# actions
+# add a new order
sub action_add {
my ($self) = @_;
+# edit an existing order
sub action_edit {
my ($self) = @_;
+# delete the order
sub action_delete {
my ($self) = @_;
+# save the order
sub action_save {
my ($self) = @_;
+# print the order
+# This is called if "print" is pressed in the print dialog.
+# If PDF creation was requested and succeeded, the pdf is stored in a session
+# file and the filename is stored as session value with an unique key. A
+# javascript function with this key is then called. This function calls the
+# download action below (action_download_pdf), which offers the file for
+# download.
sub action_print {
my ($self) = @_;
+# offer pdf for download
+# It needs to get the key for the session value to get the pdf file.
sub action_download_pdf {
my ($self) = @_;
+# open the email dialog
sub action_show_email_dialog {
my ($self) = @_;
+# send email
# Todo: handling error messages: flash is not displayed in dialog, but in the main form
sub action_send_email {
my ($self) = @_;
+# save the order and redirect to the frontend subroutine for a new
+# delivery order
sub action_save_and_delivery_order {
my ($self) = @_;
+# set form elements in respect of a changed customer or vendor
+# This action is called on an change of the customer/vendor picker.
sub action_customer_vendor_changed {
my ($self) = @_;
+# called if a unit in an existing item row is changed
sub action_unit_changed {
my ($self) = @_;
+# add an item row for a new item entered in the input row
sub action_add_item {
my ($self) = @_;
+# open the dialog for entering multiple items at once
sub action_show_multi_items_dialog {
require SL::DB::PartsGroup;
$_[0]->render('order/tabs/_multi_items_dialog', { layout => 0 },
all_partsgroups => SL::DB::Manager::PartsGroup->get_all);
+# update the filter results in the multi item dialog
sub action_multi_items_update_result {
my $max_count = 100;
+# add item rows for multiple items add once
sub action_add_multi_items {
my ($self) = @_;
+# recalculate all linetotals, amounts and taxes and redisplay them
sub action_recalc_amounts_and_taxes {
my ($self) = @_;
+# redisplay item rows if the are sorted by an attribute
sub action_reorder_items {
my ($self) = @_;
+# show the popup to choose a price/discount source
sub action_price_popup {
my ($self) = @_;
+# get the longdescription for an item if the dialog to enter/change the
+# longdescription was opened and the longdescription is empty
+# If this item is new, get the longdescription from Part.
+# Get it from OrderItem else.
sub action_get_item_longdescription {
my $longdescription;
$_[0]->render(\ $longdescription, { type => 'text' });
sub _js_redisplay_linetotals {
my ($self) = @_;
+# model used to filter/display the parts in the multi-items dialog
sub init_multi_items_models {
controller => $_[0],
+# build the selection box for contacts
+# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
sub build_contact_select {
my ($self) = @_;
+# build the selection box for shiptos
+# Needed, if customer/vendor changed.
sub build_shipto_select {
my ($self) = @_;
+# build the rows for displaying taxes
+# Called if amounts where recalculated and redisplayed.
sub build_tax_rows {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->order(SL::DB::Manager::Order->find_by(id => $::form->{id}));
+# load or create a new order object
+# And assign changes from the for to this object.
+# If the order is loaded from db, check if items are deleted in the form,
+# remove them form the object and collect them for removing from db on saving.
+# Then create/update items from form (via _make_item) and add them.
sub _make_order {
my ($self) = @_;
return $order;
+# create or update items from form
# Make item objects from form values. For items already existing read from db.
# Create a new item else. And assign attributes.
sub _make_item {
return $item;
+# create a new item
+# This is used to add one (or more) items
sub _new_item {
my ($record, $attr) = @_;
return $item;
+# recalculate prices and taxes
+# Using the PriceTaxCalclulator. Store linetotals in the item objects.
sub _recalc {
my ($self) = @_;
pairwise { $a->{linetotal} = $b->{linetotal} } @{$self->order->items}, @{$pat{items}};
+# get data for saving, printing, ..., that is not changed in the form
+# Only cvars for now.
sub _get_unalterable_data {
my ($self) = @_;
+# delete the order
+# And remove related files in the spool directory
sub _delete {
my ($self) = @_;
return $errors;
+# save the order
+# And delete items that are deleted in the form.
sub _save {
my ($self) = @_;
SL::Controller::Order - controller for orders
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This is a new form to enter orders, completely rewritten with the use
+of controller and java script techniques.
+The aim is to provide the user a better expirience and a faster flow
+of work. Also the code should be more readable, more reliable and
+better to maintain.
+=head2 key features
+=over 2
+=item *
+One input row, so that input happens every time at the same place.
+=item *
+Use of pickers where possible.
+=item *
+Possibility to enter more than one item at once.
+=item *
+Save order only on "save" (and "save and delivery order"-workflow). No
+hidden save on "print" or "email".
+=item *
+Item list in a scrollable area, so that the workflow buttons stay at
+the bottom.
+=item *
+Reordering item rows with drag and drop is possible. Sorting item rows is
+possible (by partnumber, description, qty, sellprice and discount for now).
+=item *
+No "update" is necessary. All entries and calculations are managed
+with ajax-calls and the page does only reload on "save".
+=item *
+User can see changes immediately, because of the use of java script
+and ajax.
+=head1 CODE
+=head2 layout
+=over 2
+=item *
+SL/Controller/Order.pm: the controller
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/form.html: main form
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/tabs/basic_data.html: main tab for basic_data
+This is the only tab here for now. "linked records" and "webdav" tabs are reused
+from generic code.
+=over 3
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/tabs/_item_input.html: the input line for items
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/tabs/_row.html: one row for already entered items
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/tabs/_tax_row.html: displaying tax information
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/tabs/_multi_items_dialog.html: dialog for entering more
+than one item at once
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/tabs/_multi_items_result.html: results for the filter in
+the multi items dialog
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/tabs/_price_sources_dialog.html: dialog for selecting
+price and discount sources
+=item *
+template/webpages/order/tabs/_email_dialog.html: email dialog
+=item *
+js/kivi.Order.js: java script functions
=head1 TODO
=over 2