$self->{"employee_${_}"} = $defaults->$_ for qw(address businessnumber co_ustid company duns sepa_creditor_id taxnumber);
- # Load shipping address from database. If shipto_id is set then it's
- # one from the customer's/vendor's master data. Otherwise look an a
- # customized address linking back to the current record.
- my $shipto_module = $self->{type} =~ /_delivery_order$/ ? 'DO'
- : $self->{type} =~ /sales_order|sales_quotation|request_quotation|purchase_order/ ? 'OE'
- : 'AR';
- my $shipto = $self->{shipto_id} ? SL::DB::Shipto->new(shipto_id => $self->{shipto_id})->load
- : SL::DB::Manager::Shipto->get_first(where => [ module => $shipto_module, trans_id => $self->{id} ]);
- if ($shipto) {
- $self->{$_} = $shipto->$_ for grep { m{^shipto} } map { $_->name } @{ $shipto->meta->columns };
- $self->{"shiptocvar_" . $_->config->name} = $_->value_as_text for @{ $shipto->cvars_by_config };
- }
my $language = $self->{language} ? '_' . $self->{language} : '';
my ($language_tc, $output_numberformat, $output_dateformat, $output_longdates);