--- /dev/null
+# This script creates a 'tags' file in the style of ctags
+# out of the SL/ modules.
+# Tags file is usable in some editors (vim, joe, emacs, ...).
+# See your editors documentation for more information.
+# (c) Udo Spallek, Aachen
+# Licenced under GNU/GPL.
+use Perl::Tags;
+use IO::Dir;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL =>'all';
+use diagnostics;
+my $dir = IO::Dir->new("SL/");
+my @files = grep {/\.pm$/} $dir->read();
+@files = grep { s{^}{SL\/}gxms } @files;
+#print Dumper(@files);
+my $naive_tagger = Perl::Tags::Naive->new( max_level=>1 );
+ files => [@files],
+ refresh=>1
+my $tagsfile="tags";
+# of course, it may not even output, for example, if there's nothing new to process
+$naive_tagger->output( outfile => $tagsfile );
\ No newline at end of file