$self->generate_datev_data(from_to => $self->fromto);
return if $self->errors;
- my $datev_ref;
- ($datev_ref, $self->{warnings}) = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $self->generate_datev_lines,
- from => $self->from,
- to => $self->to,
- locked => $self->locked,
- );
+ my $datev_csv = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(
+ datev_lines => $self->generate_datev_lines,
+ from => $self->from,
+ to => $self->to,
+ locked => $self->locked,
+ );
my $filename = "EXTF_DATEV_kivitendo" . $self->from->ymd() . '-' . $self->to->ymd() . ".csv";
}) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV_XS->error_diag();
my $csv_file = IO::File->new($self->export_path . '/' . $filename, '>:encoding(cp1252)') or die "Can't open: $!";
- $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_ref };
+ $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_csv->header };
+ $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_csv->lines };
+ $self->{warnings} = $datev_csv->warnings;
return { download_token => $self->download_token, filenames => $filename };
# };
-=item csv_buchungsexport
-Generates the CSV-Format data for the CSV DATEV export and returns
-an 2-dimensional array as an array_ref.
-Requires $self->fromto for a valid DATEV header.
-Furthermore we assume that the first day of the fiscal year is
-the first of January and we cannot guarantee that our data in kivitendo
-is locked, that means a booking cannot be modified after a defined (vat tax)
-Some validity checks (max_length and regex) will be done if the
-data structure contains them and the field is defined.
-To add or alter the structure of the data take a look at SL::DATEV::CSV.pm
-=item _csv_buchungsexport_to_file
-Generates one downloadable csv file wrapped in a zip archive.
-Basically this method is just a thin wrapper for TEXT::CSV_XS.pm
-Generates a CSV-file with the same encodings as defined in DATEV Format CSV 2015:
- $ file
- $ EXTF_Buchungsstapel.csv: ISO-8859 text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators
-Usage: _csv_buchungsexport_to_file($self, data => $self->csv_buchungsexport);
=item check_vcnumbers_are_valid_pk_numbers
Returns 1 if all vcnumbers are suitable for the DATEV export, 0 if not.
use Encode qw(decode);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
+use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
+ scalar => [ qw(datev_lines from to locked warnings) ],
my @kivitendo_to_datev = (
my $class = shift;
my %data = @_;
- my $obj = bless {}, $class;
croak(t8('We need a valid from date')) unless (ref $data{from} eq 'DateTime');
croak(t8('We need a valid to date')) unless (ref $data{to} eq 'DateTime');
croak(t8('We need a array of datev_lines')) unless (ref $data{datev_lines} eq 'ARRAY');
- # TODO no params here, better class variables/values
- return _csv_buchungsexport(from => $data{from},
- to => $data{to},
- datev_lines => $data{datev_lines},
- locked => $data{locked},
- );
+ my $obj = bless {}, $class;
+ $obj->$_($data{$_}) for keys %data;
return @kivitendo_to_datev;
-sub _generate_csv_header {
- my %params = @_;
- # we need from and to in YYYYDDMM
- croak "Wrong format for from $params{from}" unless $params{from} =~ m/^[0-9]{8}$/;
- croak "Wrong format for to $params{to}" unless $params{to} =~ m/^[0-9]{8}$/;
- # who knows if we want locking and when our fiscal year starts
- # croak "Wrong state of locking" unless $params{locked} =~ m/^(0|1)$/;
- my $locked = defined($params{locked}) ? 1 : 0;
- croak "No startdate of fiscal year" unless $params{first_day_of_fiscal_year} =~ m/^[0-9]{8}$/;
+sub header {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @header;
# we can safely set these defaults
+ # TODO use Helper::DateTime and get lenght_of_accounts from DATEV.pm
my $today = DateTime->now(time_zone => "local");
my $created_on = $today->ymd('') . $today->hms('') . '000';
my $length_of_accounts = length(SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_first(where => [charttype => 'A'])->accno) // 4;
$meta_datev{$k} = substr $datev->{$k}, 0, $v;
- my @header = (
+ my @header_row_1 = (
"EXTF", "300", 21, "Buchungsstapel", 7, $created_on, "", "ki",
"kivitendo-datev", "", $meta_datev{beraternr}, $meta_datev{mandantennr},
- $params{first_day_of_fiscal_year}, $length_of_accounts,
- $params{from}, $params{to}, "", "", 1, "", $locked,
+ $self->first_day_of_fiscal_year->ymd(''), $length_of_accounts,
+ $self->from->ymd(''), $self->to->ymd(''), "", "", 1, "", $self->locked,
$default_curr, "", "", "",""
+ push @header, [ @header_row_1 ];
+ # second header row, just the column names
+ push @header, [ map { $_->{csv_header_name} } _kivitendo_to_datev() ];
- return @header;
+ return \@header;
-sub _csv_buchungsexport {
- my %params = @_;
+sub lines {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my (@array_of_datev, @warnings);
my @csv_columns = _kivitendo_to_datev();
- my @csv_headers = _generate_csv_header(
- from => $params{from}->ymd(''),
- to => $params{to}->ymd(''),
- first_day_of_fiscal_year => $params{to}->year . '0101',
- locked => $params{locked}
- );
- my @array_of_datev;
- # 2 Headers
- push @array_of_datev, \@csv_headers;
- push @array_of_datev, [ map { $_->{csv_header_name} } @csv_columns ];
- my @warnings;
- foreach my $row (@{ $params{datev_lines} }) {
+ foreach my $row (@{ $self->datev_lines }) {
my @current_datev_row;
# 1. check all datev_lines and see if we have a defined value
# checkpoint a: no undefined data. All strict checks now!
- if (exists $column->{input_check}) {
+ if (exists $column->{input_check} && !$column->{input_check}->($data)) {
die t8("Wrong field value '#1' for field '#2' for the transaction with amount '#3'",
- $data, $column->{kivi_datev_name}, $row->{umsatz})
- unless $column->{input_check}->($data);
+ $data, $column->{kivi_datev_name}, $row->{umsatz});
# checkpoint b: we can safely format the input
if ($column->{formatter}) {
push @array_of_datev, \@current_datev_row;
- return (\@array_of_datev, \@warnings);
+ $self->warnings(\@warnings);
+ return \@array_of_datev;
+# helper
sub _format_amount {
$::form->format_amount({ numberformat => '1000,00' }, @_);
+sub first_day_of_fiscal_year {
+ $_[0]->to->clone->truncate(to => 'year');
- my $datev_ref = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $datev->generate_datev_lines,
+ my $datev_csv = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(datev_lines => $datev->generate_datev_lines,
from => $datev->from,
to => $datev->to,
locked => $datev->locked,
+ $datev_csv->header; # returns the required 2 rows of header ($aref = [ ["row1" ..], [ "row2" .. ] ]) as array of array
+ $datev_csv->lines; # returns an array_ref of rows of array_refs soll uns die ein Arrayref von Zeilen zurückgeben, die jeweils Arrayrefs sind
+ $datev_csv->warnings; # returns warnings
+ # The above object methods can be directly chained to a CSV export function, like this:
+ my $csv_file = IO::File->new($somewhere_in_filesystem)') or die "Can't open: $!";
+ $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_csv->header };
+ $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_csv->lines };
+ $csv_file->close;
+ $self->{warnings} = $datev_csv->warnings;
Helper function, returns true if a string is not empty and cp1252 encoded
For example some arabic utf-8 like ݐ will return false
-=item generate_csv_header(from => 'YYYYDDMM', to => 'YYYYDDMM', locked => 0,
- first_day_of_fiscal_year => 'YYYYDDMM')
+=item header
Mostly all other header information are constants or metadata loaded
from SL::DB::Datev.pm.
Returns the first two entries for the header (see above: File Structure)
as an array.
-All params are mandatory:
-C<params{from}>, C<params{to}>
-and C<params{first_day_of_fiscal_year}> have to be in YYYYDDMM date string
-Furthermore C<params{locked}> is a perlish boolean.
=item kivitendo_to_datev
Returns the data structure C<@datev_data> as an array
Expects a number in kivitendo database format and returns the same number
in DATEV format.
-=item _csv_buchungsexport
+=item first_day_of_fiscal_year
+Takes a look at $self->to to determine the first day of the fiscal year.
+=item lines
Generates the CSV-Format data for the CSV DATEV export and returns
an 2-dimensional array as an array_ref.
To add or alter the structure of the data take a look at the C<@kivitendo_to_datev> structure.
+Currently no effort has be done that _kivitenod_to_datev is only intializied once:
+Therefore the second call may generate integrity faults:
+ my $datev_csv_1 = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(...)->lines;
+ my $datev_csv_2 = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(...)->lines;
+Secondly one can circumevent the check of the warnings.quite easily,
+becaus warnings are generated after the call to lines:
+ # WRONG usage
+ die if @{ $datev_csv->warnings };
+ somethin_with($datev_csv->lines);
+ # safe usage
+ my $lines = $datev_csv->lines;
+ die if @{ $datev_csv->warnings };
+ somethin_with($lines);