sub to_lxoffice {
- return $::locale->format_date(\%::myconfig, $_[0]);
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = (scalar(@_) == 1) && (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? %{ $_[0] } : @_;
+ return $::locale->format_date_object($self, %params);
sub from_lxoffice {
Returns the current date with the time zone set to the local time zone.
-=item C<to_lxoffice>
+=item C<to_lxoffice %param>
-Formats the date according to the current Lx-Office user's date
+Formats the date and time according to the current Lx-Office user's
+date format with L<Locale::format_datetime_object>.
-=item C<from_lxoffice>
+=item C<from_lxoffice $string>
Parses a date string formatted in the current Lx-Office user's date
format and returns an instance of L<DateTime>.
+Note that only dates can be parsed at the moment, not the time
+component (as opposed to L<to_lxoffice>).
=head1 AUTHOR
return $yy && $mm && $dd ? DateTime->new(year => $yy, month => $mm, day => $dd) : undef;
+sub format_date_object {
+ my ($self, $datetime, %params) = @_;
+ my $format = $::myconfig{dateformat} || 'yyyy-mm-dd';
+ $format =~ s/yyyy/\%Y/;
+ $format =~ s/yy/\%y/;
+ $format =~ s/mm/\%m/;
+ $format =~ s/dd/\%d/;
+ my $precision = $params{precision} || 'day';
+ $precision =~ s/s$//;
+ my %precision_spec_map = (
+ second => '%H:%M:%S',
+ minute => '%H:%M',
+ hour => '%H',
+ );
+ $format .= ' ' . $precision_spec_map{$precision} if $precision_spec_map{$precision};
+ return $datetime->strftime($format);
sub reformat_date {
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Locale - Functions for dealing with locale-dependant information
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Locale;
+ use DateTime;
+ my $locale = Locale->new('de');
+ my $now = DateTime->now_local;
+ print "Current date and time: ", $::locale->format_date_object($now, precision => 'second'), "\n";
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+TODO: write overview
+=over 4
+=item C<date>
+TODO: Describe date
+=item C<findsub>
+TODO: Describe findsub
+=item C<format_date>
+TODO: Describe format_date
+=item C<format_date_object $datetime, %params>
+Formats the C<$datetime> object accoring to the user's locale setting.
+The parameter C<precision> can control whether or not the time
+component is formatted as well:
+=over 4
+=item * C<day>
+Only format the year, month and day. This is also the default.
+=item * C<hour>
+Add the hour to the date.
+=item * C<minute>
+Add hour:minute to the date.
+=item * C<second>
+Add hour:minute:second to the date.
+=item C<get_local_time_zone>
+TODO: Describe get_local_time_zone
+=item C<is_utf8>
+TODO: Describe is_utf8
+=item C<lang_to_locale>
+TODO: Describe lang_to_locale
+=item C<new>
+TODO: Describe new
+=item C<parse_date>
+TODO: Describe parse_date
+=item C<parse_date_to_object>
+TODO: Describe parse_date_to_object
+=item C<quote_special_chars>
+TODO: Describe quote_special_chars
+=item C<raw_io_active>
+TODO: Describe raw_io_active
+=item C<reformat_date>
+TODO: Describe reformat_date
+=item C<remap_special_chars>
+TODO: Describe remap_special_chars
+=item C<restore_numberformat>
+TODO: Describe restore_numberformat
+=item C<set_numberformat_wo_thousands_separator>
+TODO: Describe set_numberformat_wo_thousands_separator
+=item C<text>
+TODO: Describe text
+=item C<unquote_special_chars>
+TODO: Describe unquote_special_chars
+=item C<with_raw_io>
+TODO: Describe with_raw_io
+=head1 BUGS
+Nothing here yet.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>