--- /dev/null
+package SL::mebil::ERiC;
+# Abhängigkeit: libinline-perl
+use File::Copy qw(copy);
+use strict;
+use Inline C => Config => BUILD_NOISY => 1, MYEXTLIB => '/usr/lib/libmERiC.so';
+use Inline C => <<'C_END';
+int validate (char*, char*);
+int senddata (char*, char*, char*, char*);
+int c_validate(char* datenart, char* xml_file) {
+ int r = validate(datenart, xml_file);
+ return r;
+int c_submit(char* datenart, char* xml_file, char* certificate_path, char* PIN) {
+ int r = senddata(datenart, xml_file, certificate_path, PIN);
+ return r;
+sub new {
+ # parameter: 1) type of data: xmlfile must be named: <datatype>.xml
+ # 2) xml file name
+ # 3) path to certificate
+ # 4) password
+ my $my_data = {
+ datatype => $_[1],
+ xml_file => $_[2],
+ certificate_path => $_[3],
+ PIN => $_[4]};
+ bless $my_data;
+ return $my_data;
+sub validate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # open xml file for reading
+ open (FILE, "$self->{xml_file}") or die "cannot open $self->{xml_file}";
+ # check encoding
+ my $encod = <FILE>;
+ if ($encod =~ /UTF-8/) {
+ open (OUT, ">:encoding(iso-8859-1)", "data.xml");
+ print OUT "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-15\"?>\n";
+ my $line;
+ while ($line = <FILE>) {
+ print OUT $line;
+ }
+ close (OUT);
+ close (FILE);
+ }
+ elsif ($encod =~ /8859-15/) {
+ close (FILE);
+ copy "$self->{xml_file}", "data.xml";
+ }
+ else {
+ die "unknown encoding $encod";
+ }
+ # call ERiC lib
+ return c_validate($self->{datatype}, "data.xml");
+sub submit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # call ERiC lib
+ return c_submit($self->{datatype}, "data.xml", $self->{certificate_path}, $self->{PIN});
--- /dev/null
+Package: kivitendo-mebil
+Version: 0.1-%BUILD%
+Section: base
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: all
+Depends: kivitendo (= 3.3.0)
+Maintainer: WagnerTech UG <mail@wagnertech.de>
+Description: kivitendo-mebil Connector
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+# parameter: $1: base dir for copy (optional)
+mkdir -p $1/opt
+cp -a src/kivitendo-erp $1/opt
--- /dev/null
+# kivitendo postinst
+# add sysal site to apache configuration
+cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
+if ! grep "#kivitendo#" default >/dev/null
+ awk '/<.Virtual/ { print ""; \
+ print "#kivitendo#"; \
+ print "# Configuration for kivitendo"; \
+ print "# Kivitendo-Installattion mit FCGI"; \
+ print "AddHandler fcgid-script .fpl"; \
+ print "AliasMatch ^/kivitendo/[^/]+\.pl /opt/kivitendo/dispatcher.fpl"; \
+ print "Alias /kivitendo/ /opt/kivitendo/"; \
+ print "FcgidMaxRequestLen 10485760"; \
+ print "<Directory /opt/kivitendo>"; \
+ print " AllowOverride All"; \
+ print " Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks"; \
+ print " Order Allow,Deny"; \
+ print " Allow from All"; \
+ print "</Directory>"; \
+ print "<DirectoryMatch /opt/kivitendo/users>"; \
+ print " Order Deny,Allow"; \
+ print " Deny from All"; \
+ print "</DirectoryMatch>"; \
+ print "#kivitendo_end#"; } \
+ {print $0;}' default >xxx
+ mv xxx default
+ echo "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default changed"
+ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
+# check configuration file
+if [ ! -e /opt/kivitendo/config/kivitendo.conf ]
+ echo "Type admin password:"
+ read a
+ sed "s/admin123/$a/" /opt/kivitendo/config/kivitendo.conf.default >/opt/kivitendo/config/kivitendo.conf
+# allow write access to some directories
+chown www-data /opt/kivitendo/users /opt/kivitendo/templates
+chgrp www-data /opt/kivitendo/users /opt/kivitendo/templates
+++ /dev/null
-Package: kivitendo
-Version: 3.3.0-%BUILD%
-Section: base
-Priority: optional
-Architecture: all
-Maintainer: WagnerTech UG <mail@wagnertech.de>
-Description: kivitendo-ERP
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-# parameter: $1: base dir for copy (optional)
-mkdir -p $1/opt
-cp -a src/kivitendo-erp $1/opt
+++ /dev/null
-# kivitendo postinst
-# add sysal site to apache configuration
-cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
-if ! grep "#kivitendo#" default >/dev/null
- awk '/<.Virtual/ { print ""; \
- print "#kivitendo#"; \
- print "# Configuration for kivitendo"; \
- print "# Kivitendo-Installattion mit FCGI"; \
- print "AddHandler fcgid-script .fpl"; \
- print "AliasMatch ^/kivitendo/[^/]+\.pl /opt/kivitendo/dispatcher.fpl"; \
- print "Alias /kivitendo/ /opt/kivitendo/"; \
- print "FcgidMaxRequestLen 10485760"; \
- print "<Directory /opt/kivitendo>"; \
- print " AllowOverride All"; \
- print " Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks"; \
- print " Order Allow,Deny"; \
- print " Allow from All"; \
- print "</Directory>"; \
- print "<DirectoryMatch /opt/kivitendo/users>"; \
- print " Order Deny,Allow"; \
- print " Deny from All"; \
- print "</DirectoryMatch>"; \
- print "#kivitendo_end#"; } \
- {print $0;}' default >xxx
- mv xxx default
- echo "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default changed"
- /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
-# check configuration file
-if [ ! -e /opt/kivitendo/config/kivitendo.conf ]
- echo "Type admin password:"
- read a
- sed "s/admin123/$a/" /opt/kivitendo/config/kivitendo.conf.default >/opt/kivitendo/config/kivitendo.conf
-# allow write access to some directories
-chown www-data /opt/kivitendo/users /opt/kivitendo/templates
-chgrp www-data /opt/kivitendo/users /opt/kivitendo/templates