use strict;
+use Carp;
use Exporter qw(import);
-our @EXPORT = qw(make_sorted get_sort_spec get_current_sort_params _save_current_sort_params _get_models_handler_for_sorted _callback_handler_for_sorted);
+our @EXPORT = qw(make_sorted get_sort_spec get_current_sort_params set_report_generator_sort_options
+ _save_current_sort_params _get_models_handler_for_sorted _callback_handler_for_sorted);
use constant PRIV => '__sortedhelperpriv';
return %sort_params;
+sub set_report_generator_sort_options {
+ my ($self, %params) = @_;
+ $params{$_} or croak("Missing parameter '$_'") for qw(report sortable_columns);
+ my %current_sort_params = $self->get_current_sort_params;
+ foreach my $col (@{ $params{sortable_columns} }) {
+ $params{report}->{columns}->{$col}->{link} = $self->get_callback(
+ sort_by => $col,
+ sort_dir => ($current_sort_params{by} eq $col ? 1 - $current_sort_params{dir} : $current_sort_params{dir}),
+ );
+ }
+ $params{report}->set_sort_indicator($current_sort_params{by}, 1 - $current_sort_params{dir});
# private functions
to L<make_sorted> after normalization (hash reference construction,
applying default parameters etc).
+=item C<set_report_generator_sort_options %params>
+This function sets two things in an instance of
+L<SL::ReportGenerator>: the sort indicator and the links for those
+column headers that are sortable.
+The report generator instance must be passed as the parameter
+C<report>. The parameter C<sortable_columns> must be an array
+reference of column names that are sortable.
+The report generator instance must already have its columns set via a
+call to its L<SL::ReportGenerator::set_columns> function.
=head1 BUGS