(SELECT SUM(sei.amount)
FROM sepa_export_items sei
WHERE (sei.sepa_export_id = se.id)) AS sum_amounts,
+ (SELECT string_agg(semi.message_id, ', ')
+ FROM sepa_export_message_ids semi
+ WHERE semi.sepa_export_id = se.id) AS message_ids,
e.name AS employee
FROM sepa_export se
'closed' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Closed'), },
num_invoices => { 'text' => $locale->text('Number of invoices'), },
sum_amounts => { 'text' => $locale->text('Sum of all amounts'), },
+ message_ids => { 'text' => $locale->text('SEPA message IDs'), },
- my @columns = qw(selected id export_date employee executed closed invoices netamount);
+ my @columns = qw(selected id export_date employee executed closed num_invoices sum_amounts message_ids);
my %column_alignment = map { ($_ => 'right') } qw(num_invoices sum_amounts);
foreach my $name (qw(id export_date employee executed closed)) {
'SEPA XML download' => 'SEPA-XML-Download',
'SEPA creditor ID' => 'SEPA-Kreditoren-Identifikation',
'SEPA exports:' => 'SEPA-Exporte:',
+ 'SEPA message IDs' => 'SEPA-Nachrichten-IDs',
'SEPA strings' => 'SEPA-Überweisungen',
'Saldo Credit' => 'Saldo Haben',
'Saldo Debit' => 'Saldo Soll',