&& $params{obj}->periodic_invoices_config->get_previous_billed_period_start_date;
- my $allow_invoice = $params{is_req_quo}
- || $params{is_pur_ord}
- || ($params{is_sales_quo} && $::instance_conf->get_allow_sales_invoice_from_sales_quotation)
- || ($params{is_sales_ord} && $::instance_conf->get_allow_sales_invoice_from_sales_order);
- my @req_trans_desc = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.check_transaction_description) x!!$::instance_conf->get_require_transaction_description_ps;
- my @warn_p_invoice = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.oe_warn_save_active_periodic_invoice) x!!$has_active_periodic_invoice;
- my $tpca_remainder = 0;
+ my $allow_invoice = $params{is_req_quo}
+ || $params{is_pur_ord}
+ || ($params{is_sales_quo} && $::instance_conf->get_allow_sales_invoice_from_sales_quotation)
+ || ($params{is_sales_ord} && $::instance_conf->get_allow_sales_invoice_from_sales_order);
+ my @req_trans_desc = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.check_transaction_description) x!!$::instance_conf->get_require_transaction_description_ps;
+ my @req_trans_cost_art = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.check_transport_cost_article_presence) x!!$::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id;
+ my @warn_p_invoice = qw(kivi.SalesPurchase.oe_warn_save_active_periodic_invoice) x!!$has_active_periodic_invoice;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
$bar->add_actions([ t8('Update'),
$bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Save'),
submit => [ '#form', { action_save => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @warn_p_invoice ],
- confirm => t8('Missing transport cost: #1 Are you sure?', $tpca_remainder),
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @req_trans_cost_art, @warn_p_invoice ],
$bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Save as new'),
submit => [ '#form', { action_save_as_new => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc ],
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @req_trans_cost_art ],
disabled => !$form->{id} ? t8('This record has not been saved yet.') : undef,
$bar->actions->[-1]->add_actions([ t8('Save and Close'),
submit => [ '#form', { action_save_and_close => 1 } ],
- checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @warn_p_invoice ],
- confirm => t8('Missing transport cost: #1 Are you sure?', $tpca_remainder),
+ checks => [ @req_trans_desc, @req_trans_cost_art, @warn_p_invoice ],
$bar->add_actions([ t8('Delete'),
submit => [ '#form', { action_delete => 1 } ],
$TMPL_VAR{ORDER_PROBABILITIES} = [ map { { title => ($_ * 10) . '%', id => $_ * 10 } } (0..10) ];
+ if ($type_check_vars{is_sales} && $::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id) {
+ $TMPL_VAR{transport_cost_reminder_article} = SL::DB::Part->new(id => $::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id)->load;
+ }
print $form->parse_html_template("oe/form_header", { %TMPL_VAR });
$TMPL_VAR{ALL_DELIVERY_TERMS} = SL::DB::Manager::DeliveryTerm->get_all_sorted();
- my $tpca_reminder;
- $tpca_reminder = check_transport_cost_reminder_article_number() if $::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id;
print $form->parse_html_template("oe/form_footer", {
- tpca_reminder => $tpca_reminder,
print_options => print_options(inline => 1),
is_sales => scalar ($form->{type} =~ /^sales_/), # these vars are exported, so that the template
is_order => scalar ($form->{type} =~ /_order$/), # may determine what to show
_remove_billed_or_delivered_rows(quantities => \%handled_base_qtys);
-# iterate all positions and match articlenumber
-sub check_transport_cost_reminder_article_number {
- $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
- my $form = $main::form;
- check_oe_access();
- my $transport_article_id = $::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id;
- for my $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
- return if $form->{"id_${i}"} eq $transport_article_id;
- }
- # simply return the name of the part
- return SL::DB::Part->new(id => $transport_article_id)->load()->partnumber;
- $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
sub dispatcher {
foreach my $action (qw(delete delivery_order e_mail invoice print purchase_order quotation
request_for_quotation sales_order save save_and_close save_as_new ship_to update)) {