'error.not_equal' => '"{0}"のフィールドは"{1}"のフィールドと違います',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.project' => 'プロジェクトの選択',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.auth' => '不正確なログインあるいはパスワードが不正確です',
'error.user_exists' => 'このログインと関連されたユーザーは既に存在します',
'error.project_exists' => 'この名前のプロジェクトは既に存在します',
'error.not_equal' => '"{0}" 의 필드가 "{1}" 의 필드와 같지 않습니다',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.project' => '프로젝트의 선택',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.auth' => '부정확한 로그인 혹은 암호가 틀립니다',
'error.user_exists' => '본 로그인과 연계된 사용자가 이미 있습니다',
'error.project_exists' => '본 이름과 연계된 프로젝트가 이미 있습니다',
'error.not_equal' => 'Feltet "{0}" stemmer ikke med "{1}".',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.project' => 'Velg prosjekt.',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.auth' => 'Feil brukernavn eller passord.',
'error.user_exists' => 'Bruker med et slikt brukernavn eksisterer allerede.',
'error.project_exists' => 'Et prosjekt med dette navnet er allerede opprettet.',
// 'error.empty' => 'Field "{0}" is empty.',
// 'error.not_equal' => 'Field "{0}" is not equal to field "{1}".',
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
-// 'error.project' => 'select project',
+// 'error.project' => 'Select project.',
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
// 'error.auth' => 'incorrect login or password',
// 'error.user_exists' => 'user with this login already exists',
// 'error.project_exists' => 'project with this name already exists',
'error.not_equal' => 'Campul "{0}" nu este egal cu campul "{1}".',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
-'error.project' => 'selecteaza proiect',
+'error.project' => 'Selecteaza proiect.',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.auth' => 'nume de utilizator sau parola incorecta',
// Note to translators: this string needs to be translated.
// 'error.user_exists' => 'user with this login already exists',
// 'error.empty' => 'Field "{0}" is empty.',
// 'error.not_equal' => 'Field "{0}" is not equal to field "{1}".',
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
// 'error.project' => 'Select project.',
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
// 'error.auth' => 'Incorrect login or password.',
// 'error.user_exists' => 'User with this login already exists.',
// 'error.project_exists' => 'Project with this name already exists.',
'error.not_equal' => 'Alan "{0}" "{1}" alanıyla aynı değildir.',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
-'error.project' => 'proje seç',
+'error.project' => 'Proje seç.',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.auth' => 'hatalı kullanıcı adı veya parola',
// Note to translators: this string needs to be translated.
// 'error.user_exists' => 'user with this login already exists',
'error.not_equal' => '栏目"{0}"不等于栏目"{1}"',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
-'error.project' => '选择项目',
-// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'error.project' => 'Select project.',
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.auth' => '不正确的用户名或密码',
'error.user_exists' => '该用户登录信息已经存在',
'error.project_exists' => '该项目名称已经存在',
'error.not_equal' => '欄目"{0}"不等於欄目"{1}"',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
-// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
-'error.project' => '選擇項目',
-// TODO: translate the following.
+// 'error.project' => 'Select project.',
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
+// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
'error.auth' => '不正確的用戶名或密碼',
'error.user_exists' => '該使用者登錄資訊已經存在',
'error.project_exists' => '該專案名稱已經存在',
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