$self->handle_prices($entry) if $self->settings->{sellprice_adjustment};
- $self->handle_cvars($entry);
+ $self->handle_cvars($entry) unless $entry->{dont_handle_cvars};
} continue {
$entry->{part}->prices(grep { $_ } map { $prices_by_pricegroup_id{$_->id} } @{ $self->all_pricegroups });
push @{ $entry->{information} }, $::locale->text('Updating prices of existing entry in database');
- $entry->{object_to_save} = $entry->{part};
+ $entry->{object_to_save} = $entry->{part};
+ $entry->{dont_handle_cvars} = 1;
} elsif ( $self->settings->{article_number_policy} eq 'update_parts' || $self->settings->{article_number_policy} eq 'update_parts_sn') {
# Update parts table
$entry->{part}->translations(\@translations) if @translations;
- # Update cvars
- my %type_to_column = ( text => 'text_value',
- textfield => 'text_value',
- select => 'text_value',
- date => 'timestamp_value_as_date',
- timestamp => 'timestamp_value_as_date',
- number => 'number_value_as_number',
- bool => 'bool_value' );
- my @cvars;
- push @cvars, $entry->{part}->custom_variables;
- foreach my $config (@{ $self->all_cvar_configs }) {
- next unless exists $raw->{ "cvar_" . $config->name };
- my $value = $raw->{ "cvar_" . $config->name };
- my $column = $type_to_column{ $config->type } || die "Program logic error: unknown custom variable storage type";
- push @cvars, SL::DB::CustomVariable->new(config_id => $config->id, $column => $value, sub_module => '');
- }
- $entry->{part}->custom_variables(\@cvars) if @cvars;
# save Part Update
push @{ $entry->{information} }, $::locale->text('Updating data of existing entry in database');