# LX-Office ERP
-# Copyright (C) 2006
+# Copyright (C) 2006/2007
# Web http://www.lx-office.org
-# Author: Udo Spallek
-# Email: udono@gmx.net
+# Author: Udo Spallek, Thomas Kasulke
+# Email: udono@gmx.net, tkasulke@linet-services.de
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# against the unstable release
- use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use diagnostics;
use Carp;
use Test::Harness;
+ my %tests = ("all" => 't/selenium/TestAllTests.t',
+ "system" => 't/selenium/TestSystem.t',
+ "selling" => 't/selenium/TestSelling.t',
+ "masterdata" => 't/selenium/TestMasterData.t',
+ "testbed" => 't/selenium/TestCreateTestbed.t',
+ "admin" => 't/selenium/TestAdmin.t',
+ "accounting" => 't/selenium/TestAccounting.t',
+ "payments" => 't/selenium/TestPayments.t',
+ "printing" => 't/selenium/TestPrinting.t',
+ "programm" => 't/selenium/TestProgramm.t',
+ "reports" => 't/selenium/TestReports.t' );
+ my $testonly = 0;
+ my $nodb = 0;
+ my @totest;
+ eval { require('t/lxtest.conf'); };
+ my %lxtest = %{ $lxtest } if ($lxtest);
+ sub usage
+ {
+ print "\n$0 --- creates testscenarios while using Selenium testcases for Lx-Office\n";
+ printf "\t\tusage: perl [PERLOPTIONS] $0 [--help] [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]\n\t\t%s\n", "\xAF" x 6;
+ print "\t\t --help\t\tshow this usage\n\n";
+ printf "\t\toptions:\n\t\t%s\n", "\xAF" x 8;
+ print "\t\t -masterdata\tonly runs testscripts for \"masterdata\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -accounting\tonly runs testscripts for \"accounting\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -system\tonly runs testscripts for \"system\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -payments\tonly runs testscripts for \"payments\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -programm\tonly runs testscripts for \"programm\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -printing\tonly runs testscripts for \"printing\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -reports\tonly runs testscripts for \"reports\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -selling\tonly runs testscripts for \"selling\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -purchase\tonly runs testscripts for \"purchase\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -admin\tonly runs testscripts for \"administration\"\n";
+ print "\t\t -testbed\tcreates a standardized test database\n";
+ print "\t\t -nodb\t\tdoesn't create a db! Only use with \n\t\t\t\t--username, --userpasswd, --dbname, --dbport, --dbhost, --dbuser, --dbpasswd, --rootpasswd arguments!\n";
+ print "\t\t -testsonly\tfinally shows all tests available only\n";
+ printf "\n\t\targuments:\n\t\t%s\n","\xAF" x 10;
+ print "\t\t --username=\tuser login name\n";
+ print "\t\t --userpasswd=\tuser login password\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbname=\tname of used db (leave empty whether dbname is seleniumtestdatabase)\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbport=\tport of used db (leave empty whether port is 5432)\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbhost=\thost of used db (leave empty whether host is localhost [])\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbuser=\tdb username (leave empty whether name is postgres)\n";
+ print "\t\t --dbpasswd=\tthe password for used db (leave empty while none)\n";
+ print "\t\t --rootpasswd=\troot password for admin.pl login\n";
+ printf "\t\t NOTE: Configuration in lxtest.conf will be temporaly overwritten by using this arguments!\n\t\t %s\n", "\xAF" x 6;
+ exit;
+ }
+ while ( $#ARGV>=0 )
+ {
+ $_ = $ARGV[0];
+ if ( /^--help$/ ) { usage; last }
+ if ( /^-testonly$/) { $testonly = 1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^-nodb$/ ) { $nodb = 1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^-(masterdata)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^-(system)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^-(selling)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^-(purchase)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^-(testbed)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^-(admin)$/ ) { push @totest, $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^--username=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{testuserlogin} = $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^--userpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{testuserpasswd} = $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^--dbname=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{db} = $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^--dbport=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbport} = $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^--dbhost=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbhost} = $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^--dbuser=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbuser} = $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^--dbpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{dbpasswd} = $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^--rootpasswd=(.*)$/ ) { $lxtest{rpw} = $1; shift; next }
+ if ( /^([A-Z].*)$/ ) { push @totest, shift; next }
+ if ( /^-/ ) {
+ print STDERR "$0: ERROR: unrecognized option '$_' ?\n";
+ usage;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ open TEMPCONF, "+>/tmp/lxtest-temp.conf";
+ print TEMPCONF '$lxtest = {'."\n";
+ foreach (keys(%lxtest)) {
+ print TEMPCONF '"' . $_ . '" => "' . $lxtest{$_} . "\",\n";
+ }
+ print TEMPCONF '};';
+ close TEMPCONF;
+ my $testscriptdir = 't/selenium/testscripts/';
+ opendir(ROOT, $testscriptdir);
+ foreach my $dir ( readdir( ROOT ) ) {
+ if(-d $testscriptdir . $dir && $dir ne "begin" && $dir ne "end" && $dir ne "..") {
+ opendir(DIR, $testscriptdir . $dir . "/begin");
+ foreach ( readdir(DIR) ) {
+ $tests{ substr ( substr( $_, 4 ), 0, -2 ) } = $testscriptdir . ($dir eq "." ? "" : $dir . "/") . "begin/" . $_ if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$/ );
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ opendir(DIR, $testscriptdir . $dir . "/end");
+ foreach (readdir(DIR)) {
+ $tests{ substr ( substr( $_, 4 ), 0, -2 ) } = $testscriptdir . ($dir eq "." ? "" : $dir . "/") . "end/" . $_ if ( $_ =~ /^\w\d\d\d.*\.t$/ );
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(ROOT);
+ push @totest, "all" if(!$totest[0]);
## Backendtests:
# &runtests(
# );
## Frontendtests:
- &runtests(
- 't/selenium/AllTests.t',
- );
+ foreach (@totest) {
+ &runtests(
+ $tests{$_},
+ ) if (!$testonly);
+ }
+ if($testonly) {
+ printf "\tFollowing testscripts are present:\n\t%s\n","\xAF" x 34;;
+ foreach (sort(keys(%tests))) {
+ print "\t\t" . $_ ."\n" if( /^[A-Z].*$/ );
+ }
+ printf "\n\t\%s\n\t%s\n","Be ensure, that usage is promitted by login and db status!","\xAF" x 58;
+ }
exit 1;
\ No newline at end of file