dbh => $dbh);
# link previous items with orderitems
- foreach (qw(orderitems invoice)) {
- if (!$form->{saveasnew} && !$form->{useasnew} && $form->{"converted_from_${_}_id_$i"}) {
+ # assume we have a new workflow if we link from invoice or order to quotation
+ # unluckily orderitems are used for quotation and orders - therefore one more
+ # check to be sure NOT to link from order to quotation
+ foreach (qw(orderitems)) {
+ if (!$form->{saveasnew} && !$form->{useasnew} && $form->{"converted_from_${_}_id_$i"}
+ && $form->{type} !~ 'quotation') {
RecordLinks->create_links('dbh' => $dbh,
'mode' => 'ids',
'from_table' => $_,
$form->{convert_from_oe_ids} =~ s/\s+$//;
my @convert_from_oe_ids = split m/\s+/, $form->{convert_from_oe_ids};
delete $form->{convert_from_oe_ids};
- if (scalar @convert_from_oe_ids) {
+ if (!$form->{useasnew} && scalar @convert_from_oe_ids) {
RecordLinks->create_links('dbh' => $dbh,
'mode' => 'ids',
'from_table' => 'oe',
# if called in multi id mode, and still only got one id, switch back to single id
if ($form->{"rowcount"} and $#ids == 0) {
- $form->{"id"} = $ids[0];
+ $form->{"id"} = $ids[0];
undef @ids;
delete $form->{convert_from_oe_ids};