--- /dev/null
+-- @tag: tax_reverse_charge_key_18
+-- @description: Reverse Charge für Kreditorenbelege Steuerschlüssel 18
+-- @depends: release_3_6_0
+-- @ignore: 0
+ chart_id,
+ reverse_charge_chart_id,
+ rate,
+ taxkey,
+ taxdescription,
+ chart_categories
+ )
+ (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '1572'),
+ (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '1772'), 0.07,
+ '18', 'Stpf. innergemeinschaftlicher Erwerb zum verminderten Vor- und Ust.-satz', 'EI'
+WHERE EXISTS ( -- update only for SKR03
+ SELECT coa FROM defaults
+ WHERE defaults.coa='Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU'
+ chart_id,
+ reverse_charge_chart_id,
+ rate,
+ taxkey,
+ taxdescription,
+ chart_categories
+ )
+ (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '1402'),
+ (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '3802'), 0.07,
+ '18', 'Stpf. innergemeinschaftlicher Erwerb zum verminderten Vor- und Ust.-satz', 'EI'
+WHERE EXISTS ( -- update only for SKR04
+ SELECT coa FROM defaults
+ WHERE defaults.coa='Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU'
+-- if not defined
+insert into taxkeys(chart_id,tax_id,taxkey_id,startdate) SELECT (SELECT reverse_charge_chart_id FROM tax WHERE taxkey = '18' and rate = 0.07 and reverse_charge_chart_id is not null),0,0,'1970-01-01' WHERE NOT EXISTS
+ (SELECT chart_id from taxkeys where chart_id = ( SELECT reverse_charge_chart_id FROM tax WHERE taxkey = '18' and rate = 0.07 and reverse_charge_chart_id is not null));
+-- if not defined
+insert into taxkeys(chart_id,tax_id,taxkey_id,startdate) SELECT (SELECT chart_id FROM tax WHERE taxkey = '18' and rate = 0.07 and reverse_charge_chart_id is not null),0,0,'1970-01-01' WHERE NOT EXISTS
+ (SELECT chart_id from taxkeys where chart_id = ( SELECT chart_id FROM tax WHERE taxkey = '18' and rate = 0.07 and reverse_charge_chart_id is not null));
--- /dev/null
+-- @tag: tax_reverse_charge_key_19
+-- @description: Reverse Charge für Kreditorenbelege Steuerschlüssel 19
+-- @depends: release_3_6_0
+-- @ignore: 0
+UPDATE tax set rate=0.19 where taxkey=94 AND reverse_charge_chart_id is not NULL;
+INSERT INTO chart (
+ accno, description,
+ charttype, category, link,
+ taxkey_id
+ )
+ '1774','Umsatzsteuer aus innergemeinschftl. Erwerb 19%',
+ 'A', 'I', 'AR_tax:IC_taxpart:IC_taxservice',
+ 0
+WHERE EXISTS ( -- update only for SKR03
+ SELECT coa FROM defaults
+ WHERE defaults.coa='Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id from chart where accno='1774')
+ chart_id,
+ reverse_charge_chart_id,
+ rate,
+ taxkey,
+ taxdescription,
+ chart_categories
+ )
+ (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '1574'),
+ (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '1774'), 0.19,
+ '19', 'Stpf. innergemeinschaftlicher Erwerb zum vollem Vor- und Ust.-satz', 'EI'
+WHERE EXISTS ( -- update only for SKR03
+ SELECT coa FROM defaults
+ WHERE defaults.coa='Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU'
+ chart_id,
+ reverse_charge_chart_id,
+ rate,
+ taxkey,
+ taxdescription,
+ chart_categories
+ )
+ (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '1404'),
+ (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = '3804'), 0.19,
+ '19', 'Stpf. innergemeinschaftlicher Erwerb zum vollem Vor- und Ust.-satz', 'EI'
+WHERE EXISTS ( -- update only for SKR04
+ SELECT coa FROM defaults
+ WHERE defaults.coa='Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU'
+-- if not defined
+insert into taxkeys(chart_id,tax_id,taxkey_id,startdate) SELECT (SELECT reverse_charge_chart_id FROM tax WHERE taxkey = '19' and rate = 0.19 and reverse_charge_chart_id is not null),0,0,'1970-01-01' WHERE NOT EXISTS
+ (SELECT chart_id from taxkeys where chart_id = ( SELECT reverse_charge_chart_id FROM tax WHERE taxkey = '19' and rate = 0.19 and reverse_charge_chart_id is not null));
+-- if not defined
+insert into taxkeys(chart_id,tax_id,taxkey_id,startdate) SELECT (SELECT chart_id FROM tax WHERE taxkey = '19' and rate = 0.19 and reverse_charge_chart_id is not null),0,0,'1970-01-01' WHERE NOT EXISTS
+ (SELECT chart_id from taxkeys where chart_id = ( SELECT chart_id FROM tax WHERE taxkey = '19' and rate = 0.19 and reverse_charge_chart_id is not null));