use SL::Request qw(flatten);
use SL::MoreCommon qw(uri_encode);
+use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
+ scalar => [ qw(action_name) ],
# public/helper functions
return $_[0] if (scalar(@_) == 1) && !ref($_[0]);
my %params = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? %{ $_[0] } : @_;
- my $controller = delete($params{controller}) || $self->_controller_name;
+ my $controller = delete($params{controller}) || $self->controller_name;
my $action = $params{action} || 'dispatch';
my $script;
+sub controller_name {
+ my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
+ $class =~ s/^SL::Controller:://;
+ return $class;
# Before/after run hooks
$::form->error("Invalid action '${action}' for controller " . ref($self)) if !$self->can($sub);
+ $self->action_name($action);
$self->_run_hooks('before', $action);
$self->_run_hooks('after', $action);
-sub _controller_name {
- my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
- $class =~ s/^SL::Controller:://;
- return $class;
sub _dispatch {
my $self = shift;
my $sub = "action_${action}";
if ($self->can($sub)) {
+ $self->action_name($action);
$self->_run_hooks('before', $action);
$self->_run_hooks('after', $action);
The controller to call is given by C<$params{controller}>. It defaults
to the current controller as returned by
The action to call is given by C<$params{action}>. It defaults to
request is routed. Only controllers that handle login requests
themselves should return trueish for this function.
+=item C<controller_name>
+Returns the name of the curernt controller package without the
+C<SL::Controller::> prefix. This method can be called both as a class
+method and an instance method.
+=item C<action_name>
+Returns the name of the currently executing action. If the dispatcher
+mechanism was used then this is not C<dispatch> but the actual method
+name the dispatching resolved to.
=over 4
-=item C<_controller_name>
-Returns the name of the curernt controller package without the
-C<SL::Controller::> prefix.
=item C<_dispatch>
Implements the method lookup for indirect dispatching mentioned in the