"controls.per_at" => 'すべての時間',
"controls.per_ty" => '今年',
"controls.sel_period" => '--- 時間期間の選択 ---',
-"controls.default" => '--- デフォルト ---',
"label.sel_tp" => '時間期間の選択',
"label.set_tp" => 'あるいは日付を設定',
// Time form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.time.duration_format' => '(hh:mm or 0.0h)',
-// 'form.time.billable' => 'Billable',
+'form.time.billable' => '청구가능',
+// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.time.uncompleted' => 'Uncompleted',
// 'form.time.remaining_quota' => 'Remaining quota',
// 'form.time.over_quota' => 'Over quota',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.reports.save_as_favorite' => 'Save as favorite',
'form.reports.confirm_delete' => '좋아하는 이 보고서를 삭제해도 좋습니까?',
+'form.reports.include_billable' => '청구 가능한',
+'form.reports.include_not_billable' => '청구 가능하지 않은',
// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'form.reports.include_billable' => 'billable',
-// 'form.reports.include_not_billable' => 'not billable',
// 'form.reports.include_invoiced' => 'invoiced',
// 'form.reports.include_not_invoiced' => 'not invoiced',
// 'form.reports.select_period' => 'Select time period',
"form.mytime.th.note" => '표식',
"form.mytime.del_yes" => '성과적으로 삭제된 시간기록',
"form.mytime.no_finished_rec" => '이 기록은 시작 시간으로만 저장되었습니다. 이것은 오류는 아닙니다. 필요하면 로그아웃 하십시오.',
-"form.mytime.billable" => '청구가능',
"form.mytime.warn_tozero_rec" => '이 시간기간이 로크되었으므로 이 시간기록은 삭제되어야 합니다',
"form.mytime.uncompleted" => '완성되지 않은',
"controls.per_at" => '전시간',
"controls.per_ty" => '올해',
"controls.sel_period" => '--- 시간 기간을 선택 ---',
-"controls.inc_billable" => '청구 가능한',
-"controls.inc_nbillable" => '청구 가능하지 않은',
-"controls.default" => '--- 디폴트 ---',
"label.sel_tp" => '시간 기간을 선택',
"label.set_tp" => '혹은 날짜를 설정',
// Time form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.time.duration_format' => '(hh:mm or 0.0h)',
-// 'form.time.billable' => 'Billable',
+'form.time.billable' => 'Fakturerbar',
+// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.time.uncompleted' => 'Uncompleted',
// 'form.time.remaining_quota' => 'Remaining quota',
// 'form.time.over_quota' => 'Over quota',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.reports.save_as_favorite' => 'Save as favorite',
'form.reports.confirm_delete' => 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne favorittrapporten?',
+'form.reports.include_billable' => 'fakturerbar',
+'form.reports.include_not_billable' => 'ikke fakturerbar',
// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'form.reports.include_billable' => 'billable',
-// 'form.reports.include_not_billable' => 'not billable',
// 'form.reports.include_invoiced' => 'invoiced',
// 'form.reports.include_not_invoiced' => 'not invoiced',
// 'form.reports.select_period' => 'Select time period',
// Note to translators: the strings below must be translated
// "form.mytime.del_yes" => 'tidsoppføringen er slettet',
// "form.mytime.no_finished_rec" => 'Denne oppføringen ble lagret kun med starttid. Det er ikke en feil. Logg ut om nødvendig.',
-// "form.mytime.billable" => 'kan faktureres',
// "form.mytime.warn_tozero_rec" => 'Denne oppføringen må slettes fordi tidsperioden er låst',
// "form.mytime.uncompleted" => 'uferdig',
// "controls.per_at" => 'all tid',
// "controls.per_ty" => 'dette årr',
"controls.sel_period" => '--- velg tidsperiode ---',
-// Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be translated and added
-// "controls.inc_billable" => 'fakturerbar',
-// "controls.inc_nbillable" => 'ikke fakturerbar',
-// "controls.default" => '--- default ---',
// labels
"label.sel_tp" => 'velg tidsperiode',
// Time form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.time.duration_format' => '(hh:mm or 0.0h)',
-// 'form.time.billable' => 'Billable',
+'form.time.billable' => '计费时间',
+// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.time.uncompleted' => 'Uncompleted',
// 'form.time.remaining_quota' => 'Remaining quota',
// 'form.time.over_quota' => 'Over quota',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.reports.save_as_favorite' => 'Save as favorite',
'form.reports.confirm_delete' => '您确认要删除收藏的这个报告吗?',
+'form.reports.include_billable' => '计费时间',
+'form.reports.include_not_billable' => '非计费时间',
// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'form.reports.include_billable' => 'billable',
-// 'form.reports.include_not_billable' => 'not billable',
// 'form.reports.include_invoiced' => 'invoiced',
// 'form.reports.include_not_invoiced' => 'not invoiced',
'form.reports.select_period' => '选择时间段',
"form.mytime.th.note" => '备注',
"form.mytime.del_yes" => '成功删除时间记录',
"form.mytime.no_finished_rec" => '该记录只保存了开始时间。这不是错误。如果需要,请注销。',
-"form.mytime.billable" => '计费时间',
"form.mytime.warn_tozero_rec" => '由于这段时间是锁定的,该时间记录必须删除',
"form.mytime.uncompleted" => '未完成',
"controls.per_at" => '全部时间',
"controls.per_ty" => '今年',
"controls.sel_period" => '--- 选择时间段 ---',
-"controls.inc_billable" => '计费时间',
-"controls.inc_nbillable" => '非计费时间',
-"controls.default" => '--- 默认 ---',
"label.inv_str" => '发票',
"label.set_empl" => '选择用户',
// Time form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time.php.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.time.duration_format' => '(hh:mm or 0.0h)',
-// 'form.time.billable' => 'Billable',
+'form.time.billable' => '計費時間',
+// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.time.uncompleted' => 'Uncompleted',
// 'form.time.remaining_quota' => 'Remaining quota',
// 'form.time.over_quota' => 'Over quota',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'form.reports.save_as_favorite' => 'Save as favorite',
'form.reports.confirm_delete' => '您確認要刪除收藏的這個報告嗎?',
+'form.reports.include_billable' => '計費時間',
+'form.reports.include_not_billable' => '非計費時間',
// TODO: translate the following.
-// 'form.reports.include_billable' => 'billable',
-// 'form.reports.include_not_billable' => 'not billable',
// 'form.reports.include_invoiced' => 'invoiced',
// 'form.reports.include_not_invoiced' => 'not invoiced',
// 'form.reports.select_period' => 'Select time period',
"form.mytime.th.note" => '備註',
"form.mytime.del_yes" => '成功刪除時間記錄',
"form.mytime.no_finished_rec" => '該記錄只保存了開始時間。這不是錯誤。如果需要,請登出。',
-"form.mytime.billable" => '計費時間',
"form.mytime.warn_tozero_rec" => '由於這段時間是鎖定的,該時間記錄必須刪除',
"form.mytime.uncompleted" => '未完成',
"controls.per_at" => '全部時間',
"controls.per_ty" => '今年',
"controls.sel_period" => '--- 選擇時間段 ---',
-"controls.inc_billable" => '計費時間',
-"controls.inc_nbillable" => '非計費時間',
-"controls.default" => '--- 默認 ---',
"label.sel_tp" => '選擇時間段',
"label.set_tp" => '或設定日期',
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">
- <td align="center"> Anuko Time Tracker | Copyright © <a href="https://www.anuko.com/lp/tt_3.htm" target="_blank">Anuko</a> |
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