Selenium Tests nach old verschoben, deprecated.
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla Tests.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Zach Lipton
+# Portions created by Zach Lipton are
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Zach Lipton. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Zach Lipton <>
+#Bugzilla Test 1#
+use strict;
+use lib 't';
+use lib '../modules/override';
+use lib '../modules/fallback';
+use Support::Files;
+use Test::More tests => scalar(@Support::Files::testitems);
+# Need this to get the available driver information
+use DBI;
+my @DBI_drivers = DBI->available_drivers;
+# Bugzilla requires Perl 5.8.0 now. Checksetup will tell you this if you run it, but
+# it tests it in a polite/passive way that won't make it fail at compile time. We'll
+# slip in a compile-time failure if it's missing here so a tinderbox on < 5.8 won't
+# pass and mistakenly let people think Bugzilla works on any perl below 5.8.
+require 5.008;
+# Capture the TESTOUT from Test::More or Test::Builder for printing errors.
+# This will handle verbosity for us automatically.
+my $fh;
+ local $^W = 0; # Don't complain about non-existent filehandles
+ if (-e \*Test::More::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::More::TESTOUT;
+ } elsif (-e \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT;
+ } else {
+ $fh = \*STDOUT;
+ }
+my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
+my $perlapp = "\"$^X\"";
+# Test the scripts by compiling them
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ $file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
+ next if (!$file); # skip null entries
+ # Skip in all cases. It doesn't compile correctly from the command line.
+ if ($file eq '') {
+ ok(1, "Skipping");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Check that we have a DBI module to support the DB, if this is a database
+ # module (but not Schema)
+ if ($file =~ m#Bugzilla/DB/([^/]+)\.pm$# && $file ne "Bugzilla/DB/") {
+ if (!grep(lc($_) =~ /$1/i, @DBI_drivers)) {
+ ok(1,$file." - Skipping, as the DBD module not installed");
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ open (FILE,$file);
+ my $bang = <FILE>;
+ close (FILE);
+ my $T = "";
+ if ($bang =~ m/#!\S*perl\s+-.*T/) {
+ $T = "T";
+ }
+ my $command = "$perlapp -c$T -I modules/fallback -I modules/override $file 2>&1";
+ my $loginfo=`$command`;
+ #print '@@'.$loginfo.'##';
+ if ($loginfo =~ /syntax ok$/im) {
+ if ($loginfo ne "$file syntax OK\n") {
+ ok(0,$file." --WARNING");
+ print $fh $loginfo;
+ } else {
+ ok(1,$file);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ok(0,$file." --ERROR");
+ print $fh $loginfo;
+ }
+exit 0;
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla Tests.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Zach Lipton
+# Portions created by Zach Lipton are
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Zach Lipton. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Zach Lipton <>
+# Jacob Steenhagen <>
+# David D. Kilzer <>
+#Bugzilla Test 2#
+use strict;
+use lib 't';
+use Support::Files;
+use Test::More tests => (scalar(@Support::Files::testitems) * 3);
+my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems; # get the files to test.
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ $file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
+ next if (!$file); # skip null entries
+ if (! open (FILE, $file)) {
+ ok(0,"could not open $file --WARNING");
+ }
+ my $file_line1 = <FILE>;
+ close (FILE);
+ $file =~ m/.*\.(.*)/;
+ my $ext = $1;
+ if ($file_line1 !~ m/^#\!/) {
+ ok(1,"$file does not have a shebang");
+ } else {
+ my $flags;
+ if (!defined $ext || $ext eq "pl") {
+ # standalone programs aren't taint checked yet
+ $flags = "w";
+ } elsif ($ext eq "pm") {
+ ok(0, "$file is a module, but has a shebang");
+ next;
+ } elsif ($ext eq "cgi") {
+ # cgi files must be taint checked
+ $flags = "wT";
+ } else {
+ ok(0, "$file has shebang but unknown extension");
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($file_line1 =~ m#^\#\!/usr/bin/perl\s#) {
+ if ($file_line1 =~ m#\s-$flags#) {
+ ok(1,"$file uses standard perl location and -$flags");
+ } else {
+ ok(0,"$file is MISSING -$flags --WARNING");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ok(0,"$file uses non-standard perl location");
+ }
+ }
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ my $found_use_strict = 0;
+ $file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
+ next if (!$file); # skip null entries
+ if (! open (FILE, $file)) {
+ ok(0,"could not open $file --WARNING");
+ next;
+ }
+ while (my $file_line = <FILE>) {
+ if ($file_line =~ m/^\s*use strict/) {
+ $found_use_strict = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close (FILE);
+ if ($found_use_strict) {
+ ok(1,"$file uses strict");
+ } else {
+ ok(0,"$file DOES NOT use strict --WARNING");
+ }
+# Check to see that all error messages use tags (for l10n reasons.)
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ $file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
+ next if (!$file); # skip null entries
+ if (! open (FILE, $file)) {
+ ok(0,"could not open $file --WARNING");
+ next;
+ }
+ my $lineno = 0;
+ my $error = 0;
+ while (!$error && (my $file_line = <FILE>)) {
+ $lineno++;
+ if ($file_line =~ /Throw.*Error\("(.*?)"/) {
+ if ($1 =~ /\s/) {
+ ok(0,"$file has a Throw*Error call on line $lineno which doesn't use a tag --ERROR");
+ $error = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok(1,"$file uses Throw*Error calls correctly") if !$error;
+ close(FILE);
+exit 0;
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla Tests.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Zach Lipton
+# Portions created by Zach Lipton are
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Zach Lipton. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Zach Lipton <>
+#Bugzilla Test 3#
+use strict;
+use lib 't';
+use Support::Files;
+use Test::More tests => scalar(@Support::Files::testitems);
+# Capture the TESTOUT from Test::More or Test::Builder for printing errors.
+# This will handle verbosity for us automatically.
+my $fh;
+ local $^W = 0; # Don't complain about non-existent filehandles
+ if (-e \*Test::More::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::More::TESTOUT;
+ } elsif (-e \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT;
+ } else {
+ $fh = \*STDOUT;
+ }
+my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
+my $perlapp = "\"$^X\"";
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ $file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
+ next if (!$file); # skip null entries
+ my $command = "$perlapp -c -It -MSupport::Systemexec $file 2>&1";
+ my $loginfo=`$command`;
+ if ($loginfo =~ /arguments for Support::Systemexec::(system|exec)/im) {
+ ok(0,"$file DOES NOT use proper system or exec calls");
+ print $fh $loginfo;
+ } else {
+ ok(1,"$file uses proper system and exec calls");
+ }
+exit 0;
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla tests.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jacob Steenhagen.
+# Portions created by Jacob Steenhagen are
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Jacob Steenhagen. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Jacob Steenhagen <>
+# Zach Lipton <>
+# David D. Kilzer <>
+# Tobias Burnus <>
+#Bugzilla Test 4#
+use strict;
+use lib 't';
+use Support::Templates;
+# Bug 137589 - Disable command-line input of when testing
+use CGI qw(-no_debug);
+use File::Spec;
+use Template;
+use Test::More tests => ( scalar(@referenced_files) * scalar(@languages)
+ + $num_actual_files );
+# Capture the TESTOUT from Test::More or Test::Builder for printing errors.
+# This will handle verbosity for us automatically.
+my $fh;
+ local $^W = 0; # Don't complain about non-existent filehandles
+ if (-e \*Test::More::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::More::TESTOUT;
+ } elsif (-e \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT;
+ } else {
+ $fh = \*STDOUT;
+ }
+# Checks whether one of the passed files exists
+sub existOnce {
+ foreach my $file (@_) {
+ return $file if -e $file;
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Check to make sure all templates that are referenced in
+# Bugzilla exist in the proper place.
+foreach my $lang (@languages) {
+ foreach my $file (@referenced_files) {
+ my @path = map(File::Spec->catfile($_, $file),
+ split(':', $include_path{$lang} . ":" . $include_path{"en"}));
+ if (my $path = existOnce(@path)) {
+ ok(1, "$path exists");
+ } else {
+ ok(0, "$file cannot be located --ERROR");
+ print $fh "Looked in:\n " . join("\n ", @path) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+foreach my $include_path (@include_paths) {
+ # Processes all the templates to make sure they have good syntax
+ my $provider = Template::Provider->new(
+ {
+ INCLUDE_PATH => $include_path ,
+ # Need to define filters used in the codebase, they don't
+ # actually have to function in this test, just be defined.
+ # See for the actual codebase definitions.
+ # Initialize templates (f.e. by loading plugins like Hook).
+ PRE_PROCESS => "global/initialize.none.tmpl",
+ {
+ html_linebreak => sub { return $_; },
+ no_break => sub { return $_; } ,
+ js => sub { return $_ } ,
+ base64 => sub { return $_ } ,
+ inactive => [ sub { return sub { return $_; } }, 1] ,
+ closed => [ sub { return sub { return $_; } }, 1] ,
+ obsolete => [ sub { return sub { return $_; } }, 1] ,
+ url_quote => sub { return $_ } ,
+ css_class_quote => sub { return $_ } ,
+ xml => sub { return $_ } ,
+ quoteUrls => sub { return $_ } ,
+ bug_link => [ sub { return sub { return $_; } }, 1] ,
+ csv => sub { return $_ } ,
+ unitconvert => sub { return $_ },
+ time => sub { return $_ } ,
+ wrap_comment => sub { return $_ },
+ none => sub { return $_ } ,
+ ics => [ sub { return sub { return $_; } }, 1] ,
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ foreach my $file (@{$actual_files{$include_path}}) {
+ my $path = File::Spec->catfile($include_path, $file);
+ if (-e $path) {
+ my ($data, $err) = $provider->fetch($file);
+ if (!$err) {
+ ok(1, "$file syntax ok");
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(0, "$file has bad syntax --ERROR");
+ print $fh $data . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(1, "$path doesn't exist, skipping test");
+ }
+ }
+ # check to see that all templates have a version string:
+ # disabled for lx-office
+# foreach my $file (@{$actual_files{$include_path}}) {
+# my $path = File::Spec->catfile($include_path, $file);
+# open(TMPL, $path);
+# my $firstline = <TMPL>;
+# if ($firstline =~ /\d+\.\d+\@[\w\.-]+/) {
+# ok(1,"$file has a version string");
+# } else {
+# ok(0,"$file does not have a version string --ERROR");
+# }
+# close(TMPL);
+# }
+exit 0;
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla tests.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jacob Steenhagen.
+# Portions created by Jacob Steenhagen are
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Jacob Steenhagen. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Jacob Steenhagen <>
+# David D. Kilzer <>
+#Bugzilla Test 5#
+use strict;
+use lib 't';
+use Support::Files;
+use Support::Templates;
+use File::Spec;
+use Test::More tests => ( scalar(@Support::Files::testitems)
+ + $Support::Templates::num_actual_files);
+my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
+for my $path (@Support::Templates::include_paths) {
+ push(@testitems, map(File::Spec->catfile($path, $_),
+ Support::Templates::find_actual_files($path)));
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ open (FILE, "$file");
+ if (grep /\t/, <FILE>) {
+ ok(0, "$file contains tabs --WARNING");
+ } else {
+ ok(1, "$file has no tabs");
+ }
+ close (FILE);
+exit 0;
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla Tests.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Zach Lipton
+# Portions created by Zach Lipton are
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Zach Lipton. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Zach Lipton <>
+#Bugzilla Test 6#
+use lib 't';
+use Support::Files;
+BEGIN { # yes the indenting is off, deal with it
+#add the words to check here:
+@evilwords = qw(
+$testcount = scalar(@Support::Files::testitems);
+use Test::More tests => $testcount;
+# Capture the TESTOUT from Test::More or Test::Builder for printing errors.
+# This will handle verbosity for us automatically.
+my $fh;
+ local $^W = 0; # Don't complain about non-existent filehandles
+ if (-e \*Test::More::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::More::TESTOUT;
+ } elsif (-e \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT;
+ } else {
+ $fh = \*STDOUT;
+ }
+my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
+# at last, here we actually run the test...
+my $evilwordsregexp = join('|', @evilwords);
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ $file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
+ next if (!$file); # skip null entries
+ if (open (FILE, $file)) { # open the file for reading
+ my $found_word = '';
+ while (my $file_line = <FILE>) { # and go through the file line by line
+ if ($file_line =~ /($evilwordsregexp)/i) { # found an evil word
+ $found_word = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close (FILE);
+ if ($found_word) {
+ ok(0,"$file: found SPELLING ERROR $found_word --WARNING");
+ } else {
+ ok(1,"$file does not contain registered spelling errors");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ok(0,"could not open $file for spellcheck --WARNING");
+ }
+exit 0;
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla Tests.
+# Contributor(s): Frédéric Buclin <>
+#Bugzilla Test 11#
+##POD validation##
+use strict;
+use lib 't';
+use Support::Files;
+use Pod::Checker;
+use Test::More tests => scalar(@Support::Files::testitems);
+# Capture the TESTOUT from Test::More or Test::Builder for printing errors.
+# This will handle verbosity for us automatically.
+my $fh;
+ local $^W = 0; # Don't complain about non-existent filehandles
+ if (-e \*Test::More::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::More::TESTOUT;
+ } elsif (-e \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT) {
+ $fh = \*Test::Builder::TESTOUT;
+ } else {
+ $fh = \*STDOUT;
+ }
+my @testitems = @Support::Files::testitems;
+foreach my $file (@testitems) {
+ $file =~ s/\s.*$//; # nuke everything after the first space (#comment)
+ next if (!$file); # skip null entries
+ my $error_count = podchecker($file, $fh);
+ if ($error_count < 0) {
+ ok(1,"$file does not contain any POD");
+ } elsif ($error_count == 0) {
+ ok(1,"$file has correct POD syntax");
+ } else {
+ ok(0,"$file has incorrect POD syntax --ERROR");
+ }
+exit 0;
+++ /dev/null
-Directory for automated test scripts.
+++ /dev/null
-Lx-Office Testumgebung
-Mit der hier beschriebenen Testumgebung ist es möglich, Lx Office
-automatisiert zu testen. Automatische Tests haben den großen
-Vorteil, das verschiedene Standardtests nicht immer wieder von
-Hand durchgespielt werden müssen, sondern einmal in einem Skript
-verschriftet immer wieder verwendet werden können.
-Weitere Informationen können im Wiki nachgelesen und ergänzt werden:
-Aufbau der Testumgebung
-Im Verzeichnis t/ finden sich alle testrelevanten Skripte.Der
-Aufruf der Tests folgt über
-#perl t/lx-office.t
-lx-office.t ruft alle Einzeltests der Reihe nach auf und fasst sie
-übersichtlich zusammen. Die Einzeltests befinden sich in einem
-Unterordner von t/. Jeder Unterorder enthält eine Datei AllTests.t,
-die wiederrum alle einzelnen Tests des Unterordners aufruft.
-t/lxtest.conf t/lxtest.conf.default
-Für die einzelnen Tests werden verschiedene Packetvariablen (globals)
-zur Verfügung gestellt, um die Testskripte einfach auf
-unterschiedliche Installationen anpassen zu können und um sich auf
-die selbe Test-Datenbank und denselben Test-Benutzer beziehen zu können.
-Die Datei t/lxtest.conf.default muss zunächst nach t/lxtest.conf
-kopiert werden. Dann ist die Datei t/lxtest.conf auf die lokalen
-Gegebenheiten anzupassen. Besnders die für Selenium nötigen
-Einstellungen bedürfen einer Überarbeitung.
-Definiert werden die Variablen in der Datei t/lxtest.conf.
-Aufgerufen werden die Variablen $lxtest->{VARIABLE}.
-Es ist ratsam, die vorhandenen Tests zu untersuchen, um sich ein Bild
-von den Möglichkeiten zu machen.
-Selenium ist eine Testsuite, mit der man Browserinteraktionen
-simulieren und die Ergebnisse auswerten kann. Der unschlagbare
-Vorteil von Selenium für das Testen von Lx ist es, dass es
-möglich wird, eine Test-Datenbank in einfachen Schritten
-erstellen zu können. Um Seleniumtests durchführen zu können,
-ist es nötig, das Packet Selenium Remote Control (Selenium RC)
-lokal zu installieren (Java Runtime ebenfalls erforderlich).
-Selenium RC gibt es unter:
-Für den Betrieb von Selenium ist eine lokale Workstation mit
-Browserumgebung nötig.
-Der Aufruf von selenium erfolgt unter Windows bspw. so:
-C:\java -jar "C:\selenium-remote-control-0.9.0
-Unter Linux bspw. so:
-Die lokalen Einstellungen sind unbedingt in der
-t/lxtest.conf nachzutragen! Weitere Infos unter
-Dann reicht ein Start von
-#perl t/lx-office.t
-um dem Testskript bei der Arbeit zuzuschauen.
-Leider ist es nötig, auf dem Seleniumserver nach jedem Aufruf
-des Testskripts das Sicherheitszertifikat von LINET Services zu
-akzeptieren, was etwas nervig ist.
-Der Ordner selenium beinhaltet alle einzelnen selenium Testskripte.
-Aufgerufen werden die Skripte über t/selenium/AllTests.t .
-Neue Tests müssen in dieser Datei angemeldet werden.
-Ziel ist es eine Demodatenbank von Lx mit Daten zu füllen und die
-Abhängigkeiten untereinander zu prüfen. Dazu sind die
-individuellen Testskripte nummeriert (001NAME.t bis 999NAME.t) um
-sie der Reihe nach abzuarbeiten.
-Die folgenden Skripte sind bereits installiert:
-001CreateTestDatabase.t Erzeugt eine neue Testdatenbank
-002CreateTestUser.t Erzeugt einen neuen Testbenutzer
-998DeleteTestUser.t Löscht den Testbenutzer
-999DeleteTestDatabase.t Löscht die Testdatenbank
-Dazwischen befinden sich die Skripte, um eine Demodatenbank
-aufzubauen und zu prüfen.
-In diesem Ordner befinden sich Backend Testskripte.
-In diesem Ordner befinden sich Frontend Testskripte, die nicht
-unter selenium getestet werden.
-Was wenn ein Test fehlschlägt?
-Das Fehlschlagen von Tests kann verschiedene Gründe haben.
-1. Der Test selbst ist fehlerhaft.
-2. Es haben sich Lx Screens verändert, so das der Test von
- falschen Voraussetzungen ausgeht
-3. Die zu testende Funktion ist fehlerhaft
-Nachdem 1. und 2. ausgeschlossen wurden, sollte zu 3. ein Bugreport
-angelegt werden.
-Bugreports unter
-Eigene Tests
-Eigene testskripte können einfach in die Testumgebung eingebunden
-werden. Die vorhandenen Skripte können als Anleitung dienen.
-Bei Selenium Tests ist es am leichtesten, mit Firefox und der
-Selenium IDE Extension Testpfade einfach aufzuzeichnen.
-( )
-Dann werden die Selenium IDE Testaufzeichnungen in Perl
-umgewandelt und angepasst. Fertige Skripte werden mit einer
-laufenden Nummer versehen und in den Ordner t/selenium/ kopiert.
-Dann wird das Skript in der Datei t/selenium/AllTests.t eingefügt.
-Ein erster Probelauf mit
-#perl t/selenium/AllTests.t sollte den Test absolvieren.
-(Dabei kann es nötig sein, andere Tests auszukommentieren, weil
-selenium Tests mitunter lange Laufzeiten haben können, oder weil die Demodatenbank
-und der Benutzer am Ende zu Debugging Zwecken nicht gelöscht werden
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla Tests.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Zach Lipton
+# Portions created by Zach Lipton are
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Zach Lipton. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Zach Lipton <>
+# Joel Peshkin <>
+package Support::Files;
+use File::Find;
+# exclude_deps is a hash of arrays listing the files to be excluded
+# if a module is not available
+@additional_files = ();
+%exclude_deps = (
+ 'XML::Twig' => [''],
+ 'Net::LDAP' => ['Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/'],
+ 'Email::Reply' => [''],
+ 'Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper' => ['']
+@files = glob('*');
+find(sub { push(@files, $File::Find::name) if $_ =~ /\.pm$/;}, 'SL');
+sub have_pkg {
+ my ($pkg) = @_;
+ my ($msg, $vnum, $vstr);
+ no strict 'refs';
+ eval { my $p; ($p = $pkg . ".pm") =~ s!::!/!g; require $p; };
+ return !($@);
+@exclude_files = ();
+foreach $dep (keys(%exclude_deps)) {
+ if (!have_pkg($dep)) {
+ push @exclude_files, @{$exclude_deps{$dep}};
+ }
+sub isTestingFile {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $exclude;
+ foreach $exclude (@exclude_files) {
+ if ($file eq $exclude) { return undef; } # get rid of excluded files.
+ }
+ if ($file =~ /\.cgi$|\.pl$|\.pm$/) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $additional;
+ foreach $additional (@additional_files) {
+ if ($file eq $additional) { return 1; }
+ }
+ return undef;
+foreach $currentfile (@files) {
+ if (isTestingFile($currentfile)) {
+ push(@testitems,$currentfile);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+package Support::Systemexec;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(system exec);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+sub system($$@) {
+ 1;
+sub exec($$@) {
+ 1;
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code are the Bugzilla tests.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jacob Steenhagen.
+# Portions created by Jacob Steenhagen are
+# Copyright (C) 2001 Jacob Steenhagen. All
+# Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Jacob Steenhagen <>
+# David D. Kilzer <>
+# Tobias Burnus <>
+package Support::Templates;
+use strict;
+use lib 't';
+use base qw(Exporter);
+@Support::Templates::EXPORT =
+ qw(@languages @include_paths %include_path @referenced_files
+ %actual_files $num_actual_files);
+use vars qw(@languages @include_paths %include_path @referenced_files
+ %actual_files $num_actual_files);
+use Support::Files;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Spec;
+# The available template languages
+@languages = ();
+# The colon separated includepath per language
+%include_path = ();
+# All include paths
+@include_paths = ();
+# Files which are referenced in the cgi files
+@referenced_files = ();
+# All files sorted by include_path
+%actual_files = ();
+# total number of actual_files
+$num_actual_files = 0;
+# Scan for the template available languages and include paths
+# opendir(DIR, "templates/webpages") || die "Can't open 'templates': $!";
+# my @files = grep { /^[a-z-]+$/i } readdir(DIR);
+# closedir DIR;
+# foreach my $langdir (@files) {
+# next if($langdir =~ /^CVS$/i);
+# my $path = File::Spec->catdir('templates', $langdir, 'custom');
+# my @dirs = ();
+# push(@dirs, $path) if(-d $path);
+# $path = File::Spec->catdir('templates', $langdir, 'extension');
+# push(@dirs, $path) if(-d $path);
+# $path = File::Spec->catdir('templates', $langdir, 'default');
+# push(@dirs, $path) if(-d $path);
+# next if(scalar(@dirs) == 0);
+# push(@languages, $langdir);
+# push(@include_paths, @dirs);
+# $include_path{$langdir} = join(":",@dirs);
+# }
+my @files;
+# Local subroutine used with File::Find
+sub find_templates {
+ # Prune CVS directories
+ if (-d $_ && $_ eq 'CVS') {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ # Only include files ending in '.html'
+ if (-f $_ && $_ =~ m/\.html$/i) {
+ my $filename;
+ my $local_dir = File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::dir,
+ $File::Find::topdir);
+ # File::Spec 3.13 and newer return "." instead of "" if both
+ # arguments of abs2rel() are identical.
+ $local_dir = "" if ($local_dir eq ".");
+ if ($local_dir) {
+ $filename = File::Spec->catfile($local_dir, $_);
+ } else {
+ $filename = $_;
+ }
+ push(@files, $filename);
+ }
+# Scan the given template include path for templates
+sub find_actual_files {
+ my $include_path = $_[0];
+ @files = ();
+ find(\&find_templates, $include_path);
+ return @files;
+@include_paths = qw(templates/webpages);
+foreach my $include_path (@include_paths) {
+ $actual_files{$include_path} = [ find_actual_files($include_path) ];
+ $num_actual_files += scalar(@{$actual_files{$include_path}});
+# Scan Bugzilla's perl code looking for templates used and put them
+# in the @referenced_files array to be used by the 004template.t test.
+my %seen;
+foreach my $file (@Support::Files::testitems) {
+ open (FILE, $file);
+ my @lines = <FILE>;
+ close (FILE);
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+# if ($line =~ m/template->process\(\"(.+?)\", .+?\)/) {
+ if ($line =~ m/->parse_html_template\((['"])(.+?)\1/) {
+ my $template = $2;
+ # Ignore templates with $ in the name, since they're
+ # probably vars, not real files
+ next if $template =~ m/\$/;
+ next if $seen{$template};
+ push (@referenced_files, $template);
+ $seen{$template} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-This folder contais the backend testscrips for Lx.
-The Lx backend is the module libery under SL.
-Backend tests don't need selenium, and are only able
-to test local installations.
+++ /dev/null
-# LX-Office ERP
-# Copyright (C) 2006
-# Web
-# Author: Udo Spallek
-# Email:
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# Selenium Main Caller
-# Call all Selenium scripts from here. To use Selenium tests in
-# Lx-Office you need to Install Selenium Remote Control. Take a look at
-# the README Document for further informatinons on installing Selenium
-# and testing Lx-Office and of course writing your own testcases.
- no strict;
- push @INC, ['/t/selenium'];
- use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- use Test::WWW::Selenium;
- use Test::More;
- use IO::Socket;
- eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
- if ($@) {
- diag("No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
- Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n");
- exit 0;
- };
- sub server_is_running {
- return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
- PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
- );
- }
- if (server_is_running) {
- plan tests => 204; # Need to be cutomized
- }
- else {
- plan skip_all => "No selenium server found! "
- ."Maybe you forgot to start it or "
- ."the preferences in t/lxtest.conf doesen't fit to your system";
-# exit 0;
- }
- diag('Pretests and initialisation');
- $lxtest->{test_id} = time; # create individual ids by unixtime
- $lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin} . $lxtest->{test_id};
- $lxtest->{testuserpasswd} = $lxtest->{test_id};
- $lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db} . $lxtest->{test_id};
- ok(defined $lxtest->{rpw}, "Get root password");
- ok(defined $lxtest->{dbhost}, "found dbhost in config");
- ok(defined $lxtest->{dbport}, "found dbport in config");
- ok(defined $lxtest->{dbuser}, "found dbuser in config");
- ok(defined $lxtest->{dbpasswd}, "found dbpasswd in config");
- $lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
- eval { $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
- host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
- port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
- browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
- browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
- auto_stop => '0',
- );
- };
- if ($@) {
- diag("No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n");
- exit 0;
- }
- ok(defined $sel, 'Creating Selenium Object');
- diag('Starting Selenium tests...');
- opendir(SCRIPTS, 't/selenium/testscripts');
- my @testscripts = sort readdir(SCRIPTS);
- foreach my $script (@testscripts){
- my $file = "t/selenium/testscripts/" . $script;
- require_ok($file) if ( $script =~ /^\d\d\d.*\.t$/ );
- }
- exit 1;
- $sel=''; # Destroy selenium object
- exit 1;
+++ /dev/null
-This directory contains all selenium testscripts for lx-office.
-Selenium testscrips are the prefered way to test the higher lx
-functionalities. For the selenium tests you need to install and
-run a local selenium server on a machine whitch is able to start
-a browser session. See README for more informations.
+++ /dev/null
-# LX-Office ERP
-# Copyright (C) 2006
-# Web
-# Author: Udo Spallek
-# Email:
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# Selenium Cleanup Script
-# To clean up all the messy databases and users while debugging testcases
- no strict;
- push @INC, ['/t/selenium'];
- use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- use WWW::Selenium;
- use IO::Socket;
- my $cleanedupdb = '';
- my $cleanedupusers = '';
- eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
- if ($@) {
- print "No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
- Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n";
- exit 0;
- };
- sub server_is_running {
- return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
- PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
- );
- }
- if (server_is_running) {
- }
- else {
- exit 0;
- }
- $lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin};
- $lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db};
- $lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
- eval { $sel = WWW::Selenium->new(
- host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
- port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
- browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
- browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
- auto_stop => '0',
- );
- };
- if ($@) {
- print "No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- print "\nStarting Testdebugging Cleanup...\n";
-### Delete user
-print "Cleanup all users '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}*'\n";
-my @links= $sel->get_all_links();
-my $testuserlogin = $lxtest->{testuserlogin};
-foreach my $link (@links) {
- if ($link =~ /$testuserlogin\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
- $sel->click("link=$lxtest->{testuserlogin}11*");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Löschen\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $cleanedupusers .= " $link\n";
- }
-print "Lock the system\n";
-$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
-print "Cleanup all test databasees: '$lxtest->{db}*'\n";
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
- $sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
- $sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
- $sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
- my $field = $sel->get_body_text();
- my $database= $lxtest->{db};
- my @fields = split(' ', $field);
- foreach my $field (@fields) {
- if ($field =~ /$database\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
- $sel->open($lxtest->{lxadmin});
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
- $sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
- $sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
- $sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
- $sel->check("name=db value=$field");
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
- $cleanedupdb .= " $field\n";
- }
- }
-print "Unlock the system\n";
-$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
-$cleanedupdb = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupdb eq '');
-$cleanedupusers = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupusers eq '');
-print "Ready. \nReport:\n--- Cleaned up Users:\n$cleanedupusers---Cleaned up Databases:\n$cleanedupdb";
-exit 1;
+++ /dev/null
-### Create Database
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag('Lock the system');
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
-diag("Create test database '$lxtest->{db}'");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type_ok("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank anlegen\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -");
-$sel->type_ok("db", $lxtest->{db});
-$sel->select_ok("encoding", "label=ISO 8859-1");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"chart\") and (\@value=\"Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU\")]");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag('Unlock the system');
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+++ /dev/null
-### Create new user
-diag("Create test user '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}'");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzer erfassen -");
-$sel->type_ok("login", $lxtest->{testuserlogin});
-$sel->type_ok("password", $lxtest->{testuserpasswd});
-$sel->type_ok("name", "Selenium");
-$sel->type_ok("email", "selenium\");
-$sel->type_ok("signature", "Selenium Testuser");
-$sel->type_ok("tel", "0000");
-$sel->type_ok("fax", "1111");
-$sel->type_ok("company", "Sel-enium");
-$sel->type_ok("signature", "Selenium Testuser\nTestfirma");
-$sel->type_ok("address", "Testfirma");
-$sel->type_ok("steuernummer", "111-222-333-444");
-$sel->type_ok("co_ustid", "1234567");
-$sel->type_ok("duns", "0987654321");
-$sel->type_ok("newtemplates", "seleniumtestuser");
-$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbname", $lxtest->{db});
-$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+++ /dev/null
-### Update Database
-# NOTEST: some preruns for initializing missing parameters
-$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
-$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
-$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank aktualisieren\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank aktualisieren -");
-my $count =0;
-while (){ # count the number of radiobuttons
- eval { $sel->is_checked("//input[(\@id=\"$count\")]"); };
- if ( $@ ) { $count--; last; };
- $count++;
-#TEST: Now run the Tests
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-#diag('Lock the system');
-#$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
-diag('Update the database');
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type_ok("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank aktualisieren\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank aktualisieren -");
-for (my $i=0; $i <= $count; $i++){
- $sel->uncheck_ok("//input[(\@id=\"$i\")]");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->title_like( qr/Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration/ );
-#diag('Unlock the system');
-#$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
-#$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+++ /dev/null
-### Delete user
-diag("Delete test user '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}'");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzerdaten bearbeiten -");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Löschen\")]");
+++ /dev/null
-#### Delete database
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag('Lock the system');
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
-diag("Delete test database '$lxtest->{db}'");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
-$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen -");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->body_text_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen $lxtest->{db} wurde erfolgreich gelöscht");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag('Unlock the system');
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-All Selenium testscripts can be found here. The tests will be included
-sequential from 001 to 999.
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-This folder contais the frontend testscrips for Lx.
-The Lx frontend are all perl scripts under bin/* .
-The frontend tests don't need selenium! They should
-use the commandline API of Lx. Frontend tests in this
-directory are only for testing local Lx installations.
-If you like to test the HTML screens in different
-Browsers, it would be better to use the selenium
-environment under t/selenium.
+++ /dev/null
-# LX-Office ERP
-# Copyright (C) 2006/2007
-# Web
-# Author: Udo Spallek, Thomas Kasulke
-# Email:,
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# Main Test Module:
-# For collecting all the tests in nice Test::Harness environment.
-# Study the README for Selenium Installation and testing process
-# and enjoy starting
-# #perl t/lx-office.t
-# against the unstable release
- use warnings FATAL => 'all';
- use diagnostics;
- use Carp;
- use Test::Harness;
- my %tests = ("all" => 't/selenium/TestAllTests.t',
- "system" => 't/selenium/TestSystem.t',
- "selling" => 't/selenium/TestSelling.t',
- "masterdata" => 't/selenium/TestMasterData.t',
- "testbed" => 't/selenium/TestCreateTestbed.t',
- "admin" => 't/selenium/TestAdmin.t',
- "accounting" => 't/selenium/TestAccounting.t',
- "payments" => 't/selenium/TestPayments.t',
- "printing" => 't/selenium/TestPrinting.t',
- "programm" => 't/selenium/TestProgramm.t',
- "reports" => 't/selenium/TestReports.t' );
- my $showtests = 0;
- my $singletest = 0;
- my $nodb = 0;
- my @totest;
- eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
- my %lxtest = %{ $lxtest } if ($lxtest);
- sub usage
- {
- print "\n$0 --- creates testscenarios while using Selenium testcases for Lx-Office\n";
- printf "\t\tusage: perl [PERLOPTIONS] $0 [--help] [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]\n\t\t%s\n", "\xAF" x 6;
- print "\t\t --help\t\tshow this usage\n\n";
- printf "\t\toptions:\n\t\t%s\n", "\xAF" x 8;
- print "\t\t -masterdata\tonly runs testscripts for \"masterdata\"\n";
- print "\t\t -accounting\tonly runs testscripts for \"accounting\"\n";
- print "\t\t -system\tonly runs testscripts for \"system\"\n";
- print "\t\t -payments\tonly runs testscripts for \"payments\"\n";
- print "\t\t -programm\tonly runs testscripts for \"programm\"\n";
- print "\t\t -printing\tonly runs testscripts for \"printing\"\n";
- print "\t\t -reports\tonly runs testscripts for \"reports\"\n";
- print "\t\t -selling\tonly runs testscripts for \"selling\"\n";
- print "\t\t -purchase\tonly runs testscripts for \"purchase\"\n";
- print "\t\t -admin\tonly runs testscripts for \"administration\"\n";
- print "\t\t -testbed\tcreates a standardized test database\n";
- print "\t\t -nodb\t\tdoesn't create a db! Only use with \n\t\t\t\t--username, --userpasswd, --dbname, --dbport, --dbhost, --dbuser, --dbpasswd, --rootpasswd arguments!\n";
- print "\t\t -showtests\tfinally shows all tests available only\n";
- print "\t\t -singletest\toption flag for using single tests shown in \"-showtests\"\n";
- printf "\n\t\targuments:\n\t\t%s\n","\xAF" x 10;
- print "\t\t --test=\tname of Test shown in showtests seperated by , (Only joined by -singletest)\n";
- print "\t\t --username=\tuser login name\n";
- print "\t\t --userpasswd=\tuser login password\n";
- print "\t\t --dbname=\tname of used db (leave empty whether dbname is seleniumtestdatabase)\n";
- print "\t\t --dbport=\tport of used db (leave empty whether port is 5432)\n";
- print "\t\t --dbhost=\thost of used db (leave empty whether host is localhost [])\n";
- print "\t\t --dbuser=\tdb username (leave empty whether name is postgres)\n";
- print "\t\t --dbpasswd=\tthe password for used db (leave empty while none)\n";
- print "\t\t --rootpasswd=\troot password for login\n";
- printf "\t\t NOTE: Configuration in lxtest.conf will be temporaly overwritten by using this arguments!\n\t\t %s\n", "\xAF" x 6;
- exit;
- }
- while ( $#ARGV>=0 )
- {
- $_ = $ARGV[0];
- if ( /^--help$/ ) { usage; last }
- elsif ( /^-showtests$/) { $showtests = 1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-nodb$/ ) { $nodb = 1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(masterdata)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(system)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(selling)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(purchase)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(testbed)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(payments)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(admin)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(printing)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(reports)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(accounting)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(purchase)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-(programm)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^-singletest$/ ) { $singletest = 1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--username=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{testuserlogin} = $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--userpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{testuserpasswd} = $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--dbname=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{db} = $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--dbport=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbport} = $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--dbhost=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbhost} = $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--dbuser=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbuser} = $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--dbpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbpasswd} = $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--rootpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{rpw} = $1; shift; next }
- elsif ( /^--test=(.*)$/ ) { foreach (split(/\,/, $1)) { push @totest, $_; } shift; next }
- elsif ( /^([A-Z].*)$/ ) { push @totest, shift; next }
- else {
- print STDERR "$0: ERROR: unrecognized option '$_' ?\n";
- usage;
- }
- last;
- }
- unlink("/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf") if (-f "/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf");
- open TEMPCONF, "+>/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf";
- print TEMPCONF '$lxtest = {'."\n";
- foreach (keys(%lxtest)) {
- print TEMPCONF '"' . $_ . '" => "' . $lxtest{$_} . "\",\n";
- }
- print TEMPCONF '};';
- close TEMPCONF;
- if($singletest || $showtests) {
- my $testscriptdir = 't/selenium/testscripts/';
- opendir(ROOT, $testscriptdir);
- foreach my $dir ( readdir( ROOT ) ) {
- if(-d $testscriptdir . $dir && $dir ne "begin" && $dir ne "end" && $dir ne "..") {
- opendir(DIR, $testscriptdir . $dir . "/begin");
- foreach ( readdir(DIR) ) {
- $tests{ substr ( substr( $_, 4 ), 0, -2 ) } = $testscriptdir . ($dir eq "." ? "" : $dir . "/") . "begin/" . $_ if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$/ );
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- opendir(DIR, $testscriptdir . $dir . "/end");
- foreach (readdir(DIR)) {
- $tests{ substr ( substr( $_, 4 ), 0, -2 ) } = $testscriptdir . ($dir eq "." ? "" : $dir . "/") . "end/" . $_ if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$/ );
- }
- closedir(DIR);
- }
- }
- closedir(ROOT);
- }
- push @totest, "all" if(!$totest[0]);
-## Backendtests:
-# &runtests(
-# );
-## Frontendtests:
- if (!$showtests) {
- foreach (@totest) {
- &runtests(
- $tests{$_},
- );
- }
- }
- elsif($showtests) {
- printf "\tFollowing testscripts are present:\n\t%s\n","\xAF" x 34;;
- foreach (sort(keys(%tests))) {
- print "\t\t" . $_ ."\n" if( /^[A-Z].*$/ );
- }
- printf "\n\t\%s\n\t%s\n","Be ensure, that usage is promitted by login and db status!","\xAF" x 58;
- }
-exit 1;
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# This is the main configuration file for testing Lx-Office.
-# The file t/lxtest.conf.default contains the configuration for
-# testing the unstable trunk in the internet repository on
-# Simply copy the file
-# t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf
-# If you like to test the unstable trunk of the repository, start
-# perl t/lx-office.t .
-# If you like to test your own Lx installation, customize the file
-# t/lx-office.t for your own.
-# Btw. a running Selenium server is required for testing Lx!
-# See README for more informations.
-$lxtest = {
- # Lx location and user configuration:
- # Please edit the following lines
- # for testing a local installation
- lxbaseurl => '',
- rpw => 'ro26F.eQBldoA', # root passwordhash! is only
- # neccessary if you test a remote instalation
- testlogin => 'seleniumtestuser',# will be extended with unix time
- # Testdatabase configuration:
- # Please edit the following lines
- # for testing a local installation
- # ATTENTION: Testdatabase will be deleted after testrun!
- db => 'seleniumtestdatabase',
- dbhost => 'localhost',
- dbport => '5432',
- dbuser => 'postgres',
- dbpasswd => '',
- dbdefault => 'template1',
- # Selenium preferences:
- # Edit the selenium preferences for your system.
- # A running Selenium server is required for testing Lx!
- # See README for more informations.
- seleniumhost => '', # edit host of running selenium server
- seleniumbrowser => '*chrome C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe', # edit the path
- seleniumport => '4444',
- timeout => '30000', #timeout for waiting Page load in ms
- timeoutlong => '60000', #timeout for waiting longer Page load in ms....
- #Lx defaults (usualy no need for editing)
- rootlogin => "root login",
- memberfile => "users/members",
- # Put your own setting for individual tests after here...
--- /dev/null
+Directory for automated test scripts.
--- /dev/null
+Lx-Office Testumgebung
+Mit der hier beschriebenen Testumgebung ist es möglich, Lx Office
+automatisiert zu testen. Automatische Tests haben den großen
+Vorteil, das verschiedene Standardtests nicht immer wieder von
+Hand durchgespielt werden müssen, sondern einmal in einem Skript
+verschriftet immer wieder verwendet werden können.
+Weitere Informationen können im Wiki nachgelesen und ergänzt werden:
+Aufbau der Testumgebung
+Im Verzeichnis t/ finden sich alle testrelevanten Skripte.Der
+Aufruf der Tests folgt über
+#perl t/lx-office.t
+lx-office.t ruft alle Einzeltests der Reihe nach auf und fasst sie
+übersichtlich zusammen. Die Einzeltests befinden sich in einem
+Unterordner von t/. Jeder Unterorder enthält eine Datei AllTests.t,
+die wiederrum alle einzelnen Tests des Unterordners aufruft.
+t/lxtest.conf t/lxtest.conf.default
+Für die einzelnen Tests werden verschiedene Packetvariablen (globals)
+zur Verfügung gestellt, um die Testskripte einfach auf
+unterschiedliche Installationen anpassen zu können und um sich auf
+die selbe Test-Datenbank und denselben Test-Benutzer beziehen zu können.
+Die Datei t/lxtest.conf.default muss zunächst nach t/lxtest.conf
+kopiert werden. Dann ist die Datei t/lxtest.conf auf die lokalen
+Gegebenheiten anzupassen. Besnders die für Selenium nötigen
+Einstellungen bedürfen einer Überarbeitung.
+Definiert werden die Variablen in der Datei t/lxtest.conf.
+Aufgerufen werden die Variablen $lxtest->{VARIABLE}.
+Es ist ratsam, die vorhandenen Tests zu untersuchen, um sich ein Bild
+von den Möglichkeiten zu machen.
+Selenium ist eine Testsuite, mit der man Browserinteraktionen
+simulieren und die Ergebnisse auswerten kann. Der unschlagbare
+Vorteil von Selenium für das Testen von Lx ist es, dass es
+möglich wird, eine Test-Datenbank in einfachen Schritten
+erstellen zu können. Um Seleniumtests durchführen zu können,
+ist es nötig, das Packet Selenium Remote Control (Selenium RC)
+lokal zu installieren (Java Runtime ebenfalls erforderlich).
+Selenium RC gibt es unter:
+Für den Betrieb von Selenium ist eine lokale Workstation mit
+Browserumgebung nötig.
+Der Aufruf von selenium erfolgt unter Windows bspw. so:
+C:\java -jar "C:\selenium-remote-control-0.9.0
+Unter Linux bspw. so:
+Die lokalen Einstellungen sind unbedingt in der
+t/lxtest.conf nachzutragen! Weitere Infos unter
+Dann reicht ein Start von
+#perl t/lx-office.t
+um dem Testskript bei der Arbeit zuzuschauen.
+Leider ist es nötig, auf dem Seleniumserver nach jedem Aufruf
+des Testskripts das Sicherheitszertifikat von LINET Services zu
+akzeptieren, was etwas nervig ist.
+Der Ordner selenium beinhaltet alle einzelnen selenium Testskripte.
+Aufgerufen werden die Skripte über t/selenium/AllTests.t .
+Neue Tests müssen in dieser Datei angemeldet werden.
+Ziel ist es eine Demodatenbank von Lx mit Daten zu füllen und die
+Abhängigkeiten untereinander zu prüfen. Dazu sind die
+individuellen Testskripte nummeriert (001NAME.t bis 999NAME.t) um
+sie der Reihe nach abzuarbeiten.
+Die folgenden Skripte sind bereits installiert:
+001CreateTestDatabase.t Erzeugt eine neue Testdatenbank
+002CreateTestUser.t Erzeugt einen neuen Testbenutzer
+998DeleteTestUser.t Löscht den Testbenutzer
+999DeleteTestDatabase.t Löscht die Testdatenbank
+Dazwischen befinden sich die Skripte, um eine Demodatenbank
+aufzubauen und zu prüfen.
+In diesem Ordner befinden sich Backend Testskripte.
+In diesem Ordner befinden sich Frontend Testskripte, die nicht
+unter selenium getestet werden.
+Was wenn ein Test fehlschlägt?
+Das Fehlschlagen von Tests kann verschiedene Gründe haben.
+1. Der Test selbst ist fehlerhaft.
+2. Es haben sich Lx Screens verändert, so das der Test von
+ falschen Voraussetzungen ausgeht
+3. Die zu testende Funktion ist fehlerhaft
+Nachdem 1. und 2. ausgeschlossen wurden, sollte zu 3. ein Bugreport
+angelegt werden.
+Bugreports unter
+Eigene Tests
+Eigene testskripte können einfach in die Testumgebung eingebunden
+werden. Die vorhandenen Skripte können als Anleitung dienen.
+Bei Selenium Tests ist es am leichtesten, mit Firefox und der
+Selenium IDE Extension Testpfade einfach aufzuzeichnen.
+( )
+Dann werden die Selenium IDE Testaufzeichnungen in Perl
+umgewandelt und angepasst. Fertige Skripte werden mit einer
+laufenden Nummer versehen und in den Ordner t/selenium/ kopiert.
+Dann wird das Skript in der Datei t/selenium/AllTests.t eingefügt.
+Ein erster Probelauf mit
+#perl t/selenium/AllTests.t sollte den Test absolvieren.
+(Dabei kann es nötig sein, andere Tests auszukommentieren, weil
+selenium Tests mitunter lange Laufzeiten haben können, oder weil die Demodatenbank
+und der Benutzer am Ende zu Debugging Zwecken nicht gelöscht werden
--- /dev/null
+This folder contais the backend testscrips for Lx.
+The Lx backend is the module libery under SL.
+Backend tests don't need selenium, and are only able
+to test local installations.
--- /dev/null
+# LX-Office ERP
+# Copyright (C) 2006
+# Web
+# Author: Udo Spallek
+# Email:
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Selenium Main Caller
+# Call all Selenium scripts from here. To use Selenium tests in
+# Lx-Office you need to Install Selenium Remote Control. Take a look at
+# the README Document for further informatinons on installing Selenium
+# and testing Lx-Office and of course writing your own testcases.
+ no strict;
+ push @INC, ['/t/selenium'];
+ use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
+ use strict;
+ use Carp;
+ use Test::WWW::Selenium;
+ use Test::More;
+ use IO::Socket;
+ eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
+ if ($@) {
+ diag("No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
+ Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n");
+ exit 0;
+ };
+ sub server_is_running {
+ return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
+ PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
+ );
+ }
+ if (server_is_running) {
+ plan tests => 204; # Need to be cutomized
+ }
+ else {
+ plan skip_all => "No selenium server found! "
+ ."Maybe you forgot to start it or "
+ ."the preferences in t/lxtest.conf doesen't fit to your system";
+# exit 0;
+ }
+ diag('Pretests and initialisation');
+ $lxtest->{test_id} = time; # create individual ids by unixtime
+ $lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin} . $lxtest->{test_id};
+ $lxtest->{testuserpasswd} = $lxtest->{test_id};
+ $lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db} . $lxtest->{test_id};
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{rpw}, "Get root password");
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{dbhost}, "found dbhost in config");
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{dbport}, "found dbport in config");
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{dbuser}, "found dbuser in config");
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{dbpasswd}, "found dbpasswd in config");
+ $lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
+ eval { $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
+ host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
+ port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
+ browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
+ browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
+ auto_stop => '0',
+ );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ diag("No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n");
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ ok(defined $sel, 'Creating Selenium Object');
+ diag('Starting Selenium tests...');
+ opendir(SCRIPTS, 't/selenium/testscripts');
+ my @testscripts = sort readdir(SCRIPTS);
+ foreach my $script (@testscripts){
+ my $file = "t/selenium/testscripts/" . $script;
+ require_ok($file) if ( $script =~ /^\d\d\d.*\.t$/ );
+ }
+ exit 1;
+ $sel=''; # Destroy selenium object
+ exit 1;
--- /dev/null
+This directory contains all selenium testscripts for lx-office.
+Selenium testscrips are the prefered way to test the higher lx
+functionalities. For the selenium tests you need to install and
+run a local selenium server on a machine whitch is able to start
+a browser session. See README for more informations.
--- /dev/null
+# LX-Office ERP
+# Copyright (C) 2006
+# Web
+# Author: Udo Spallek
+# Email:
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Selenium Cleanup Script
+# To clean up all the messy databases and users while debugging testcases
+ no strict;
+ push @INC, ['/t/selenium'];
+ use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
+ use strict;
+ use Carp;
+ use WWW::Selenium;
+ use IO::Socket;
+ my $cleanedupdb = '';
+ my $cleanedupusers = '';
+ eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
+ if ($@) {
+ print "No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
+ Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n";
+ exit 0;
+ };
+ sub server_is_running {
+ return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
+ PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
+ );
+ }
+ if (server_is_running) {
+ }
+ else {
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ $lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin};
+ $lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db};
+ $lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
+ eval { $sel = WWW::Selenium->new(
+ host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
+ port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
+ browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
+ browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
+ auto_stop => '0',
+ );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print "No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ print "\nStarting Testdebugging Cleanup...\n";
+### Delete user
+print "Cleanup all users '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}*'\n";
+my @links= $sel->get_all_links();
+my $testuserlogin = $lxtest->{testuserlogin};
+foreach my $link (@links) {
+ if ($link =~ /$testuserlogin\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
+ $sel->click("link=$lxtest->{testuserlogin}11*");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Löschen\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $cleanedupusers .= " $link\n";
+ }
+print "Lock the system\n";
+$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
+print "Cleanup all test databasees: '$lxtest->{db}*'\n";
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+ $sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+ $sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+ $sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
+ my $field = $sel->get_body_text();
+ my $database= $lxtest->{db};
+ my @fields = split(' ', $field);
+ foreach my $field (@fields) {
+ if ($field =~ /$database\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
+ $sel->open($lxtest->{lxadmin});
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+ $sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+ $sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+ $sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
+ $sel->check("name=db value=$field");
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+ $cleanedupdb .= " $field\n";
+ }
+ }
+print "Unlock the system\n";
+$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
+$cleanedupdb = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupdb eq '');
+$cleanedupusers = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupusers eq '');
+print "Ready. \nReport:\n--- Cleaned up Users:\n$cleanedupusers---Cleaned up Databases:\n$cleanedupdb";
+exit 1;
--- /dev/null
+### Create Database
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag('Lock the system');
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
+diag("Create test database '$lxtest->{db}'");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type_ok("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank anlegen\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -");
+$sel->type_ok("db", $lxtest->{db});
+$sel->select_ok("encoding", "label=ISO 8859-1");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"chart\") and (\@value=\"Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU\")]");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag('Unlock the system');
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
--- /dev/null
+### Create new user
+diag("Create test user '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}'");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzer erfassen -");
+$sel->type_ok("login", $lxtest->{testuserlogin});
+$sel->type_ok("password", $lxtest->{testuserpasswd});
+$sel->type_ok("name", "Selenium");
+$sel->type_ok("email", "selenium\");
+$sel->type_ok("signature", "Selenium Testuser");
+$sel->type_ok("tel", "0000");
+$sel->type_ok("fax", "1111");
+$sel->type_ok("company", "Sel-enium");
+$sel->type_ok("signature", "Selenium Testuser\nTestfirma");
+$sel->type_ok("address", "Testfirma");
+$sel->type_ok("steuernummer", "111-222-333-444");
+$sel->type_ok("co_ustid", "1234567");
+$sel->type_ok("duns", "0987654321");
+$sel->type_ok("newtemplates", "seleniumtestuser");
+$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbname", $lxtest->{db});
+$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("Pg_dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
--- /dev/null
+### Update Database
+# NOTEST: some preruns for initializing missing parameters
+$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
+$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank aktualisieren\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank aktualisieren -");
+my $count =0;
+while (){ # count the number of radiobuttons
+ eval { $sel->is_checked("//input[(\@id=\"$count\")]"); };
+ if ( $@ ) { $count--; last; };
+ $count++;
+#TEST: Now run the Tests
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+#diag('Lock the system');
+#$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
+diag('Update the database');
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type_ok("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank aktualisieren\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank aktualisieren -");
+for (my $i=0; $i <= $count; $i++){
+ $sel->uncheck_ok("//input[(\@id=\"$i\")]");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->title_like( qr/Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration/ );
+#diag('Unlock the system');
+#$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
+#$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
--- /dev/null
+### Delete user
+diag("Delete test user '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}'");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzerdaten bearbeiten -");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Löschen\")]");
--- /dev/null
+#### Delete database
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag('Lock the system');
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
+diag("Delete test database '$lxtest->{db}'");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
+$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen -");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->body_text_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen $lxtest->{db} wurde erfolgreich gelöscht");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag('Unlock the system');
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+All Selenium testscripts can be found here. The tests will be included
+sequential from 001 to 999.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+This folder contais the frontend testscrips for Lx.
+The Lx frontend are all perl scripts under bin/* .
+The frontend tests don't need selenium! They should
+use the commandline API of Lx. Frontend tests in this
+directory are only for testing local Lx installations.
+If you like to test the HTML screens in different
+Browsers, it would be better to use the selenium
+environment under t/selenium.
--- /dev/null
+# LX-Office ERP
+# Copyright (C) 2006/2007
+# Web
+# Author: Udo Spallek, Thomas Kasulke
+# Email:,
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Main Test Module:
+# For collecting all the tests in nice Test::Harness environment.
+# Study the README for Selenium Installation and testing process
+# and enjoy starting
+# #perl t/lx-office.t
+# against the unstable release
+ use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+ use diagnostics;
+ use Carp;
+ use Test::Harness;
+ my %tests = ("all" => 't/selenium/TestAllTests.t',
+ "system" => 't/selenium/TestSystem.t',
+ "selling" => 't/selenium/TestSelling.t',
+ "masterdata" => 't/selenium/TestMasterData.t',
+ "testbed" => 't/selenium/TestCreateTestbed.t',
+ "admin" => 't/selenium/TestAdmin.t',
+ "accounting" => 't/selenium/TestAccounting.t',
+ "payments" => 't/selenium/TestPayments.t',
+ "printing" => 't/selenium/TestPrinting.t',
+ "programm" => 't/selenium/TestProgramm.t',
+ "reports" => 't/selenium/TestReports.t' );
+ my $showtests = 0;
+ my $singletest = 0;
+ my $nodb = 0;
+ my @totest;
+ eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
+ my %lxtest = %{ $lxtest } if ($lxtest);
+ sub usage
+ {
+ print "\n$0 --- creates testscenarios while using Selenium testcases for Lx-Office\n";
+ printf "\t\tusage: perl [PERLOPTIONS] $0 [--help] [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]\n\t\t%s\n", "\xAF" x 6;
+ print "\t\t --help\t\tshow this usage\n\n";
+ printf "\t\toptions:\n\t\t%s\n", "\xAF" x 8;
+ print "\t\t -masterdata\tonly runs testscripts for \"masterdata\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -accounting\tonly runs testscripts for \"accounting\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -system\tonly runs testscripts for \"system\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -payments\tonly runs testscripts for \"payments\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -programm\tonly runs testscripts for \"programm\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -printing\tonly runs testscripts for \"printing\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -reports\tonly runs testscripts for \"reports\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -selling\tonly runs testscripts for \"selling\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -purchase\tonly runs testscripts for \"purchase\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -admin\tonly runs testscripts for \"administration\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -testbed\tcreates a standardized test database\n";
+ print "\t\t -nodb\t\tdoesn't create a db! Only use with \n\t\t\t\t--username, --userpasswd, --dbname, --dbport, --dbhost, --dbuser, --dbpasswd, --rootpasswd arguments!\n";
+ print "\t\t -showtests\tfinally shows all tests available only\n";
+ print "\t\t -singletest\toption flag for using single tests shown in \"-showtests\"\n";
+ printf "\n\t\targuments:\n\t\t%s\n","\xAF" x 10;
+ print "\t\t --test=\tname of Test shown in showtests seperated by , (Only joined by -singletest)\n";
+ print "\t\t --username=\tuser login name\n";
+ print "\t\t --userpasswd=\tuser login password\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbname=\tname of used db (leave empty whether dbname is seleniumtestdatabase)\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbport=\tport of used db (leave empty whether port is 5432)\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbhost=\thost of used db (leave empty whether host is localhost [])\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbuser=\tdb username (leave empty whether name is postgres)\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbpasswd=\tthe password for used db (leave empty while none)\n";
+ print "\t\t --rootpasswd=\troot password for login\n";
+ printf "\t\t NOTE: Configuration in lxtest.conf will be temporaly overwritten by using this arguments!\n\t\t %s\n", "\xAF" x 6;
+ exit;
+ }
+ while ( $#ARGV>=0 )
+ {
+ $_ = $ARGV[0];
+ if ( /^--help$/ ) { usage; last }
+ elsif ( /^-showtests$/) { $showtests = 1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-nodb$/ ) { $nodb = 1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(masterdata)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(system)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(selling)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(purchase)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(testbed)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(payments)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(admin)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(printing)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(reports)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(accounting)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(purchase)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-(programm)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^-singletest$/ ) { $singletest = 1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--username=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{testuserlogin} = $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--userpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{testuserpasswd} = $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--dbname=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{db} = $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--dbport=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbport} = $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--dbhost=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbhost} = $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--dbuser=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbuser} = $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--dbpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbpasswd} = $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--rootpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{rpw} = $1; shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^--test=(.*)$/ ) { foreach (split(/\,/, $1)) { push @totest, $_; } shift; next }
+ elsif ( /^([A-Z].*)$/ ) { push @totest, shift; next }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "$0: ERROR: unrecognized option '$_' ?\n";
+ usage;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ unlink("/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf") if (-f "/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf");
+ open TEMPCONF, "+>/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf";
+ print TEMPCONF '$lxtest = {'."\n";
+ foreach (keys(%lxtest)) {
+ print TEMPCONF '"' . $_ . '" => "' . $lxtest{$_} . "\",\n";
+ }
+ print TEMPCONF '};';
+ close TEMPCONF;
+ if($singletest || $showtests) {
+ my $testscriptdir = 't/selenium/testscripts/';
+ opendir(ROOT, $testscriptdir);
+ foreach my $dir ( readdir( ROOT ) ) {
+ if(-d $testscriptdir . $dir && $dir ne "begin" && $dir ne "end" && $dir ne "..") {
+ opendir(DIR, $testscriptdir . $dir . "/begin");
+ foreach ( readdir(DIR) ) {
+ $tests{ substr ( substr( $_, 4 ), 0, -2 ) } = $testscriptdir . ($dir eq "." ? "" : $dir . "/") . "begin/" . $_ if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$/ );
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ opendir(DIR, $testscriptdir . $dir . "/end");
+ foreach (readdir(DIR)) {
+ $tests{ substr ( substr( $_, 4 ), 0, -2 ) } = $testscriptdir . ($dir eq "." ? "" : $dir . "/") . "end/" . $_ if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$/ );
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(ROOT);
+ }
+ push @totest, "all" if(!$totest[0]);
+## Backendtests:
+# &runtests(
+# );
+## Frontendtests:
+ if (!$showtests) {
+ foreach (@totest) {
+ &runtests(
+ $tests{$_},
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($showtests) {
+ printf "\tFollowing testscripts are present:\n\t%s\n","\xAF" x 34;;
+ foreach (sort(keys(%tests))) {
+ print "\t\t" . $_ ."\n" if( /^[A-Z].*$/ );
+ }
+ printf "\n\t\%s\n\t%s\n","Be ensure, that usage is promitted by login and db status!","\xAF" x 58;
+ }
+exit 1;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# This is the main configuration file for testing Lx-Office.
+# The file t/lxtest.conf.default contains the configuration for
+# testing the unstable trunk in the internet repository on
+# Simply copy the file
+# t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf
+# If you like to test the unstable trunk of the repository, start
+# perl t/lx-office.t .
+# If you like to test your own Lx installation, customize the file
+# t/lx-office.t for your own.
+# Btw. a running Selenium server is required for testing Lx!
+# See README for more informations.
+$lxtest = {
+ # Lx location and user configuration:
+ # Please edit the following lines
+ # for testing a local installation
+ lxbaseurl => '',
+ rpw => 'ro26F.eQBldoA', # root passwordhash! is only
+ # neccessary if you test a remote instalation
+ testlogin => 'seleniumtestuser',# will be extended with unix time
+ # Testdatabase configuration:
+ # Please edit the following lines
+ # for testing a local installation
+ # ATTENTION: Testdatabase will be deleted after testrun!
+ db => 'seleniumtestdatabase',
+ dbhost => 'localhost',
+ dbport => '5432',
+ dbuser => 'postgres',
+ dbpasswd => '',
+ dbdefault => 'template1',
+ # Selenium preferences:
+ # Edit the selenium preferences for your system.
+ # A running Selenium server is required for testing Lx!
+ # See README for more informations.
+ seleniumhost => '', # edit host of running selenium server
+ seleniumbrowser => '*chrome C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe', # edit the path
+ seleniumport => '4444',
+ timeout => '30000', #timeout for waiting Page load in ms
+ timeoutlong => '60000', #timeout for waiting longer Page load in ms....
+ #Lx defaults (usualy no need for editing)
+ rootlogin => "root login",
+ memberfile => "users/members",
+ # Put your own setting for individual tests after here...
--- /dev/null
+# LX-Office ERP
+# Copyright (C) 2006/2007
+# Web
+# Author: Udo Spallek, Thomas Kasulke
+# Email:,
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Selenium Main Caller
+# Call all Selenium scripts from here. To use Selenium tests in
+# Lx-Office you need to Install Selenium Remote Control. Take a look at
+# the README Document for further informatinons on installing Selenium
+# and testing Lx-Office and of course writing your own testcases.
+ no strict;
+ push @INC, ['/t/selenium', \&init_server];
+ use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
+ use strict;
+ use Carp;
+ use Test::WWW::Selenium;
+ use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+ use IO::Socket;
+ if(-f "/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf") {
+ eval { require('/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf'); };
+ }
+ else {
+ eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
+ }
+ if ($@) {
+ diag("No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
+ Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n");
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ sub server_is_running {
+ return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
+ PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
+ );
+ }
+# if (server_is_running) {
+# plan tests => 200; # Need to be cutomized
+# }
+ sub init_server {
+ my $singlefileonly = 0;
+ if ($_[0] eq "singlefileonly") {
+ $singlefileonly = 1;
+ shift;
+ }
+ if(!server_is_running) {
+ print "No selenium server found! "
+ ."Maybe you forgot to start it or "
+ ."the preferences in t/lxtest.conf doesen't fit to your system";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ diag('Pretests and initialisation');
+ $lxtest->{test_id} = time; # create individual ids by unixtime
+ $lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin} . $lxtest->{test_id} if(!$lxtest->{testuserlogin});
+ $lxtest->{testuserpasswd} = $lxtest->{test_id} if(!$lxtest->{testuserpasswd});
+ $lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db} . $lxtest->{test_id} if(!($lxtest->{db} =~ /^seleniumtestdatabase[0-9]{10}$/));
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{rpw}, "Get root password");
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{dbhost}, "found dbhost in config");
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{dbport}, "found dbport in config");
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{dbuser}, "found dbuser in config");
+ ok(defined $lxtest->{dbpasswd}, "found dbpasswd in config");
+ $lxtest->{lxadmin_url} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "";
+ $lxtest->{lxadmin_with_get} = $lxtest->{lxadmin_url} . "?rpw=$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
+ $lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxadmin_url} . "?rpw=$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
+ eval { $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
+ host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
+ port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
+ browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
+ browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
+ auto_stop => '0',
+ );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ diag("No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n");
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ ok(defined $sel, 'Creating Selenium Object');
+ diag('Starting Selenium tests...');
+ if(!$singlefileonly) {
+ foreach my $scriptdir (@_) {
+ opendir(SCRIPTS, 't/selenium/testscripts/' . $scriptdir) or die "Can't open directory!" . $!;
+ foreach (sort readdir(SCRIPTS)) {
+ if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$|^\d\d\d.*\.t$/ && !$sel->{ran_tests}{"t/selenium/testscripts/". $scriptdir . "/" . $_}) {
+ require_ok("t/selenium/testscripts/". $scriptdir . "/" . $_);
+ $sel->{ran_tests}{"t/selenium/testscripts/". $scriptdir . "/" . $_} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(SCRIPTS);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach (@_) {
+ if ( $_ =~ /^.*\/\w\d\d\d.*\.t$|^.*\/\d\d\d.*\.t$/ && !$sel->{ran_tests}{$_}) {
+ require_ok($_);
+ $sel->{ran_tests}{$_} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($!) {
+ @! = ("Test fehlgeschlagen!");
+ }
+ $sel->stop();
+ }
+ sub start_login() {
+ require "t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t" if(!$sel->{_page_opened});
+ skip("Failed page to load pages!",) if(!$sel->{_page_opened});
+ if($sel->get_title() ne "Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}){
+ require "t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t";
+ }
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+This directory contains all selenium testscripts for lx-office.
+Selenium testscrips are the prefered way to test the higher lx
+functionalities. For the selenium tests you need to install and
+run a local selenium server on a machine whitch is able to start
+a browser session. See README for more informations.
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("accounting/begin", "accounting/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("administration/begin", "administration/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("administration/begin", "system/begin", "masterdata/begin", "selling/begin", "purchase/begin",
+ "accounting/begin", "payments/begin", "reports/begin", "programm/begin",
+ "programm/end", "reports/end", "payments/end", "accounting/end", "purchase/end", "selling/end",
+ "masterdata/end", "system/end", "administration/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("administration/begin", "system/begin", "masterdata/begin");
+diag("\n\nUsername: " . $lxtest->{testuserlogin} . "\n" . "Password: " . $lxtest->{testuserpasswd} . "\n\n");
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("masterdata/begin", "masterdata/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("payments/begin", "payments/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("printing/begin", "printing/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("programm/begin", "programm/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("purchase/begin", "purchase/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("reports/begin", "reports/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("selling/begin", "selling/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+init_server("system/begin", "system/end");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# LX-Office ERP
+# Copyright (C) 2006
+# Web
+# Author: Udo Spallek
+# Email:
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Selenium Cleanup Script
+# To clean up all the messy databases and users while debugging testcases
+ no strict;
+ push @INC, ['/t/selenium'];
+ use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
+ use strict;
+ use Carp;
+ use WWW::Selenium;
+ use IO::Socket;
+ my $cleanedupdb = '';
+ my $cleanedupusers = '';
+ eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
+ if ($@) {
+ print "No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
+ Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n";
+ exit 0;
+ };
+ sub server_is_running {
+ return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
+ PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
+ );
+ }
+ if (server_is_running) {
+ }
+ else {
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ $lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin};
+ $lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db};
+ $lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
+ eval { $sel = WWW::Selenium->new(
+ host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
+ port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
+ browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
+ browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
+ auto_stop => '0',
+ );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print "No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ print "\nStarting Testdebugging Cleanup...\n";
+### Delete user
+print "Cleanup all users '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}*'\n";
+my @links= $sel->get_all_links();
+my $testuserlogin = $lxtest->{testuserlogin};
+foreach my $link (@links) {
+ if ($link =~ /$testuserlogin\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
+ $sel->click("link=$lxtest->{testuserlogin}11*");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Löschen\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $cleanedupusers .= " $link\n";
+ }
+print "Lock the system\n";
+$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
+print "Cleanup all test databasees: '$lxtest->{db}*'\n";
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+ $sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+ $sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+ $sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
+ my $field = $sel->get_body_text();
+ my $database= $lxtest->{db};
+ my @fields = split(' ', $field);
+ foreach my $field (@fields) {
+ if ($field =~ /$database\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
+ $sel->open($lxtest->{lxadmin});
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+ $sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+ $sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+ $sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
+ $sel->check("name=db value=$field");
+ $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+ $cleanedupdb .= " $field\n";
+ }
+ }
+print "Unlock the system\n";
+$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
+$cleanedupdb = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupdb eq '');
+$cleanedupusers = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupusers eq '');
+print "Ready. \nReport:\n--- Cleaned up Users:\n$cleanedupusers---Cleaned up Databases:\n$cleanedupdb";
+exit 1;
--- /dev/null
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1">
+<tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">ustva-Inland-linet</td></tr>
+<!--# Start Testskript-->
+<!--# USTVA 2006/2007-->
+<!--# Datenbank & Benutzer-->
+<!--# Umgebung-->
+ <td>break</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>setTimeout</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--Create new database-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>open</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[2]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectWindow</td>
+ <td>null</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>db</td>
+ <td>Selenium_Testdb-_SKR03_IST_1619_2006_2007</td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].chart[2]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--Benutzer anlegen-->
+<!--Achtung, Benutzer nicht neu anlegen, wg. Bug in der Benutzerverwaltung i.Zshg. mit neuen Vorlagen-->
+<!--Benutzer mit datanbank verknüpfen-->
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>link=demo-1619</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzerdaten bearbeiten -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>dbname</td>
+ <td>Selenium_Testdb-_SKR03_IST_1619_2006_2007</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>login</td>
+ <td>demo-1619</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>password</td>
+ <td>demo</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[1].action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Datenbankaktualisierung*</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>//input[@value='Weiter']</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office Version*</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--# Waren, Lieferanten, Kunden-->
+<!--# Umgebung-->
+<!--Testkunde anlegen-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Kunde erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>name</td>
+ <td>Testkunde</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--Testlieferant anlegen-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Lieferant erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>name</td>
+ <td>Testlieferant</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--Testware anlegen 7%-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Ware erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber</td>
+ <td>100-7%</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>description</td>
+ <td>Testware 7%</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>buchungsgruppen_id</td>
+ <td>label=Standard 7%</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>lastcost</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>sellprice</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.ic.action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--Testware anlegen 16%-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Ware erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>description</td>
+ <td>Testware 16%/19%</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>buchungsgruppen_id</td>
+ <td>label=Standard 16%/19%</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>lastcost</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>sellprice</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.ic.action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--# Testbuchungen-->
+<!--# anlegen-->
+<!--### 1. Testbuchung-->
+<!--03-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--03-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>1.3.2007</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>10.3.2007</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>119</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 2.Testbuchung-->
+<!--11-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--01-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>11.11.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>20.11.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_1</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>116</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 3.Testbuchung-->
+<!--12-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--12-2006 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--12-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>03.12.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>duedate</td>
+ <td>10.12.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTextPresent</td>
+ <td>Umsatzsteuer</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTextPresent</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>deliverydate</td>
+ <td>15.12.2006</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTextPresent</td>
+ <td>Umsatzsteuer</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTextPresent</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>20.12.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_1</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>116</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 4. Testbuchung-->
+<!--08-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--09-2006 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--02-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>8.08.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>deliverydate</td>
+ <td>10.09.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//td[3]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>2.2.2007</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_1</td>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>116</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 5. Testbuchung-->
+<!--06-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--01-2007 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--07-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>10.06.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>deliverydate</td>
+ <td>13.1.2007</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>12.7.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>45</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_1</td>
+ <td>44</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>119</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 6. Testbuchung-->
+<!--Bug: 526 Konto 1588 wird bei UStVA ignoriert-->
+<!--Dialogbuchung mit Konto 1588-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Dialogbuchen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>accno_1</td>
+ <td>label=1588--Bezahlte Einfuhrumsatzsteuer</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>accno_2</td>
+ <td>label=1200--Bank</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>reference</td>
+ <td>Test 1588 Kz62</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>description</td>
+ <td>Test 1588 Kz62</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>transdate</td>
+ <td>1.10.2005</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>debit_1</td>
+ <td>143,2455</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>credit_2</td>
+ <td>143,2455</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForTextPresent</td>
+ <td>gespeichert</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 7. Testbuchung-->
+<!--02-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--04-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Debitorenbuchung</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>AR_amount_1</td>
+ <td>label=8400--Erlöse 16%/19% USt.</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>amount_1</td>
+ <td>2000</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>transdate</td>
+ <td>19.2.2007</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>1.4.2007</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_1</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>2000</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>AR_paid_1</td>
+ <td>label=1200--Bank</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>Debitorenbuchung</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.arledger.action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 8. Testbuchung-->
+<!--05-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--06-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Kreditorenbuchung</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>AP_amount_1</td>
+ <td>label=0420--Büroeinrichtung</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>Kreditorenbuchung</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>amount_1</td>
+ <td>2000</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>transdate</td>
+ <td>20.05.2007</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>1.6.2007</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>123</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_1</td>
+ <td>123</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>1000</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 9. Testbuchung-->
+<!--01-2008 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--01-2008 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--01-2008 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>9-7%</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>1.1.2008</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>deliverydate</td>
+ <td>3.1.2008</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>100-7%</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>10.1.2008</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>45</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_1</td>
+ <td>44</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>107</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectWindow</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//td[3]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td</td>
+ <td>7,00</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 10. Testbuchung-->
+<!--01-2005 Rechnungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Einkaufsrechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>120</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>1.1.2005</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 11. Testbuchung-->
+<!--01-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Einkaufsrechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>130</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>1.1.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 12. Testbuchung-->
+<!--02-2005 Rechnungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Einkaufsrechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>131</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>1.2.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 13. Testbuchung-->
+<!--01-2005 Rechnungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Einkaufsrechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>132</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>1.3.2006</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--14. Testbuchung-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Konto erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>accno</td>
+ <td>1775Skonto</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>description</td>
+ <td>Umsatzsteuerkorrektur 16% bei Skonto</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>AccountType</td>
+ <td>label=Aufwandskonto (E)</td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>AR_paid</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>AR_tax</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>link=1775Skonto</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>taxkey_startdate_0</td>
+ <td>1.1.1970</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>taxkey_pos_ustva_0</td>
+ <td>label=511</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 14. Testbuchung-->
+<!--Rechnung mit 3% Skonto-->
+<!--Beispiel aus Wiki:>
+<!--02-2003 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--02-2003 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--02-2003 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invnumber</td>
+ <td>14-3%-SKONTO</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>invdate</td>
+ <td>1.2.2003</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>deliverydate</td>
+ <td>3.2.2003</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>partnumber_1</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>ndx</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>taxincluded</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>sellprice_1</td>
+ <td>1431,79</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_1</td>
+ <td>04.02.2003</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_1</td>
+ <td>12345</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_1</td>
+ <td>1388,84</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>AR_paid_1</td>
+ <td>label=1200--Bank</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_2</td>
+ <td>04.02.2003</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_2</td>
+ <td>12345</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_2</td>
+ <td>37,03</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>AR_paid_2</td>
+ <td>label=8735--Gewährte Skonti 16%/19% USt.</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>datepaid_3</td>
+ <td>04.02.2003</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>source_3</td>
+ <td>12345</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>memo_3</td>
+ <td>Skontokorrektur UST 16%</td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>paid_3</td>
+ <td>5,92</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>AR_paid_3</td>
+ <td>label=1775Skonto--Umsatzsteuerkorrektur 16% bei Skonto</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>update_button</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--# Steuerzone Inland Umsatzsteuer-->
+<!--# USTVA Einstellungen-->
+<!--# IST-Versteuert-->
+<!--# monatliche Abgabe-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa Einstellungen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>elsterland_new</td>
+ <td>label=Nordrhein Westfalen</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>elsterFFFF_new</td>
+ <td>label=Aachen-Innenstadt (5201)</td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>cash</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>month</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_1_1</td>
+ <td>label=1</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_1_2</td>
+ <td>label=2</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_1_3</td>
+ <td>label=3</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_1_4</td>
+ <td>label=4</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_2_1</td>
+ <td>label=5</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_2_2</td>
+ <td>label=6</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_2_3</td>
+ <td>label=7</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_2_4</td>
+ <td>label=8</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.elsterform.action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--### 1. Test-->
+<!--03-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--03-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2007</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=März</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 81)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>19,00</td>
+<!--### 2. Test-->
+<!--11-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--01-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2006</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=November</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+<!--### 3. Test-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2006</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Dezember</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+<!--### 4. Test-->
+<!--08-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--09-2006 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--02-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2007</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Februar</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>35</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[4]</td>
+ <td>36</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+<!--### 5. Test-->
+<!--06-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--01-2007 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--07-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2006</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Juli</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>35</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[4]</td>
+ <td>36</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>19,00</td>
+<!--### 6. Test-->
+<!--Bug: 526 Konto 1588 wird bei UStVA ignoriert-->
+<!--Dialogbuchung mit Konto 1588-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2005</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Oktober</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[39]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>62</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[39]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>143,25</td>
+<!--### 7. Test-->
+<!--02-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--04-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2007</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=April</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 81)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>1681</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>319,33</td>
+<!--### 8. Test-->
+<!--05-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--06-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2007</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Mai</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[37]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>319,33</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[37]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 66)</td>
+<!--### 9. Test-->
+<!--01-2008 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--01-2008 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--01-2008 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2008</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Januar</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[10]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 86)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[10]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[10]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>7,00</td>
+<!--### 10. Test-->
+<!--01-2005 Rechnungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2005</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Januar</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[37]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>8,00</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[37]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 66)</td>
+<!--### 14. Test-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2003</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Februar</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>1197</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>191,57</td>
+<!--# USTVA Einstellungen-->
+<!--# SOLL-Versteuert-->
+<!--# monatliche Abgabe-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa Einstellungen</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>accrual</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>month</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_1_1</td>
+ <td>label=1</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_1_2</td>
+ <td>label=2</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_1_3</td>
+ <td>label=3</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_1_4</td>
+ <td>label=4</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_2_1</td>
+ <td>label=5</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_2_2</td>
+ <td>label=6</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_2_3</td>
+ <td>label=7</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>part_2_4</td>
+ <td>label=8</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.elsterform.action[1]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--# Steuerzone Inland Umsatzsteuer-->
+<!--### 14. Test-->
+<!--03-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--03-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2007</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=März</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 81)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>19,00</td>
+<!--### 15. Test-->
+<!--11-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--01-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2006</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=November</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+<!--### 16. Test-->
+<!--#s.a. tst3-->
+<!--12-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--12-2006 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--12-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2006</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Dezember</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+<!--### 17. Test-->
+<!--08-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--09-2006 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--02-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2006</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=August</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[4]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 51 rechts)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>16,00</td>
+<!--### 18. Test-->
+<!--06-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--01-2007 Lieferdatum-->
+<!--07-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2006</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Juni</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>35</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[4]</td>
+ <td>36</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[11]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>19,00</td>
+<!--### 19. Test-->
+<!--Bug: 526 Konto 1588 wird bei UStVA ignoriert-->
+<!--Dialogbuchung mit Konto 1588-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2005</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Oktober</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[39]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>62</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[39]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>143,25</td>
+<!--### 20. Test-->
+<!--02-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--04-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2007</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Februar</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 81)</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>1681</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>319,33</td>
+<!--### 21. Test-->
+<!--05-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
+<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
+<!--06-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2007</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Mai</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[37]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>319,33</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[37]/td[2]</td>
+ <td>(Spalte 66)</td>
+<!--### 22. Test-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=up</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>click</td>
+ <td>link=UStVa</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
+ <td>120000</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>year</td>
+ <td>label=2003</td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>zeitraum</td>
+ <td>label=Februar</td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>main_window</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
+ <td>1197</td>
+ <td>assertText</td>
+ <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
+ <td>191,57</td>
+ <td>break</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>Set the Startpoint to the next command manually</td>
+<!--# Cleanup Test-->
+<!--Benutzer von Datenbank lösen-->
+ <td>selectFrame</td>
+ <td>relative=top</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>open</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>link=demo-1619</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>type</td>
+ <td>dbname</td>
+ <td>leer</td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzerdaten bearbeiten -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[0]</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--Datenbank löschen-->
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[2]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>document.forms[0].action[2]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>select</td>
+ <td>db</td>
+ <td>label=Selenium_Testdb-_SKR03_IST_1619_2006_2007</td>
+<!--... deleting databases needs time...-->
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen -</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>clickAndWait</td>
+ <td>action</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>assertTitle</td>
+ <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration -</td>
+ <td></td>
+<!--# Ende Testskript-->
--- /dev/null
+All Selenium testscripts can be found here. The tests will be included
+sequential from 001 to 999.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+### Create Database
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly", $0);
+ exit(0);
+if($sel->get_title() eq "") {
+ $sel->open_ok($lxtest->{lxadmin_url});
+ $sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Anmeldung\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag('Lock the system');
+$sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[3]"); # Button für System sperren
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag("Create test database '$lxtest->{db}'");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type_ok("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank anlegen\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -");
+$sel->type_ok("db", $lxtest->{db});
+$sel->select_ok("encoding", "label=ISO 8859-1");
+$sel->select_ok("chart", "label=Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag('Unlock the system');
+$sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[3]"); # BUtton für System entsperren
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+### Create new user
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly", $0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create test user '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}'");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzer erfassen -");
+$sel->type_ok("login", $lxtest->{testuserlogin});
+$sel->type_ok("password", $lxtest->{testuserpasswd});
+$sel->type_ok("name", "Selenium");
+$sel->type_ok("email", "selenium\");
+$sel->type_ok("signature", "Selenium Testuser");
+$sel->type_ok("tel", "0000");
+$sel->type_ok("fax", "1111");
+$sel->type_ok("company", "Sel-enium");
+$sel->type_ok("signature", "Selenium Testuser\nTestfirma");
+$sel->type_ok("address", "Testfirma");
+$sel->type_ok("taxnumber", "111-222-333-444");
+$sel->type_ok("co_ustid", "1234567");
+$sel->type_ok("duns", "0987654321");
+$sel->type_ok("newtemplates", "seleniumtestuser");
+$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type_ok("dbname", $lxtest->{db});
+$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+### Update Database
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly", $0);
+ exit(0);
+# NOTEST: some preruns for initializing missing parameters
+$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
+$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank aktualisieren\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank aktualisieren -");
+my $count =0;
+while (){ # count the number of radiobuttons
+ eval { $sel->is_checked("//input[(\@id=\"$count\")]"); };
+ if ( $@ ) { $count--; last; };
+ $count++;
+#TEST: Now run the Tests
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+#diag('Lock the system');
+#$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
+diag('Update the database');
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type_ok("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank aktualisieren\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank aktualisieren -");
+for (my $i=0; $i <= $count; $i++){
+ $sel->uncheck_ok("//input[(\@id=\"$i\")]");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->title_like( qr/Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration/ );
+#diag('Unlock the system');
+#$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
+#$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
--- /dev/null
+### Delete user
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete test user '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}'");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzerdaten bearbeiten -");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Löschen\")]");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag('Lock the system');
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
+diag("Delete test database '$lxtest->{db}'");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
+$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
+$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
+$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
+$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen -");
+$sel->select_ok("db", "label=" . $lxtest->{db});
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->body_text_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen Die Datenbank $lxtest->{db} wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.");
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+diag('Unlock the system');
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+### Login
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version ".$lxtest->{version});
+$sel->type_ok("login", $lxtest->{testuserlogin});
+$sel->type_ok("password", $lxtest->{testuserpasswd});
+$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Anmeldung\")]");
+if($sel->get_text("//td") eq "Ungültiger Benutzername oder falsches Passwort!") {
+ diag("\n\n\n\nWrong username or password!\n\n\n\n");
+ $sel->stop;
+ exit(-1);
+if($sel->get_title() eq "Datenbankaktualisierung - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - -") {
+ $sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"dummy\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
+ $sel->click_ok("//input[(\@type=\"submit\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
+$sel->{ran_tests}{"t/selenium/testscripts/base/999Logout.t"} = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+### Logout
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly", "t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t", $0);
+ exit(0);
+$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version ".$lxtest->{version});
+$sel->{ran_tests}{"t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t"} = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create first Customer");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("customernumber");
+ $sel->type_ok("customernumber", "001");
+ $sel->type_ok("greeting", "Firma");
+ $sel->type_ok("name", "Selenium-Testfirma1");
+ $sel->type_ok("department_1", "Einkauf");
+ $sel->type_ok("department_2", "extern");
+ $sel->type_ok("street", "Grummelburger 111");
+ $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "37115");
+ $sel->type_ok("city", "Musterstadt");
+ $sel->type_ok("country", "Germany");
+ $sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000");
+ $sel->type_ok("discount", "5");
+ $sel->type_ok("account_number", "1");
+ $sel->select_ok("salesman_id", "label=Selenium");
+ $sel->type_ok("notes", "keine Bemerkungen");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse");
+ $sel->click_ok("shipto_id");
+ $sel->select_ok("shipto_id", "label=Alle");
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[1]/td/select/option[2]");
+ $sel->click_ok("shiptoname");
+ $sel->click_ok("shiptodepartment_1");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptodepartment_1", "Einkauf");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptostreet", "Donnerburger 12");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptozipcode", "37115");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptocity", "Musterstadt");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptocountry", "Germany");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptocontact", "Herr Mustermann");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptophone", "0");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptofax", "1");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptoemail", "mustermann\");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_greeting");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_greeting", "Frau");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dr.");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Verkauf");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Mechtilde");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Grosshaupt");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "05528 111111111");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_phone2", "05528 222222222");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_fax", "05528 222222223");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_mobile1", "05528 2222222224");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_mobile2", "05528 2222222225");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_satphone", "05528 2222222226");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_satfax", "05528 2222222227");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_project", "1");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_email", "mustergrosshaupt\");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_privatphone", "05528 2222222220");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_privatemail", "keine\");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "05.09.1982");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen");
+ $sel->click_ok("delivery_id");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ diag("Create second Customer");
+ $sel->title_is("Kunde erfassen - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse");
+ $sel->click_ok("customernumber");
+ $sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000");
+ $sel->type_ok("customernumber", "2");
+ $sel->click_ok("greeting");
+ $sel->type_ok("greeting", "Herr");
+ $sel->type_ok("name", "TestMann2");
+ $sel->type_ok("street", "Goettingweg 3");
+ $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "38100");
+ $sel->type_ok("city", "Braunschweig");
+ $sel->type_ok("country", "Germany");
+ $sel->type_ok("phone", "0531 010101010101");
+ $sel->type_ok("email", "testmann\");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ diag("Create third Customer");
+ $sel->title_is("Kunde erfassen - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("customernumber");
+ $sel->type_ok("customernumber", "3");
+ $sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000");
+ $sel->click_ok("greeting");
+ $sel->type_ok("greeting", "Frau");
+ $sel->type_ok("name", "TestFrau3");
+ $sel->type_ok("department_1", "Outsourced");
+ $sel->type_ok("street", "Billighäuser 3444");
+ $sel->click_ok("street");
+ $sel->click_ok("zipcode");
+ $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "67899");
+ $sel->type_ok("city", "Brunnenberge");
+ $sel->type_ok("country", "Austria");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create vendor");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferant erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ diag("Create first vendor");
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("vendornumber");
+ $sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "1");
+ $sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting");
+ $sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma");
+ $sel->click_ok("//option[2]");
+ $sel->click_ok("name");
+ $sel->type_ok("name", "TestLieferant1");
+ $sel->type_ok("department_1", "GossAus");
+ $sel->type_ok("street", "Berger 1");
+ $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "11990");
+ $sel->type_ok("city", "Drehmel");
+ $sel->type_ok("country", "Germany");
+ $sel->type_ok("contact", "Herr Custom");
+ $sel->type_ok("phone", "01234 56787902");
+ $sel->type_ok("fax", "01234 567879023");
+ $sel->type_ok("email", "custom\");
+ $sel->type_ok("account_number", "2");
+ $sel->click_ok("obsolete");
+ $sel->click_ok("obsolete");
+ $sel->type_ok("notes", "keine Bemerkungen");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse");
+ $sel->click_ok("shipto_id");
+ $sel->select_ok("shipto_id", "label=Alle");
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[1]/td/select/option[2]");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_id");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_id");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_greeting");
+ $sel->click_ok("selected_cp_greeting");
+ $sel->select_ok("selected_cp_greeting", "label=Frau");
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[2]/td/select/option[2]");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_title");
+ $sel->click_ok("selected_cp_title");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_title");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Diplom Meterologin");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_abteilung");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dipl. Inf.");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_title");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_title");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dipl. Ing.");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_abteilung");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Externes");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Hildegunde");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Riess");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "0111 222333444 5");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_birthday");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "12.03.1964");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ diag("Create second vendor");
+ $sel->click_ok("vendornumber");
+ $sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "2");
+ $sel->click_ok("greeting");
+ $sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting");
+ $sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma");
+ $sel->click_ok("//option[2]");
+ $sel->click_ok("name");
+ $sel->type_ok("name", "TestLieferant2");
+ $sel->type_ok("department_1", "Verkauf");
+ $sel->type_ok("department_2", "Orga");
+ $sel->type_ok("street", "Wlkenweg 3");
+ $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "09090");
+ $sel->type_ok("city", "Brummbach");
+ $sel->click_ok("city");
+ $sel->type_ok("city", "Markt Brummbach");
+ $sel->click_ok("country");
+ $sel->type_ok("country", "Germany");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ diag("Create third vendor");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse");
+ $sel->click_ok("vendornumber");
+ $sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "3");
+ $sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting");
+ $sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma");
+ $sel->click_ok("//option[2]");
+ $sel->type_ok("name", "TestFirma3 GmbH");
+ $sel->type_ok("fax", "03232 7272727273");
+ $sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "50000");
+ $sel->type_ok("discount", "10");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse");
+ $sel->click_ok("shiptoname");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptoname", "TestFirma3 GmbH");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptodepartment_1", "Vertrieb");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptostreet", "Grummelsburger 1423");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptozipcode", "40000");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptocity", "Hansastadt");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptocountry", "Germany");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptocontact", "Herr Baumann von Clausen");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptophone", "03232 7272727272");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptofax", "03232 7272727273");
+ $sel->type_ok("shiptoemail", "baumann\");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner");
+ $sel->click_ok("selected_cp_greeting");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_greeting");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_greeting", "Herr");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Vertrieb");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Dietmar");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Baumann von Clausen");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "03232 7272727272");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_fax", "03232 7272727273");
+ $sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "14.05.1971");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create goods");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Ware erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "1");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "TestWare1");
+ $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe1");
+ $sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%");
+ $sel->click_ok("trigger1");
+ $sel->type_ok("listprice", "100,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "150,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("lastcost", "50,00");
+ $sel->select_ok("price_factor_id", "label=pro 10");
+ $sel->type_ok("notes", "Zu dieser Testware existiert keine Bemerkung");
+ $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=kg");
+ $sel->type_ok("weight", "10");
+ $sel->type_ok("rop", "10");
+ $sel->type_ok("bin", "1");
+ $sel->type_ok("ve", "10");
+ $sel->click_ok("shop");
+ $sel->type_ok("microfiche", "27 drei 4tel");
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ # Spracheinstellungen müssen überarbeitet werden, bevor der Test laufen kann!
+ # $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
+ # $sel->wait_for_pop_up_ok("_new_generic", $lxtest->{timeout});
+ # $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
+ # $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("price_1", "115,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("price_2", "150,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("make_1", "TestFabrikant1");
+ $sel->type_ok("model_1", "TestWare1");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "2");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "TestWareSelenium2");
+ $sel->type_ok("listprice", "0,50");
+ $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "1,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("lastcost", ",25");
+ $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=kg");
+ $sel->type_ok("weight", "0,5");
+ $sel->type_ok("rop", "2");
+ $sel->type_ok("bin", "2");
+ $sel->click_ok("not_discountable");
+ $sel->type_ok("ve", "1");
+ $sel->type_ok("notes", "Die ist Brot");
+ # Spracheinstellungen müssen überarbeitet werden, bevor der Test laufen kann!
+ # $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
+ # $sel->wait_for_pop_up_ok("_new_generic", $lxtest->{timeout});
+ # $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
+ # $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Add service");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistung erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "999");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "Programmierstunde");
+ $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
+ $sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%");
+ $sel->type_ok("notes", "Eine Programmierstunde wird immer besser bezahlt");
+ $sel->type_ok("listprice", "50,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "100");
+ $sel->type_ok("lastcost", "45");
+ $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Std");
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->type_ok("price_1", "100");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "998");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "Telefonstunde");
+ $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
+ $sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%");
+ $sel->type_ok("notes", "gibt's beim Telekomunikator");
+ $sel->type_ok("listprice", "0,05");
+ $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "0,10");
+ $sel->type_ok("lastcost", "0,02");
+ $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=psch");
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->type_ok("price_1", "0,02");
+ $sel->type_ok("price_2", "0,1");
+ $sel->type_ok("price_1", "0,1");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Add product");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Erzeugnis erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "991");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "Handykarten");
+ $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe2");
+ $sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%");
+ $sel->click_ok("trigger1");
+ $sel->type_ok("listprice", "3,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "30,00");
+ $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Stck");
+ $sel->type_ok("stock", "100");
+ $sel->type_ok("rop", "10");
+ $sel->type_ok("bin", "991");
+ $sel->click_ok("not_discountable");
+ $sel->click_ok("shop");
+ $sel->type_ok("price_1", "30,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("price_2", "30,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("make_1", "TCom");
+ $sel->type_ok("model_1", "standard");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Add project");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Projekt erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("projectnumber", "1001");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "tausend und eine Nacht");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete good");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Erzeugnisse");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+# an dieser Stelle muss noch überleegt werdne, wie der Zusaamenhang zwischen Lagerbestand und "Löschen" vernünftigt gehandhabt werdne kann
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete project");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Projekte");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->text_is("link=1001", "1001");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=1001");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO= "Benutzte Projekte können nicht gelöscht werden!";
+# $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete service");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistungen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->text_is("link=999", "999");
+ $sel->text_is("link=998", "998");
+ $sel->text_is("link=Programmierstunde", "Programmierstunde");
+ $sel->text_is("link=Telefonstunde", "Telefonstunde");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=999");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Telefonstunde");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete product");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Waren");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->text_is("link=TestWare1", "TestWare1");
+ $sel->text_is("link=TestWareSelenium2", "TestWareSelenium2");
+ $sel->text_is("link=1", "1");
+ $sel->text_is("link=2", "2");
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "Waren in Rechnungen können nicht gelöscht werden!";
+# $sel->click_ok("link=1");
+# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+# $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]");
+# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+# $sel->click_ok("link=TestWareSelenium2");
+# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+# $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]");
+# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create quote request");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Neue Preisanfrage");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("partnumber_1");
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("quonumber");
+ $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1");
+ $sel->click_ok("cp_id");
+ $sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Baumann von Clausen (Vertrieb)");
+ $sel->click_ok("//option[\@value='905']");
+ $sel->click_ok("shipto_id");
+ $sel->click_ok("shipto_id");
+ $sel->click_ok("taxzone_id");
+ $sel->click_ok("taxzone_id");
+ $sel->click_ok("cb_show_details");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("payment_id");
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->click_ok("//option[\@value='886']");
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr/td[3]");
+ $sel->click_ok("taxincluded");
+ $sel->click_ok("qty_1");
+ $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "21");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create offers");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Angebot erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)");
+ $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=Selenium-Testfirma1");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)");
+ $sel->type_ok("shipvia", "per pedes");
+ $sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "alpha");
+ $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1");
+ $sel->select_ok("globalproject_id", "label=1001");
+ $sel->click_ok("cb_show_details");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
+# TODO: {
+# local $TODO = "Popups werden von Selenium noch nicht unterstützt!";
+# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
+# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+# }
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[5]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "991");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "5");
+ $sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("taxincluded");
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestMann2");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
+ $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "19");
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create charge");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Auftrag erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)");
+ $sel->type_ok("shippingpoint", "Braunschweig");
+ $sel->type_ok("shipvia", "LKW");
+ $sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "beta");
+ $sel->click_ok("delivered");
+ $sel->type_ok("ordnumber", "1");
+ $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1");
+ $sel->type_ok("cusordnumber", "97862");
+ $sel->select_ok("globalproject_id", "label=1001");
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("ship_1", "20");
+ $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "20");
+ $sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("shippingpoint", "Göttingen");
+ $sel->type_ok("shipvia", "PKW");
+ $sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "teta");
+ $sel->type_ok("ordnumber", "2");
+ $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "2");
+ $sel->type_ok("cusordnumber", "23453666");
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "911");
+ $sel->type_ok("ship_1", "5");
+ $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "5");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "Handykarten D2");
+ $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
+ $sel->type_ok("listprice", "10,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "20,00");
+ $sel->type_ok("lastcost", "5,00");
+ $sel->select_ok("price_factor_id", "label=pro 10");
+ $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Stck");
+ $sel->type_ok("bin", "911");
+ $sel->click_ok("not_discountable");
+ $sel->click_ok("shop");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestMann2");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "991");
+ $sel->type_ok("ship_1", "10");
+ $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "10");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_ok("price_factor_id_1", "label=pro 10");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("sellprice_1", "1000");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create invoice");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Rechnung erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partnumber_2", "991");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("invnumber", "1");
+ $sel->click_ok("trigger3");
+ $sel->click_ok("trigger_orddate");
+ $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "2");
+ $sel->click_ok("trigger_quodate");
+ $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->click_ok("update_button");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.invoice.action[6]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create product groups");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Warengruppe erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("partsgroup", "TestSeleniumWarengruppe1");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partsgroup", "TestSeleniumWarengruppe2");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Warengruppen anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe1");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe2");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("partsgroup", "TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create price brackets");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Preisgruppe erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("pricegroup", "SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
+ $sel->click_ok("action","value=Speichern");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("pricegroup", "SeleniumTestPreisgruppe2");
+ $sel->click_ok("action","value=Speichern");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Add languages");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Sprache hinzufügen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "elbisch");
+ $sel->type_ok("template_code", "elb");
+ $sel->type_ok("article_code", "elb");
+ $sel->select_ok("output_numberformat", "label=1.000,00");
+ $sel->select_ok("output_dateformat", "label=yyyy-mm-dd");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ ### Folgende Zeilen sind notwendig , um später herausfinden zu können, welche Sprache gelöscht werden kann.
+ use DBI;
+ $lxtest->{dsn} = 'dbi:Pg:dbname=' . $lxtest->{db} . ';host=' . $lxtest->{dbhost} . ';port=' . $lxtest->{dbport};
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( $lxtest->{dsn}, $lxtest->{dbuser}, $lxtest->{dbpasswd} ) or die "Cannot connect to database!\n $DBI::errstr";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM language WHERE description ILIKE 'elbisch'") or die "Error while preparing sql statement!\n $DBI::errstr\n";
+ $sth->execute() or die "Error while excecuting sql statement!\n $DBI::errstr";
+ $lxtest->{lang_id} = $sth->fetchrow_array() or die "Nothing to fetch!\n$DBI::errstr";
+ $sth->finish();
+ $dbh->disconnect();
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Show languages");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Sprachen anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=elbisch");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Add payment conditions");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Zahlungskonditionen hinzufügen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->type_ok("description_long", "Schnellzahler bekommen sofort ein Skonto von 3% gewährleistet");
+ $sel->type_ok("description_long_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "This is a test in elbisch");
+ $sel->type_ok("terms_netto", "100");
+ $sel->type_ok("percent_skonto", "3");
+ $sel->type_ok("terms_skonto", "97");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Show payment conditions");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Zahlungskonditionen anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Add customer/vendor types");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Kunden-/Lieferantentyp erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "Großabnehmer");
+ $sel->type_ok("discount", "3");
+ $sel->type_ok("customernumberinit", "100");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "Kleinkäufer");
+ $sel->type_ok("customernumberinit", "200");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Show customer/vendor types");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Kunden\-\/Lieferantentypen\ anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Großabnehmer");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Kleinkäufer");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Add show and delete measure");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Maßeinheiten");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("new_name", "ogge");
+ $sel->select_ok("new_base_unit", "label=Stck");
+ $sel->type_ok("new_factor", "3,5");
+ $sel->type_ok("new_localized_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "kogge");
+ $sel->type_ok("new_localized_plural_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "kogges");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_1_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gm");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_1_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gms");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_2_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gg");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_2_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "ggs");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_3_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gk");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_3_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gks");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_4_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "tt");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_4_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "tts");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_5_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "lm");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_5_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "lms");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_6_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "LL");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_6_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "LLs");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_7_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "kctS");
+ $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_7_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "kctSs");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("delete_8");
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[9]/td[1]/a/img");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[8]/td[1]/a[1]/img");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[7]/td[1]/a[2]/img");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[8]/td[1]/a[2]/img");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("delete_8");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Add show and delete service measure");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistungseinheiten");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("new_name", "ProggerStunde");
+ $sel->select_ok("new_base_unit", "label=Std");
+ $sel->type_ok("new_factor", "2,0");
+ $sel->type_ok("new_localized_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "Dinges");
+ $sel->type_ok("new_localized_plural_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "Dingeses");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[6]/td[1]/a/img");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("//tr[5]/td[1]/a[2]/img");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("delete_5");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Create Account");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Konto erfassen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->type_ok("accno", "000000000001");
+ $sel->type_ok("description", "TestSeleniumKonto");
+ $sel->select_ok("AccountType", "label=Aktiva/Mittelverwendung (A)");
+ $sel->click_ok("AR");
+ $sel->click_ok("AP");
+ $sel->click_ok("IC");
+ $sel->click_ok("AR_amount");
+ $sel->click_ok("AR_paid");
+ $sel->click_ok("AR_tax");
+ $sel->click_ok("AP_amount");
+ $sel->click_ok("AP_paid");
+ $sel->click_ok("AP_tax");
+ $sel->click_ok("IC_sale");
+ $sel->click_ok("IC_cogs");
+ $sel->click_ok("IC_taxpart");
+ $sel->click_ok("IC_income");
+ $sel->click_ok("IC_expense");
+ $sel->click_ok("IC_taxservice");
+ $sel->select_ok("pos_eur", "label=05. Ausserordentliche Erträge");
+ $sel->select_ok("pos_bwa", "label=05. So.betr.Erlöse");
+ $sel->select_ok("pos_bilanz", "label=02.");
+ $sel->click_ok("datevautomatik");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok("30000");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=000000000001");
+ $sel->is_text_present_ok("TestSeleniumKonto");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Show Accounts");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Konten anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->title_is("Kontenübersicht - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=000000000001");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0027");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0090");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0200");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0210");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0380");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0400");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0410");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0420");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0430");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0440");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0480");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0631");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0640");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0650");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0853");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1000");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1200");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1360");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1400");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1445");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1446");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1447");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1448");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1449");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1450");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1570");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1571");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1572");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1573");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1574");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1575");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1576");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1577");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1578");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1580");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1581");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1582");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1584");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1588");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1590");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1592");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1600");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1605");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1606");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1607");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1609");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1767");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1771");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1772");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1773");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1774");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1775");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1776");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1780");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1785");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1790");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1791");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1800");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1810");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1820");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1830");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1840");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1890");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2000");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2010");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2020");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2100");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2107");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2110");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2120");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2125");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2130");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2140");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2150");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2170");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2171");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2175");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2200");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2208");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2209");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2212");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2214");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2215");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2218");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2280");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2282");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2284");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2285");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2287");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2289");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2310");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2315");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2320");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2341");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2342");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2350");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2351");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2375");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2376");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2380");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2400");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2401");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2405");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2450");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2500");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2501");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2505");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2510");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2520");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2600");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2650");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2657");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2660");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2670");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2680");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2700");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2710");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2715");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2720");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2725");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2730");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2732");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2733");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2735");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2739");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2742");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2743");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2744");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2746");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2747");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2750");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2797");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3000");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3090");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3100");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3110");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3120");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3300");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3400");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3420");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3425");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3440");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3550");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3559");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3580");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3581");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3582");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3589");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3600");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3610");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3650");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3731");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3735");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3750");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3760");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3780");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3790");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3800");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3830");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3850");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3960");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3970");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3980");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3990");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4000");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4110");
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+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4127");
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+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4138");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4139");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4140");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4145");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4149");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4150");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4167");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4170");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4175");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4180");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4190");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4199");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4200");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4210");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4220");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4230");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4240");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4250");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4260");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4261");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4271");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4280");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4288");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4289");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4301");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4305");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4320");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4340");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4350");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4355");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4360");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4361");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4380");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4390");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4396");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4397");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4500");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4505");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4510");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4515");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4520");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4525");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4530");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4535");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4540");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4545");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4550");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4560");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4565");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4570");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4580");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4595");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4600");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4610");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4630");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4635");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4638");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4640");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4650");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4651");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4652");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4653");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4654");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4655");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4660");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4663");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4664");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4666");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4668");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4670");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4673");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4674");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4676");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4678");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4679");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4680");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4700");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4710");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4730");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4750");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4760");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4780");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4790");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4800");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4805");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4806");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4809");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4810");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4815");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4822");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4824");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4826");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4830");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4831");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4832");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4840");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4841");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4842");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4843");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4850");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4851");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4852");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4855");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4860");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4870");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4875");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4880");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4900");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4905");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4909");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4910");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4920");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4925");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4930");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4940");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4945");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4946");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4950");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4955");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4957");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4960");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4965");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4966");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4969");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4970");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4980");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4985");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4990");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4992");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4993");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4994");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4995");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8100");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8110");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8120");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8125");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8130");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8135");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8150");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8190");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8195");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8200");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8300");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8310");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8315");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8320");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8400");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8500");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8506");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8508");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8520");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8540");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8580");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8581");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8582");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8589");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8590");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8591");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8595");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8600");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8650");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8700");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8710");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8720");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8725");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8726");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8727");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8731");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8735");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8750");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8760");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8780");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8790");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8800");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8801");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8807");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8808");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8809");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8820");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8827");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8828");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8829");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8900");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8905");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8910");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8915");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8919");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8920");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8921");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8922");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8924");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8925");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8930");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8935");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8939");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8940");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8945");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8949");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8950");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8955");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8960");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8970");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8980");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8990");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=9000");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=9008");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=9009");
+ $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=9090");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Test Account");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Konten anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=000000000001");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ # Die folegenden Zeilen testen die Checkboxen im Formular, welche nach bestimmten Regeln gelöscht werden.
+ # Hiefür muß erst ein Konzept erstellt werden, wann eine Checkbox aktiviert ist und wann nicht.
+ # Test für das erste Konto, bei dem alle Felder deaktiviert werden müssen
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AR_amount\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AR_paid\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AR_tax\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AP_amount\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AP_paid\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AP_tax\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_sale\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_cogs\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_taxpart\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_income\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_expense\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
+ isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_taxservice\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete product groups");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Warengruppen anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe1");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ skip("Produktgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 10) if(!$sel->is_element_present("document.forms[0].action[1]","Löschen"));
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe2");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ skip("Produktgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 6) if($sel->get_value("document.forms[0].action[1]") ne "Löschen");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ skip("Produktgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 2) if($sel->get_value("document.forms[0].action[1]") ne "Löschen");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete Account");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Konten anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=000000000001");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok("30000");
+ $sel->click_ok("document.EditAccount.action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok("30000");
+ isnt($sel->is_element_present("link=000000000001"),1,"Tests whether link for created acc is present");
+ isnt($sel->is_text_present("TestSeleniumKonto"),1,"Tests wheter text of created acc is present");
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete customer/vendor types");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Kunden-/Lieferantentypen anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Großabnehmer");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Kleinkäufer");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete payment conditions");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Zahlungskonditionen anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete languages");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Sprachen anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=elbisch");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+if(!defined $sel) {
+ require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
+ init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
+ exit(0);
+diag("Delete price brackets");
+SKIP: {
+ start_login();
+ $sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Preisgruppen anzeigen");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
+ $sel->click_ok("action");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ skip("Preisgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 6) if(!$sel->is_element_present("document.forms[0].action[1]","Löschen"));
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ $sel->click_ok("link=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe2");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
+ skip("Preisgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 2) if(!$sel->is_element_present("document.forms[0].action[1]","Löschen"));
+ $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# LX-Office ERP
-# Copyright (C) 2006/2007
-# Web
-# Author: Udo Spallek, Thomas Kasulke
-# Email:,
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# Selenium Main Caller
-# Call all Selenium scripts from here. To use Selenium tests in
-# Lx-Office you need to Install Selenium Remote Control. Take a look at
-# the README Document for further informatinons on installing Selenium
-# and testing Lx-Office and of course writing your own testcases.
- no strict;
- push @INC, ['/t/selenium', \&init_server];
- use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- use Test::WWW::Selenium;
- use Test::More qw(no_plan);
- use IO::Socket;
- if(-f "/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf") {
- eval { require('/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf'); };
- }
- else {
- eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
- }
- if ($@) {
- diag("No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
- Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n");
- exit 0;
- }
- sub server_is_running {
- return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
- PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
- );
- }
-# if (server_is_running) {
-# plan tests => 200; # Need to be cutomized
-# }
- sub init_server {
- my $singlefileonly = 0;
- if ($_[0] eq "singlefileonly") {
- $singlefileonly = 1;
- shift;
- }
- if(!server_is_running) {
- print "No selenium server found! "
- ."Maybe you forgot to start it or "
- ."the preferences in t/lxtest.conf doesen't fit to your system";
- exit 0;
- }
- diag('Pretests and initialisation');
- $lxtest->{test_id} = time; # create individual ids by unixtime
- $lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin} . $lxtest->{test_id} if(!$lxtest->{testuserlogin});
- $lxtest->{testuserpasswd} = $lxtest->{test_id} if(!$lxtest->{testuserpasswd});
- $lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db} . $lxtest->{test_id} if(!($lxtest->{db} =~ /^seleniumtestdatabase[0-9]{10}$/));
- ok(defined $lxtest->{rpw}, "Get root password");
- ok(defined $lxtest->{dbhost}, "found dbhost in config");
- ok(defined $lxtest->{dbport}, "found dbport in config");
- ok(defined $lxtest->{dbuser}, "found dbuser in config");
- ok(defined $lxtest->{dbpasswd}, "found dbpasswd in config");
- $lxtest->{lxadmin_url} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "";
- $lxtest->{lxadmin_with_get} = $lxtest->{lxadmin_url} . "?rpw=$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
- $lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxadmin_url} . "?rpw=$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
- eval { $sel = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
- host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
- port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
- browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
- browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
- auto_stop => '0',
- );
- };
- if ($@) {
- diag("No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n");
- exit 0;
- }
- ok(defined $sel, 'Creating Selenium Object');
- diag('Starting Selenium tests...');
- if(!$singlefileonly) {
- foreach my $scriptdir (@_) {
- opendir(SCRIPTS, 't/selenium/testscripts/' . $scriptdir) or die "Can't open directory!" . $!;
- foreach (sort readdir(SCRIPTS)) {
- if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$|^\d\d\d.*\.t$/ && !$sel->{ran_tests}{"t/selenium/testscripts/". $scriptdir . "/" . $_}) {
- require_ok("t/selenium/testscripts/". $scriptdir . "/" . $_);
- $sel->{ran_tests}{"t/selenium/testscripts/". $scriptdir . "/" . $_} = 1;
- }
- }
- closedir(SCRIPTS);
- }
- }
- else {
- foreach (@_) {
- if ( $_ =~ /^.*\/\w\d\d\d.*\.t$|^.*\/\d\d\d.*\.t$/ && !$sel->{ran_tests}{$_}) {
- require_ok($_);
- $sel->{ran_tests}{$_} = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if($!) {
- @! = ("Test fehlgeschlagen!");
- }
- $sel->stop();
- }
- sub start_login() {
- require "t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t" if(!$sel->{_page_opened});
- skip("Failed page to load pages!",) if(!$sel->{_page_opened});
- if($sel->get_title() ne "Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db}){
- require "t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t";
- }
- $sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up");
- }
+++ /dev/null
-This directory contains all selenium testscripts for lx-office.
-Selenium testscrips are the prefered way to test the higher lx
-functionalities. For the selenium tests you need to install and
-run a local selenium server on a machine whitch is able to start
-a browser session. See README for more informations.
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("accounting/begin", "accounting/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("administration/begin", "administration/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("administration/begin", "system/begin", "masterdata/begin", "selling/begin", "purchase/begin",
- "accounting/begin", "payments/begin", "reports/begin", "programm/begin",
- "programm/end", "reports/end", "payments/end", "accounting/end", "purchase/end", "selling/end",
- "masterdata/end", "system/end", "administration/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("administration/begin", "system/begin", "masterdata/begin");
-diag("\n\nUsername: " . $lxtest->{testuserlogin} . "\n" . "Password: " . $lxtest->{testuserpasswd} . "\n\n");
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("masterdata/begin", "masterdata/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("payments/begin", "payments/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("printing/begin", "printing/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("programm/begin", "programm/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("purchase/begin", "purchase/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("reports/begin", "reports/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("selling/begin", "selling/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
-init_server("system/begin", "system/end");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# LX-Office ERP
-# Copyright (C) 2006
-# Web
-# Author: Udo Spallek
-# Email:
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# Selenium Cleanup Script
-# To clean up all the messy databases and users while debugging testcases
- no strict;
- push @INC, ['/t/selenium'];
- use vars qw( $lxdebug $lxtest $sel );
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- use WWW::Selenium;
- use IO::Socket;
- my $cleanedupdb = '';
- my $cleanedupusers = '';
- eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
- if ($@) {
- print "No test configuration found in t/lxtest.conf.\n
- Maybe you forget to copy t/lxtest.conf.default to t/lxtest.conf. Exit test...\n";
- exit 0;
- };
- sub server_is_running {
- return IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ENV{SRC_HOST} || $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
- PeerPort => $ENV{SRC_PORT} || $lxtest->{seleniumport},
- );
- }
- if (server_is_running) {
- }
- else {
- exit 0;
- }
- $lxtest->{testuserlogin} = $lxtest->{testlogin};
- $lxtest->{db} = $lxtest->{db};
- $lxtest->{lxadmin} = $lxtest->{lxbaseurl} . "$lxtest->{rpw}&nextsub=list_users&action=Weiter";
- eval { $sel = WWW::Selenium->new(
- host => $lxtest->{seleniumhost},
- port => $lxtest->{seleniumport},
- browser => $lxtest->{seleniumbrowser},
- browser_url => $lxtest->{lxadmin},
- auto_stop => '0',
- );
- };
- if ($@) {
- print "No Selenium Server running, or wrong preferences\n\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- print "\nStarting Testdebugging Cleanup...\n";
-### Delete user
-print "Cleanup all users '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}*'\n";
-my @links= $sel->get_all_links();
-my $testuserlogin = $lxtest->{testuserlogin};
-foreach my $link (@links) {
- if ($link =~ /$testuserlogin\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
- $sel->click("link=$lxtest->{testuserlogin}11*");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Löschen\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $cleanedupusers .= " $link\n";
- }
-print "Lock the system\n";
-$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
-print "Cleanup all test databasees: '$lxtest->{db}*'\n";
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
- $sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
- $sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
- $sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
- my $field = $sel->get_body_text();
- my $database= $lxtest->{db};
- my @fields = split(' ', $field);
- foreach my $field (@fields) {
- if ($field =~ /$database\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/){
- $sel->open($lxtest->{lxadmin});
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
- $sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
- $sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
- $sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
- $sel->check("name=db value=$field");
- $sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
- $cleanedupdb .= " $field\n";
- }
- }
-print "Unlock the system\n";
-$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
-$cleanedupdb = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupdb eq '');
-$cleanedupusers = "none.\n" if ($cleanedupusers eq '');
-print "Ready. \nReport:\n--- Cleaned up Users:\n$cleanedupusers---Cleaned up Databases:\n$cleanedupdb";
-exit 1;
+++ /dev/null
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1">
-<tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">ustva-Inland-linet</td></tr>
-<!--# Start Testskript-->
-<!--# USTVA 2006/2007-->
-<!--# Datenbank & Benutzer-->
-<!--# Umgebung-->
- <td>break</td>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>setTimeout</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--Create new database-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>open</td>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[2]</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectWindow</td>
- <td>null</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>db</td>
- <td>Selenium_Testdb-_SKR03_IST_1619_2006_2007</td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].chart[2]</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--Benutzer anlegen-->
-<!--Achtung, Benutzer nicht neu anlegen, wg. Bug in der Benutzerverwaltung i.Zshg. mit neuen Vorlagen-->
-<!--Benutzer mit datanbank verknüpfen-->
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>link=demo-1619</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzerdaten bearbeiten -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>dbname</td>
- <td>Selenium_Testdb-_SKR03_IST_1619_2006_2007</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>login</td>
- <td>demo-1619</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>password</td>
- <td>demo</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[1].action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Datenbankaktualisierung*</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>//input[@value='Weiter']</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office Version*</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--# Waren, Lieferanten, Kunden-->
-<!--# Umgebung-->
-<!--Testkunde anlegen-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Kunde erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>name</td>
- <td>Testkunde</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--Testlieferant anlegen-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Lieferant erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>name</td>
- <td>Testlieferant</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--Testware anlegen 7%-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Ware erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber</td>
- <td>100-7%</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>description</td>
- <td>Testware 7%</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>buchungsgruppen_id</td>
- <td>label=Standard 7%</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>lastcost</td>
- <td>50</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>sellprice</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.ic.action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--Testware anlegen 16%-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Ware erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>description</td>
- <td>Testware 16%/19%</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>buchungsgruppen_id</td>
- <td>label=Standard 16%/19%</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>lastcost</td>
- <td>50</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>sellprice</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.ic.action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--# Testbuchungen-->
-<!--# anlegen-->
-<!--### 1. Testbuchung-->
-<!--03-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--03-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>1.3.2007</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>10.3.2007</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>119</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 2.Testbuchung-->
-<!--11-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--01-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>2</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>11.11.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>20.11.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>4</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_1</td>
- <td>4</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>116</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 3.Testbuchung-->
-<!--12-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--12-2006 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--12-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>3</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>03.12.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>duedate</td>
- <td>10.12.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTextPresent</td>
- <td>Umsatzsteuer</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTextPresent</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>deliverydate</td>
- <td>15.12.2006</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTextPresent</td>
- <td>Umsatzsteuer</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTextPresent</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>20.12.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>4</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_1</td>
- <td>4</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>116</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 4. Testbuchung-->
-<!--08-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--09-2006 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--02-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>4</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>8.08.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>deliverydate</td>
- <td>10.09.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//td[3]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>2.2.2007</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>7</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_1</td>
- <td>7</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>116</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 5. Testbuchung-->
-<!--06-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--01-2007 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--07-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>5</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>10.06.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>deliverydate</td>
- <td>13.1.2007</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>12.7.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>45</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_1</td>
- <td>44</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>119</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 6. Testbuchung-->
-<!--Bug: 526 Konto 1588 wird bei UStVA ignoriert-->
-<!--Dialogbuchung mit Konto 1588-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Dialogbuchen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>accno_1</td>
- <td>label=1588--Bezahlte Einfuhrumsatzsteuer</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>accno_2</td>
- <td>label=1200--Bank</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>reference</td>
- <td>Test 1588 Kz62</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>description</td>
- <td>Test 1588 Kz62</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>transdate</td>
- <td>1.10.2005</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>debit_1</td>
- <td>143,2455</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>credit_2</td>
- <td>143,2455</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>[1]</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForTextPresent</td>
- <td>gespeichert</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 7. Testbuchung-->
-<!--02-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--04-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Debitorenbuchung</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>AR_amount_1</td>
- <td>label=8400--Erlöse 16%/19% USt.</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>amount_1</td>
- <td>2000</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>transdate</td>
- <td>19.2.2007</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>1.4.2007</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>2</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_1</td>
- <td>2</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>2000</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>AR_paid_1</td>
- <td>label=1200--Bank</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>Debitorenbuchung</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.arledger.action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 8. Testbuchung-->
-<!--05-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--06-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Kreditorenbuchung</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>AP_amount_1</td>
- <td>label=0420--Büroeinrichtung</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>Kreditorenbuchung</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>amount_1</td>
- <td>2000</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>transdate</td>
- <td>20.05.2007</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>1.6.2007</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>123</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_1</td>
- <td>123</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>1000</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 9. Testbuchung-->
-<!--01-2008 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--01-2008 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--01-2008 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>9-7%</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>1.1.2008</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>deliverydate</td>
- <td>3.1.2008</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>100-7%</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>10.1.2008</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>45</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_1</td>
- <td>44</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>107</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectWindow</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//td[3]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td</td>
- <td>7,00</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 10. Testbuchung-->
-<!--01-2005 Rechnungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Einkaufsrechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>120</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>1.1.2005</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 11. Testbuchung-->
-<!--01-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Einkaufsrechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>130</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>1.1.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 12. Testbuchung-->
-<!--02-2005 Rechnungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Einkaufsrechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>131</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>1.2.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 13. Testbuchung-->
-<!--01-2005 Rechnungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Einkaufsrechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>132</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>1.3.2006</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--14. Testbuchung-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Konto erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>accno</td>
- <td>1775Skonto</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>description</td>
- <td>Umsatzsteuerkorrektur 16% bei Skonto</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>AccountType</td>
- <td>label=Aufwandskonto (E)</td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>AR_paid</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>AR_tax</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>link=1775Skonto</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>taxkey_startdate_0</td>
- <td>1.1.1970</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>taxkey_pos_ustva_0</td>
- <td>label=511</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 14. Testbuchung-->
-<!--Rechnung mit 3% Skonto-->
-<!--Beispiel aus Wiki:>
-<!--02-2003 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--02-2003 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--02-2003 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=Rechnung erfassen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invnumber</td>
- <td>14-3%-SKONTO</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>invdate</td>
- <td>1.2.2003</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>deliverydate</td>
- <td>3.2.2003</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>partnumber_1</td>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>ndx</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>taxincluded</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>sellprice_1</td>
- <td>1431,79</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_1</td>
- <td>04.02.2003</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_1</td>
- <td>12345</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_1</td>
- <td>1388,84</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>AR_paid_1</td>
- <td>label=1200--Bank</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_2</td>
- <td>04.02.2003</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_2</td>
- <td>12345</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_2</td>
- <td>37,03</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>AR_paid_2</td>
- <td>label=8735--Gewährte Skonti 16%/19% USt.</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>datepaid_3</td>
- <td>04.02.2003</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>source_3</td>
- <td>12345</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>memo_3</td>
- <td>Skontokorrektur UST 16%</td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>paid_3</td>
- <td>5,92</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>AR_paid_3</td>
- <td>label=1775Skonto--Umsatzsteuerkorrektur 16% bei Skonto</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>update_button</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.invoice.action[6]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--# Steuerzone Inland Umsatzsteuer-->
-<!--# USTVA Einstellungen-->
-<!--# IST-Versteuert-->
-<!--# monatliche Abgabe-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa Einstellungen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>elsterland_new</td>
- <td>label=Nordrhein Westfalen</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>elsterFFFF_new</td>
- <td>label=Aachen-Innenstadt (5201)</td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>cash</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>month</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_1_1</td>
- <td>label=1</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_1_2</td>
- <td>label=2</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_1_3</td>
- <td>label=3</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_1_4</td>
- <td>label=4</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_2_1</td>
- <td>label=5</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_2_2</td>
- <td>label=6</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_2_3</td>
- <td>label=7</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_2_4</td>
- <td>label=8</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.elsterform.action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--### 1. Test-->
-<!--03-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--03-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2007</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=März</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 81)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>19,00</td>
-<!--### 2. Test-->
-<!--11-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--01-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2006</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=November</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
-<!--### 3. Test-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2006</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Dezember</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
-<!--### 4. Test-->
-<!--08-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--09-2006 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--02-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2007</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Februar</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[2]</td>
- <td>35</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[4]</td>
- <td>36</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[5]</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
-<!--### 5. Test-->
-<!--06-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--01-2007 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--07-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2006</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Juli</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[2]</td>
- <td>35</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[4]</td>
- <td>36</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[5]</td>
- <td>19,00</td>
-<!--### 6. Test-->
-<!--Bug: 526 Konto 1588 wird bei UStVA ignoriert-->
-<!--Dialogbuchung mit Konto 1588-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2005</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Oktober</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[39]/td[2]</td>
- <td>62</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[39]/td[3]</td>
- <td>143,25</td>
-<!--### 7. Test-->
-<!--02-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--04-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2007</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=April</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 81)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>1681</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>319,33</td>
-<!--### 8. Test-->
-<!--05-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--06-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2007</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Mai</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[37]/td[3]</td>
- <td>319,33</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[37]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 66)</td>
-<!--### 9. Test-->
-<!--01-2008 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--01-2008 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--01-2008 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2008</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Januar</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[10]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 86)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[10]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[10]/td[5]</td>
- <td>7,00</td>
-<!--### 10. Test-->
-<!--01-2005 Rechnungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2005</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Januar</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[37]/td[3]</td>
- <td>8,00</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[37]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 66)</td>
-<!--### 14. Test-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2003</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Februar</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>1197</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>191,57</td>
-<!--# USTVA Einstellungen-->
-<!--# SOLL-Versteuert-->
-<!--# monatliche Abgabe-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa Einstellungen</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>accrual</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>month</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_1_1</td>
- <td>label=1</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_1_2</td>
- <td>label=2</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_1_3</td>
- <td>label=3</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_1_4</td>
- <td>label=4</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_2_1</td>
- <td>label=5</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_2_2</td>
- <td>label=6</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_2_3</td>
- <td>label=7</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>part_2_4</td>
- <td>label=8</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.elsterform.action[1]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--# Steuerzone Inland Umsatzsteuer-->
-<!--### 14. Test-->
-<!--03-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--03-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2007</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=März</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 81)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>19,00</td>
-<!--### 15. Test-->
-<!--11-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--Kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--01-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2006</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=November</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
-<!--### 16. Test-->
-<!--#s.a. tst3-->
-<!--12-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--12-2006 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--12-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2006</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Dezember</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
-<!--### 17. Test-->
-<!--08-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--09-2006 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--02-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2006</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=August</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 51)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[4]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 51 rechts)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>16,00</td>
-<!--### 18. Test-->
-<!--06-2006 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--01-2007 Lieferdatum-->
-<!--07-2006 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2006</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Juni</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[2]</td>
- <td>35</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[3]</td>
- <td>100</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[4]</td>
- <td>36</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[11]/td[5]</td>
- <td>19,00</td>
-<!--### 19. Test-->
-<!--Bug: 526 Konto 1588 wird bei UStVA ignoriert-->
-<!--Dialogbuchung mit Konto 1588-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2005</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Oktober</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[39]/td[2]</td>
- <td>62</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[39]/td[3]</td>
- <td>143,25</td>
-<!--### 20. Test-->
-<!--02-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--04-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2007</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Februar</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 81)</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>1681</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>319,33</td>
-<!--### 21. Test-->
-<!--05-2007 Rechnungsdatum-->
-<!--kein Lieferdatum-->
-<!--06-2007 Zahlungsdatum-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2007</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Mai</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[37]/td[3]</td>
- <td>319,33</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[37]/td[2]</td>
- <td>(Spalte 66)</td>
-<!--### 22. Test-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=up</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>click</td>
- <td>link=UStVa</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>waitForPageToLoad</td>
- <td>120000</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>year</td>
- <td>label=2003</td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>zeitraum</td>
- <td>label=Februar</td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>main_window</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[3]</td>
- <td>1197</td>
- <td>assertText</td>
- <td>//tr[9]/td[5]</td>
- <td>191,57</td>
- <td>break</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>Set the Startpoint to the next command manually</td>
-<!--# Cleanup Test-->
-<!--Benutzer von Datenbank lösen-->
- <td>selectFrame</td>
- <td>relative=top</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>open</td>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>link=demo-1619</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>type</td>
- <td>dbname</td>
- <td>leer</td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzerdaten bearbeiten -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[0]</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--Datenbank löschen-->
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[2]</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>document.forms[0].action[2]</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>select</td>
- <td>db</td>
- <td>label=Selenium_Testdb-_SKR03_IST_1619_2006_2007</td>
-<!--... deleting databases needs time...-->
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen -</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>clickAndWait</td>
- <td>action</td>
- <td></td>
- <td>assertTitle</td>
- <td>Lx-Office ERP Administration -</td>
- <td></td>
-<!--# Ende Testskript-->
+++ /dev/null
-All Selenium testscripts can be found here. The tests will be included
-sequential from 001 to 999.
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-### Create Database
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly", $0);
- exit(0);
-if($sel->get_title() eq "") {
- $sel->open_ok($lxtest->{lxadmin_url});
- $sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Anmeldung\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag('Lock the system');
-$sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[3]"); # Button für System sperren
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag("Create test database '$lxtest->{db}'");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type_ok("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank anlegen\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -");
-$sel->type_ok("db", $lxtest->{db});
-$sel->select_ok("encoding", "label=ISO 8859-1");
-$sel->select_ok("chart", "label=Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank anlegen -");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag('Unlock the system');
-$sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[3]"); # BUtton für System entsperren
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-### Create new user
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly", $0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create test user '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}'");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzer erfassen -");
-$sel->type_ok("login", $lxtest->{testuserlogin});
-$sel->type_ok("password", $lxtest->{testuserpasswd});
-$sel->type_ok("name", "Selenium");
-$sel->type_ok("email", "selenium\");
-$sel->type_ok("signature", "Selenium Testuser");
-$sel->type_ok("tel", "0000");
-$sel->type_ok("fax", "1111");
-$sel->type_ok("company", "Sel-enium");
-$sel->type_ok("signature", "Selenium Testuser\nTestfirma");
-$sel->type_ok("address", "Testfirma");
-$sel->type_ok("taxnumber", "111-222-333-444");
-$sel->type_ok("co_ustid", "1234567");
-$sel->type_ok("duns", "0987654321");
-$sel->type_ok("newtemplates", "seleniumtestuser");
-$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type_ok("dbname", $lxtest->{db});
-$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-### Update Database
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly", $0);
- exit(0);
-# NOTEST: some preruns for initializing missing parameters
-$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
-$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->type("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
-$sel->click("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank aktualisieren\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank aktualisieren -");
-my $count =0;
-while (){ # count the number of radiobuttons
- eval { $sel->is_checked("//input[(\@id=\"$count\")]"); };
- if ( $@ ) { $count--; last; };
- $count++;
-#TEST: Now run the Tests
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-#diag('Lock the system');
-#$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
-diag('Update the database');
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type_ok("dbdefault", $lxtest->{dbdefault});
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank aktualisieren\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank aktualisieren -");
-for (my $i=0; $i <= $count; $i++){
- $sel->uncheck_ok("//input[(\@id=\"$i\")]");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->title_like( qr/Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration/ );
-#diag('Unlock the system');
-#$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
-#$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
+++ /dev/null
-### Delete user
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete test user '$lxtest->{testuserlogin}'");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration / Benutzerdaten bearbeiten -");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Löschen\")]");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag('Lock the system');
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System sperren\")]");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbankadministration\")]");
-diag("Delete test database '$lxtest->{db}'");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP / Datenbankadministration -");
-$sel->type_ok("dbhost", $lxtest->{dbhost});
-$sel->type_ok("dbport", $lxtest->{dbport});
-$sel->type_ok("dbuser", $lxtest->{dbuser});
-$sel->type_ok("dbpasswd", $lxtest->{dbpasswd});
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Datenbank löschen\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen -");
-$sel->select_ok("db", "label=" . $lxtest->{db});
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->body_text_is("Lx-Office ERP Datenbankadministration / Datenbank löschen Die Datenbank $lxtest->{db} wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.");
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
-diag('Unlock the system');
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"System entsperren\")]");
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office ERP Administration -");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-### Login
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version ".$lxtest->{version});
-$sel->type_ok("login", $lxtest->{testuserlogin});
-$sel->type_ok("password", $lxtest->{testuserpasswd});
-$sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Anmeldung\")]");
-if($sel->get_text("//td") eq "Ungültiger Benutzername oder falsches Passwort!") {
- diag("\n\n\n\nWrong username or password!\n\n\n\n");
- $sel->stop;
- exit(-1);
-if($sel->get_title() eq "Datenbankaktualisierung - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - -") {
- $sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"dummy\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeoutlong});
- $sel->click_ok("//input[(\@type=\"submit\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
-$sel->{ran_tests}{"t/selenium/testscripts/base/999Logout.t"} = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-### Logout
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly", "t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t", $0);
- exit(0);
-$sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version ".$lxtest->{version});
-$sel->{ran_tests}{"t/selenium/testscripts/base/000Login.t"} = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create first Customer");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("customernumber");
- $sel->type_ok("customernumber", "001");
- $sel->type_ok("greeting", "Firma");
- $sel->type_ok("name", "Selenium-Testfirma1");
- $sel->type_ok("department_1", "Einkauf");
- $sel->type_ok("department_2", "extern");
- $sel->type_ok("street", "Grummelburger 111");
- $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "37115");
- $sel->type_ok("city", "Musterstadt");
- $sel->type_ok("country", "Germany");
- $sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000");
- $sel->type_ok("discount", "5");
- $sel->type_ok("account_number", "1");
- $sel->select_ok("salesman_id", "label=Selenium");
- $sel->type_ok("notes", "keine Bemerkungen");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse");
- $sel->click_ok("shipto_id");
- $sel->select_ok("shipto_id", "label=Alle");
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[1]/td/select/option[2]");
- $sel->click_ok("shiptoname");
- $sel->click_ok("shiptodepartment_1");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptodepartment_1", "Einkauf");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptostreet", "Donnerburger 12");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptozipcode", "37115");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptocity", "Musterstadt");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptocountry", "Germany");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptocontact", "Herr Mustermann");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptophone", "0");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptofax", "1");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptoemail", "mustermann\");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_greeting");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_greeting", "Frau");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dr.");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Verkauf");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Mechtilde");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Grosshaupt");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "05528 111111111");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_phone2", "05528 222222222");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_fax", "05528 222222223");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_mobile1", "05528 2222222224");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_mobile2", "05528 2222222225");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_satphone", "05528 2222222226");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_satfax", "05528 2222222227");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_project", "1");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_email", "mustergrosshaupt\");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_privatphone", "05528 2222222220");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_privatemail", "keine\");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "05.09.1982");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen");
- $sel->click_ok("delivery_id");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- diag("Create second Customer");
- $sel->title_is("Kunde erfassen - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse");
- $sel->click_ok("customernumber");
- $sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000");
- $sel->type_ok("customernumber", "2");
- $sel->click_ok("greeting");
- $sel->type_ok("greeting", "Herr");
- $sel->type_ok("name", "TestMann2");
- $sel->type_ok("street", "Goettingweg 3");
- $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "38100");
- $sel->type_ok("city", "Braunschweig");
- $sel->type_ok("country", "Germany");
- $sel->type_ok("phone", "0531 010101010101");
- $sel->type_ok("email", "testmann\");
- $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- diag("Create third Customer");
- $sel->title_is("Kunde erfassen - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Kunde erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("customernumber");
- $sel->type_ok("customernumber", "3");
- $sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "10000000");
- $sel->click_ok("greeting");
- $sel->type_ok("greeting", "Frau");
- $sel->type_ok("name", "TestFrau3");
- $sel->type_ok("department_1", "Outsourced");
- $sel->type_ok("street", "Billighäuser 3444");
- $sel->click_ok("street");
- $sel->click_ok("zipcode");
- $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "67899");
- $sel->type_ok("city", "Brunnenberge");
- $sel->type_ok("country", "Austria");
- $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create vendor");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferant erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- diag("Create first vendor");
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("vendornumber");
- $sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "1");
- $sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting");
- $sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma");
- $sel->click_ok("//option[2]");
- $sel->click_ok("name");
- $sel->type_ok("name", "TestLieferant1");
- $sel->type_ok("department_1", "GossAus");
- $sel->type_ok("street", "Berger 1");
- $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "11990");
- $sel->type_ok("city", "Drehmel");
- $sel->type_ok("country", "Germany");
- $sel->type_ok("contact", "Herr Custom");
- $sel->type_ok("phone", "01234 56787902");
- $sel->type_ok("fax", "01234 567879023");
- $sel->type_ok("email", "custom\");
- $sel->type_ok("account_number", "2");
- $sel->click_ok("obsolete");
- $sel->click_ok("obsolete");
- $sel->type_ok("notes", "keine Bemerkungen");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse");
- $sel->click_ok("shipto_id");
- $sel->select_ok("shipto_id", "label=Alle");
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[1]/td/select/option[2]");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_id");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_id");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_greeting");
- $sel->click_ok("selected_cp_greeting");
- $sel->select_ok("selected_cp_greeting", "label=Frau");
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[2]/td/select/option[2]");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_title");
- $sel->click_ok("selected_cp_title");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_title");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Diplom Meterologin");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_abteilung");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dipl. Inf.");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_title");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_title");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_title", "Dipl. Ing.");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_abteilung");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Externes");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Hildegunde");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Riess");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "0111 222333444 5");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_birthday");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "12.03.1964");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse");
- $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- diag("Create second vendor");
- $sel->click_ok("vendornumber");
- $sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "2");
- $sel->click_ok("greeting");
- $sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting");
- $sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma");
- $sel->click_ok("//option[2]");
- $sel->click_ok("name");
- $sel->type_ok("name", "TestLieferant2");
- $sel->type_ok("department_1", "Verkauf");
- $sel->type_ok("department_2", "Orga");
- $sel->type_ok("street", "Wlkenweg 3");
- $sel->type_ok("zipcode", "09090");
- $sel->type_ok("city", "Brummbach");
- $sel->click_ok("city");
- $sel->type_ok("city", "Markt Brummbach");
- $sel->click_ok("country");
- $sel->type_ok("country", "Germany");
- $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- diag("Create third vendor");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Rechnungsadresse");
- $sel->click_ok("vendornumber");
- $sel->type_ok("vendornumber", "3");
- $sel->click_ok("selected_company_greeting");
- $sel->select_ok("selected_company_greeting", "label=Firma");
- $sel->click_ok("//option[2]");
- $sel->type_ok("name", "TestFirma3 GmbH");
- $sel->type_ok("fax", "03232 7272727273");
- $sel->type_ok("creditlimit", "50000");
- $sel->type_ok("discount", "10");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferadresse");
- $sel->click_ok("shiptoname");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptoname", "TestFirma3 GmbH");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptodepartment_1", "Vertrieb");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptostreet", "Grummelsburger 1423");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptozipcode", "40000");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptocity", "Hansastadt");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptocountry", "Germany");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptocontact", "Herr Baumann von Clausen");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptophone", "03232 7272727272");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptofax", "03232 7272727273");
- $sel->type_ok("shiptoemail", "baumann\");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Ansprechpartner");
- $sel->click_ok("selected_cp_greeting");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_greeting");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_greeting", "Herr");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_abteilung", "Vertrieb");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_givenname", "Dietmar");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_name", "Baumann von Clausen");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_phone1", "03232 7272727272");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_fax", "03232 7272727273");
- $sel->type_ok("cp_birthday", "14.05.1971");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Lieferungen");
- $sel->click_ok("document.ct.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create goods");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Ware erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "1");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "TestWare1");
- $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe1");
- $sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%");
- $sel->click_ok("trigger1");
- $sel->type_ok("listprice", "100,00");
- $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "150,00");
- $sel->type_ok("lastcost", "50,00");
- $sel->select_ok("price_factor_id", "label=pro 10");
- $sel->type_ok("notes", "Zu dieser Testware existiert keine Bemerkung");
- $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=kg");
- $sel->type_ok("weight", "10");
- $sel->type_ok("rop", "10");
- $sel->type_ok("bin", "1");
- $sel->type_ok("ve", "10");
- $sel->click_ok("shop");
- $sel->type_ok("microfiche", "27 drei 4tel");
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- # Spracheinstellungen müssen überarbeitet werden, bevor der Test laufen kann!
- # $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
- # $sel->wait_for_pop_up_ok("_new_generic", $lxtest->{timeout});
- # $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
- # $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("price_1", "115,00");
- $sel->type_ok("price_2", "150,00");
- $sel->type_ok("make_1", "TestFabrikant1");
- $sel->type_ok("model_1", "TestWare1");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "2");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "TestWareSelenium2");
- $sel->type_ok("listprice", "0,50");
- $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "1,00");
- $sel->type_ok("lastcost", ",25");
- $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=kg");
- $sel->type_ok("weight", "0,5");
- $sel->type_ok("rop", "2");
- $sel->type_ok("bin", "2");
- $sel->click_ok("not_discountable");
- $sel->type_ok("ve", "1");
- $sel->type_ok("notes", "Die ist Brot");
- # Spracheinstellungen müssen überarbeitet werden, bevor der Test laufen kann!
- # $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
- # $sel->wait_for_pop_up_ok("_new_generic", $lxtest->{timeout});
- # $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
- # $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Add service");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistung erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "999");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "Programmierstunde");
- $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
- $sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%");
- $sel->type_ok("notes", "Eine Programmierstunde wird immer besser bezahlt");
- $sel->type_ok("listprice", "50,00");
- $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "100");
- $sel->type_ok("lastcost", "45");
- $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Std");
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->type_ok("price_1", "100");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "998");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "Telefonstunde");
- $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
- $sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%");
- $sel->type_ok("notes", "gibt's beim Telekomunikator");
- $sel->type_ok("listprice", "0,05");
- $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "0,10");
- $sel->type_ok("lastcost", "0,02");
- $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=psch");
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->type_ok("price_1", "0,02");
- $sel->type_ok("price_2", "0,1");
- $sel->type_ok("price_1", "0,1");
- $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Add product");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Erzeugnis erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber", "991");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "Handykarten");
- $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe2");
- $sel->select_ok("buchungsgruppen_id", "label=Standard 16%/19%");
- $sel->click_ok("trigger1");
- $sel->type_ok("listprice", "3,00");
- $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "30,00");
- $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Stck");
- $sel->type_ok("stock", "100");
- $sel->type_ok("rop", "10");
- $sel->type_ok("bin", "991");
- $sel->click_ok("not_discountable");
- $sel->click_ok("shop");
- $sel->type_ok("price_1", "30,00");
- $sel->type_ok("price_2", "30,00");
- $sel->type_ok("make_1", "TCom");
- $sel->type_ok("model_1", "standard");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Add project");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Projekt erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("projectnumber", "1001");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "tausend und eine Nacht");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete good");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Erzeugnisse");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
-# an dieser Stelle muss noch überleegt werdne, wie der Zusaamenhang zwischen Lagerbestand und "Löschen" vernünftigt gehandhabt werdne kann
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete project");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Projekte");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->text_is("link=1001", "1001");
- $sel->click_ok("link=1001");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- TODO: {
- local $TODO= "Benutzte Projekte können nicht gelöscht werden!";
-# $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
-# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete service");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistungen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->text_is("link=999", "999");
- $sel->text_is("link=998", "998");
- $sel->text_is("link=Programmierstunde", "Programmierstunde");
- $sel->text_is("link=Telefonstunde", "Telefonstunde");
- $sel->click_ok("link=999");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=Telefonstunde");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete product");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Waren");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->text_is("link=TestWare1", "TestWare1");
- $sel->text_is("link=TestWareSelenium2", "TestWareSelenium2");
- $sel->text_is("link=1", "1");
- $sel->text_is("link=2", "2");
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Waren in Rechnungen können nicht gelöscht werden!";
-# $sel->click_ok("link=1");
-# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
-# $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]");
-# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
-# $sel->click_ok("link=TestWareSelenium2");
-# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
-# $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[3]");
-# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create quote request");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Neue Preisanfrage");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("partnumber_1");
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("quonumber");
- $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1");
- $sel->click_ok("cp_id");
- $sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Baumann von Clausen (Vertrieb)");
- $sel->click_ok("//option[\@value='905']");
- $sel->click_ok("shipto_id");
- $sel->click_ok("shipto_id");
- $sel->click_ok("taxzone_id");
- $sel->click_ok("taxzone_id");
- $sel->click_ok("cb_show_details");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("payment_id");
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->click_ok("//option[\@value='886']");
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[5]/td/table/tbody/tr/td[3]");
- $sel->click_ok("taxincluded");
- $sel->click_ok("qty_1");
- $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "21");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create offers");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Angebot erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)");
- $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=Selenium-Testfirma1");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)");
- $sel->type_ok("shipvia", "per pedes");
- $sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "alpha");
- $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1");
- $sel->select_ok("globalproject_id", "label=1001");
- $sel->click_ok("cb_show_details");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
-# TODO: {
-# local $TODO = "Popups werden von Selenium noch nicht unterstützt!";
-# $sel->click_ok("//button[\@type='button']");
-# $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
-# }
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[5]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "991");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "5");
- $sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("taxincluded");
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestMann2");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
- $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "19");
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create charge");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Auftrag erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->select_ok("cp_id", "label=Grosshaupt (Verkauf)");
- $sel->type_ok("shippingpoint", "Braunschweig");
- $sel->type_ok("shipvia", "LKW");
- $sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "beta");
- $sel->click_ok("delivered");
- $sel->type_ok("ordnumber", "1");
- $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "1");
- $sel->type_ok("cusordnumber", "97862");
- $sel->select_ok("globalproject_id", "label=1001");
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("ship_1", "20");
- $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "20");
- $sel->select_ok("sellprice_pg_1", "label=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("shippingpoint", "Göttingen");
- $sel->type_ok("shipvia", "PKW");
- $sel->type_ok("transaction_description", "teta");
- $sel->type_ok("ordnumber", "2");
- $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "2");
- $sel->type_ok("cusordnumber", "23453666");
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "911");
- $sel->type_ok("ship_1", "5");
- $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "5");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("description", "Handykarten D2");
- $sel->select_ok("partsgroup", "label=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
- $sel->type_ok("listprice", "10,00");
- $sel->type_ok("sellprice", "20,00");
- $sel->type_ok("lastcost", "5,00");
- $sel->select_ok("price_factor_id", "label=pro 10");
- $sel->select_ok("unit", "label=Stck");
- $sel->type_ok("bin", "911");
- $sel->click_ok("not_discountable");
- $sel->click_ok("shop");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.ic.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestMann2");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "991");
- $sel->type_ok("ship_1", "10");
- $sel->type_ok("qty_1", "10");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_ok("price_factor_id_1", "label=pro 10");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("sellprice_1", "1000");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.oe.action[6]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create invoice");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Rechnung erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->select_ok("customer", "label=TestFrau3");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_1", "1");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partnumber_2", "991");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("invnumber", "1");
- $sel->click_ok("trigger3");
- $sel->click_ok("trigger_orddate");
- $sel->type_ok("quonumber", "2");
- $sel->click_ok("trigger_quodate");
- $sel->select_ok("payment_id", "label=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->click_ok("update_button");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.invoice.action[6]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create product groups");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Warengruppe erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("partsgroup", "TestSeleniumWarengruppe1");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partsgroup", "TestSeleniumWarengruppe2");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("relative=up");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Warengruppen anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe1");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe2");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("partsgroup", "TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create price brackets");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Preisgruppe erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("pricegroup", "SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
- $sel->click_ok("action","value=Speichern");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("pricegroup", "SeleniumTestPreisgruppe2");
- $sel->click_ok("action","value=Speichern");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Add languages");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Sprache hinzufügen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "elbisch");
- $sel->type_ok("template_code", "elb");
- $sel->type_ok("article_code", "elb");
- $sel->select_ok("output_numberformat", "label=1.000,00");
- $sel->select_ok("output_dateformat", "label=yyyy-mm-dd");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- ### Folgende Zeilen sind notwendig , um später herausfinden zu können, welche Sprache gelöscht werden kann.
- use DBI;
- $lxtest->{dsn} = 'dbi:Pg:dbname=' . $lxtest->{db} . ';host=' . $lxtest->{dbhost} . ';port=' . $lxtest->{dbport};
- my $dbh = DBI->connect( $lxtest->{dsn}, $lxtest->{dbuser}, $lxtest->{dbpasswd} ) or die "Cannot connect to database!\n $DBI::errstr";
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM language WHERE description ILIKE 'elbisch'") or die "Error while preparing sql statement!\n $DBI::errstr\n";
- $sth->execute() or die "Error while excecuting sql statement!\n $DBI::errstr";
- $lxtest->{lang_id} = $sth->fetchrow_array() or die "Nothing to fetch!\n$DBI::errstr";
- $sth->finish();
- $dbh->disconnect();
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Show languages");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Sprachen anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=elbisch");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Add payment conditions");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Zahlungskonditionen hinzufügen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->type_ok("description_long", "Schnellzahler bekommen sofort ein Skonto von 3% gewährleistet");
- $sel->type_ok("description_long_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "This is a test in elbisch");
- $sel->type_ok("terms_netto", "100");
- $sel->type_ok("percent_skonto", "3");
- $sel->type_ok("terms_skonto", "97");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Show payment conditions");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Zahlungskonditionen anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Add customer/vendor types");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Kunden-/Lieferantentyp erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "Großabnehmer");
- $sel->type_ok("discount", "3");
- $sel->type_ok("customernumberinit", "100");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("description", "Kleinkäufer");
- $sel->type_ok("customernumberinit", "200");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Show customer/vendor types");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Kunden\-\/Lieferantentypen\ anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Großabnehmer");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=Kleinkäufer");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Add show and delete measure");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Maßeinheiten");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("new_name", "ogge");
- $sel->select_ok("new_base_unit", "label=Stck");
- $sel->type_ok("new_factor", "3,5");
- $sel->type_ok("new_localized_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "kogge");
- $sel->type_ok("new_localized_plural_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "kogges");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->type_ok("localized_1_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gm");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_1_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gms");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_2_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gg");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_2_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "ggs");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_3_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gk");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_3_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "gks");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_4_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "tt");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_4_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "tts");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_5_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "lm");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_5_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "lms");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_6_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "LL");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_6_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "LLs");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_7_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "kctS");
- $sel->type_ok("localized_plural_7_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "kctSs");
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("delete_8");
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[9]/td[1]/a/img");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[8]/td[1]/a[1]/img");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[7]/td[1]/a[2]/img");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[8]/td[1]/a[2]/img");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("delete_8");
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Add show and delete service measure");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Dienstleistungseinheiten");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("new_name", "ProggerStunde");
- $sel->select_ok("new_base_unit", "label=Std");
- $sel->type_ok("new_factor", "2,0");
- $sel->type_ok("new_localized_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "Dinges");
- $sel->type_ok("new_localized_plural_" . $lxtest->{lang_id}, "Dingeses");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[6]/td[1]/a/img");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("//tr[5]/td[1]/a[2]/img");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("delete_5");
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Create Account");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Konto erfassen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->type_ok("accno", "000000000001");
- $sel->type_ok("description", "TestSeleniumKonto");
- $sel->select_ok("AccountType", "label=Aktiva/Mittelverwendung (A)");
- $sel->click_ok("AR");
- $sel->click_ok("AP");
- $sel->click_ok("IC");
- $sel->click_ok("AR_amount");
- $sel->click_ok("AR_paid");
- $sel->click_ok("AR_tax");
- $sel->click_ok("AP_amount");
- $sel->click_ok("AP_paid");
- $sel->click_ok("AP_tax");
- $sel->click_ok("IC_sale");
- $sel->click_ok("IC_cogs");
- $sel->click_ok("IC_taxpart");
- $sel->click_ok("IC_income");
- $sel->click_ok("IC_expense");
- $sel->click_ok("IC_taxservice");
- $sel->select_ok("pos_eur", "label=05. Ausserordentliche Erträge");
- $sel->select_ok("pos_bwa", "label=05. So.betr.Erlöse");
- $sel->select_ok("pos_bilanz", "label=02.");
- $sel->click_ok("datevautomatik");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok("30000");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=000000000001");
- $sel->is_text_present_ok("TestSeleniumKonto");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Show Accounts");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Konten anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->title_is("Kontenübersicht - Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=000000000001");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0027");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0090");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0200");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0210");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0380");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0400");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0410");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0420");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0430");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0440");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0480");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0631");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0640");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0650");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=0853");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1000");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1200");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1360");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1400");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1445");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1446");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1447");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1448");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1449");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1450");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1570");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1571");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1572");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1573");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1574");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1575");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1576");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1577");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1578");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1580");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1581");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1582");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1584");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1588");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1590");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1592");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1600");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1605");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1606");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1607");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1609");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1767");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1771");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1772");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1773");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1774");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1775");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1776");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1780");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1785");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1790");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1791");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1800");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1810");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1820");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1830");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1840");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=1890");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2000");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2010");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2020");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2100");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2107");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2110");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2120");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2125");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2130");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2140");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2150");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2170");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2171");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2175");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2200");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2208");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2209");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2212");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2214");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2215");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2218");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2280");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2282");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2284");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2285");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2287");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2289");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2310");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2315");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2320");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2341");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2342");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2350");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2351");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2375");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2376");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2380");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2400");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2401");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2405");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2450");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2500");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2501");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2505");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2510");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2520");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2600");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2650");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2657");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2660");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2670");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2680");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2700");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2710");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2715");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2720");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2725");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2730");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2732");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2733");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2735");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2739");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2742");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2743");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2744");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2746");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2747");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2750");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=2797");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3000");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3090");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3100");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3110");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3120");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3300");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3400");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3420");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3425");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3440");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3550");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3559");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3580");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3581");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3582");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3589");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3600");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3610");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3650");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3731");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3735");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3750");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3760");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3780");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3790");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3800");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3830");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3850");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3960");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3970");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3980");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=3990");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4000");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4110");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4120");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4125");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4126");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4127");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4130");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4138");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4139");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4140");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4145");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4149");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4150");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4167");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4170");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4175");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4180");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4190");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4199");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4200");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4210");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4220");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4230");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4240");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4250");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4260");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4261");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4271");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4280");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4288");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4289");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4301");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4305");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4320");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4340");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4350");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4355");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4360");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4361");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4380");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4390");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4396");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4397");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4500");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4505");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4510");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4515");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4520");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4525");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4530");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4535");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4540");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4545");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4550");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4560");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4565");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4570");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4580");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4595");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4600");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4610");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4630");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4635");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4638");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4640");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4650");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4651");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4652");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4653");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4654");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4655");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4660");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4663");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4664");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4666");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4668");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4670");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4673");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4674");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4676");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4678");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4679");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4680");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4700");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4710");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4730");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4750");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4760");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4780");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4790");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4800");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4805");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4806");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4809");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4810");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4815");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4822");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4824");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4826");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4830");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4831");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4832");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4840");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4841");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4842");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4843");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4850");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4851");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4852");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4855");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4860");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4870");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4875");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4880");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4900");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4905");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4909");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4910");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4920");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4925");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4930");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4940");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4945");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4946");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4950");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4955");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4957");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4960");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4965");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4966");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4969");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4970");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4980");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4985");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4990");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4992");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4993");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4994");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=4995");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8100");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8110");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8120");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8125");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8130");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8135");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8150");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8190");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8195");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8200");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8300");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8310");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8315");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8320");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8400");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8500");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8506");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8508");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8520");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8540");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8580");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8581");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8582");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8589");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8590");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8591");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8595");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8600");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8650");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8700");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8710");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8720");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8725");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8726");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8727");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8731");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8735");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8750");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8760");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8780");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8790");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8800");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8801");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8807");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8808");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8809");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8820");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8827");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8828");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8829");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8900");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8905");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8910");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8915");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8919");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8920");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8921");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8922");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8924");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8925");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8930");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8935");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8939");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8940");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8945");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8949");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8950");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8955");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8960");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8970");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8980");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=8990");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=9000");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=9008");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=9009");
- $sel->is_element_present_ok("link=9090");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Test Account");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Konten anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=000000000001");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- # Die folegenden Zeilen testen die Checkboxen im Formular, welche nach bestimmten Regeln gelöscht werden.
- # Hiefür muß erst ein Konzept erstellt werden, wann eine Checkbox aktiviert ist und wann nicht.
- # Test für das erste Konto, bei dem alle Felder deaktiviert werden müssen
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AR_amount\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AR_paid\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AR_tax\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AP_amount\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AP_paid\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"AP_tax\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_sale\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_cogs\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_taxpart\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_income\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_expense\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
- isnt($sel->is_checked("//input[(\@name=\"IC_taxservice\")]"), 1, "Checkboxcheck");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete product groups");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Warengruppen anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("//input[(\@name=\"action\") and (\@value=\"Weiter\")]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe1");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- skip("Produktgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 10) if(!$sel->is_element_present("document.forms[0].action[1]","Löschen"));
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe2");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- skip("Produktgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 6) if($sel->get_value("document.forms[0].action[1]") ne "Löschen");
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=TestSeleniumWarengruppe3");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- skip("Produktgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 2) if($sel->get_value("document.forms[0].action[1]") ne "Löschen");
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete Account");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
- $sel->click_ok("link=Konten anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=000000000001");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok("30000");
- $sel->click_ok("document.EditAccount.action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok("30000");
- isnt($sel->is_element_present("link=000000000001"),1,"Tests whether link for created acc is present");
- isnt($sel->is_text_present("TestSeleniumKonto"),1,"Tests wheter text of created acc is present");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete customer/vendor types");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
- $sel->click_ok("link=Kunden-/Lieferantentypen anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Großabnehmer");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=Kleinkäufer");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete payment conditions");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Zahlungskonditionen anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=Schnellzahler/Skonto");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete languages");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->click_ok("link=Sprachen anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("link=elbisch");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-if(!defined $sel) {
- require "t/selenium/AllTests.t";
- init_server("singlefileonly",$0);
- exit(0);
-diag("Delete price brackets");
-SKIP: {
- start_login();
- $sel->title_is("Lx-Office Version 2.4.3 - Selenium - " . $lxtest->{db});
- $sel->click_ok("link=Preisgruppen anzeigen");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->select_frame_ok("main_window");
- $sel->click_ok("action");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe1");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- skip("Preisgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 6) if(!$sel->is_element_present("document.forms[0].action[1]","Löschen"));
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- $sel->click_ok("link=SeleniumTestPreisgruppe2");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
- skip("Preisgruppen, die noch benutzt werden, können nicht gelöscht werden!", 2) if(!$sel->is_element_present("document.forms[0].action[1]","Löschen"));
- $sel->click_ok("document.forms[0].action[1]");
- $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok($lxtest->{timeout});
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+perl -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e 'test_harness(0)' t/*.t