var $canImport = true; // False if we cannot import data due to a login collision.
var $firstPass = true; // True during first pass through the file.
+ var $org_id = null; // Organization id (same as top group_id).
+ var $current_parent_group_id = null; // Current parent group id as we parse the file.
+ // Set when we create a new group.
// Constructor.
function __construct(&$errors) {
$this->errors = &$errors;
$this->currentElement = $attrs;
$this->currentTag = $name;
+ if (!$this->firstPass && $this->canImport) {
+ $mdb2 = getConnection();
+ // We are in second pass through the XML file and can import data.
+ if ($name == 'GROUP') {
+ // Create a new group.
+ $group_id = $this->createGroup(array(
+ 'parent_id' => $this->current_parent_group_id,
+ 'org_id' => $this->org_id,
+ 'name' => $this->currentElement['NAME'],
+ 'currency' => $this->currentElement['CURRENCY'],
+ 'lang' => $this->currentElement['LANG']));
+ // We only have 3 properties in export at the moment, while work is ongoing...
+ // Special handling for top group.
+ if (!$this->org_id) {
+ $this->org_id = $group_id;
+ $sql = "update tt_groups set org_id = $group_id where org_id is NULL and id = $group_id";
+ $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
+ // TODO: design a better error handling approach for the entire import process.
+ }
+ // Set current parent group.
+ $this->current_parent_group_id = $group_id;
+ }
+ }
// endElement - callback handler for the closing tag of an XML element.
// During second pass we import data.
if (!$this->firstPass && $this->canImport) {
- // TODO: write code here. Nothing is imported currently.
+ // Nothing is done here, see startElement for second pass.
fclose ($out_file);
return true;
+ // createGroup function creates a new group.
+ private function createGroup($fields) {
+ global $user;
+ $mdb2 = getConnection();
+ $columns = '(parent_id, org_id, name, currency, lang)';
+// $columns = '(name, currency, decimal_mark, lang, date_format, time_format, week_start, tracking_mode'.
+// ', project_required, task_required, record_type, bcc_email, allow_ip, password_complexity, plugins'.
+// ', lock_spec, workday_minutes, config, created, created_ip, created_by)';
+ $values = ' values (';
+ $values .= $mdb2->quote($fields['parent_id']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['org_id']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote(trim($fields['name']));
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote(trim($fields['currency']));
+ //$values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['decimal_mark']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['lang']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['date_format']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['time_format']);
+ $values .= ', '.(int)$fields['week_start'];
+ $values .= ', '.(int)$fields['tracking_mode'];
+ $values .= ', '.(int)$fields['project_required'];
+ $values .= ', '.(int)$fields['task_required'];
+ $values .= ', '.(int)$fields['record_type'];
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['bcc_email']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['allow_ip']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['password_complexity']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['plugins']);
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['lock_spec']);
+ $values .= ', '.(int)$fields['workday_minutes'];
+ $values .= ', '.$mdb2->quote($fields['config']);
+ $values .= ', now(), '.$mdb2->quote($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).', '.$mdb2->quote($user->id); */
+ $values .= ')';
+ $sql = 'insert into tt_groups '.$columns.$values;
+ $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
+ if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) return false;
+ $group_id = $mdb2->lastInsertID('tt_groups', 'id');
+ return $group_id;
+ }