// Teams form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/admin_teams.php (login as admin first).
'form.teams.hint' => 'Crear un nou grup, creant un nou compte del manejador de l\\\'equip.<br>També pot importar dades de grups, d\\\'un arxiu xml d\\\'un altre servidor Anuko Time Tracker (no està permès col·lisions de login).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>Missatge enviat</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'Enviar aquesta factura per e-mail',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>Factura enviada</b>',
// "Vytvořit nový tým prostřednictvím účtu týmového manažera." Improve and check the entire string for accuracy.
'form.teams.hint' => 'Vytvořit nový tým prostřednictvím účtu týmového manažera.<br>Můžete také importovat týmová data z xml souboru z jiného time tracker serveru (nejsou povoleny shody login).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>zpráva odeslána</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'poslat fakturu e-mailem',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>faktura odeslána</b>',
'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker ist ein einfaches, leicht zu bedienendes, Open-Source<br>Zeitverwaltungs-System. Besuchen Sie <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> für weitere Informationen.',
'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Der Bericht wurde gesendet.',
'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Die Rechnung wurde gesendet.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.teams.hint' => 'Create a new team by creating a new team manager account.<br>You can also import team data from an xml file from another Anuko Time Tracker server (no login collisions are allowed).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>teade saadetud</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'saada see arve e-mailiga',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>arve saadetud</b>',
// TODO: fix form.teams.hint by translating it properly from the English string. Note that the ending is not translated at all.
'form.teams.hint' => 'Új csoport létrehozása egy csoport-vezetői jogosultsággal.<br>A csoport adatokat importálhatjuk XML-ből (no login collisions are allowed).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>az üzenet elküldve</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'küldjük el ezt a számlát e-mail-en',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>a számla elküldve</b>',
// Teams form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/admin_teams.php (login as admin first).
'form.teams.hint' => '新規チームの管理者のアカウントを生成して新規チームを作成します。<br>あなたはなお他のAnuko Time Trackerサーバのxmlのファイルからチームデータをインポートすることができます(ログインの衝突は許可されません)。',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>送信したメッセージ</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => '送り状をEメールで送信',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>送信した送り状</b>',
// Teams form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/admin_teams.php (login as admin first).
'form.teams.hint' => '신규 팀관리자 계정을 생성하여 신규 팀을 생성합니다.<br>또한 다른 Anuko Time Tracker 서버 에서 xml 파일로부터 팀 데이터를 임포트할수 있습니다 (로그인 충돌은 허용되지 안음).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>송신된 메시지</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => '이 송장을 이메일로 송신',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>송신한 송장</b>',
// Teams form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/admin_teams.php (login as admin first).
'form.teams.hint' => 'Opprett et nytt team ved å opprette en ny team manager konto.<br>Du kan også importere team data fra en xml fil fra en annen Anuko Time Tracker server (ingen login kollisjoner er tillatt).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
// Note to translators: the strings below must be translated
// "form.mail.footer_str" => 'Anuko Time Tracker is et enkelt, brukervennlig tidsregistreringssystem<br>basert på åpen kildekode. Besøk <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for flere opplysninger.',
// "form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>the message has been sent</b>',
-// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'send denne fakturaen som e-post',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.teams.hint' => 'Create a new team by creating a new team manager account.<br>You can also import team data from an xml file from another Anuko Time Tracker server (no login collisions are allowed).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
// TODO: check form.teams.hint for accuracy.
'form.teams.hint' => 'Adauga o noua echipa prin adaugarea unui nou cont de tip manager.<br>Deasemeni poti importa datele despre echipa dintr-un fisier xml generat de un alt server Anuko Time Tracker (nu sunt permise duplicate pentru login).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>mesaj trimis</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'trimite aceasta factura pe email',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>factura trimisa</b>',
// TODO: check form.teams.hint for accuracy. I did not not how to translate "login", so this may be garbage now.
'form.teams.hint' => 'Yeni bir ekip yönetimi hesabı yaratarak yeni bir ekibi yaratın.<br>Ayrıca başka bir Anuko Time Tracker sunucusundan ekip bilgilerini bir xml dosyasından aktarabilirsiniz (login çakışmalarına izin verilmemekte).',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>ileti yollandı</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'bu faturayı e-posta ile yolla',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>fatura yollandı</b>',
// Teams form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/admin_teams.php (login as admin first).
'form.teams.hint' => '通过创建新的团队经理账号来创建新团队。<br>您也可以从其它的Anuko时间追踪器服务器的xml文件导入团队数据(登录信息不能发生冲突)。',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>消息已发送</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => '通过电子邮件发送此发票',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>发票已送出</b>',
// TODO: translate the following.
'form.teams.hint' => '通過創建新的團隊經理帳號來創建新團隊。<br>您也可以從其它的Anuko時間追蹤器伺服器的xml檔導入團隊資料(登錄資訊不能發生衝突)。',
+// Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours',
+// 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours',
+// 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode',
+// 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects',
+// 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks',
+// 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type',
+// 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all',
+// 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish',
+// 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators' => 'Uncompleted indicators',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_none' => 'do not show',
+// 'form.profile.uncompleted_indicators_show' => 'show',
+// 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins',
+// Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.mail.from' => 'From',
+// 'form.mail.to' => 'To',
+// 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report',
+// 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source<br>time tracking system. Visit <a href="https://www.anuko.com">www.anuko.com</a> for more information.',
+// 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.',
+// 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.',
+// Quotas configuration form.
+// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'form.quota.year' => 'Year',
+// 'form.quota.month' => 'Month',
+// 'form.quota.quota' => 'Quota',
+// 'form.quota.workday_hours' => 'Hours in work day',
+// 'form.quota.hint' => 'If values are empty, quotas are calculated automatically based on workday hours and holidays.',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.mail.sending_str" => '<b>消息已發送</b>',
// invoice attributes
-"form.invoice.mailinv_above" => '通過電子郵件發送此發票',
"form.invoice.sending_str" => '<b>發票已送出</b>',
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">
- <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
+ <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_4.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.credits}</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_5.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.license}</a> |
<a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_7.htm" target="_blank">{$i18n.footer.improve}</a>