description => $assortment_item->part->description,
my $item = _new_item($self->order, $attr);
+ # set discount to 100% if item isn't supposed to be charged, overwriting any customer discount
+ $item->discount(1) unless $assortment_item->charge;
$self->order->add_items( $item );
my $item_id = join('_', 'new', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
my @items;
foreach my $attr (@form_attr) {
- push @items, _new_item($self->order, $attr);
+ my $item = _new_item($self->order, $attr);
+ push @items, $item;
+ if ( $item->part->is_assortment ) {
+ foreach my $assortment_item ( @{$item->part->assortment_items} ) {
+ my $attr = { parts_id => $assortment_item->parts_id,
+ qty => $assortment_item->qty * $item->qty, # TODO $form_attr->{unit}
+ unit => $assortment_item->unit,
+ description => $assortment_item->part->description,
+ };
+ my $item = _new_item($self->order, $attr);
+ # set discount to 100% if item isn't supposed to be charged, overwriting any customer discount
+ $item->discount(1) unless $assortment_item->charge;
+ push @items, $assortment_item;
+ }
+ }