croak "no amount passed to skonto_charts" unless abs(_round($amount)) >= 0.01;
croak "no passed to skonto_charts" unless $params{bt_id};
croak "no banktransaction.transdate passed to skonto_charts" unless ref $params{transdate_obj} eq 'DateTime';
- #$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'id der transaktion' . $params{bt_id});
- #$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'wert des skontos:' . $amount);
my $is_sales = $self->is_sales;
my (@skonto_charts, $inv_calc, $total_skonto_rounded);
$inv_calc = $self->get_tax_and_amount_by_tax_chart_id();
- #$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'lulu' . Dumper($inv_calc));
- while (my ($tax_chart_id, $entry) = each %{ $inv_calc } ) { # foreach tax key =
- #$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'was hier:' . $tax_chart_id);
+ # foreach tax.chart_id || $entry->{}
+ while (my ($tax_chart_id, $entry) = each %{ $inv_calc } ) {
my $tax = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(id => $entry->{tax_id}) || die "Can't find tax with id " . $tax_chart_id;
die t8('no skonto_chart configured for taxkey #1 : #2 : #3', $tax->taxkey, $tax->taxdescription , $tax->rate * 100)
unless $is_sales ? ref $tax->skonto_sales_chart : ref $tax->skonto_purchase_chart;
- #$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'was dort:' . $tax->id);
+ # percent net amount
my $transaction_net_skonto_percent = abs($entry->{netamount} / $self->amount);
my $skonto_netamount_unrounded = abs($amount * $transaction_net_skonto_percent);
- #$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'ungerundet netto:' . $skonto_netamount_unrounded);
- # divide for tax
+ # percent tax amount
my $transaction_tax_skonto_percent = abs($entry->{tax} / $self->amount);
my $skonto_taxamount_unrounded = abs($amount * $transaction_tax_skonto_percent);
- #$main::lxdebug->message(0, 'ungerundet steuer:' . $skonto_taxamount_unrounded);
my $skonto_taxamount_rounded = _round($skonto_taxamount_unrounded);
my $skonto_netamount_rounded = _round($skonto_netamount_unrounded);
my $chart_id = $is_sales ? $tax->skonto_sales_chart->id : $tax->skonto_purchase_chart->id;
+ # entry net + tax for caller
my $rec_net = {
chart_id => $chart_id,
skonto_amount => _round($skonto_netamount_unrounded + $skonto_taxamount_unrounded),
- # skonto_amount => _round($skonto_netamount_unrounded) + _round($skonto_taxamount_unrounded),
push @skonto_charts, $rec_net;
$total_skonto_rounded += $rec_net->{skonto_amount};
tax_id => 0,
- ## add a stable link from ap to gl
- # not needed, BankTransactionAccTrans is already stable
- # furthermore the origin of the booking is the bank_transaction
- #my $arap = $self->is_sales ? 'ar' : 'ap';
- #my %props_gl = (
- # $arap . _id => $self->id,
- # gl_id => $current_transaction->id,
- # datev_export => 1,
- #);
- #if ($arap eq 'ap') {
- # require SL::DB::ApGl;
- # SL::DB::ApGl->new(%props_gl)->save;
- #} elsif ($arap eq 'ar') {
- # require SL::DB::ArGl;
- # SL::DB::ArGl->new(%props_gl)->save;
- #} else { die "Invalid state"; }
- #push @new_acc_ids, map { $_->acc_trans_id } @{ $current_transaction->transactions };
+ # add a stable link acc_trans_id to
foreach my $transaction (@{ $current_transaction->transactions }) {
my %props_acc = (
acc_trans_id => $transaction->acc_trans_id,
# Record a record link from banktransactions to gl
- # caller has to assign param bt_id
my %props_rl = (
from_table => 'bank_transactions',
from_id => $params{bt_id},
# check for rounding errors, at least for the payment chart
- # we ignore tax rounding errors as long as the user or calculated
- # amount of skonto is fully assigned
+ # we ignore tax rounding errors as long as the amount (user input or calculated)
+ # is fully assigned.
# we simply alter one cent for the first skonto booking entry
# should be correct for most of the cases (no invoices with mixed taxes)
if ($total_skonto_rounded - $amount > 0.01) {
# add one cent
- $main::lxdebug->message(0, 'Una mas!' . $total_skonto_rounded);
$skonto_charts[0]->{skonto_amount} -= 0.01;
} elsif ($amount - $total_skonto_rounded > 0.01) {
# subtract one cent
- $main::lxdebug->message(0, 'Una menos!' . $total_skonto_rounded);
$skonto_charts[0]->{skonto_amount} += 0.01;
- } else { $main::lxdebug->message(0, 'No rounding error'); }
+ }
# return same array of skonto charts as sub skonto_charts
return @skonto_charts;