my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
my $form = $main::form;
+ my $vc = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
+ my $arap = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'ar' : 'ap';
+ my $mult = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? -1 : 1;
+ my $ARAP = uc $arap;
my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
FROM sepa_export_items sei
WHERE = ?| ],
- 'get_ap' => [ qq|SELECT at.chart_id
+ 'get_arap' => [ qq|SELECT at.chart_id
FROM acc_trans at
LEFT JOIN chart c ON (at.chart_id =
WHERE (trans_id = ?)
- AND (( LIKE '%:AP') OR ( LIKE 'AP:%') OR ( = 'AP'))
+ AND (( LIKE '%:${ARAP}') OR ( LIKE '${ARAP}:%') OR ( = '${ARAP}'))
LIMIT 1| ],
'add_acc_trans' => [ qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, gldate, source, memo)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, current_date, ?, '')| ],
- 'update_ap' => [ qq|UPDATE ap
+ 'update_arap' => [ qq|UPDATE ${arap}
SET paid = paid + ?
WHERE id = ?| ],
next if (!$orig_item);
- # Retrieve the invoice's AP chart ID.
- do_statement($form, @{ $handles{get_ap} }, $orig_item->{ap_id});
- my ($ap_chart_id) = $handles{get_ap}->[0]->fetchrow_array();
+ # Retrieve the invoice's AR/AP chart ID.
+ do_statement($form, @{ $handles{get_arap} }, $orig_item->{"${arap}_id"});
+ my ($arap_chart_id) = $handles{get_arap}->[0]->fetchrow_array();
- # Record the payment in acc_trans offsetting AP.
- do_statement($form, @{ $handles{add_acc_trans} }, $orig_item->{ap_id}, $ap_chart_id, -1 * $orig_item->{amount}, $item->{execution_date}, '');
- do_statement($form, @{ $handles{add_acc_trans} }, $orig_item->{ap_id}, $orig_item->{chart_id}, $orig_item->{amount}, $item->{execution_date}, $orig_item->{reference});
+ # Record the payment in acc_trans offsetting AR/AP.
+ do_statement($form, @{ $handles{add_acc_trans} }, $orig_item->{"${arap}_id"}, $arap_chart_id, -1 * $mult * $orig_item->{amount}, $item->{execution_date}, '');
+ do_statement($form, @{ $handles{add_acc_trans} }, $orig_item->{"${arap}_id"}, $orig_item->{chart_id}, $mult * $orig_item->{amount}, $item->{execution_date}, $orig_item->{reference});
# Update the invoice to reflect the new paid amount.
- do_statement($form, @{ $handles{update_ap} }, $orig_item->{amount}, $orig_item->{ap_id});
+ do_statement($form, @{ $handles{update_arap} }, $orig_item->{amount}, $orig_item->{"${arap}_id"});
# Update the item to reflect that it has been posted.
do_statement($form, @{ $handles{finish_item} }, $item->{execution_date}, $item_id);
my $form = $main::form;
my $locale = $main::locale;
+ my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
my @items = grep { $_->{selected} } @{ $form->{items} || [] };
$form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have not selected any item.'), 'back_button' => 1);
my @export_ids = uniq map { $_->{sepa_export_id} } @items;
- my %exports = map { $_ => SL::SEPA->retrieve_export('id' => $_, 'details' => 1) } @export_ids;
+ my %exports = map { $_ => SL::SEPA->retrieve_export('id' => $_, 'details' => 1, vc => $vc) } @export_ids;
my @items_to_post = ();
foreach my $item (@items) {
$form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have to specify an execution date for each antry.'), 'back_button' => 1);
- SL::SEPA->post_payment('items' => \@items_to_post);
+ SL::SEPA->post_payment('items' => \@items_to_post, vc => $vc);
$form->show_generic_information($locale->text('The payments have been posted.'));
sub bank_transfer_payment_list_as_pdf {