use strict;
use parent qw(Rose::Object);
-use SL::AM;
+use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
-use SL::DBUtils qw(selectall_hashref_query selectall_as_map);
use List::Util qw(min);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any all uniq);
use List::UtilsBy qw(partition_by);
+use SL::AM;
+use SL::DBUtils qw(selectall_hashref_query selectall_as_map);
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
sub calculate {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
- die 'Need exactly one argument, either id, object or arrayref of ids or objects.' unless 2 == @_;
+ croak 'Need exactly one argument, either id, object or arrayref of ids or objects.' unless 2 == @_;
sub write_to {
my ($self, $objects) = @_;
- die 'expecting array of objects' unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $objects;
+ croak 'expecting array of objects' unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $objects;
my $shipped_qty = $self->shipped_qty;
return unless @{ $self->oe_ids };
- die 'Can only use write_to_objects, when calculate was called with objects. Use write_to instead.' unless $self->objects_or_ids;
+ croak 'Can only use write_to_objects, when calculate was called with objects. Use write_to instead.' unless $self->objects_or_ids;
if ($self->objects_or_ids) {
- die 'unblessed object in data while expecting object' if any { !blessed($_) } @$data;
+ croak 'unblessed object in data while expecting object' if any { !blessed($_) } @$data;
} else {
- die 'object or reference in data while expecting ids' if any { ref($_) } @$data;
- die 'ids need to be numbers' if any { ! ($_ * 1) } @$data;
+ croak 'object or reference in data while expecting ids' if any { ref($_) } @$data;
+ croak 'ids need to be numbers' if any { ! ($_ * 1) } @$data;
sub init_oe_ids {
my ($self) = @_;
- die 'oe_ids not initialized in id mode' if !$self->objects_or_ids;
- die 'objects not initialized before accessing ids' if $self->objects_or_ids && !defined $self->objects;
- die 'objects need to be Order or OrderItem' if any { ref($_) !~ /^SL::DB::Order(?:Item)?$/ } @{ $self->objects };
+ croak 'oe_ids not initialized in id mode' if !$self->objects_or_ids;
+ croak 'objects not initialized before accessing ids' if $self->objects_or_ids && !defined $self->objects;
+ croak 'objects need to be Order or OrderItem' if any { ref($_) !~ /^SL::DB::Order(?:Item)?$/ } @{ $self->objects };
[ uniq map { ref($_) =~ /Item/ ? $_->trans_id : $_->id } @{ $self->objects } ]