+sub save_price_factor {
+ $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
+ # connect to database
+ my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
+ my $query;
+ my @values = ($form->{description}, conv_i($form->{factor}));
+ if ($form->{id}) {
+ $query = qq|UPDATE price_factors SET description = ?, factor = ? WHERE id = ?|;
+ push @values, conv_i($form->{id});
+ } else {
+ $query = qq|INSERT INTO price_factors (description, factor, sortkey) VALUES (?, ?, (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(sortkey), 0) + 1 FROM price_factors))|;
+ }
+ do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
+ $dbh->commit();
+ $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub get_all_price_factors {
+ $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
+ # connect to database
+ my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
+ $form->{PRICE_FACTORS} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT * FROM price_factors ORDER BY sortkey|);
+ $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub get_price_factor {
+ $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
+ # connect to database
+ my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
+ my $query = qq|SELECT description, factor,
+ ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM parts WHERE price_factor_id = ?) +
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM invoice WHERE price_factor_id = ?) +
+ (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orderitems WHERE price_factor_id = ?)) = 0 AS orphaned
+ FROM price_factors WHERE id = ?|;
+ ($form->{description}, $form->{factor}, $form->{orphaned}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, (conv_i($form->{id})) x 4);
+ $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub delete_price_factor {
+ $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
+ # connect to database
+ my $dbh = $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
+ do_query($form, $dbh, qq|DELETE FROM price_factors WHERE id = ?|, conv_i($form->{id}));
+ $dbh->commit();
+ $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub _get_price_factors {
+ $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ my ($self, $dbh, $key) = @_;
+ $key ||= "all_price_factors";
+ my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM price_factors ORDER BY sortkey|;
+ $self->{$key} = selectall_hashref_query($self, $dbh, $query);
+ $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
sub get_lists {
$self->_get_departments($dbh, $params{"departments"});
+ if ($params{price_factors}) {
+ $self->_get_price_factors($dbh, $params{price_factors});
+ }
ean = ?,
not_discountable = ?,
microfiche = ?,
- partsgroup_id = ?
+ partsgroup_id = ?,
+ price_factor_id = ?
WHERE id = ?|;
@values = ($form->{partnumber},
$form->{not_discountable} ? 't' : 'f',
+ conv_i($form->{price_factor_id}),
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
# my @inactive_flags = qw(l_subtotal short l_linetotal);
my %joins = (
- partsgroup => 'LEFT JOIN partsgroup pg ON p.partsgroup_id = pg.id',
- makemodel => 'LEFT JOIN makemodel mm ON mm.parts_id = p.id',
+ partsgroup => 'LEFT JOIN partsgroup pg ON (pg.id = p.partsgroup_id)',
+ makemodel => 'LEFT JOIN makemodel mm ON (mm.parts_id = p.id)',
+ pfac => 'LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac ON (pfac.id = p.price_factor_id)',
invoice_oi =>
SELECT parts_id, description, serialnumber, trans_id, unit, sellprice, qty, assemblyitem, 'invoice' AS ioi FROM invoice UNION
SELECT id, name, 'vendor' AS cv FROM vendor
) AS cv ON cv.id = apoe.customer_id OR cv.id = apoe.vendor_id|,
- my @join_order = qw(partsgroup makemodel invoice_oi apoe cv);
- my %joins_needed = (0) x scalar keys %joins;
+ my @join_order = qw(partsgroup makemodel invoice_oi apoe cv pfac);
+ my %joins_needed;
#===== switches and simple filters ========#
- my @select_tokens = qw(id);
+ my @select_tokens = qw(id factor);
my @where_tokens = qw(1=1);
my @group_tokens = ();
push @where_tokens, join ' OR ', map { "($_)" } @bsooqr_tokens if $bsooqr;
$joins_needed{partsgroup} = 1;
+ $joins_needed{pfac} = 1;
$joins_needed{makemodel} = 1 if grep { $form->{$_} || $form->{"l_$_"} } @makemodel_filters;
$joins_needed{cv} = 1 if $bsooqr;
$joins_needed{apoe} = 1 if $joins_needed{cv} || grep { $form->{$_} || $form->{"l_$_"} } @apoe_filters;
if ($form->{l_soldtotal}) {
push @where_tokens, 'ioi.qty >= 0';
push @group_tokens, @select_tokens;
- push @select_tokens, 'SUM(ioi.qty) AS soldtotal';
+ push @select_tokens, 'SUM(ioi.qty)';
#============= build query ================#
ordnumber => 'apoe.', make => 'mm.',
quonumber => 'apoe.', model => 'mm.',
invnumber => 'apoe.', partsgroup => 'pg.',
- 'SUM(ioi.qty) AS soldtotal' => ' ',
+ factor => 'pfac.',
+ 'SUM(ioi.qty)' => ' ',
+ );
+ my %renamed_columns = (
+ 'factor' => 'price_factor',
+ 'SUM(ioi.qty)' => 'soldtotal',
map { $table_prefix{$_} = 'ioi.' } qw(description serialnumber qty unit) if $joins_needed{invoice_oi};
+ map { $renamed_columns{$_} = ' AS ' . $renamed_columns{$_} } keys %renamed_columns;
- my $select_clause = join ', ', map { ($table_prefix{$_} || "p.") . $_ } @select_tokens;
+ my $select_clause = join ', ', map { ($table_prefix{$_} || "p.") . $_ . $renamed_columns{$_} } @select_tokens;
my $join_clause = join ' ', @joins{ grep $joins_needed{$_}, @join_order };
my $where_clause = join ' AND ', map { "($_)" } @where_tokens;
my $group_clause = ' GROUP BY ' . join ', ', map { ($table_prefix{$_} || "p.") . $_ } @group_tokens if scalar @group_tokens;
my $query = qq|SELECT DISTINCT $select_clause FROM parts p $join_clause WHERE $where_clause $group_clause $order_clause $limit_clause|;
$form->{parts} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, @bind_vars);
## my $where = qq|1 = 1|;
my $q_item_unit = qq|SELECT unit FROM parts WHERE id = ?|;
my $h_item_unit = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $q_item_unit);
+ $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS');
+ my %price_factors = map { $_->{id} => $_->{factor} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} };
+ my $price_factor;
for my $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
next unless $form->{"id_$i"};
map { $taxrate += $form->{"${_}_rate"} } @taxaccounts;
+ $price_factor = $price_factors{ $form->{"price_factor_id_$i"} } || 1;
if ($form->{"inventory_accno_$i"}) {
- $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"}, 2);
+ $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $price_factor, 2);
if ($form->{taxincluded}) {
$taxamount = $linetotal * ($taxrate / (1 + $taxrate));
# add purchase to inventory, this one is without the tax!
- $amount = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $form->{exchangerate};
- $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"}, 2) * $form->{exchangerate};
+ $amount = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $form->{exchangerate} / $price_factor;
+ $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $price_factor, 2) * $form->{exchangerate};
$linetotal = $form->round_amount($linetotal, 2);
# this is the difference for the inventory
- } else {
+ } else { # if ($form->{"inventory_accno_id_$i"})
- $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"}, 2);
+ $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $price_factor, 2);
if ($form->{taxincluded}) {
$taxamount = $linetotal * ($taxrate / (1 + $taxrate));
map { $form->{amount}{ $form->{id} }{$_} -= $taxamount * $form->{"${_}_rate"} / $taxrate } @taxaccounts;
- $amount = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $form->{exchangerate};
- $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"}, 2) * $form->{exchangerate};
+ $amount = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $form->{exchangerate} / $price_factor;
+ $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $price_factor, 2) * $form->{exchangerate};
$linetotal = $form->round_amount($linetotal, 2);
# this is the difference for expense
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO invoice (trans_id, parts_id, description, qty, base_qty,
sellprice, fxsellprice, allocated, unit, deliverydate,
- project_id, serialnumber)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|;
+ project_id, serialnumber, price_factor_id, price_factor, marge_price_factor)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, (SELECT factor FROM price_factors WHERE id = ?), ?)|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}), conv_i($form->{"id_$i"}),
$form->{"description_$i"}, $form->{"qty_$i"} * -1,
$baseqty * -1, $form->{"sellprice_$i"}, $fxsellprice, $allocated,
$form->{"unit_$i"}, conv_date($form->{deliverydate}),
- conv_i($form->{"project_id_$i"}), $form->{"serialnumber_$i"});
+ conv_i($form->{"project_id_$i"}), $form->{"serialnumber_$i"},
+ conv_i($form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}), conv_i($form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}), conv_i($form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"}));
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
c3.accno AS expense_accno, c3.new_chart_id AS expense_new_chart, date($transdate) - c3.valid_from AS expense_valid,
i.description, i.qty, i.fxsellprice AS sellprice, i.parts_id AS id, i.unit, i.deliverydate, i.project_id, i.serialnumber,
- p.partnumber, p.inventory_accno_id AS part_inventory_accno_id, p.bin, pr.projectnumber, pg.partsgroup
+ i.price_factor_id, i.price_factor, i.marge_price_factor,
+ p.partnumber, p.inventory_accno_id AS part_inventory_accno_id, p.bin, pr.projectnumber, pg.partsgroup
FROM invoice i
JOIN parts p ON (i.parts_id = p.id)
p.id, p.partnumber, p.description, p.lastcost AS sellprice, p.listprice,
p.unit, p.assembly, p.bin, p.onhand, p.formel,
p.notes AS partnotes, p.notes AS longdescription, p.not_discountable,
- p.inventory_accno_id,
+ p.inventory_accno_id, p.price_factor_id,
+ pfac.factor AS price_factor,
c1.accno AS inventory_accno,
c1.new_chart_id AS inventory_new_chart,
FROM buchungsgruppen
WHERE id = p.buchungsgruppen_id) = c3.id)
LEFT JOIN partsgroup pg ON (pg.id = p.partsgroup_id)
+ LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac ON (pfac.id = p.price_factor_id)
WHERE $where|;
my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
push(@project_ids, $form->{"globalproject_id"}) if ($form->{"globalproject_id"});
+ $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS');
+ my %price_factors;
+ foreach my $pfac (@{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} }) {
+ $price_factors{$pfac->{id}} = $pfac;
+ $pfac->{factor} *= 1;
+ $pfac->{formatted_factor} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $pfac->{factor});
+ }
# sort items by partsgroup
for $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
$partsgroup = "";
deliverydate_oe ordnumber_oe transdate_oe licensenumber validuntil
partnotes serialnumber reqdate sellprice listprice netprice
discount p_discount discount_sub nodiscount_sub
- linetotal nodiscount_linetotal tax_rate projectnumber);
+ linetotal nodiscount_linetotal tax_rate projectnumber
+ price_factor price_factor_name);
my @tax_arrays =
qw(taxbase tax taxdescription taxrate taxnumber);
- push @{ $form->{runningnumber} }, $position;
- push @{ $form->{number} }, $form->{"partnumber_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{serialnumber} }, $form->{"serialnumber_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{bin} }, $form->{"bin_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{"partnotes"} }, $form->{"partnotes_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{description} }, $form->{"description_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{longdescription} }, $form->{"longdescription_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{qty} }, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"});
- push @{ $form->{unit} }, $form->{"unit_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{deliverydate_oe} }, $form->{"deliverydate_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{sellprice} }, $form->{"sellprice_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{ordnumber_oe} }, $form->{"ordnumber_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{transdate_oe} }, $form->{"transdate_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{invnumber} }, $form->{"invnumber"};
- push @{ $form->{invdate} }, $form->{"invdate"};
+ my $price_factor = $price_factors{$form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}} || { 'factor' => 1 };
+ push @{ $form->{runningnumber} }, $position;
+ push @{ $form->{number} }, $form->{"partnumber_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{serialnumber} }, $form->{"serialnumber_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{bin} }, $form->{"bin_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{"partnotes"} }, $form->{"partnotes_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{description} }, $form->{"description_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{longdescription} }, $form->{"longdescription_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{qty} }, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"});
+ push @{ $form->{unit} }, $form->{"unit_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{deliverydate_oe} }, $form->{"deliverydate_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{sellprice} }, $form->{"sellprice_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{ordnumber_oe} }, $form->{"ordnumber_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{transdate_oe} }, $form->{"transdate_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{invnumber} }, $form->{"invnumber"};
+ push @{ $form->{invdate} }, $form->{"invdate"};
+ push @{ $form->{price_factor} }, $price_factor->{formatted_factor};
+ push @{ $form->{price_factor_name} }, $price_factor->{description};
if ($form->{lizenzen}) {
if ($form->{"licensenumber_$i"}) {
my ($dec) = ($sellprice =~ /\.(\d+)/);
my $decimalplaces = max 2, length($dec);
- my $discount = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice * $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100, $decimalplaces);
- my $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice * (100 - $form->{"discount_$i"}) / 100, 2);
- my $nodiscount_linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice, 2);
+ my $discount = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice * $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100 / $price_factor->{factor}, $decimalplaces);
+ my $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice * (100 - $form->{"discount_$i"}) / 100 / $price_factor->{factor}, 2);
+ my $nodiscount_linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice / $price_factor->{factor}, 2);
$form->{"netprice_$i"} = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} ? ($linetotal / $form->{"qty_$i"}) : 0, 2);
push @{ $form->{netprice} }, ($form->{"netprice_$i"} != 0) ? $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{"netprice_$i"}, $decimalplaces) : '';
my %baseunits;
+ $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS');
+ my %price_factors = map { $_->{id} => $_->{factor} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} };
+ my $price_factor;
foreach my $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
if ($form->{type} eq "credit_note") {
$form->{"qty_$i"} = $form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"}) * -1;
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} = $fxsellprice * (1 - $form->{"discount_$i"});
# round linetotal to 2 decimal places
- $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"}, 2);
+ $price_factor = $price_factors{ $form->{"price_factor_id_$i"} } || 1;
+ $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $price_factor, 2);
if ($form->{taxincluded}) {
$taxamount = $linetotal * ($taxrate / (1 + $taxrate));
# add amount to income, $form->{amount}{trans_id}{accno}
- $amount =
- $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $form->{exchangerate};
+ $amount = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $form->{exchangerate} / $price_factor;
- $linetotal =
- $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"}, 2) *
- $form->{exchangerate};
+ $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $price_factor, 2) * $form->{exchangerate};
$linetotal = $form->round_amount($linetotal, 2);
# this is the difference from the inventory
sellprice, fxsellprice, discount, allocated, assemblyitem,
unit, deliverydate, project_id, serialnumber, pricegroup_id,
ordnumber, transdate, cusordnumber, base_qty, subtotal,
- marge_percent, marge_total, lastcost)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|;
+ marge_percent, marge_total, lastcost,
+ price_factor_id, price_factor, marge_price_factor)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
+ (SELECT factor FROM price_factors WHERE id = ?), ?)|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}), conv_i($form->{"id_$i"}),
$form->{"description_$i"}, $form->{"longdescription_$i"}, $form->{"qty_$i"},
$form->{"ordnumber_$i"}, conv_date($form->{"transdate_$i"}),
$form->{"cusordnumber_$i"}, $baseqty, $form->{"subtotal_$i"} ? 't' : 'f',
$form->{"marge_percent_$i"}, $form->{"marge_absolut_$i"},
- $form->{"lastcost_$i"});
+ $form->{"lastcost_$i"},
+ conv_i($form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}), conv_i($form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}),
+ conv_i($form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"}));
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
if ($form->{lizenzen} && $form->{"licensenumber_$i"}) {
i.description, i.longdescription, i.qty, i.fxsellprice AS sellprice, i.discount, i.parts_id AS id, i.unit, i.deliverydate,
i.project_id, i.serialnumber, i.id AS invoice_pos, i.pricegroup_id, i.ordnumber, i.transdate, i.cusordnumber, i.subtotal, i.lastcost,
+ i.price_factor_id, i.price_factor, i.marge_price_factor,
p.partnumber, p.assembly, p.bin, p.notes AS partnotes, p.inventory_accno_id AS part_inventory_accno_id, p.formel,
pr.projectnumber, pg.partsgroup, prg.pricegroup
p.unit, p.assembly, p.bin, p.onhand,
p.notes AS partnotes, p.notes AS longdescription,
p.not_discountable, p.formel, p.payment_id AS part_payment_id,
+ p.price_factor_id,
+ pfac.factor AS price_factor,
FROM buchungsgruppen
WHERE id = p.buchungsgruppen_id) = c3.id)
LEFT JOIN partsgroup pg ON (pg.id = p.partsgroup_id)
+ LEFT JOIN price_factors pfac ON (pfac.id = p.price_factor_id)
WHERE $where|;
my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
my %taxaccounts;
my $netamount = 0;
+ $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS');
+ my %price_factors = map { $_->{id} => $_->{factor} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} };
+ my $price_factor;
for my $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
map({ $form->{"${_}_$i"} =
$form->{"inventory_accno_$i"} *= 1;
$form->{"expense_accno_$i"} *= 1;
- $linetotal =
- $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"}, 2);
+ $price_factor = $price_factors{ $form->{"price_factor_id_$i"} } || 1;
+ $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $price_factor, 2);
@taxaccounts = split(/ /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"});
$taxrate = 0;
- $netamount += $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
+ $netamount += $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $price_factor;
$reqdate =
($form->{"reqdate_$i"}) ? $form->{"reqdate_$i"} : undef;
$query .= qq|trans_id, parts_id, description, longdescription, qty, base_qty, | .
qq|sellprice, discount, unit, reqdate, project_id, serialnumber, ship, | .
qq|pricegroup_id, ordnumber, transdate, cusordnumber, subtotal, | .
- qq|marge_percent, marge_total, lastcost) | .
+ qq|marge_percent, marge_total, lastcost, price_factor_id, price_factor, marge_price_factor) | .
qq|VALUES (|;
if($form->{"orderitems_id_$i"}) {
$query .= qq|?,|;
push(@values, $form->{"orderitems_id_$i"});
- $query .= qq|?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|;
+ $query .= qq|?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
+ (SELECT factor FROM price_factors WHERE id = ?), ?)|;
conv_i($form->{id}), conv_i($form->{"id_$i"}),
$form->{"description_$i"}, $form->{"longdescription_$i"},
$form->{"ordnumber_$i"}, conv_date($form->{"transdate_$i"}),
$form->{"cusordnumber_$i"}, $form->{"subtotal_$i"} ? 't' : 'f',
$form->{"marge_percent_$i"}, $form->{"marge_absolut_$i"},
- $form->{"lastcost_$i"});
+ $form->{"lastcost_$i"},
+ conv_i($form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}), conv_i($form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}),
+ conv_i($form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"}));
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} = $fxsellprice;
o.sellprice, o.parts_id AS id, o.unit, o.discount, p.bin, p.notes AS partnotes, p.inventory_accno_id AS part_inventory_accno_id,
o.reqdate, o.project_id, o.serialnumber, o.ship, o.lastcost,
o.ordnumber, o.transdate, o.cusordnumber, o.subtotal, o.longdescription,
+ o.price_factor_id, o.price_factor, o.marge_price_factor,
pr.projectnumber, p.formel,
pg.partsgroup, o.pricegroup_id, (SELECT pricegroup FROM pricegroup WHERE id=o.pricegroup_id) as pricegroup
FROM orderitems o
push(@project_ids, $form->{"globalproject_id"}) if ($form->{"globalproject_id"});
+ $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS');
+ my %price_factors;
+ foreach my $pfac (@{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} }) {
+ $price_factors{$pfac->{id}} = $pfac;
+ $pfac->{factor} *= 1;
+ $pfac->{formatted_factor} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $pfac->{factor});
+ }
# sort items by partsgroup
for $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
$partsgroup = "";
qw(runningnumber number description longdescription qty ship unit bin
partnotes serialnumber reqdate sellprice listprice netprice
discount p_discount discount_sub nodiscount_sub
- linetotal nodiscount_linetotal tax_rate projectnumber);
+ linetotal nodiscount_linetotal tax_rate projectnumber
+ price_factor price_factor_name);
my $sameitem = "";
foreach $item (sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @partsgroup) {
- push @{ $form->{runningnumber} }, $position;
- push @{ $form->{number} }, $form->{"partnumber_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{description} }, $form->{"description_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{longdescription} }, $form->{"longdescription_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{qty} }, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"});
- push @{ $form->{ship} }, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{"ship_$i"});
- push @{ $form->{unit} }, $form->{"unit_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{bin} }, $form->{"bin_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{partnotes} }, $form->{"partnotes_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{serialnumber} }, $form->{"serialnumber_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{reqdate} }, $form->{"reqdate_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{sellprice} }, $form->{"sellprice_$i"};
- push @{ $form->{listprice} }, $form->{"listprice_$i"};
+ my $price_factor = $price_factors{$form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}} || { 'factor' => 1 };
+ push @{ $form->{runningnumber} }, $position;
+ push @{ $form->{number} }, $form->{"partnumber_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{description} }, $form->{"description_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{longdescription} }, $form->{"longdescription_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{qty} }, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"});
+ push @{ $form->{ship} }, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{"ship_$i"});
+ push @{ $form->{unit} }, $form->{"unit_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{bin} }, $form->{"bin_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{partnotes} }, $form->{"partnotes_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{serialnumber} }, $form->{"serialnumber_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{reqdate} }, $form->{"reqdate_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{sellprice} }, $form->{"sellprice_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{listprice} }, $form->{"listprice_$i"};
+ push @{ $form->{price_factor} }, $price_factor->{formatted_factor};
+ push @{ $form->{price_factor_name} }, $price_factor->{description};
my $sellprice = $form->parse_amount($myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"});
my ($dec) = ($sellprice =~ /\.(\d+)/);
my $decimalplaces = max 2, length($dec);
- my $discount = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice * $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100, $decimalplaces);
- my $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice * (100 - $form->{"discount_$i"}) / 100, 2);
- my $nodiscount_linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice, 2);
+ my $discount = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice * $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100 / $price_factor->{factor}, $decimalplaces);
+ my $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice * (100 - $form->{"discount_$i"}) / 100 / $price_factor->{factor}, 2);
+ my $nodiscount_linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} * $sellprice / $price_factor->{factor}, 2);
$form->{"netprice_$i"} = $form->round_amount($form->{"qty_$i"} ? ($linetotal / $form->{"qty_$i"}) : 0, 2);
push @{ $form->{netprice} }, ($form->{"netprice_$i"} != 0) ? $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{"netprice_$i"}, $decimalplaces) : '';
+sub add_price_factor {
+ $lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ $form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Price Factor');
+ $form->{callback} ||= build_std_url('action=add_price_factor');
+ $form->{fokus} = 'description';
+ $form->header();
+ print $form->parse_html_template2('am/edit_price_factor');
+ $lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub edit_price_factor {
+ $lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ $form->{title} = $locale->text('Edit Price Factor');
+ $form->{callback} ||= build_std_url('action=add_price_factor');
+ $form->{fokus} = 'description';
+ AM->get_price_factor(\%myconfig, $form);
+ $form->{factor} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{factor} * 1);
+ $form->header();
+ print $form->parse_html_template2('am/edit_price_factor');
+ $lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub list_price_factors {
+ $lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ AM->get_all_price_factors(\%myconfig, \%$form);
+ my $previous;
+ foreach my $current (@{ $form->{PRICE_FACTORS} }) {
+ if ($previous) {
+ $previous->{next_id} = $current->{id};
+ $current->{previous_id} = $previous->{id};
+ }
+ $current->{factor} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $current->{factor} * 1);
+ $previous = $current;
+ }
+ $form->{callback} = build_std_url('action=list_price_factors');
+ $form->{title} = $locale->text('Price Factors');
+ $form->{url_base} = build_std_url('callback');
+ $form->header();
+ print $form->parse_html_template2('am/list_price_factors');
+ $lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub save_price_factor {
+ $lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ $form->isblank("description", $locale->text('Description missing!'));
+ $form->isblank("factor", $locale->text('Factor missing!'));
+ $form->{factor} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{factor});
+ AM->save_price_factor(\%myconfig, $form);
+ $form->{callback} .= '&MESSAGE=' . $form->escape($locale->text('Price factor saved!')) if ($form->{callback});
+ $form->redirect($locale->text('Price factor saved!'));
+ $lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub delete_price_factor {
+ $lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ AM->delete_price_factor(\%myconfig, \%$form);
+ $form->{callback} .= '&MESSAGE=' . $form->escape($locale->text('Price factor deleted!')) if ($form->{callback});
+ $form->redirect($locale->text('Price factor deleted!'));
+ $lxdebug->leave_sub();
+sub swap_price_factors {
+ $lxdebug->enter_sub();
+ AM->swap_sortkeys(\%myconfig, $form, 'price_factors');
+ list_price_factors();
+ $lxdebug->leave_sub();
# fresh row, for inserting later
my $row = { map { $_ => { 'data' => $ref->{$_} } } @columns };
- $ref->{exchangerate} = 1 unless $ref->{exchangerate};
- $ref->{sellprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate};
- $ref->{listprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate};
- $ref->{lastcost} *= $ref->{exchangerate};
+ $ref->{exchangerate} ||= 1;
+ $ref->{price_factor} ||= 1;
+ $ref->{sellprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};
+ $ref->{listprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};
+ $ref->{lastcost} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};
# use this for assemblies
my $onhand = $ref->{onhand};
my ($notdiscountableok, $notdiscountable);
my ($formula, $formula_label, $imagelinks, $obsolete, $shopok, $shop);
+ $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS');
map({ $form->{$_} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}, -2) }
qw(sellprice listprice lastcost gv));
$unit_select .= AM->unit_select_html($units, "unit", $form->{"unit"});
+ my $price_factor;
+ if (0 < scalar @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} }) {
+ my @values = ('', map { $_->{id} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} });
+ my %labels = map { $_->{id} => $_->{description} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} };
+ $price_factor =
+ qq|<tr><th align="right">|
+ . $locale->text('Price Factor')
+ . qq|</th><td>|
+ . NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => 'price_factor_id',
+ '-default' => $form->{price_factor_id},
+ '-values' => \@values,
+ '-labels' => \%labels))
+ . qq|</td></tr>|;
+ }
$form->{fokus} = "ic.partnumber";
<td><input name=sellprice size=11 value=$form->{sellprice}></td>
+ $price_factor
<th align="right" nowrap="true">| . $locale->text('Unit') . qq|</th>
# now take it apart and restore original values
foreach my $item (split /&/, $previousform) {
- my ($key, $value) = split /=/, $item, 2;
+ my ($key, $value) = split m/=/, $item, 2;
$value =~ s/%26/&/g;
$form->{$key} = $value;
$form->{weight} -= $form->{"weight_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
# change/add values for assembly item
- map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $newform{$_} }
- qw(partnumber description bin unit weight listprice sellprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno);
+ map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $newform{$_} } qw(partnumber description bin unit weight listprice sellprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno price_factor_id);
$form->{sellprice} += $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
$form->{weight} += $form->{"weight_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
$i = $form->{rowcount};
$form->{"qty_$i"} = 1 unless ($form->{"qty_$i"});
- map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $newform{$_} }
- qw(partnumber description bin unit listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno sellprice);
+ map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $newform{$_} } qw(partnumber description bin unit listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno sellprice lastcost price_factor_id);
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} = $newform{lastcost} if ($form->{vendor_id});
if ($form->{exchangerate} != 0) {
$form->{"sellprice_$i"} /= $form->{exchangerate};
$lxdebug->message($LXDebug::DEBUG1, qq|sellprice_$i in previousform 2 = | . $form->{"sellprice_$i"} . qq|\n|);
- map { $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"} .= "$_ " } split / /,
- $newform{taxaccount};
+ map { $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"} .= "$_ " } split / /, $newform{taxaccount};
chop $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"};
foreach my $item (qw(description rate taxnumber)) {
my $index = $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"} . "_$item";
# credit remaining calculation
- $amount =
- $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * (1 - $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100) *
- $form->{"qty_$i"};
- map { $form->{"${_}_base"} += $amount }
- (split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"});
- map { $amount += ($form->{"${_}_base"} * $form->{"${_}_rate"}) }
- split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"}
- if !$form->{taxincluded};
+ $amount = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * (1 - $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100) * $form->{"qty_$i"};
+ map { $form->{"${_}_base"} += $amount } (split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"});
+ map { $amount += ($form->{"${_}_base"} * $form->{"${_}_rate"}) } split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"} if !$form->{taxincluded};
$form->{creditremaining} -= $amount;
# redo number formatting, because invoice parse them!
- $i = $form->{rowcount};
- map {
- $form->{"${_}_$i"} =
- $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"})
- } qw(weight listprice sellprice rop);
+ map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"}) } qw(weight listprice sellprice rop);
$form->{"id_$i"} = $parts_id;
+ # Get the actual price factor (not just the ID) for the marge calculation.
+ $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS');
+ foreach my $pfac (@{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} }) {
+ next if ($pfac->{id} != $newform{price_factor_id});
+ $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} = $pfac->{factor};
+ last;
+ }
+ delete $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS};
delete $form->{action};
# restore original callback
my $service_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form, "service");
my $all_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form);
+ my %price_factors = map { $_->{id} => $_->{factor} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} };
push @column_index, qw(unit);
#for pricegroups column
($dec) = ($form->{"sellprice_$i"} =~ /\.(\d+)/);
$decimalplaces = max length($dec), 2;
- $discount = (100 - $form->{"discount_$i"} * 1) / 100;
- $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $discount, $decimalplaces);
+ $price_factor = $price_factors{$form->{"price_factor_id_$i"}} || 1;
+ $discount = (100 - $form->{"discount_$i"} * 1) / 100;
+ $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $discount / $price_factor, $decimalplaces);
- my $real_sellprice = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $discount;
+ my $real_sellprice = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $discount / $price_factor;
# marge calculations
my ($marge_font_start, $marge_font_end);
$form->{"lastcost_$i"} *= 1;
+ $marge_price_factor = $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} * 1 || 1;
if ($real_sellprice && ($form->{"qty_$i"} * 1)) {
- $form->{"marge_percent_$i"} = ($real_sellprice - $form->{"lastcost_$i"}) * 100 / $real_sellprice;
+ $form->{"marge_percent_$i"} = ($real_sellprice - $form->{"lastcost_$i"} / $marge_price_factor) * 100 / $real_sellprice;
$myconfig{"marge_percent_warn"} = 15 unless (defined($myconfig{"marge_percent_warn"}));
if ($form->{"id_$i"} &&
my $marge_adjust_credit_note = $form->{type} eq 'credit_note' ? -1 : 1;
- $form->{"marge_absolut_$i"} = ($real_sellprice - $form->{"lastcost_$i"}) * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $marge_adjust_credit_note;
+ $form->{"marge_absolut_$i"} = ($real_sellprice - $form->{"lastcost_$i"} / $marge_price_factor) * $form->{"qty_$i"} * $marge_adjust_credit_note;
$form->{"marge_total"} += $form->{"marge_absolut_$i"};
- $form->{"lastcost_total"} += $form->{"lastcost_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
+ $form->{"lastcost_total"} += $form->{"lastcost_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / $marge_price_factor;
$form->{"sellprice_total"} += $real_sellprice * $form->{"qty_$i"};
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"}, 2) } qw(marge_absolut marge_percent);
$this_unit = "kg";
+ my $price_factor_select;
+ if (0 < scalar @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} }) {
+ my @values = ('', map { $_->{id} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} });
+ my %labels = map { $_->{id} => $_->{description} } @{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} };
+ $price_factor_select =
+ NTI($cgi->popup_menu('-name' => "price_factor_id_$i",
+ '-default' => $form->{"price_factor_id_$i"},
+ '-values' => \@values,
+ '-labels' => \%labels,
+ '-style' => 'width:90px'))
+ . ' ';
+ }
$column_data{"unit"} = "<td>" .
+ $price_factor_select .
AM->unit_select_html($is_part || $is_assembly ? $dimension_units :
$is_assigned ? $service_units : $all_units,
"unit_$i", $this_unit,
"id_$i", "inventory_accno_$i", "bin_$i", "partsgroup_$i", "partnotes_$i",
"income_accno_$i", "expense_accno_$i", "listprice_$i", "assembly_$i",
"taxaccounts_$i", "ordnumber_$i", "transdate_$i", "cusordnumber_$i",
- "longdescription_$i", "basefactor_$i", "marge_absolut_$i", "marge_percent_$i", "lastcost_$i"));
+ "longdescription_$i", "basefactor_$i", "marge_absolut_$i", "marge_percent_$i", "lastcost_$i",
+ "marge_price_factor_$i"));
# Eintrag fuer Version 2.2.0 geaendert #
if ($form->{"id_$i"} && $is_sales) {
+ my $marge_price_factor;
+ $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} *= 1;
+ if ($form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} && (1 != $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"})) {
+ $marge_price_factor = '/' . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"});
+ }
print qq|
- ${marge_font_start}<b>| . $locale->text('Ertrag') . qq|</b> $form->{"marge_absolut_$i"} $form->{"marge_percent_$i"} % ${marge_font_end}
+ ${marge_font_start}<b>| . $locale->text('Ertrag') . qq|</b> $form->{"marge_absolut_$i"} $form->{"marge_percent_$i"} % ${marge_font_end}
<b>| . $locale->text('LP') . qq|</b> | . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"listprice_$i"}, 2) . qq|
- <b>| . $locale->text('EK') . qq|</b> | . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"lastcost_$i"}, 2);
+ <b>| . $locale->text('EK') . qq|</b> | . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"lastcost_$i"}, 2) . $marge_price_factor;
print qq|
my @new_fields =
qw(bin listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno unit weight
assembly taxaccounts partsgroup formel longdescription not_discountable
- part_payment_id partnotes id lastcost);
+ part_payment_id partnotes id lastcost price_factor_id price_factor);
push(@new_fields, "lizenzen") if ($lizenzen);
print join "\n", map { $cgi->hidden("-name" => "new_${_}_$i", "-value" => $ref->{$_}) } @new_fields;
# if there was a price entered, override it
$sellprice = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"sellprice_$i"});
- map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{"new_${_}_$j"} }
+ my @new_fields =
qw(id partnumber description sellprice listprice inventory_accno
income_accno expense_accno bin unit weight assembly taxaccounts
- partsgroup formel longdescription not_discountable partnotes lastcost);
+ partsgroup formel longdescription not_discountable partnotes lastcost
+ price_factor_id price_factor);
+ map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{"new_${_}_$j"} } @new_fields;
+ $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} = $form->{"new_price_factor_$j"};
if ($form->{"part_payment_id_$i"} ne "") {
$form->{payment_id} = $form->{"part_payment_id_$i"};
# delete all the new_ variables
for $i (1 .. $form->{lastndx}) {
- map { delete $form->{"new_${_}_$i"} }
- qw(partnumber description sellprice bin listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno unit assembly taxaccounts id);
+ map { delete $form->{"new_${_}_$i"} } @new_fields;
map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(ndx lastndx nextsub);
print $cgi->hidden("-name" => "previousform", "-value" => $previousform);
map { print $cgi->hidden("-name" => $_, "-value" => $form->{$_}); } qw(rowcount vc login password);
- map { print $cgi->hidden("-name" => $_, "-value" => $form->{"${_}_$i"}); } qw(partnumber description unit sellprice);
+ map { print $cgi->hidden("-name" => $_, "-value" => $form->{"${_}_$i"}); } qw(partnumber description unit sellprice price_factor_id);
print $cgi->hidden("-name" => "taxaccount2", "-value" => $form->{taxaccounts});
print qq|
my @a = ();
my $count = 0;
- my @flds = (
- qw(id partnumber description qty ship sellprice unit discount inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno listprice taxaccounts bin assembly weight projectnumber project_id oldprojectnumber runningnumber serialnumber partsgroup payment_id not_discountable shop ve gv buchungsgruppen_id language_values sellprice_pg pricegroup_old price_old price_new unit_old ordnumber transdate longdescription basefactor marge_absolut marge_percent lastcost )
- );
+ my @flds = (qw(id partnumber description qty ship sellprice unit discount inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno listprice taxaccounts bin assembly weight projectnumber project_id oldprojectnumber runningnumber serialnumber partsgroup payment_id not_discountable shop ve gv buchungsgruppen_id language_values sellprice_pg pricegroup_old price_old price_new unit_old ordnumber transdate longdescription basefactor marge_absolut marge_percent marge_price_factor lastcost price_factor_id));
# remove any makes or model rows
if ($form->{item} eq 'part') {
} keys(%{$form})));
reformat_numbers($output_numberformat, undef,
- qw(qty),
+ qw(qty price_factor),
grep({ /^qty_\d+$/
} keys(%{$form})));
sub edit {
+ $form->{"Watchdog::qty_1"} = 1;
# show history button
$form->{javascript} = qq|<script type=text/javascript src=js/show_history.js></script>|;
#/show hhistory button
my @old_project_ids = ($form->{"globalproject_id"});
map { push @old_project_ids, $form->{"project_id_$_"} if $form->{"project_id_$_"}; } 1..$form->{"rowcount"};
- $form->get_lists("contacts" => "ALL_CONTACTS",
- "projects" => { "key" => "ALL_PROJECTS",
- "all" => 0,
- "old_id" => \@old_project_ids },
- "taxzones" => "ALL_TAXZONES",
- "employees" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
- "currencies" => "ALL_CURRENCIES",
- "vendors" => "ALL_VENDORS");
+ $form->get_lists("contacts" => "ALL_CONTACTS",
+ "projects" => { "key" => "ALL_PROJECTS",
+ "all" => 0,
+ "old_id" => \@old_project_ids },
+ "taxzones" => "ALL_TAXZONES",
+ "employees" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
+ "currencies" => "ALL_CURRENCIES",
+ "vendors" => "ALL_VENDORS",
+ "price_factors" => "ALL_PRICE_FACTORS");
my %labels;
my @values = (undef);
map { $form->{item_list}[$i]{$_} =~ s/\"/"/g } qw(partnumber description unit);
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{item_list}[0]{$_} } keys %{ $form->{item_list}[0] };
+ $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} = $form->{item_list}->[0]->{price_factor};
($sellprice || $form->{"sellprice_$i"}) =~ /\.(\d+)/;
$decimalplaces = max 2, length $1;
my @old_project_ids = ($form->{"globalproject_id"});
map { push @old_project_ids, $form->{"project_id_$_"} if $form->{"project_id_$_"}; } 1..$form->{"rowcount"};
- $form->get_lists("contacts" => "ALL_CONTACTS",
- "shipto" => "ALL_SHIPTO",
- "projects" => { "key" => "ALL_PROJECTS",
- "all" => 0,
- "old_id" => \@old_project_ids },
- "employees" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
- "taxzones" => "ALL_TAXZONES",
- "currencies" => "ALL_CURRENCIES",
- "customers" => "ALL_CUSTOMERS");
+ $form->get_lists("contacts" => "ALL_CONTACTS",
+ "shipto" => "ALL_SHIPTO",
+ "projects" => { "key" => "ALL_PROJECTS",
+ "all" => 0,
+ "old_id" => \@old_project_ids },
+ "employees" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
+ "taxzones" => "ALL_TAXZONES",
+ "currencies" => "ALL_CURRENCIES",
+ "customers" => "ALL_CUSTOMERS",
+ "price_factors" => "ALL_PRICE_FACTORS");
my %labels;
my @values = (undef);
$form->{payment_id} = $form->{"part_payment_id_$i"} if $form->{"part_payment_id_$i"} ne "";
$form->{"discount_$i"} = 0 if $form->{"not_discountable_$i"};
+ $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} = $form->{item_list}->[0]->{price_factor};
($sellprice || $form->{"sellprice_$i"}) =~ /\.(\d+)/;
$decimalplaces = max 2, length $1;
"all" => 0,
"old_id" => \@old_project_ids
- "employees" => "ALL_EMPLOYEES",
- "salesmen" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
- "taxzones" => "ALL_TAXZONES",
- "payments" => "ALL_PAYMENTS",
- "currencies" => "ALL_CURRENCIES",
- $vc => "ALL_" . uc($vc));
+ "employees" => "ALL_EMPLOYEES",
+ "salesmen" => "ALL_SALESMEN",
+ "taxzones" => "ALL_TAXZONES",
+ "payments" => "ALL_PAYMENTS",
+ "currencies" => "ALL_CURRENCIES",
+ $vc => "ALL_" . uc($vc),
+ "price_factors" => "ALL_PRICE_FACTORS");
my %labels;
my @values = (undef);
map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{item_list}[0]{$_} } keys %{ $form->{item_list}[0] };
$form->{payment_id} = $form->{"part_payment_id_$i"} if $form->{"part_payment_id_$i"} ne "";
+ $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} = $form->{item_list}->[0]->{price_factor};
($sellprice || $form->{"sellprice_$i"}) =~ /\.(\d+)/;
$decimalplaces = max 2, length $1;
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>price_factor</code></td>
+ <td>Der Preisfaktor als Zahl, sofern einer eingestellt ist</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>price_factor_name</code></td>
+ <td>Der Name des Preisfaktors, sofern einer eingestellt ist</td>
+ </tr>
'Add License' => 'Lizenz erfassen',
'Add Part' => 'Ware erfassen',
'Add Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen hinzufügen',
+ 'Add Price Factor' => 'Preisfaktor erfassen',
'Add Pricegroup' => 'Preisgruppe erfassen',
'Add Printer' => 'Drucker hinzufügen',
'Add Project' => 'Projekt erfassen',
'Edit Part' => 'Ware bearbeiten',
'Edit Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen bearbeiten',
'Edit Preferences for' => 'Benutzereinstellungen für',
+ 'Edit Price Factor' => 'Preisfaktor bearbeiten',
'Edit Pricegroup' => 'Preisgruppe bearbeiten',
'Edit Printer' => 'Drucker bearbeiten',
'Edit Project' => 'Projekt bearbeiten',
'Extended' => 'Gesamt',
'Extension Of Time' => 'Dauerfristverlängerung',
'Factor' => 'Faktor',
+ 'Factor missing!' => 'Der Faktor fehlt.',
'Falsches Datumsformat!' => 'Falsches Datumsformat!',
'Fax' => 'Fax',
'Feb' => 'Feb',
'List Lead' => 'Kundenquelle anzeigen',
'List Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen anzeigen',
'List Price' => 'Listenpreis',
+ 'List Price Factors' => 'Preisfaktoren anzeigen',
'List Pricegroups' => 'Preisgruppen anzeigen',
'List Printer' => 'Drucker anzeigen',
'List Tax' => 'Bearbeiten',
'Previous transdate text' => 'wurde gespeichert am',
'Previous transnumber text' => 'Letzte Buchung mit der Buchungsnummer',
'Price' => 'Preis',
+ 'Price Factor' => 'Preisfaktor',
+ 'Price Factors' => 'Preisfaktoren',
+ 'Price factor deleted!' => 'Preisfaktor gelöscht.',
+ 'Price factor saved!' => 'Preisfaktor gespeichert.',
'Pricegroup' => 'Preisgruppe',
'Pricegroup deleted!' => 'Preisgruppe gelöscht!',
'Pricegroup missing!' => 'Preisgruppe fehlt!',
'Add Language' => 'Sprache hinzufügen',
'Add Lead' => 'Kundenquelle erfassen',
'Add Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen hinzufügen',
+ 'Add Price Factor' => 'Preisfaktor erfassen',
'Add Printer' => 'Drucker hinzufügen',
'Add and edit %s' => '%s hinzufügen und bearbeiten',
'Address' => 'Adresse',
'Edit Lead' => 'Kundenquelle bearbeiten',
'Edit Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen bearbeiten',
'Edit Preferences for' => 'Benutzereinstellungen für',
+ 'Edit Price Factor' => 'Preisfaktor bearbeiten',
'Edit Printer' => 'Drucker bearbeiten',
'Enforce transaction reversal for all dates' => 'Gegenbuchungen für jeden Zeitraum aktualisieren',
'Enter longdescription' => 'Langtext eingeben',
'Expense Account' => 'Aufwandskonto',
'Expenses EU with UStId' => 'Aufwand EU m. UStId',
'Expenses EU without UStId' => 'Erlöse EU o. UStId',
+ 'Factor missing!' => 'Der Faktor fehlt.',
'Fax' => 'Fax',
'File' => 'Datei',
'Foreign Exchange Gain' => 'Wechselkurserträge',
'Please enter values' => 'Bitte Werte eingeben',
'Postscript' => 'Postscript',
'Preferences saved!' => 'Einstellungen gespeichert!',
+ 'Price Factors' => 'Preisfaktoren',
+ 'Price factor deleted!' => 'Preisfaktor gelöscht.',
+ 'Price factor saved!' => 'Preisfaktor gespeichert.',
'Print options' => 'Druckoptionen',
'Printer' => 'Drucker',
'Printer Command' => 'Druckbefehl',
'add_language' => 'add_language',
'add_lead' => 'add_lead',
'add_payment' => 'add_payment',
+ 'add_price_factor' => 'add_price_factor',
'add_printer' => 'add_printer',
'add_tax' => 'add_tax',
'add_unit' => 'add_unit',
'delete_language' => 'delete_language',
'delete_lead' => 'delete_lead',
'delete_payment' => 'delete_payment',
+ 'delete_price_factor' => 'delete_price_factor',
'delete_printer' => 'delete_printer',
'delete_tax' => 'delete_tax',
'delivery_customer_selection' => 'delivery_customer_selection',
'edit_language' => 'edit_language',
'edit_lead' => 'edit_lead',
'edit_payment' => 'edit_payment',
+ 'edit_price_factor' => 'edit_price_factor',
'edit_printer' => 'edit_printer',
'edit_tax' => 'edit_tax',
'edit_units' => 'edit_units',
'list_language' => 'list_language',
'list_lead' => 'list_lead',
'list_payment' => 'list_payment',
+ 'list_price_factors' => 'list_price_factors',
'list_printer' => 'list_printer',
'list_tax' => 'list_tax',
'mark_as_paid_common' => 'mark_as_paid_common',
'save_lead' => 'save_lead',
'save_payment' => 'save_payment',
'save_preferences' => 'save_preferences',
+ 'save_price_factor' => 'save_price_factor',
'save_printer' => 'save_printer',
'save_tax' => 'save_tax',
'save_unit' => 'save_unit',
'show_vc_details' => 'show_vc_details',
'swap_buchungsgruppen' => 'swap_buchungsgruppen',
'swap_payment_terms' => 'swap_payment_terms',
+ 'swap_price_factors' => 'swap_price_factors',
'swap_units' => 'swap_units',
'vendor_selection' => 'vendor_selection',
'erfassen' => 'add',
'Preis' => 'Preis',
'Preisklasse' => 'Preisgruppe',
'Price' => 'Preis',
+ 'Price Factor' => 'Preisfaktor',
'Pricegroup' => 'Preisgruppe',
'Printer' => 'Drucker',
'Proforma Invoice' => 'Proformarechnung',
'[email]' => '[email]',
'bin_list' => 'Lagerliste',
'button' => '?',
- 'ea' => 'St.',
'emailed to' => 'gemailt an',
'history' => 'Historie',
'invoice' => 'Rechnung',
'[email]' => '[email]',
'bin_list' => 'Lagerliste',
'button' => '?',
- 'ea' => 'St.',
'emailed to' => 'gemailt an',
'history' => 'Historie',
'invoice' => 'Rechnung',
'Add License' => 'Lizenz erfassen',
'Add Part' => 'Ware erfassen',
'Add Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen hinzufügen',
+ 'Add Price Factor' => 'Preisfaktor erfassen',
'Add Pricegroup' => 'Preisgruppe erfassen',
'Add Printer' => 'Drucker hinzufügen',
'Add Project' => 'Projekt erfassen',
'List Languages' => 'Sprachen anzeigen',
'List Lead' => 'Kundenquelle anzeigen',
'List Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen anzeigen',
+ 'List Price Factors' => 'Preisfaktoren anzeigen',
'List Pricegroups' => 'Preisgruppen anzeigen',
'List Printer' => 'Drucker anzeigen',
'List Tax' => 'Bearbeiten',
'Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen',
'Payments' => 'Zahlungsausgänge',
'Preferences' => 'Benutzereinstellungen',
+ 'Price Factors' => 'Preisfaktoren',
'Pricegroups' => 'Preisgruppen',
'Printer' => 'Drucker',
'Programm' => 'Programm',
'Add License' => 'Lizenz erfassen',
'Add Part' => 'Ware erfassen',
'Add Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen hinzufügen',
+ 'Add Price Factor' => 'Preisfaktor erfassen',
'Add Pricegroup' => 'Preisgruppe erfassen',
'Add Printer' => 'Drucker hinzufügen',
'Add Project' => 'Projekt erfassen',
'List Languages' => 'Sprachen anzeigen',
'List Lead' => 'Kundenquelle anzeigen',
'List Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen anzeigen',
+ 'List Price Factors' => 'Preisfaktoren anzeigen',
'List Pricegroups' => 'Preisgruppen anzeigen',
'List Printer' => 'Drucker anzeigen',
'List Tax' => 'Bearbeiten',
'Payment Terms' => 'Zahlungskonditionen',
'Payments' => 'Zahlungsausgänge',
'Preferences' => 'Benutzereinstellungen',
+ 'Price Factors' => 'Preisfaktoren',
'Pricegroups' => 'Preisgruppen',
'Printer' => 'Drucker',
'Programm' => 'Programm',
'[email]' => '[email]',
'bin_list' => 'Lagerliste',
'button' => '?',
- 'ea' => 'St.',
'emailed to' => 'gemailt an',
'history' => 'Historie',
'invoice' => 'Rechnung',
+[System--Price Factors]
+[System--Price Factors--Add Price Factor]
+[System--Price Factors--List Price Factors]
--- /dev/null
+-- @tag: price_factors
+-- @description: Tabellen und Spalten für Preisfaktoren
+-- @depends: release_2_4_3
+CREATE TABLE price_factors (
+ "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),
+ "description" text,
+ "factor" numeric(15,5),
+ "sortkey" integer,
+ );
+ALTER TABLE parts ADD COLUMN price_factor_id integer;
+ALTER TABLE invoice ADD COLUMN price_factor_id integer;
+ALTER TABLE invoice ADD COLUMN price_factor numeric(15,5);
+UPDATE invoice SET price_factor = 1;
+ALTER TABLE invoice ADD COLUMN marge_price_factor numeric(15,5);
+ALTER TABLE invoice ALTER COLUMN marge_price_factor SET DEFAULT 1;
+UPDATE invoice SET marge_price_factor = 1;
+ALTER TABLE orderitems ADD COLUMN price_factor_id integer;
+ALTER TABLE orderitems ADD COLUMN price_factor numeric(15,5);
+ALTER TABLE orderitems ALTER COLUMN price_factor SET DEFAULT 1;
+UPDATE orderitems SET price_factor = 1;
+ALTER TABLE orderitems ADD COLUMN marge_price_factor numeric(15,5);
+ALTER TABLE orderitems ALTER COLUMN marge_price_factor SET DEFAULT 1;
+UPDATE orderitems SET marge_price_factor = 1;
+INSERT INTO price_factors (description, factor, sortkey) VALUES ('pro 10', 10, 1);
+INSERT INTO price_factors (description, factor, sortkey) VALUES ('pro 100', 100, 2);
+INSERT INTO price_factors (description, factor, sortkey) VALUES ('pro 1.000', 1000, 3);
--- /dev/null
+[% USE HTML %]<body>
+ [% IF MESSAGE %]<p>[% MESSAGE %]</p>[% END %]
+ <div class="listtop">[% title %]</div>
+ <form method="post" action="am.pl">
+ <p>
+ <table border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">Beschreibung</td>
+ <td><input name="description" value="[% HTML.escape(description) %]"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">Faktor</td>
+ <td><input name="factor" value="[% HTML.escape(factor) %]"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <input type="hidden" name="login" value="[% HTML.escape(login) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="password" value="[% HTML.escape(password) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="callback" value="[% HTML.escape(callback) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="type" value="price_factor">
+ <input type="hidden" name="id" value="[% HTML.escape(id) %]">
+ <input type="submit" name="action" value="Speichern">
+ [% IF id %][% IF orphaned %]<input type="submit" name="action" value="Löschen">[% END %][% END %]
+ </p>
+ </form>
--- /dev/null
+[% USE HTML %]<body>
+ [% IF MESSAGE %]<p>[% MESSAGE %]</p>[% END %]
+ <div class="listtop">[% title %]</div>
+ <form method="post" action="am.pl">
+ <p>
+ <table border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right"><translate>Description</translate></td>
+ <td><input name="description" value="[% HTML.escape(description) %]"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right"><translate>Factor</translate></td>
+ <td><input name="factor" value="[% HTML.escape(factor) %]"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <input type="hidden" name="login" value="[% HTML.escape(login) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="password" value="[% HTML.escape(password) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="callback" value="[% HTML.escape(callback) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="type" value="price_factor">
+ <input type="hidden" name="id" value="[% HTML.escape(id) %]">
+ <input type="submit" name="action" value="<translate>Save</translate>">
+ [% IF id %][% IF orphaned %]<input type="submit" name="action" value="<translate>Delete</translate>">[% END %][% END %]
+ </p>
+ </form>
--- /dev/null
+[% USE HTML %]<body>
+ [% IF MESSAGE %]<p>[% MESSAGE %]</p>[% END %]
+ <div class="listtop">[% title %]</div>
+ <p>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="listheading" width="0%"></td>
+ <td class="listheading" width="0%"></td>
+ <td class="listheading" width="80%">Beschreibung</td>
+ <td class="listheading" width="20%">Faktor</td>
+ </tr>
+ [% SET row_odd = '1' %][% FOREACH factor = PRICE_FACTORS %]
+ <tr class="listrow[% IF row_odd %]1[% SET row_odd = '0' %][% ELSE %]0[% SET row_odd = '1' %][% END %]">
+ <td>[% IF factor.previous_id %]<a href="[% url_base %]&action=swap_price_factors&id1=[% HTML.url(factor.previous_id) %]&id2=[% HTML.url(factor.id) %]"><img border="0" src="image/up.png"></a>[% END %]</td>
+ <td>[% IF factor.next_id %]<a href="[% url_base %]&action=swap_price_factors&id1=[% HTML.url(factor.next_id) %]&id2=[% HTML.url(factor.id) %]"><img border="0" src="image/down.png"></a>[% END %]</td>
+ <td><a href="[% url_base %]&action=edit_price_factor&id=[% HTML.url(factor.id) %]">[% HTML.escape(factor.description) %]</a></td>
+ <td>[% HTML.escape(factor.factor) %]</td>
+ </tr>
+ [% END %]
+ </table>
+ </p>
+ <hr height="3">
+ <p>
+ <form method="post" action="am.pl">
+ <input type="hidden" name="type" value="price_factor">
+ <input type="hidden" name="login" value="[% HTML.escape(login) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="password" value="[% HTML.escape(password) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="callback" value="[% HTML.escape(callback) %]">
+ <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="Erfassen">
+ </form>
+ </p>
--- /dev/null
+[% USE HTML %]<body>
+ [% IF MESSAGE %]<p>[% MESSAGE %]</p>[% END %]
+ <div class="listtop">[% title %]</div>
+ <p>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="listheading" width="0%"></td>
+ <td class="listheading" width="0%"></td>
+ <td class="listheading" width="80%"><translate>Description</translate></td>
+ <td class="listheading" width="20%"><translate>Factor</translate></td>
+ </tr>
+ [% SET row_odd = '1' %][% FOREACH factor = PRICE_FACTORS %]
+ <tr class="listrow[% IF row_odd %]1[% SET row_odd = '0' %][% ELSE %]0[% SET row_odd = '1' %][% END %]">
+ <td>[% IF factor.previous_id %]<a href="[% url_base %]&action=swap_price_factors&id1=[% HTML.url(factor.previous_id) %]&id2=[% HTML.url(factor.id) %]"><img border="0" src="image/up.png"></a>[% END %]</td>
+ <td>[% IF factor.next_id %]<a href="[% url_base %]&action=swap_price_factors&id1=[% HTML.url(factor.next_id) %]&id2=[% HTML.url(factor.id) %]"><img border="0" src="image/down.png"></a>[% END %]</td>
+ <td><a href="[% url_base %]&action=edit_price_factor&id=[% HTML.url(factor.id) %]">[% HTML.escape(factor.description) %]</a></td>
+ <td>[% HTML.escape(factor.factor) %]</td>
+ </tr>
+ [% END %]
+ </table>
+ </p>
+ <hr height="3">
+ <p>
+ <form method="post" action="am.pl">
+ <input type="hidden" name="type" value="price_factor">
+ <input type="hidden" name="login" value="[% HTML.escape(login) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="password" value="[% HTML.escape(password) %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="callback" value="[% HTML.escape(callback) %]">
+ <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="<translate>Add</translate>">
+ </form>
+ </p>