var $group_name = null; // Group name.
var $currency = null; // Currency.
var $lang = null; // Language.
+ var $created_by_id = null; // User, who uses the instance.
+ // Currently, there are 2 possibilities:
+ // 1) Self-registration, or null here.
+ // 2) Registration by admin with a user_id.
var $group_id = null; // Group id, set after we create a group.
+ var $org_id = null; // Organization id, the same as group_id (top group in org).
var $role_id = null; // Role id for top managers.
var $user_id = null; // User id after registration.
var $err = null; // Error object, passed to us as reference.
$this->currency = $fields['currency'];
$this->lang = $fields['lang'];
if (!$this->lang) $this->lang = 'en';
+ $this->created_by_id = (int) $fields['created_by_id'];
$this->err = $err;
// Validate passed in parameters.
global $user;
// Protection from too many recent bot registrations from user IP.
- if (!$user->can('administer_site')) { // No problems for site admin.
+ if (!$this->created_by_id) { // No problems for logged in user (site admin).
if ($this->registeredRecently()) {
return false;
// Create a new group.
$this->group_id = $this->createGroup();
+ $this->org_id = $this->group_id;
if (!$this->group_id) {
return false;
return false;
- // Set created_by appropriately (admin or self).
- $created_by = $user->can('administer_site') ? $user->id : $this->user_id;
+ // Set created_by appropriately.
+ $created_by = $this->created_by_id ? $this->created_by_id : $this->user_id;
if (!$this->setCreatedBy($created_by))
return false;
$email = $mdb2->quote($this->email);
$created = 'now()';
$created_ip = $mdb2->quote($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
- $values = "values($login, $password, $name, $this->group_id, $this->group_id, $this->role_id, $email, $created, $created_ip)";
+ $values = "values($login, $password, $name, $this->group_id, $this->org_id, $this->role_id, $email, $created, $created_ip)";
$sql = 'insert into tt_users (login, password, name, group_id, org_id, role_id, email, created, created_ip) '.$values;
$affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
// The setCreatedBy sets created_by field for both group and user to passed in user_id.
- function setCreatedBy($user_id) {
+ private function setCreatedBy($user_id) {
if ($this->err->yes()) return false; // There are errors, do not proceed.
global $i18n;
$mdb2 = getConnection();
// Update group.
- $sql = "update tt_groups set created_by = $user_id where id = $this->group_id";
+ $sql = "update tt_groups set created_by = $user_id where id = $this->group_id and org_id = $this->org_id";
$affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) {
// Update top manager.
- $sql = "update tt_users set created_by = $user_id where id = $this->user_id and group_id = $this->group_id";
+ $sql = "update tt_users set created_by = $user_id where id = $this->user_id and group_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $this->org_id";
$affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) {