use constant SMALL => 'small';
use constant TINY => 'tiny';
use constant INPUT_FIELD => 'input-field';
+use constant DATEPICKER => 'datepicker';
use constant WAVES_EFFECT => 'waves-effect';
use constant WAVES_LIGHT => 'waves-light';
+sub date_tag {
+ my ($name, $value, %attributes) = @_;
+ _set_id_attribute(\%attributes, $name);
+ my $icon = $attributes{icon}
+ ? icon(delete $attributes{icon}, class => 'prefix')
+ : '';
+ my $label = $attributes{label}
+ ? html_tag('label', delete $attributes{label}, for => $attributes{id})
+ : '';
+ $attributes{type} = 'text'; # required for materialize
+ my @onchange = $attributes{onchange} ? (onChange => delete $attributes{onchange}) : ();
+ my @classes = (delete $attributes{class});
+ $::request->layout->add_javascripts('kivi.Validator.js');
+ $::request->presenter->need_reinit_widgets($attributes{id});
+ $attributes{'data-validate'} = join(' ', "date", grep { $_ } (delete $attributes{'data-validate'}));
+ html_tag('div',
+ $icon .
+ html_tag('input',
+ blessed($value) ? $value->to_lxoffice : $value,
+ size => 11, type => 'text', name => $name,
+ %attributes,
+ class => DATEPICKER, @onchange,
+ ) .
+ $label,
+ class => [ grep $_, @classes, INPUT_FIELD ],
+ );
[% P.M.input_tag("i1", "", placeholder="2 cols placeholder", icon="phone", class="col s6") %]
[% P.M.input_tag("i2", "", label="2 cols label", icon="account_circle", class="col s6") %]
+<h2>Date Picker</h2>
+<div class="row">
+[% P.M.date_tag("d1", "", label="date of birth", class="col s6", icon="date_range") %]
+[% P.M.date_tag("d1", "", class="col s6", placeholder="date of birth?", icon="access_time") %]