
- $file=$_POST["ziel"];
- if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Datei"]["tmp_name"],$dir.$file."_shipto.csv")) {
- $file=false;
- echo "Upload von ".$_FILES["Datei"]["name"]." fehlerhaft. (".$_FILES["Datei"]["error"].")<br>";
- }
- } else if (is_file($dir.$_POST["ziel"]."_shipto.csv")) {
- $file=$_POST["ziel"];
- } else {
- $file=false;
- }
- if (!$file) ende ("Kein Datenfile");
- if (!file_exists($dir.$file."_shipto.csv")) ende($file."_shipto.csv nicht im Ordner gefunden oder leer");
- $employee=chkUsr($_SESSION["employee"]);
- if (!$employee) ende("Benutzer unbekannt");
- if (!$db->chkcol($file)) ende("Importspalte konnte nicht angelegt werden");
- //Zeichencodierung des Servers
- $tmpcode = $db->getServerCode();
- //Leider sind die Benennungen vom Server anders als von mb_detect_encoding
- if ($tmpcode == "UTF8") {
- define("ServerCode","UTF-8");
- } else if ($tmpcode == "LATIN9") {
- define("ServerCode","ISO-8859-15");
- } else if ($tmpcode == "LATIN1") {
- define("ServerCode","ISO-8859-1");
- } else {
- define("ServerCode",$tmpcode);
- }
- //Zeichensatz sollte gleich sein, sonst ist die Datenkonvertierung nutzlos
- //DB und LxO müssen ja nicht auf der gleichen Maschiene sein.
- if($tmpcode<>$db->getClientCode()) {
- $rc = $db->setClientCode($tmpcode);
- }
- // Zeichenkodierung File
- if ($_POST["encoding"] == "auto") {
- define("Auto",true);
- define("Translate",true);
- } else {
- define("Auto",false);
- if ($_POST["encoding"] == ServerCode) {
- define("Translate",false);
- } else {
- define("Translate",true);
- define("FileCode",$_POST["encoding"]);
- }
- }
- $f=fopen($dir.$file."_shipto.csv","r");
- $zeile=fgetcsv($f,1000,$trenner);
- $first=true;
- foreach ($zeile as $fld) {
- $fld = strtolower(trim(strtr($fld,array("\""=>"","'"=>""))));
- $in_fld[]=$fld;
- }
- $j=0;
- $n=0;
- //$prenumber=$_POST["prenumber"];
- $zeile=fgetcsv($f,1000,$trenner);
- while (!feof($f)){
- $i=-1;
- $id=false;
- $sql="insert into shipto ";
- $keys="";
- $vals="";
- foreach($zeile as $data) {
- $i++;
- if (!in_array($in_fld[$i],$shipto_fld)) {
- continue;
- }
- $data=addslashes(trim($data));
- if ($in_fld[$i]=="trans_id" && $data) {
- $data=chkKdId($data);
- if (!$id) $id = $data;
- continue;
- } else if ($in_fld[$i]=="trans_id") {
- continue;
- }
- if ($in_fld[$i]==$file."number" && $data) {
- $tmp=getFirma($data,$file);
- if ($id<>$tmp) $id=$tmp;
- continue;
- } else if ($in_fld[$i]==$file."number") {
- continue;
- }
- if ($in_fld[$i]=="firma") {
- if ($id) continue;
- if (Translate) translate($data);
- $data=suchFirma($file,$data);
- if ($data) {
- $id=$data["cp_cv_id"];
- }
- continue;
- }
- $keys.=$in_fld[$i].",";
- if ($data==false or empty($data) or !$data) {
- $vals.="null,";
- } else {
- /*if (in_array($in_fld[$i],array("shiptofax","shiptophone"))) {
- $data=$prenumber.$data;
- } */
- if (Translate) translate($data);
- $vals.="'".$data."',";
- // bei jedem gefuellten Datenfeld erhoehen
- $val_count++;
- }
- }
- if ($keys<>"" && $id) {
- $vals.=$id.",'CT'";
- $keys.="trans_id,module";
- if ($test) {
- if ($first) {
- echo "<table border='1'>\n";
- echo "<tr><th>".str_replace(",","</th><th>",$keys)."</th></tr>\n";
- $first=false;
- };
- echo "<tr><td>".str_replace(",","</td><td>",$vals)."</td></tr>\n";
- flush();
- } else {
- $sql.="(".$keys.")";
- $sql.="values (".$vals.")";
- $rc=$db->query($sql);
- if (!$rc) echo "Fehler: ".$sql."\n";
- }
- $j++;
- }
- $n++;
- $zeile=fgetcsv($f,1000,$trenner);
- }
- fclose($f);
- echo "</table>".$j." $file shipto von $n importiert.\n";
-} else {
-<p class="listtop">Lieferanschriftimport für die ERP</p>
-<form name="import" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="shiptoB.php">
-<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="300000">
-<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Hilfe"></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Zieltabelle</td><td><input type="radio" name="ziel" value="customer" checked>customer <input type="radio" name="ziel" value="vendor">vendor</td></tr>
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=";" checked>Semikolon
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=",">Komma
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value="#9" checked>Tabulator
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value=" ">Leerzeichen
- <input type="radio" name="trenner" value="other">
- <input type="text" size="2" name="trennzeichen" value="">
-<!--tr><td>Telefonvorwahl</td><td><input type="text" size="4" maxlength="10" name="prenumber" value=""></td></tr-->
-<tr><td>Test</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="test" value="1">ja</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Daten</td><td><input type="file" name="Datei"></td></tr>
-<tr><td>Verwendete<br />Zeichecodierung</td><td>
- <select name="encoding">
- <option value="auto">Automatisch (versuchen)</option>
- <option value="UTF-8">UTF-8</option>
- <option value="ISO-8859-1">ISO-8859-1</option>
- <option value="ISO-8859-15">ISO-8859-15</option>
- <option value="Windows-1252">Windows-1252</option>
- <option value="ASCII">ASCII</option>
- </select>
-<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="ok" value="Import"></td></tr>
-<?php }; ?>
+++ /dev/null
-<!-- $Id: ups.html 3212 2008-05-29 08:57:18Z hlindemann $ -->
- <head><title></title>
- <link type="text/css" REL="stylesheet" HREF="css/main.css"></link>
- </head>
- Uups!
- Die Session auf dem Server oder das Cookie wurden gelöscht oder sind nicht mehr gültig!
- - Sie haben eine bestimmte Zeit nicht mehr mit dem System gearbeitet -
- <br><br>
- Bitte melden Sie sich neu an oder klicken Sie auf einen Hauptmenüpunkt.
-# [System--Import CSV]
-# module=menu.pl
-# action=acc_menu
-# target=acc_menu
-# submenu=1
-# [System--Import CSV--Customer]
-# module=lxo-import/addressB.php
-# [System--Import CSV--Contacts]
-# module=lxo-import/contactB.php
-# [System--Import CSV--Shipto]
-# module=lxo-import/shiptoB.php
-# [System--Import CSV--Parts]
-# module=lxo-import/partsB.php
[System--Import CSV]