+sub setup_do_action_bar {
+ my @transfer_qty = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.delivery_order_check_transfer_qty);
+ my @req_trans_desc = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.check_transaction_description) x!!$::instance_conf->get_require_transaction_description_ps;
+ for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
+ $bar->add(
+ action =>
+ [ t8('Update'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_update => 1 } ],
+ accesskey => 'enter',
+ ],
+ combobox => [
+ action => [
+ t8('Save'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_save => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
+ disabled => $::form->{delivered} ? t8('This record has already been delivered.') : undef,
+ ],
+ action => [
+ t8('Save as new'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_save_as_new => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
+ disabled => !$::form->{id},
+ ],
+ action => [
+ t8('Mark as closed'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_mark_closed => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
+ confirm => t8('This will remove the delivery order from showing as open even if contents are not delivered. Proceed?'),
+ disabled => !$::form->{id} ? t8('This record has not been saved yet.')
+ : $::form->{closed} ? t8('This record has already been closed.')
+ : undef,
+ ],
+ ], # end of combobox "Save"
+ action => [
+ t8('Delete'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_delete => 1 } ],
+ confirm => t8('Do you really want to delete this object?'),
+ disabled => !$::form->{id} ? t8('This record has not been saved yet.')
+ : $::form->{delivered} ? t8('This record has already been delivered.')
+ : ($::form->{vc} eq 'customer' && !$::instance_conf->get_sales_delivery_order_show_delete) ? t8('Deleting this type of record has been disabled in the configuration.')
+ : ($::form->{vc} eq 'vendor' && !$::instance_conf->get_purchase_delivery_order_show_delete) ? t8('Deleting this type of record has been disabled in the configuration.')
+ : undef,
+ ],
+ combobox => [
+ (action => [
+ t8('Transfer out'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_transfer_out => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @transfer_qty ],
+ disabled => $::form->{delivered} ? t8('This record has already been delivered.') : undef,
+ ]) x ($::form->{vc} eq 'customer'),
+ (action => [
+ t8('Transfer out via default'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_transfer_out_default => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @transfer_qty ],
+ disabled => $::form->{delivered} ? t8('This record has already been delivered.') : undef,
+ ]) x ($::form->{vc} eq 'customer' && $::instance_conf->get_transfer_default),
+ (action => [
+ t8('Transfer in'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_transfer_in => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @transfer_qty ],
+ disabled => $::form->{delivered} ? t8('This record has already been delivered.') : undef,
+ ]) x ($::form->{vc} eq 'vendor'),
+ (action => [
+ t8('Transfer in via default'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_transfer_in_default => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @transfer_qty ],
+ disabled => $::form->{delivered} ? t8('This record has already been delivered.') : undef,
+ ]) x ($::form->{vc} eq 'vendor' && $::instance_conf->get_transfer_default),
+ ], # end of combobox "Transfer out"
+ 'separator',
+ action => [
+ t8('Invoice'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_invoice => 1 } ],
+ disabled => !$::form->{id} ? t8('This record has not been saved yet.') : undef,
+ ],
+ combobox => [
+ action => [ t8('Export') ],
+ action => [
+ t8('Print'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_print => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
+ ],
+ action => [
+ t8('E Mail'),
+ submit => [ '#form', { action_print => 1 } ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
+ ],
+ ], # end of combobox "Export"
+ combobox => [
+ action => [ t8('more') ],
+ action => [
+ t8('History'),
+ call => [ 'set_history_window', $::form->{id} * 1, 'id' ],
+ disabled => !$::form->{id} ? t8('This record has not been saved yet.') : undef,
+ ],
+ action => [
+ t8('Follow-Up'),
+ call => [ 'follow_up_window' ],
+ disabled => !$::form->{id} ? t8('This record has not been saved yet.') : undef,
+ ],
+ ], # end if combobox "more"
+ );
+ }
sub form_header {
$::form->{HIDDENS} = [ map { +{ name => $_, value => $::form->{$_} } } (@custom_hidden) ];
- my @transfer_qty = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.delivery_order_check_transfer_qty);
- my @req_trans_desc = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.check_transaction_description) x!!$::instance_conf->get_require_transaction_description_ps;
- for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
- $bar->add_actions([ t8('Update'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_update => 1 } ],
- ]);
- $bar->add_actions("combobox");
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Save'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_save => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
- disabled => $::form->{delivered},
- ]);
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Save as new'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_save_as_new => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
- disabled => !$::form->{id},
- ]);
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('mark as paid'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_mark_closed => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
- confirm => t8('This will remove the delivery order from showing as open even if contents are not delivered. Proceed?'),
- disabled => !$::form->{id} || $::form->{closed},
- ]);
- $bar->add_actions([ t8('Delete'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_delete => 1 } ],
- confirm => t8('Do you really want to delete this object?'),
- disabled => !$::form->{id} || $::form->{delivered}
- || ($::form->{vc} eq 'customer' && !$::instance_conf->get_sales_delivery_order_show_delete)
- || ($::form->{vc} eq 'vendor' && !$::instance_conf->get_purchase_delivery_order_show_delete),
- ]);
- $bar->add_actions("combobox");
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Transfer out'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_transfer_out => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @transfer_qty ],
- disabled => $::form->{delivered},
- ]) if $::form->{vc} eq 'customer';
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Transfer out via default'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_transfer_out_default => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @transfer_qty ],
- disabled => $::form->{delivered},
- ]) if $::form->{vc} eq 'customer' && $::instance_conf->get_transfer_default;
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Transfer in'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_transfer_in => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @transfer_qty ],
- disabled => $::form->{delivered},
- ]) if $::form->{vc} eq 'vendor';
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Transfer in via default'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_transfer_in_default => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @transfer_qty ],
- disabled => $::form->{delivered},
- ]) if $::form->{vc} eq 'vendor' && $::instance_conf->get_transfer_default;
- $bar->add_actions("separator");
- $bar->add_actions([ t8('Invoice'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_invoice => 1 } ],
- disabled => !$::form->{id},
- ]);
- $bar->add_actions('combobox');
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Export'),
- disabled => 1,
- ]);
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Print'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_print => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
- ]);
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('E Mail'),
- submit => [ '#form', { action_print => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
- ]);
- $bar->add_actions('combobox');
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('more'),
- disabled => 1,
- ]);
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('History'),
- call => [ 'set_history_window', $::form->{id} * 1, 'id' ],
- disabled => !$::form->{id},
- ]);
- $bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Follow-Up'),
- call => [ 'follow_up_window' ],
- disabled => !$::form->{id},
- ]);
- }
+ setup_do_action_bar();
# Fix für Bug 1082 Erwartet wird: 'abteilungsNAME--abteilungsID'
my $form = $main::form;
my $locale = $main::locale;
- foreach my $action (qw(update ship_to print e_mail save transfer_out transfer_out_default sort
+ foreach my $action (qw(update print e_mail save transfer_out transfer_out_default sort
transfer_in transfer_in_default mark_closed save_as_new invoice delete)) {
if ($form->{"action_${action}"}) {