use SL::InstallationCheck;
+my %check;
+Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
- "verbose" => \ my $v,
- "all" => \ my $a,
- "optional!" => \ my $o,
- "devel!" => \ my $d,
- "required!" => \ ( my $r = 1 ),
- "help" => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 2) },
- "color" => \ ( my $c = 1 ),
+ "v|verbose" => \ my $v,
+ "a|all" => \ $check{a},
+ "o|optional!" => \ $check{o},
+ "d|devel!" => \ $check{d},
+ "r|required!" => \ $check{r},
+ "h|help" => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 2) },
+ "c|color!" => \ ( my $c = 1 ),
-$d = $r = $o = 1 if $a;
+# if notihing is requested check "required"
+$check{r} = 1 unless defined $check{a} ||
+ defined $check{o} ||
+ defined $check{d};
+if ($check{a}) {
+ foreach my $check (keys %check) {
+ $check{$check} = 1 unless defined $check{$check};
+ }
$| = 1;
-if ($r) {
+if ($check{r}) {
check($_, required => 1) for @SL::InstallationCheck::required_modules;
-if ($o) {
+if ($check{o}) {
check($_, optional => 1) for @SL::InstallationCheck::optional_modules;
-if ($d) {
+if ($check{d}) {
check($_, devel => 1) for @SL::InstallationCheck::developer_modules;
my ($module, %role) = @_;
my $line = "Looking for $module->{fullname}";
- print $line;
my $res = SL::InstallationCheck::module_available($module->{"name"}, $module->{version});
- print dot_pad(length $line, $res ? 2 : 6, $res ? mycolor("ok", 'green') : mycolor("NOT ok", 'red')), $/;
+ print_result($line, $res);
return if $res;
return colored(@_);
-sub dot_pad {
- my ($s, $l, $text) = @_;
- print " ";
- print '.' x (80 - $s - 2 - $l);
- print " ";
- return $text;
+sub print_result {
+ my ($test, $exit) = @_;
+ print $test, " ", ('.' x (72 - length $test));
+ print $exit ? '.... '. mycolor('ok', 'green') : ' '. mycolor('NOT ok', 'red');
+ print "\n";
+ return;
-List all modules needed by Lx-Office, probes for them, and warns if one is not available.
+Check dependencys. List all perl modules needed by Lx-Office, probes for them,
+and warns if one is not available.
+=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
Color output. Default on.
+=item C<--no-color>
+No color output. Helpful to avoid terminal escape problems.
=item C<-d, --devel>
Probe for developer dependancies. (Used for console and tags file)
+=item C<--no-devel>
+Dont't probe for developer dependancies. (Useful in combination with --all)
=item C<-h, --help>
Display this help.
Probe for optional modules.
+=item C<--no-optional>
+Dont't probe for optional modules. (Useful in combination with --all)
=item C<-r, --required>
Probe for required modules (default).
+=item C<--no-required>
+Dont't probe for required modules. (Useful in combination with --all)
=item C<-v. --verbose>
-Print additional info for modules that are missing
+Print additional info for missing dependancies
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>
+ Wulf Coulmann E<lt>wulf@coulmann.deE<gt>