return true;
+// ttValidCondition is used to check user input to validate a notification condition.
+function ttValidCondition($val, $emptyValid = true)
+ $val = trim($val);
+ if (strlen($val) == 0)
+ return ($emptyValid ? true : false);
+ // String must not be XSS evil (to insert JavaScript).
+ if (stristr($val, '<script>') || stristr($val, '<script '))
+ return false;
+ if (!preg_match("/^count\s?>\s?\d+$/", $val))
+ return false;
+ return true;
// ttAccessCheck is used to check whether user is allowed to proceed. This function is used
// as an initial check on all publicly available pages.
function ttAccessCheck($required_rights)
$mdb2 = getConnection();
- $sql = "select, c.cron_spec, c.report_id,, c.status, from tt_cron c
+ $sql = "select, c.cron_spec, c.report_id,, c.report_condition, c.status, from tt_cron c
left join tt_fav_reports fr on ( = c.report_id)
where = $id and c.team_id = $user->team_id";
$res = $mdb2->query($sql);
$next = (int) $fields['next'];
$report_id = (int) $fields['report_id'];
$email = $fields['email'];
+ $report_condition = $fields['report_condition'];
$status = $fields['status'];
- $sql = "insert into tt_cron (team_id, cron_spec, next, report_id, email, status)
- values ($team_id, ".$mdb2->quote($cron_spec).", $next, $report_id, ".$mdb2->quote($email).", ".$mdb2->quote($status).")";
+ $sql = "insert into tt_cron (team_id, cron_spec, next, report_id, email, report_condition, status)
+ values ($team_id, ".$mdb2->quote($cron_spec).", $next, $report_id, ".$mdb2->quote($email).", ".$mdb2->quote($report_condition).", ".$mdb2->quote($status).")";
$affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
return false;
$next = (int) $fields['next'];
$report_id = (int) $fields['report_id'];
$email = $fields['email'];
+ $report_condition = $fields['report_condition'];
$status = $fields['status'];
- $sql = "update tt_cron set cron_spec = ".$mdb2->quote($cron_spec).", next = $next, report_id = $report_id, email = ".$mdb2->quote($email).", status = ".$mdb2->quote($status).
+ $sql = "update tt_cron set cron_spec = ".$mdb2->quote($cron_spec).", next = $next, report_id = $report_id, email = ".$mdb2->quote($email).", report_condition = ".$mdb2->quote($report_condition).", status = ".$mdb2->quote($status).
" where id = $notification_id and team_id = $team_id";
$affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
return (!is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'));
return $body;
+ // checkFavReportCondition - checks whether it is okay to send fav report.
+ static function checkFavReportCondition($report, $condition)
+ {
+ $items = ttReportHelper::getFavItems($report);
+ $condition = str_replace('count', '', $condition);
+ $count_required = intval(trim(str_replace('>', '', $condition)));
+ if (count($items) > $count_required)
+ return true; // Condition ok.
+ return false;
+ }
// prepareFavReportBody - prepares an email body for a favorite report.
static function prepareFavReportBody($report)
$mdb2 = getConnection();
$result = array();
- $sql = "select, c.cron_spec,, from tt_cron c
+ $sql = "select, c.cron_spec,, c.report_condition, from tt_cron c
left join tt_fav_reports fr on ( = c.report_id)
where c.team_id = $team_id and c.status is not null";
$res = $mdb2->query($sql);
'label.role_comanager' => '(co-manager)',
'label.role_admin' => '(administrator)',
'' => 'Page',
+'label.condition' => 'Condition',
// Labels for plugins (extensions to Time Tracker that provide additional features).
'label.custom_fields' => 'Custom fields',
'label.monthly_quotas' => 'Monthly quotas',
'label.role_comanager' => '(ассистент менеджера)',
'label.role_admin' => '(администратор)',
'' => 'Стр',
+'label.condition' => 'Условие',
// Labels for plugins (extensions to Time Tracker that provide additional features).
'label.custom_fields' => 'Дополнительные поля',
'label.monthly_quotas' => 'Месячные квоты',
<td align="right">{$} (*):</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">{$i18n.label.condition}:</td>
+ <td>{$forms.notificationForm.report_condition.control} <a href="" target="_blank">{$i18n.label.what_is_it}</a></td>
+ </tr>
<td height="40"></td>
<td align="right">{$} (*):</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="right">{$i18n.label.condition}:</td>
+ <td>{$forms.notificationForm.report_condition.control} <a href="" target="_blank">{$i18n.label.what_is_it}</a></td>
+ </tr>
<td height="40"></td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.thing_name}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.cron_schedule}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$}</td>
+ <td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.condition}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.edit}</td>
<td class="tableHeader">{$i18n.label.delete}</td>
+ <td>{$notification['report_condition']|escape}</td>
<td><a href="notification_edit.php?id={$notification['id']}">{$i18n.label.edit}</a></td>
<td><a href="notification_delete.php?id={$notification['id']}">{$i18n.label.delete}</a></td>
$user = new ttUser(null, $report['user_id']);
- // Email report.
- if (ttReportHelper::sendFavReport($report, $val['email']))
- echo "Report ".$val['report_id']. " sent to ".$val['email']."<br>";
- else
- echo "Error while emailing report...<br>";
+ // Check condition on a report.
+ $condition_ok = true;
+ if ($val['report_condition'])
+ $condition_ok = ttReportHelper::checkFavReportCondition($report, $val['report_condition']);
+ // Email report if condition is okay.
+ if ($condition_ok) {
+ if (ttReportHelper::sendFavReport($report, $val['email']))
+ echo "Report ".$val['report_id']. " sent to ".$val['email']."<br>";
+ else
+ echo "Error while emailing report...<br>";
+ }
// Calculate next execution time.
$next = tdCron::getNextOccurrence($val['cron_spec'], $now + 60); // +60 sec is here to get us correct $next when $now is close to existing "next".
setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_predefined_expenses` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `team_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `cost` decimal(10,2) default '0.00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `task_required` smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `tracking_mode`");
setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `project_required` smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `tracking_mode`");
+ setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_cron` ADD `report_condition` varchar(255) default NULL AFTER `email`");
// The update_clients function updates projects field in tt_clients table.
`next` int(11) default NULL, # UNIX timestamp of when to run next job
`report_id` int(11) default NULL, # report id from tt_fav_reports, a report to mail on schedule
`email` varchar(100) default NULL, # email to send results to
+ `report_condition` varchar(255) default NULL, # report condition, "count > 0" for sending not empty reports
`status` tinyint(4) default '1', # entry status
$cl_fav_report = trim($request->getParameter('fav_report'));
$cl_cron_spec = trim($request->getParameter('cron_spec'));
$cl_email = trim($request->getParameter('email'));
+ $cl_report_condition = trim($request->getParameter('report_condition'));
} else {
$cl_cron_spec = '0 4 * * 1'; // Default schedule - weekly on Mondays at 04:00 (server time).
$form->addInput(array('type'=>'text','maxlength'=>'100','name'=>'cron_spec','style'=>'width: 250px;','value'=>$cl_cron_spec));
$form->addInput(array('type'=>'text','maxlength'=>'100','name'=>'email','style'=>'width: 250px;','value'=>$cl_email));
+$form->addInput(array('type'=>'text','maxlength'=>'100','name'=>'report_condition','style'=>'width: 250px;','value'=>$cl_report_condition));
if ($request->isPost()) {
if (!$cl_fav_report) $err->add($i18n->getKey(''));
if (!ttValidCronSpec($cl_cron_spec)) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey('label.cron_schedule'));
if (!ttValidEmail($cl_email)) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey(''));
+ if (!ttValidCondition($cl_report_condition)) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey('label.condition'));
if ($err->no()) {
// Calculate next execution time.
'next' => $next,
'report_id' => $cl_fav_report,
'email' => $cl_email,
+ 'report_condition' => $cl_report_condition,
'status' => ACTIVE))) {
header('Location: notifications.php');
$cl_fav_report = trim($request->getParameter('fav_report'));
$cl_cron_spec = trim($request->getParameter('cron_spec'));
$cl_email = trim($request->getParameter('email'));
+ $cl_report_condition = trim($request->getParameter('report_condition'));
} else {
$notification = ttNotificationHelper::get($notification_id);
$cl_fav_report = $notification['report_id'];
$cl_cron_spec = $notification['cron_spec'];
$cl_email = $notification['email'];
+ $cl_report_condition = $notification['report_condition'];
$form = new Form('notificationForm');
$form->addInput(array('type'=>'text','maxlength'=>'100','name'=>'cron_spec','style'=>'width: 250px;','value'=>$cl_cron_spec));
$form->addInput(array('type'=>'text','maxlength'=>'100','name'=>'email','style'=>'width: 250px;','value'=>$cl_email));
+$form->addInput(array('type'=>'text','maxlength'=>'100','name'=>'report_condition','style'=>'width: 250px;','value'=>$cl_report_condition));
if ($request->isPost()) {
if (!$cl_fav_report) $err->add($i18n->getKey(''));
if (!ttValidCronSpec($cl_cron_spec)) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey('label.cron_schedule'));
if (!ttValidEmail($cl_email)) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey(''));
+ if (!ttValidCondition($cl_report_condition)) $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey('label.condition'));
if ($err->no()) {
// Calculate next execution time.
'next' => $next,
'report_id' => $cl_fav_report,
'email' => $cl_email,
+ 'report_condition' => $cl_report_condition,
'status' => ACTIVE))) {
header('Location: notifications.php');
} // isPost
$smarty->assign('forms', array($form->getName()=>$form->toArray()));
-$smarty->assign('title', $i18n->getKey('title.add_notification'));
+$smarty->assign('title', $i18n->getKey('title.edit_notification'));
$smarty->assign('content_page_name', 'notification_edit.tpl');