+++ /dev/null
-package SL::Clipboard::Base;
-use strict;
-use parent qw(Rose::Object);
-use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
- 'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(content timestamp) ],
-use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers ();
-sub init_timestamp { die "'timestamp' property not set"; }
-sub init_content { die "'content' property not set"; }
-sub type {
- my ($self_or_class) = @_;
- return (split m/::/, ref($self_or_class) ? ref($self_or_class) : $self_or_class)[-1];
-sub reload_object {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- return ref($object)->new(map { $_ => $object->$_ } $object->meta->primary_key)->load;
-sub as_tree {
- my ($self, $object, %params) = @_;
- my $tree = Rose::DB::Object::Helpers::as_tree($object, %params);
- $self->_fix_tree($tree, $object);
- return $tree;
-sub to_object {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $object = Rose::DB::Object::Helpers::new_from_tree("SL::DB::" . $self->type, $self->content);
- # Reset primary key columns and itime/mtime if the class supports it.
- foreach ($object->meta->primary_key, 'itime', 'mtime') {
- $object->$_(undef) if $object->can($_);
- }
- # Let sub classes fix the objects further.
- $self->_fix_object($object);
- return $object;
-sub dump {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- return $self->as_tree($self->reload_object($object), max_depth => 1);
-sub describe {
- die "'describe' method not overwritten by derived class";
-sub _fix_object {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- # To be overwritten by child classes.
-sub _fix_tree {
- my ($self, $tree, $object) = @_;
- # Delete primary key columns and itime/mtime if the class supports it.
- foreach ($object->meta->primary_key, 'itime', 'mtime') {
- delete $tree->{$_} if $object->can($_);
- }
-sub _binary_column_names {
- my ($self, $class) = @_;
- return map { $_->name }
- grep { ref($_) =~ m/Pg::Bytea$/i }
- @{ $class->meta->columns };
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 NAME
-SL::Clipboard::Base - Base class for clipboard specialization classes
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-See the synopsis of L<SL::Clipboard>.
-=head1 OVERVIEW
-This is a base class providing a lot of utility and
-defaults. Sub-classes must overwrite at least the function
-L</describe> but can overwrite others as well.
-Writing a specialized sub-class for a database type involves
-overwriting one or more functions. These are:
-=over 4
-=item * C<describe>
-Must be overwritten. Returns a human-readable description of the
-content. Should only be one line.
-=item * C<dump>
-Optional. Overwrite if sub-class needs to dump more/less than the
-implementation in this class dumps.
-=item * C<_fix_object>
-Optional. Overwrite if re-created Rose::DB::Object instances must be
-cleaned further before they're returned to the caller.
-=item * C<_fix_tree>
-Optional. Overwrite if the tree created during a copy operation of a
-Rose::DB::Object instance must be cleaned further before it's stored.
-You don't have to or should not overwrite the other functions:
-=over 4
-=item * C<as_tree>
-=item * C<reload_object>
-=item * C<to_object>
-=item * C<type>
-Don't forget to C<use> the specialized module here in Base!
-=over 4
-=item C<as_tree $object, %params>
-A convenience function calling L<Rose::DB::Object::Helpers/as_tree>
-with C<$object> and C<%params> as parameters. Returns a hash/array
-reference tree of the function.
-Don't overwrite this function in sub-classes. Overwrite L</dump>
-=item C<describe>
-Returns a human-readable description of the content. This should only
-be a single line without any markup.
-Sub-classes must overwrite this function.
-=item C<dump $object>
-Dumps the object as a hash/array tree and returns it by calling
-L<Rose::DB::Object::Helpers/as_tree>. The default implementation
-reloads the object first by calling L</reload_object>. It also only
-dumps the object itself, not any of the relationships, by calling
-C<as_tree> with the parameter C<max_depth =E<gt> 1>.
-Overwrite this in a sub-class if you need to dump more or differently
-(see L<SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecItem> for an example).
-=item C<reload_object $object>
-Reloads C<$object> from the database and returns a new instance. Can
-be useful for sanitizing the object given to L</dump> before
-converting into a tree. It is used by the default implementation of
-=item C<to_object>
-Converts the dumped representation back to a Rose::DB::Object
-instance. Several columns of the newly created object are cleared by
-C<to_object> itself: the primary key columns (if any) and the columns
-C<itime> and C<mtime> (if the object has such columns).
-This function should not be overwritten by sub-classes. Instead,
-functions can overwrite C<_fix_object> which can be used for sanitizing
-the newly created object before handing it back to the caller.
-=item C<type>
-Returns the actual clipped type (e.g. C<RequirementSpecItem>). This is
-derived from the actual class name of C<$self>.
-=item C<_binary_column_names $class>
-Returns an array of column names that have a binary type. Useful for
-sub-classes which need to encode binary content in Base64 during
-=item C<_fix_object $object>
-This function is called by L</to_object> before the object is passed
-back to the caller. It does not do anything in the default
-implementation, but sub-classes are free to overwrite it if they need
-to sanitize the object. See L<SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecItem> for
-an example.
-Its return value is ignored.
-=item C<_fix_tree $tree, $object>
-This function is called by L</as_tree> after dumping and before the
-object is stored during a copy operation. In the default
-implementation all primary key columns and the columns C<itime> and
-C<mtime> (if the object has such columns) are removed from the tree.
-Sub-classes are free to overwrite it if they need to sanitize the
-tree. See L<SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecItem> for an example.
-C<$object> is just passed in for reference and should not be modified.
-Its return value is ignored.
-=head1 BUGS
-Nothing here yet.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
+++ /dev/null
-package SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecItem;
-use strict;
-use parent qw(SL::Clipboard::Base);
-use List::Util qw(sum);
-use SL::Common;
-use SL::Locale::String;
-sub dump {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- return $self->as_tree(_load_children($self->reload_object($object)), exclude => sub { ref($_[0]) !~ m/::RequirementSpecItem$/ });
-sub describe {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $item = $self->content;
- my $num_children = @{ $item->{children} || [] };
- my $num_grandchildren = sum map { scalar(@{ $_->{children} || [] }) } @{ $item->{children} || [] };
- if ($item->{item_type} eq 'section') {
- return t8('Requirement spec section #1 "#2" with #3 function blocks and a total of #4 sub function blocks; preamble: "#5"',
- $item->{fb_number}, $item->{title}, $num_children, $num_grandchildren, Common::truncate($item->{description}, strip => 'full'));
- } elsif ($item->{item_type} eq 'function-block') {
- return t8('Requirement spec function block #1 with #2 sub function blocks; description: "#3"',
- $item->{fb_number}, $num_children, Common::truncate($item->{description}, strip => 'full'));
- } else {
- return t8('Requirement spec sub function block #1; description: "#2"',
- $item->{fb_number}, Common::truncate($item->{description}, strip => 'full'));
- }
-sub _load_children {
- my ($object) = @_;
- _load_children($_) for @{ $object->children };
- return $object;
-sub _fix_object {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- $object->$_(undef) for qw(fb_number);
- $self->_fix_object($_) for @{ $object->children || [] };
-sub _fix_tree {
- my ($self, $tree, $object) = @_;
- delete @{ $tree }{ qw(id itime mtime parent_id position requirement_spec_id) };
- $self->_fix_tree($_) for @{ $tree->{children} || [] };
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 NAME
-SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecItem - Clipboard specialization for
-=over 4
-=item C<describe>
-Returns a human-readable description depending on the copied type
-(section, function block or sub function block).
-=item C<dump $object>
-This specialization reloads C<$object> from the database, loads all of
-its children (but only the other requirement spec items, no other
-relationships) and dumps it.
-=item C<_fix_object $object>
-Fixes C<$object> and all of its children by clearing certain columns
-like the position or function block numbers.
-=head1 BUGS
-Nothing here yet.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
+++ /dev/null
-package SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecPicture;
-use strict;
-use parent qw(SL::Clipboard::Base);
-use SL::Common;
-use SL::Locale::String;
-use MIME::Base64;
-sub dump {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- $self->reload_object($object);
- my $tree = $self->as_tree($object, exclude => sub { ref($_[0]) !~ m/::RequirementSpecPicture$/ });
- $tree->{$_} = encode_base64($tree->{$_}, '') for $self->_binary_column_names('SL::DB::RequirementSpecPicture');
- return $tree;
-sub describe {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return t8('Requirement spec picture "#1"', $self->content->{description} ? $self->content->{description} . ' (' . $self->content->{picture_file_name} . ')' : $self->content->{picture_file_name});
-sub _fix_object {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- $object->$_(undef) for qw(number);
- $object->$_(decode_base64($object->$_)) for $self->_binary_column_names('SL::DB::RequirementSpecPicture');
- return $object;
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 NAME
-SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecPicture - Clipboard specialization for
-=head1 NOTES
-The underlying RDBO model contains binary columns, but binary data
-cannot be dumped as YAML. Therefore the binary content is encoded in
-Base64 in L</dump> and decoded back to binary form in L</_fix_object>.
-=over 4
-=item C<describe>
-Returns a human-readable description including the title and an
-excerpt of its content.
-=item C<dump $object>
-This specialization reloads C<$object> from the database, and dumps
-it. Binary columns are dumped encoded in Base64.
-=item C<_fix_object $object>
-Fixes C<$object> by clearing certain columns like the number. Also
-decodes binary columns from Base64 back to binary.
-=head1 BUGS
-Nothing here yet.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
+++ /dev/null
-package SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecTextBlock;
-use strict;
-use parent qw(SL::Clipboard::Base);
-use SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecPicture;
-use SL::Common;
-use SL::Locale::String;
-sub dump {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- $self->reload_object($object);
- my $tree = $self->as_tree($object, exclude => sub { ref($_[0]) !~ m/::RequirementSpecTextBlock$/ });
- $tree->{pictures} = [ map { SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecPicture->new->dump($_) } @{ $object->pictures } ];
- return $tree;
-sub describe {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return t8('Requirement spec text block "#1"; content: "#2"', $self->content->{title}, Common::truncate($self->content->{text}, strip => 'full'));
-sub _fix_object {
- my ($self, $object) = @_;
- $object->$_(undef) for qw(output_position position requirement_spec_id);
- SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecPicture->new->_fix_object($_) for @{ $object->pictures || [] };
- return $object;
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 NAME
-SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecTextBlock - Clipboard specialization for
-=over 4
-=item C<describe>
-Returns a human-readable description including the title and an
-excerpt of its content.
-=item C<dump $object>
-This specialization reloads C<$object> from the database, loads all of
-its pictures and dumps it. The pictures are dumped using the clipboard
-specialization for it, L<SL::Clipboard::RequirementSpecPicture/dump>.
-=item C<_fix_object $object>
-Fixes C<$object> by clearing certain columns like the position. Lets
-pictures be fixed by the clipboard specialization for it,
-=head1 BUGS
-Nothing here yet.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>